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Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes

Tuesday August 29th, 2017 7:00 A.M.

Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital

Rotary Serving Humanity

*Rotary Theme for 2016-2017

The meeting was called to order by President Doug Koopman

The Pledge and Prayer was led by Cam Moyer
Program: Dr. Ron Seymour Nebraska Extension
Guests: Craig Kautz, Federico from Cicily and Lucia Smith, Dr. Smiths daughter,
Lucia will be an outbound exchange student to Spain.

Fun Facts: Oats and Baking Soda can be used as a dry shampoo.

o Gregg Smith talked about outstanding checks for Rotary flags
o Scott Kummer announced that money for the Big Red Blowout is due
tomorrow 8/30.
o Kayla Nelson was congratulated on the work she did putting on the events
for Solfest. It was a great event for Hastings.

Program: Dr. Ron Seymour University of Nebraska Adams County Extension Office

Dr. Seymour spoke on the services provided to Adams County and the State of Nebraska
through the extension office. Dr. Seymour spoke on the network of experts that are
available to the public. The extension office is located in 83 counties and serves all 93
counties in the state.

Next meeting: Tuesday September 12, 2017 @ 7:00 A.M. Gregg Smith will be in
charge of the program and District Governor Jerry Milner will be presenting.

President Doug Koopman rang the bell and adjourned the meeting.

Hastings Sunrise Rotary

Meeting Agenda Minutes

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