Advanced Quiz 03 ID

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Advanced | Quiz 03 _LEVEL 9_

Quiz 03: Crime & Law

Hi! How are you today?

Today we will take a quiz! Lets have fun learning English!

Exercise 1 | Guess the words!

Directions: Read the definitions aloud and try to find the word. Your teacher will provide clues.

1. _________

Definition: A person, typically a lawyer, appointed to act for another in business or legal matters (noun)

2. _________

Definition: famous for something bad (adjective)

3. _________

Definition: presumed, but not proven (adjective)

4. _________

Definition: to have formal discussions with someone in order to reach an agreement with them (verb)

5. _________

Definition: put someone in prison (verb)

6. _________
Definition: the murder of someone famous or important (noun)

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Advanced | Quiz 03 _LEVEL 9_

7. _________

Definition: spoken or written statements that something is true, especially those given in a law court

8. _________

Definition: a person who helps someone else to commit a crime or to do something morally wrong


9. _________

Definition: very bad and shocking (adjective)

10. _________

Definition: to persuade someone forcefully to do something that they are unwilling to do (verb)

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Advanced | Quiz 03 _LEVEL 9_

Exercise 2 | Define the words!

Directions: Do you know the meaning of these words? Try to explain them. Your teacher will help you.

1. Litigator (noun)

2. Innocence (noun)

3. Defendant (noun)

4. Prosecutor (noun)

5. Defense (noun)

6. Plead (verb)

7. Custody (noun)

8. Admission (noun)

9. Perjury (noun)

10. Alibi (noun)

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Advanced | Quiz 03 _LEVEL 9_

Exercise 3 | Paragraph forming

Directions: Try to make up a small paragraph using as many words from exercises 1 and 2 as you can.

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