Software Quality Assurance (SS17) - Exam Protocol

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Minutes of the oral examination of the lecture

Software Quality Assurance (SS17)

Examiner Jun.-Prof. Dr. Anthony Anjorin Date: 12.09.2017

Course of studies: Software Quality Assurance (SS17) Duration: 15 min.
Language: German Grade (optional): 1.0

approx. 1 week (summarizing all slides, going through the excercises (with solutions))


Lecture Slides

Ocial Excercise Sheets + Solutions

Atmosphere: relaxed

Process of the exam:

Most protocols say he had 8-10 sheets of paper with topics of which 4-5 were covered. For me he had
4 topics and I went through all of them. I could only choose the order.


Default Example of an Observer and Observable was given (pull version).

Q: How does the Observers notify() method look like (pseudocode)


for (Observer o : oberverList) {

o.update() // in case of pull

Q: Assume the Observable's API changes frequently so pulling changes would require constant modi-
cations in all Observers. Solution?
A: push variant.
Q: How would this look like for push?
A: The change would be passed to the update() method so the Observer does not need to know the
Observables API.

Q: Which version (push/pull) do we have in this example?

A: Since the update() takes no parameter it must be pull

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Q: Why don't we always use push? Isn't this easier?
A: Observable would need to know what info each Observer needs
Q: We could just send everything

Not everybody should know everything (condentiality)

This could be lots of Data. Not good if connection is e.g. via a network.

Statechart inheritance

Abbildung 1: Given Statechart

Q: Tell me something about inheritance of these statecharts


The modernTV inherits from the TV

 It is invocable since all command-sequences on TV will also work on modernTV

 It is observable since all command-sequences on modernTV will work on TV after stripping

out unknown commands.

Q: If I now add this edge (see g. 2), how does the situation change?

Still invocable

Not observable. After deleting unknown commands there could be multiple turn ons after
another. This would be impossible with TV.

Q: If I now take a modenTV in state standby and use it as a TV. Would this work?
A: No. You can use a modernTV as a TV, but then you are restricted to TV's methods.

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Abbildung 2: Modied Statechart

Design by Contract (Optionals)

Consider the trim() method of java.lang.String. (Returns a copy of the string, with leading and trailing
whitespace omitted.) Its signature is: String trim()

Two lines of code: -> str.trim())

obj.flatMap(str -> str.trim())

Where obj is an Optional<String>

Q: What is the return type of the map call

A: Optional
Q: Would the flatMap call compile?
A: No because it requires a lambda which returns an Optional
Q: I modify the flatMap call to use a Optional<String> trim2() function. Would this compile now?
A: Yes
Q: What will be the return type?
A: Optional<String>
Q: If I use map with trim2(), what will be the return type?
A: Optional<Optional<String>>
Q: How would you explain the benet of using Optionals to a Java developer

You don't need to write lots of if (a==null) code and can just use the objects which leads to
cleaner code.

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Another advantage is that compilers or static analysis tools can do better checks.

Q: But you could just wrap all code in one big try-catch block.
A: Thats very bad practice since you should catch errors close to where they happen.

TGGs (example DSL from the lecture)

We the following model: Like in Java-programming we have packages that contain classes. Each package
corresponds to a folder, each class corresponds to a le.

We have these two rules: (see g. 3)

Abbildung 3: The given TGG Rules

Q: Is it possible to create two classes that link to the same le or the other way round?
A: No. Each created class creates a new le and a new le leads to a new class.
Q: Can you add rules so that those cases become possible?
A: see gs. 4 and 5

Abbildung 4: Enable multiple classes per le

Abbildung 5: Enable multiple les per class

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