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Editorial Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 343354

Limiting the dose of local anaesthetic for caesarean section under
spinal anaesthesia has the limbo bar been set too low?
Spinal anaesthesia for caesarean sec- ultra light spinal anaesthesia [5]. should surgery be prolonged [4, 13].
tion should ideally last the duration Dening the cut-off at which a dose Placement of an epidural catheter as
of the procedure, without incurring can be reasonably described as low is part of a combined spinal-epidural
maternal or fetal adverse effects, but not straightforward and begs the (CSE) technique improves function-
striking a balance between reliability question: What is a conventional ality, allowing the administration of
and efcacy of subarachnoid block dose? The latter has changed, falling other neuraxial analgesic drugs and
and its adverse effects is, at times, over time from 12.515 mg [10], to prolongation of surgical anaesthesia
challenging. now 8 mg or more [11], but there is if required [4, 12, 15]. Modications
A major consideration is spinal no consensus, making study compar- of the original CSE technique include
anaesthesia-induced maternal hypo- isons difcult [12]. Research has con- epidural volume extension (EVE),
tension, which occurs in up to three tributed to our understanding of the in which a dose of spinal bupivacaine
quarters of women in the absence of optimal dose of subarachnoid local below the ED95 is administered [4].
prophylactic measures [1]. In addi- anaesthetic, by determination of its Satisfactory sensory block is achieved
tion to inducing maternal nausea ED50 and ED95 (effective dose in 50% largely by enhancing the cephalad
and vomiting, impaired uteroplacen- and 95% of patients, respectively) movement of intrathecal drug by
tal perfusion can lead to fetal acida- when used with opioid for caesarean compressing the lumbar cerebrospi-
emia [2]. Strategies to avoid or limit section [13, 14]. Since the ED95 for nal uid compartment with a bolus
spinal-induced hypotension include: success, dened as lack of intra- of epidural saline, injected shortly
giving intravenous uid; positioning operative pain rather than attainment after the subarachnoid drugs. Low-
the mother; wrapping her legs; and of a specic thoracic dermatome dose sequential CSE shares similari-
administering vasopressor drugs [2]. sensory block, can arguably be con- ties but is based on incremental
The frequency and degree of hypo- sidered the dose associated with a 5% doses of epidural local anaesthetic
tension is inuenced by the dose of rate of inadequate anaesthesia, it may given at a variable time after the
subarachnoid local anaesthetic [3] so be more appropriate to dene a low subarachnoid drugs, typically when
it is no surprise that the literature is dose as one below this value that is, satisfactory block distribution has
replete with studies using lower for bupivacaine, less than 11 mg if not been achieved [4]. These modi-
doses than conventionally described hyperbaric or 13 mg if isobaric [13, cations were introduced with the
[4]. 14]. aim of reducing the incidence of
Caesarean section has been suc- Low intrathecal local anaes- spinal-induced hypotension, while
cessfully performed under spinal thetic doses in a single-shot spinal preserving the ability to augment or
anaesthesia established with hyper- technique can be effective but are extend the sensory block before or
baric bupivacaine 2.5 mg, co-admin- problematic the intended advanta- during surgery [3].
istered with an opioid [5]. Such a ges may be offset by the limited Proponents of low-dose spinal
technique has been variably termed means of extending the block should anaesthesia with bupivacaine argue
small-dose [6], low-dose [7], very initial distribution be unsatisfactory that this approach has signicant
low-dose [8], ultra low-dose [9] or and inability to maintain the block advantages over a conventional-dose

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Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 343354 Editorial

