English 8 Questions To Guide Your Reading and To Discuss in Class. You Will Be Graded Not Only On Participation But On The Depth of Your Answers

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Questions1 to guide your reading and to discuss in class. You will be graded not only on
participation but on the depth of your answers.

Long answer questions:

1. Which is the main dichotomy presented by the author throughout the book? Is it a real
dichotomy? Why? Give evidence.
2. FORCES: Two of the major forces in Tony's life are the Catholic Church and Nature.
Who personifies these forces and what are their characteristics? How the black bass fits into
Anaya's "world of forces"
3. IRONY: Give to examples of irony in the story OTHER THAN the example of Florence
having to stand in the middle of the church with his arms spread out.
4. DEATH: Why is the death of Lupito important for Tony?
5. SIN: Tony says, "I have sinned, I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed."
Discuss why Tony believes he has sinned.
6. THE DOOMSDAY DREAM: a) WHat does the golden carp do at the end of this dream
(chapter 4) and b) what is Anaya saying through this?
7. DESTINY: How do we know that Tony won't be a priest? List 3 or 4 examples

Pay attention to this important moments in the book

1. What do the Lunas want to do with the afterbirth of Tony (in the dream in chapter 1) and
2. "Tenorio Trementina accuses you of being a witch!" The "your" is obviously Ultima,
What happens next?
3. What are Tony's expectations of his first communion?
4. For what , specifically, does Tony criticize his Uncle Pedro? And what is Anaya saying
about the Lunas here?
5. Samuel days to Tony, "you might become one of us." List the "us" (beside Samuel) and
why are they a group?
6. What are the 2 main points of the prophecy of the Golden Carp?
7. What is and important way which Anaya shows the closeness or nearness of evil?
8. What are the bride and the river ?
9. Tenorio tries to kill Tony 4 times . How does he try to do this the last 3 times?
10. What is the "true way of life" according to Maria?
11. What does "Tony" cast into the raging , muddy waters of the River of the Carp" in his
dream in chapter 20 what does this mean?
12. Ultima says : " It is because _______ is always stronger then evil. Always remember that,
Antonio. The smallest of ____ can stand against all the powers of ___ in the world and it will
emerge triumphant"

By Prof. Diana Armstrong

13. Ultima says: " The ____ are one, Antonio . You have been seeing only parts and not
looking beyond the great ____that binds us all"

Very short answers

1. What is the concept or condition the Marez people value the highest?
2. Who says, "a wise man listens to the voice of the earth. He listens because the weather
that the winds bring will be his salvation or his destruction"
3. What characteristic of Tony's in particular do we see in when he meets Tenorio on the
way home from school?
4. What concept does Father Byrnes define for the kids?
5. Who says, "Behold the Golden CArp , Lord of the waters"
6. What is Gabriel's answers to Tony's question, " Oh please tell me which is the water that
runs through my veins , oh , please tell me which if the water that washes my burning eyes!"
7. What will cause the land to sink and the town to be swallowed by water?
8. What did T choose when he was offered the objects of life when he was a baby?
9. To what natural forces does Tony compare Ultima's touch?
10. What are Tony's classmates symbolic of in general?
11. What falls on the roof of the Tellez house?
12. "Ultima has _______ for people and it is so complete that with it she can touch people's
soul and cure them"
13. Where was Ultima buried?
14. What is the kitchen a symbol of?

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