Causes of Hearing Loss

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of Hearing Loss
Monday, September 11, 2017 2:31 PM

Changes to the syllabus:

Big Fair (senior's fair in San Marcos) some people will hand out flyers and sign people up
screenings at the adult clinic on 11/4
So... No hearing screenings after class! But, still stay a few minutes after class on your as
over hearing aids and get to know Joan a bit.

Week 2 -
Causes of

**I had to delete the title page slide to make the file smaller so it would fit in an email - note
p for hearing

ssigned day to go

es below...
Hearing loss is the only symptom
Dominant syndrome - usually have middle ear and ourter ear
Spontaneous mutation that then
becomes a dominant gene
Spontaneous mutation that then becomes
Syndachtyly - fingers or toes are fused toge
s a dominant gene

Deficient X is passed from father

Skin cells from ear canal get into middle ear - ca
can be life threatening
Bony growth on the foot of the stapes where it attach
(e.g., after pregnancy). Causes conductive HL because
an eat through the ossicles, TM, mastoid bone to brain -

hes to the oval window, more common in women

e stapes can't move.
Skin cells from ear canal get into middle ear - ca
can be life threatening
Bony growth on the foot of the stapes where it attach
(e.g., after pregnancy). Causes conductive HL because

Direction of sound into ear canal (atresia)
Lack of vibration
Pressure equalization
an eat through the ossicles, TM, mastoid bone to brain -

hes to the oval window, more common in women

e stapes can't move.
Direction of sound into ear canal (atresia)
Lack of vibration
Pressure equalization

Conductive hearing loss

Decreased volume
Muffled quality
Difficult to hear in noise
Muffled quality
Difficult to hear in noise
Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome - doesn't effectively monitor
fluid levels in semicircular canals and siphon it off when
necessary. May lose hearing gradually or suddenly.
HL plus progressive visual problems (tunnel vision and
blindness). Type 1 have delayed developmental
Wide variation in cognitive
e functioning
May or may not have
e hearing loss
Body lacks a certain enzyme and
products in the muscles - limbs a
lose range of motion, eventually
At risk for sudden death due to long rest
in heartbeat - when children are dx with
HL, recommend EKG to check for heart
d starts to store waste
and neck become tight and
y impacts brain
Causes beni
Waste storage problems like Hunter Syndrome (above)

ign tumors to develop around the body that do damage because of

g areas. Develop on the auditory nerve.
Complete absence of inner ear (cochlea, semi-circ canals)

Absence of cochlea

Absence of cochlear nerve so cochlea does not connect

to the brainstem

First two may be

implant - has to b
to see what part
what area of the
Cochlear nerve ap
cochlear nerve, t
trial AB implant.
able to receive auditory brainstem
be activated in the operating room
of the body is responding to determine
body is being stimulated
aplasia - if suspect any chance of a
try cochlear implant (CI) first then may
Cochlea and semi-circ canals are in one unit. Can have CI

Less than the normal 2.5 turns of the cochlea

Can ossify the cochlea
Can ossify the cochlea

Too much fluid in inner ear, vertigo,

hearing loss (esp. low frequency), may be

Benign tumor forms by auditory nerve

Affects fetus in utero. Several causes below. Toxoplasmosis is fro

flu-like virus in the environment - probably the leading cause of p
day the baby is born to see if virus is present.
om a disease from cat feces. CMV is a
progressive HL in kids. Could test the
Benign tumor forms by auditory nerve

Affects fetus in utero. Several causes below. Toxoplasmosis is fro

flu-like virus in the environment - probably the leading cause of p
day the baby is born to see if virus is present.

Will resolve if stop taking aspirin, quinine, loop d

om a disease from cat feces. CMV is a
progressive HL in kids. Could test the

diuretics, others are permanent (chemo, antibiotics)

mpact on people with this mutation will

ave greater adverse impact from these

(sensorineural hearing loss) - often unilateral, need

50% resolve. Treatments not especially effective. O

Age-related HL - impacted by stroke, circulation

mpact on people with this mutation will
ave greater adverse impact from these

d to rule out acoustic neuroma (tumor)

Often same effect will follow in 2nd ear.
Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder - auditory signal is not syn
sent. May be due to some type of injury, more prevalent in premat
identified in some families.
nchronous, not fully encoded and
ture jaundiced babies. Gene has been

Neural transmission
Decreased volume
Very poor clarity
Huge effect on ability to hear in noise

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