technique, principally less maternal sia used ephedrine to prevent or treat It can be argued that the quality
hypotension but also greater mater- hypotension. With uid co-hydra- of anaesthesia produced by a low-
nal satisfaction, due to reduced tion and a prophylactic phenyleph- dose spinal block is equal to that
motor block of shorter duration [3, rine infusion, hypotension can be based on larger doses, but of shorter
4, 6, 9]. Studies investigating low- very infrequent despite the use of duration, making an increased like-
dose CSE anaesthesia (with or with- conventional-dose bupivacaine (10 lihood of block supplementation a
out EVE) differ widely in their 12.5 mg) [20]. predictable feature [12]. Provided a
methodology, including the drugs, Are there down-sides to low- CSE technique is used, the epidural
doses, volume of solution, nature dose techniques? Most prospective catheter can be used to not only treat
and timing of epidural bolus injec- studies concluding that a low-dose intra-operative pain, but to avoid
tions and the method by which technique did not compromise pain if surgery is delayed in onset or
adequate sensory block is dened anaesthetic efcacy had this as a prolonged. The option of such a pre-
or assessed. Although often associ- secondary outcome, basing sample emptive strike has been recom-
ated with less maternal hypotension size on a primary outcome of the mended 45 minutes after the start
[3, 9, 11, 16], this is not always the incidence of hypotension or a differ- of the CSE anaesthetic if the uterus is
case [6, 17]. A meta-analysis pub- ence in sensory level, not intra-oper- not closed [15]. This dual utility of
lished in 2011, dening conven- ative pain [3, 6, 9, 16]. High-grade the epidural catheter complicates the
tional-dose as > 8 mg bupivacaine evidence indicates that the risk of denition of block failure in some
(which many would consider a low intra-operative pain during caesarean studies, because an epidural top-up
cut-off value), explored the efcacy section performed under a low-dose may be used as a deliberate compo-
of low- versus high-dose spinal spinal anaesthetic is increased [11, nent of the technique rather than
bupivacaine for caesarean section 17, 21]. Low-dose versus conven- due to a failure of the technique [12].
[11]. Low-dose spinal anaesthesia tional-dose techniques are associated The meta-analysis excluded studies
was associated with a lower risk with a clinically relevant increase in with mixed interventions (epidural
(22% reduction) of hypotension need for analgesic supplementation and spinal drug administration), the
(RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.650.93) but during surgery (RR 3.76, 95% CI authors arguing that inclusion would
because of considerable clinical and 2.385.92) [11]. Put another way, fail to isolate differences in the
methodological heterogeneity, the approximately one additional patient efcacy of the intrathecal component
quality of evidence supporting a will experience intra-operative pain [11]. Given the increased risk of
reduction in hypotension (variably requiring treatment for every four intra-operative pain and block sup-
dened across the 12 studies analy- patients receiving a low-dose plementation, we support the opin-
sed) was only of moderate quality. ( 8 mg bupivacaine) technique. ion that catheter-based techniques
This also applied to a reduction in Exclusion of some studies from the are integral to the optimal clinical
maternal nausea and meta-analysis has been criticised [12] application of low-dose spinal anaes-
or vomiting. No study of different and the ndings may have changed thesia [4].
spinal doses has shown a difference had a different dose cut-off been Intra-operative pain is unpleas-
in neonatal outcome. chosen, although proponents of ant, sometimes distressing, and car-
Can other techniques achieve low-dose techniques usually advocate ries risk for both the patient and the
comparable haemodynamic stability, bupivacaine 7 mg or less [15]. This anaesthetist. Irrespective of manage-
without restricting the dose of spinal value approximates the ED50 of bup- ment and depending on its severity,
bupivacaine? Spinal-induced hypo- ivacaine [13, 14, 22], a dose only timing and response to interventions,
tension is more effectively managed likely to work well for half the pain may necessitate conversion to
with alpha-agonists (e.g. phenyleph- obstetric population. We consider general anaesthesia. Studies of low-
rine and metaraminol) than with completely effective spinal anaesthe- dose spinal anaesthesia have not been
ephedrine [18, 19], yet almost all sia (i.e. no intra-operative pain) for adequately powered to investigate
studies of low-dose spinal anaesthe- 9099% a more desirable aim. this infrequent event, but if intra-

