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my study planner

assessment details

colour code notes
topics to study

CurrLnt EL7Ll oM GL8 EL7Ll oM

AopiJ ArLH ComplLtLK?
BnKLrstHnKinN ( rHtL out oM 10) BnKLrstHnKinN
study plan

FinK FHps qlHsh CHrKs @ummHr: @hLLts Do =rHJtiJL quLstions

?LJitL tnMormHtion <ut ALHJh it to qHmil: or ?L-Do DiMMiJult

Do =Hst =HpLrs
EouK qriLnKs somL8ork

Colour CoKL HnK @ummHrisL AL9t Book FHkL HnK Ko H =rHJtiJL DiHNrHm
@ummHrisL ClHss GotLs ChHptLr >ui;lLt*Jom tLst DrH8inN HnK EHILllinN

FHkL H NlossHr: or
FHkL H =ostLr Do =rHJtiJL >uLstions FHkL FnLmoniJs
study schedule

timL FonKH: AuLsKH: WLKnLsKH: AhursKH: qriKH: @HturKH: @unKH:

1 2 3 4 5 6

7 D C 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 1D

1C 20 21 23 24 25

26 27 2D 2C 30 31

more motivation?

=urJhHsL somL nL8 stHtionLr: @Lt up H stuK: Nroup 8ith MriLnKs/JlHssmHtLs

CrLHtL H nL8 stuK: spHJL O rLHrrHnNL :our KLsk BsL thL qoJus Go8 or qorLst Hpp on :our phonL
EistLn to @potiM:s tntLnsL @tuK:inN plH:list BloJk soJiHl mLKiH usinN thL @tH:qoJusK ChromL L9tLnsion
@tuK: Ht thL liIrHr:on thL quiLt Mloor iM thLrL is onL! qinK H plH:list 8ith thL stuK: tHN on DArHJks
tnstHll thL momLntum rooNlL ChromL L9tLnsion @tuK: in H JoMMLL shop-NLt H pHstr: iM :ou 8ork hHrK!
@Jroll throuNh thL stuK:spo tHN on AuImlr ?L8HrK :oursLlM HMtLr JomplLtinN H sLt Hmount oM tHsks
WritL :our NoHls Ko8n HnK JhLJk thLm oMM Hs :ou HJhiL7L thLm Ar: out thL =omoKoro stuK: tLJhniquL {rooNlL it!}
ro Mor H 15 minutL po8Lr 8Hlk ILMorL :ou stuK: @Lt H rLHlistiJ to-Ko list on pHpLr or thL @8ipLs Hpp

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