Speech Sumbawa

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Jl. Langkat Singgahan Pelem Pare Kediri Telp.

(0354) 391533

Nomor. 421.9/431/418.47/2009

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Respectable Mr. Abdul Malik as the director of FEE center

Respectable as the headmaster of .
Honorable all the teachers of .and all the teachers FEE center and
Unforgettable my beloved friends whom I love and who love me
First of all I would like to say thank you very much unto our God Allah SWT the almighty for
his blessings and mercies until we can attend in good condition and happy situation without any
troubles and obstacles
Secondly peace and salutation always be given to our prophet Muhammad SAW who has
guided us from the darkness to the lightness, from the stupidity to the cleverness, from Jahiliyah era to
Islamic era namely Islamic religion.
And I dont forget to say thank you very much to the master and mistress of ceremony for
giving me an opportunity to deliver my speech.
Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech under the title
Ladies and gentlemen
The phenomena in celebration of valentines day is not new news for us, as in a big city Jakarta,
Surabaya, Semarang, Yogyakarta, actually they have known valentines day since they were children.
They did small party. they usually do in valentines day by giving something like chocolate, flowers,
prize, kissing, touching, and celebration,
When we met them and asked they say today is valentines day so Ive just given
When we are giving congratulation to others religions on the way or in meeting. We dont
realize that its forbidden.. As IBNU QOYYIM AL- JAUHIZZAH said
Dear brother and sister
As we know Valentines Day is not from Muslim habits its from west culture we just followed
them and we dont know the story of Valentines Day
So standing in front of you all I am inviting you and me myself to throw our bad habit that we
have got from west culture to be good habit. Thats affection is not in 14 of February but every day.
Thats all my speech and thank you very much for your attention and I say
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

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