348 Anaesthesia 2012 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland
Editorial Anaesthesia 2012, 67, 343354

operative pain is more common, it relate to the incidence of pain, sug- audits (6%) from units using a
may be that general anaesthesia is gesting that block to cold at or above conventional-dose method [28, 29].
also more likely, creating an obvious T3 may be a more reliable indicator Are there specic circumstances
concern. Pain experienced during of satisfactory anaesthesia when low- where low-dose spinal techniques are
caesarean section performed under dose spinals are used [27]. This lack clearly advantageous? Several case
neuraxial block is a common reason of clarity regarding the best modality reports describe the successful use
for complaint and litigation in obstet- of testing and desirable dermatomal of a low-dose CSE technique for
ric anaesthetic practice [23]. Data level for different spinal techniques caesarean section for women consid-
held by the NHS Litigation Authority may have medicolegal implications. ered at serious risk of harm from
on negligence claims relating to Some units and clinicians rou- haemodynamic instability, such as
regional anaesthesia in England show tinely use a low-dose technique for those with cardiomyopathy, aortic
a relatively large proportion are asso- caesarean section, with undoubtedly stenosis, pulmonary hypertension
ciated with such pain and that these good results [15]. With experience, and pre-eclampsia [8, 30]. In the
claims are often damaging [24]. these anaesthetists have mastered the absence of randomised controlled
Impeccable management of anaes- technique and recognise when a pro- trials, the safety and efcacy of this
thesia and pain does not guarantee phylactic epidural bolus is advisable technique compared with alternatives
the anaesthetist immunity. Neverthe- [12]. However, low-dose spinals are in these specic patients is unknown,
less, assessment and documentation unsuitable in some units, particularly but expert opinion supports the value
of an adequate block before incision those in which delays frequently of considering such an approach,
is a fundamental clinical and medi- occur between establishment of block despite uncertainty over the detail,
colegal standard of care [23]. The and commencement of surgery or including drug dosages.
appropriate extent of block and the where operating times longer than In summary, a lower dose of
optimal sensory modality for assess- 45 minutes are the norm. Low-dose intrathecal local anaesthetic than
ment are widely debated. There is a techniques also appear less reliable traditionally used (for example
consistent difference in the dermato- than conventional-dose techniques in < 8 mg) is likely to reduce the inci-
mal block of cold, light touch and less experienced hands [7], and dence of spinal-induced hypotension
pinprick, with tests of light touch despite the security of an epidural and possibly the severity of its con-
demonstrating the least variability catheter, epidural drugs are not usu- sequent maternal effects, at the
[25]. It has been suggested that, when ally clinically effective in less than expense of a slower onset and shorter
using 0.5% hyperbaric bupivacaine 10 minutes. Even in an institution duration of anaesthesia, an increased
with diamorphine, a block to touch where low-dose CSE was the pre- risk of intra-operative pain, require-
involving T6 is likely to provide pain- ferred approach, and despite using ment for supplementation and pos-
free conditions [26]. Since cephalad the same dose of hyperbaric bupiva- sibly (unproven), conversion to
extension and probably block density caine (mean 6.3 mg), both intra- general anaesthesia. Yet to be sub-
are inuenced by the spinal local operative pain (incidence 49%) and stantiated are purported advantages
anaesthetic dose, is this reliably maternal hypotension were signi- such as earlier postoperative ambu-
achievable with a low-dose tech- cantly increased in the hands of lation and greater maternal satisfac-
nique? Not all studies specify the anaesthetists with limited training in tion because of reduced motor block.
method of block assessment and low-dose techniques compared to Low-dose spinal anaesthetic tech-
there is heterogeneity for both the their colleagues who had undergone niques (as part of a CSE at least)
sensation assessed and the dermato- intensive training [7]. Of note, intra- work well in most cases and in some
mal distribution deemed adequate for operative pain was experienced by units are standard practice [15].
surgery. Patients under low-dose CSE 13% of patients cared for by inten- However, in the hands of clinicians
may show no demonstrable block to sively trained anaesthetists, an inci- with less experience and in units in
touch, despite a loss of cold to T3 dence higher than that reported in which appropriate logistic condi-
[27], but this does not appear to other prospective studies (5%) and tions, such as the immediate avail-

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EVAR fever: minimally invasive, maximally inclusive?
Open repair of abdominal and tho- dures, surgeons are required to cre- over open repair, but this benet is
racic aortic aneurysm inevitably in- ate three dimensional experiences eroded over time so that equivalence
volves clamping and unclamping of from two dimension information, a is evident by around the two-year
this major vessel and, consequently, skill that is vastly different to that mark [13]. Endovascular aneurysm
major haemodynamic perturbation. required for open repair. Anaesthe- repair is now recommended as a
Experienced vascular anaesthetists tists are still exposed to patients with treatment for unruptured infrarenal
and good teamwork can ameliorate signicant co-morbidities attendant aortic aneurysm by the National
the peaks and troughs of blood with vascular disease and, since the Institute for Health and Clinical
pressure and heart rate with appro- surgical trauma is markedly reduced, Excellence, although the same body
priate use of vasoactive drugs, uid many patients who would not be provided conicting results for cost
therapy and anaesthesia itself. Such considered able to tolerate the stress effectiveness of this approach for
levels of prociency can only be of open surgery are now being each quality adjusted life year [4].
reached by thorough training and offered EVAR. What, then, are the The need for a suitable landing zone
experience, both in volume and implications of this developmental proximal to the aneurysm for graft
quality. In recent times, endovascu- shift? deployment represents an evolution-
lar aneurysm repair (EVAR) has It would be prudent rst to ary obstacle that currently prevents
revolutionised vascular surgery such consider the current status of EVAR EVAR from taking over from the
that this technique has markedly within the realm of aneurysmal sur- open procedure entirely. However,
surpassed that of open repair in gery. Recent publications of large with improved training and technol-
most centres, heralding a change in trials comparing open versus endo- ogy such as branched and fenestrated
the professional landscapes for both vascular repair have produced a devices, and the use of hybrid pro-
surgeons and anaesthetists. Similar rather similar message: EVAR pro- cedures requiring extra-anatomical
to performing laparoscopic proce- vides an early survival advantage arterial anastomoses, increasingly

Anaesthesia 2012 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland 351

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