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Cold Electricity Circuit Diagram with Capacitors - by UFOpolitics

Added by Spirality on August 8, 2013 at 23:47
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In this image (, NTE2397 is a high voltage high speed switching MOSFET. Its function is to
connect the upper and lower contacts only when there is at least 5 volts going into the Gate/Base (left hand side contact with the small circle).

A Signal Generator is connected to the Gate to supply the 5 volts that times the switching on/off of the Coil.

A Coil is basically several loops of wire that produces an electromagnetic field when an electrical voltage is going through it.

A Signal Generator (SG) produces a square-wave voltage, on and off, several hundred or several thousand times per second, measured in Hertz.

A square-wave (5v) signal from the SG goes into the base of the MOSFET, which completes the "Hot" part of the Circuit. Anything up to 36 Volts
charges the Coil for a split second and produces an electromagnetic field.

During the Coil's "off" Time, the electromagnetic field returns to normal, it's movement sends a high voltage charge BACKWARD along the wires
and out of the Coil. This "back emf" (Cold Electricity) flows out through the diodes into the capacitors on the "Output" side.

Capacitors condition the output...

-The film capacitor evens out the current, removing the "spikes" somewhat.
-The Electrolytic capacitor converts the output current back to "hot" electricity, if required.

Cold Electricity can fully charge a battery in 20 minutes.

The Components in this image:

NTE576 Fast recovery Diode
1N4148 Fast switching Diode

Suitable components available in this Country:

IRFP460 "IR" Power MOSFET N-Channel (ebay)
MUR8100E 8A 1000V Ultra-Fast Recovery Diode (from
1N4148 Fast Switching Diode (ebay)
Magnet Wire and batteries is available in electronics shop.

The Coil is 2 inches Inside Diameter, and 2 inches long, heat resistant former, and hollow in the center to leave space for a Secondary coil, or some
Iron as a core.
The (insulated Copper) Magnet Wire is SWG 22 in two parallel strands, 33.5m long.
The finished Coil should be around 1.45 Ohms.

Home Made Signal Generator:

5 Volts Signal can be made by hand, using a specially designed hand-crank rotor (commutator) connected to a USB cable which supplies the 5 volts.
4 AA batteries can give 6 volts, that is fine also.
The rotor will have many points of contact around the circumference, and may be powered by hand, or by a small motor such as those found in a
discarded CD player.

The Rotor can also be made from an unwanted CD with many bare wires glued on, radiating from the middle, with suitable contacts on an apparatus
An old CD player can be used to spin the disk if the CD surface can be accessed during "play", to attach with a switching system/brushes, and used
as a rotating switch to channel the voltage into the MOSFET's Gate as a series of pulses (frequency).

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Albums: The Cold Electricity Generator of UFOpolitics - Technical

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Comment by brian of the family whelan on December 13, 2016 at 19:21


Comment by brian of the family whelan on December 8, 2015 at 21:38

Have been running this circuit and am picking up what looks like radiant energy on the bulb, using 24 volt d c from ac wall plug using signal
generator which is turning on the Mosfet. At 2100 Hz the amperage on the feed from the dc is 0.5 Amp using 50 % duty cycle using the
Ultra fast switching diodes along with a small capacitor then a 100 volt 100 uf capacitor running into a 20 w self ballasted bulb. When the
bulb lights up it jumps from 80 volts to 135 volts. The voltage is too high for the electrolytic capacitor so will have to get a higher voltage
cap. The coil used is the Maplins 24 swg 110 metre

This circuit could be connected to a discharged battery as a load and watch to see what happens. Batteries or capacitors need at least 12 hours
running on the circuit before they fully absorb radiant energy / cold electricity. Using even one 12 volt battery as dc source on this circuit
requires care as the amperage from just one battery can rise much higher than the ac dc source. The Mosfet is only good up to 8 amps. Have
ordered 22 swg 140 metres magnetic wire but will probably need four of them in parallel to increase the radiant energy, would build the entire
circuit then.

