Test Paper Fce

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Fce 10.02.


Test Paper

I. Read the text below about a popular film and decide which answer (A, B or C) best
fits each gap. There is one example at the beginning (0).


Many film (0) ........... think that The Matrix is one of the best films of the 21st century
so far. In my opinion, the main reason for this is that the (1) ............is both original and
extremely mysterious. Of course the special (2) ........... are amazing as well, especially all
the fight (3).............. when the actors do incredible kung fu (4)................. .
For me, the most memorable (5) ................ in the film is the one where Keanu Reeves,
who (6) ............. the part of Neo, and Morpheus meet for the first time. The tension reaches
a (7).............. when we learn the truth about the Matrix.
I first saw this film in the front (8)............ of my local cinema but like many people I
have watched it many times since then on DVD, on the small (9) ............. of my laptop
computer. Although the (10).............. didnt quite live up to my expectations, I still think the
first film is great.

0 A surveyors B critics C judges

1 A plot B scene C role

2 A efforts B effects C actions
3 A areas B places C sequences
4 A acts B games C stunts
5 A scene B situation C location
6 A does B plays C makes
7 A summit B top C climax
8 A line B queue C row
9 A screen B board C top
10 A sequels B remakes C developments

II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given and no more than four other words. Do not change the word

0 I met Peter ten years ago.(known)

I have known Peter for ten years.

1 I havent seen a film since July. (last)

I .............................................in July.

2 Its been months since I have seen a good movie on TV. (time)
The last ........................................ a good movie on TV was months ago.

3. We bought a DVD player when Nicholas got his new job. (until)
We didnt ....................................... Nicholas got his new job.

4. This is the first time I have been to the cinema on my own. (never)
I ............................. the cinema on my own before.

5. Ive worn my hair like this for a long time as I can remember. (started)
I cant remember .................................. wearing my hair like this.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the present perfect simple or continuous tense,


We (0) have all seen (all/see) movies in which the set is crowded with hundreds of
people, but (1) ..........................(ever/wonder) who these people are and how they got the parts?
In fact, many hopeful Hollywood actors (2)......................(be able) to make a living from working
as extras while they wait for their movie careers to take off.
Eleanor Walton is just one example . She (3) ......................(live) and working in
Hollywood for a year, but so far she (4) ........................ (not manage) to get any major speaking
roles. She (5)...........................(recently/register) with an agent, and for the last couple of weeks
she (6) .............................(appear) as an extra in a new film due to be released later in the year.
Her agent (7).........................(promise) to try and find her more work.
One problem for people like Eleanor is that film directors (8) ............................ (begin) to
use virtual extras more and more often when they need to shoot crowd scenes. Virtual extras
are computer-generated images of people, which can be copied many times and made to move
naturally. The increased use of virtual extras instead of real people (9) ............................(make)
film production much cheaper, but perhaps it (10)................................(also/spoil) Eleanors
dreams of becoming a star.

IV. In most of these sentences there are mistakes with the part of speech or the form (positive or
negative) of the word in italics. Correct the mistakes.

a. Simon is really healthy(unhealthy). He smokes a packet of cigarettes every day and he never
does any exercise.
b. Its very difficult to get a job without experienced and if youve just left school you probably
dont have any.
c. He had a very good fortunate to meet someone who warned him about the current as he was
going into the water.
d. He was able to finish the match because of an ankle injury.
e. During the summer the local government organise sporting activities on the beach.
f. My flatmate and I had a serious understanding about the housework and didnt speak to each
other for a couple of days.
V. Write a 150 word story ending with the following line: She listened carefully and knew
right away what that sound was. She had heard it before. Make sure you have a beginning,
a body and an ending. Give your story a catchy title.

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