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 20, 2015 at 19:54

Control circuit using a
12 volt separate battery

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 20, 2015 at 19:36

UFO's schematic of the

control circuit

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 17, 2015 at 20:09

I've just been reading through the Bedini SG & SSG for Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced (just starting the Advanced). This is a
worthwhile read for anyone interested in understanding Free Energy / Cold Electricity / Radiant Energy. The Bedini SG is not a true free
energy device although it can operate in overunity, but it is an avenue to understanding other circuits like the one presented here ie UFO's
circuit, the SG if manufactured right can rejuvenate batteries although this is never mentioned in the pdfs! and as far as I know when batteries
are continuously charged and discharged with radiant energy they cant be be charged by regular chargers.
The pdfs are written by Peter Lindemann, D.Sc. and Aaron Murakami The SG Bedini which is the one with capacitive discharge uses one
trigger coil and seven main coils in parallel. They recommend winding the coil clockwise, making the right hand side of the coil the north.
The idea is for the device to run in the attraction mode which they have found is a more efficient mode, where the coil becomes magnetized
by dc from the charging battery it will attract the north facing permanents magnets from the rotating wheel. They use seven mosfets in this
circuit and they recommend using a device to measure the mosfets for how accurate they are for coming on, this is covered on page 11 of the
Intermediate book, so you would need to order maybe 50 mosfets and find seven that come on at the same time, not sure I understand this,
they kinda jump through this section. They also recommend ordering say 200 resistors and measuring them until you get seven with the same
resistance, wire length should be the same including coil wire length. The capacitive discharge is discussed with several options discussed in
the Intermediate book, the final option is to order one from John Bedini's website. There is info here that helps me understand the UFO
circuit. The UFO circuit must be built with a 555 timer chip and P Kelly suggests using four strands of 22 swg wire wound in parallel, when
Bedini is winding their seven main coil wire plus the one trigger wire which the UFO circuit does not have, they measure the wire out and tie
both ends, they then use a power tool such as a drill with a slow turning head attached to the wire and loop the seven wires until there is a
loop ever inch of wire, this makes it a lot easier to wind the coil. The pdf of the Bedini is available online. Anyway just some thoughts, plan
to go at this again when I order wire and parts.

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 6, 2015 at 19:10

A commentary from Bedini The Complete Beginners Handbook

"The Diode is a component that only allows electricity to flow ONE WAY in
the circuit. It acts like a valve that is open to electricity flowing in one
direction, but if it tries to go backwards, the valve shuts and prevents the
electricity from coming back. It does this with no moving parts, using a
special semi-conductor junction, like 12 of a transistor.
Because the diode
passes electricity in
one direction and
blocks it in the other
direction, it is very
important to install
diodes in a circuit
correctly. Whereas
Resistors operate
the same in both
directions, Diodes
do not!
Diodes usually appear as a small cylinder with a wire coming out of each
end. Diodes will usually show the symbol, or a single stripe at one end of
the cylinder, as the examples in the picture shows. One end of the diode is
called the "Cathode" (C) and the other end is called the "Anode" (A).
Electricity will flow through the device when the Cathode is "more
negative" than the Anode, OR if the Anode is "more positive" than the
Cathode. The stripe indicates the Cathode end of the Diode.
The symbol for the Diode looks like an arrow pointing at a solid line.
Remarkably, the direction of flow of electricity through the Diode is in the
opposite direction of this arrow. The reason for this is that the symbol for
the Diode was invented when it was believed that electricity flowed from
Positive to Negative. After it was discovered that electrons have a Negative
charge, and their flow was really from Negative to Positive, it was too late
to change the symbol. So, electron currents flow through the Diode in the
opposite direction of the way the arrow is pointing."

Conventional electricity flows from negative to positive, in the case of this circuit the transistor turns off the magnetic field which then
collapses creating a voltage spike (which is cold electricity / radiant energy, this is why the upper part of the schematic (blue wires) above is
the opposite way you would expect?

Comment by Spirality on August 6, 2015 at 18:39

Cold electricity flows the opposite way to traditional hot electricity, backwards through the circuit and components.

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 6, 2015 at 17:17

Are those diodes in the right direction? Electron current flows from negative to positive?

Comment by brian of the family whelan on August 4, 2015 at 17:54

Anyone interested in understanding this circuit should read Bedini The Complete Beginners Handbook
Comment by brian of the family whelan on February 6, 2015 at 19:23

I have installed the microwave transformer on the circuit using a 12 volt battery, it gives a progressive voltage on the coil as the frequency on
the SG is raised, at one Hertz the amperage running through the MOSFET is 4 amps but this quickly falls as the frequency is raised. There
was no noticeable voltage on the upper microwave coil during operation.

Just some other thoughts from someone who does not claim to have an adept understanding of this circuit, the schematic calls for a high
voltage high frequency film capacitor, I'm using 33 pF 1000 volt cap which when tested with my meter showed 40 pF this is an extremely low
capacitance its 0.000 000 000 040 F!, anyway the point I'm making is maybe lower capacitance caps could be used also combine this with an
oscilloscope to monitor the square wave coming from the SG and the sine wave coming from the coil and see it these could be 'matched up'
don't have a scope, could borrow one but don't know how accurate it is (has it been calibrated recently) a diode should also be soldered onto
the transistor NTE2397 to ensure the MOSFET turns on and off completely, P Kelly recommends this - just my thoughts


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