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lEl Wceg

dpWd W`x
Rabbi Kestenbaum
'a dYM

________________________________ cinlzd my
lEl ycFg icFce icFcl ip ...

`) lEl is a special time for daEyY. Not only is it the last month before W`x
dpyd (oicd mFi), but we are told that in lEl , 'd draws close to l xUi llM,
thereby making it easier to do daEyY.
a) During lEl Wcg we say special zFlit Y called zFgilq asking 'd to forgive us.
The zFgilq were composed by great minkg icinlY over the generations.
Sefardim say zFgilq each morning for entire month, while Ashkenazim
begin saying them the week that dpyd W`x falls in. (Sometimes we begin in
the preceding week.)
b) Four xtFW blasts are blown beginning the second day of lEl Wcg W`x, after
gW :
Y one long blast
W three medium blasts
drExY nine short blasts
Y one long blast
Since the xtFW blowing of dpWd W`x is a `ziixF` c devn and blowing of
lEl Ucg is a bdpn , we do not blow on dpyd W`x ax
r in order to separate
the two.
c) In order to really do daEWY, a person must follow three steps:
1) cizrd lr dlA
w Giving up the `hg
...deciding not to do it anymore in the
2) dhxg Regretting the `hg
... understanding that it was wrong and feeling
sorry that it happened,
3) iEce confessing the `hg
... saying out loud that you did the `hg
, youre
sorry, and it wont happen again.

1. Why is lEl a special time for daEyY?

2. What xtFW sounds are blown after zix

gy during lEl?

a) b)

c) d)

3. What are zFgilq?

4. What are the 3 major ingredients for real daEyY?




EXTRA What day during lEl dont we blow the xtFW, and why?

dpWd W`x

`) dpyd y`x means:_______________________.

a) dpyd y`x has 3 other names which tell us what is important on y`x
The 3 names are:

oFxMfd mei - the day on which 'd remembers all His creations
(people) and all of their deeds, both zeevn and zexiar . we also want
Hashem to remember zea` zEkf.
oicd mei - the day on which 'd judges all people of the world and
decides if they will have a good year or a bad year, if they will be
rich or poor, if they will live or die.
drFxY mei - the day on which we have the devn to blow the xtFW. We
hear 100 sounds of the xtFW on dpyd W`x.

b) On the first night of dpyd W`x, it is our bdpn to greet each other
with a dkxA:
"!mzgze azMY daFh dpWl" (to one man)
gze iaz
kY daFh dpWl" (to one woman)
"!Enzgze EazMY daFh dpWl" (to men)
"!dpnz gze dpaz MY daFh dpWl" (to women)


1. Match the name of dpyd W`x to its meaning:

oFxMfd mFi day of blowing xtFW

oicd mFi day Hashem remembers our zea`

drExY mFi day Hashem judges us

2. Which name tells us that all are deeds are judged on dpyd W`x?


3. Which name tells us that the xtFW is a big part of dpyd W`x?


xteW zriw Y
We blow the xteW on dpyd y`x and hear 100 sounds from it. The
person who blows the xteW is called the r wFY

The r wFY
lrA makes 2 Brachot before he blows the xteW.
They are:
a. xtFW lFw r Fnyl

b. dfd onf l Eprbd e Epniw e Epig


We blow the xteW by 3 different parts of the Tefilla of sqEn.

1) At the beginning of sqEn before the ofg returns the dxeY xt
q to
the Wcewd oex` we blow 30 zelew, sounds.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

This set of 10 zelew, sounds is blown 3 times.

10 x 3 = 30

We blow a total of 30 zelew, sounds before the dcinr of sqEn.

2) During the dcinr of sqEn we blow another 30 zelew, sounds.
A) After we finish saying zFikln we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

B) After we finish saying zFpFxkf we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

C) After we finish saying zFxtFW we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

We blow a total of 30 zelew that during the dcinr of sqEn.

3) During the repetition of the ofg of the sqEn we blow another 30
A) After the ofg completes saying zFikln we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

B) After the ofg completes saying zFpFxkf we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

C) After the ofg completes saying zFxtFW we blow 10 zelew.

(z"xyz) =4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

We blow a total of 30 zelew that during the repetition of the ofg of


4) After the repetition of the ofg of the sqEn we blow another 10
(z"xyz) = 4

(z"yz) =3

(z"xz) =3
TOTAL = 10 zelew, sounds

In total 30 + 30 + 30 + 10 = 100 sounds.

There are many reasons for the xteW.

Here are some of the most famous:

1) The xtFW is the horn of the

li` (ram), which reminds us of
the li` which Epia` mdxa` brought as a
oAx w instead of wgvi. Because of this, the xtFW is a
reminder of the zEkf of the dcwr. We hope 'd will
have mercy on us in remembering the zEkf of our

1. It reminds us of the xteW that was blown at dxeY oYn .

2. It reminds us of the xteW
that will be blown by g iyn .
3. It is like a trumpet to
honor Hashem, our King.
4. It is like an alarm bell to wake us up and do Teshuvah.

1. The r wFY
lrA first makes 2 __________________.

They are _________________________________

and ______________________. Then he blows the__________.

2. What animal do we get the xtFy from?

3. Why do we use the horn of this specific animal?

4. What does the Bracha: xtFy lFw r Fnyl mean?

r Fnyl=_________________________________



5. How many total sounds do we hear on dpyd y`x?________

6. What happens with blowing the xteW if dpyd y`x is on

7. We are not allowed to from the first xtFy sound
until the last is completed.
8. What does the xteW remind us of (list 3):

a. _________________________________________________
b. _________________________________________________

c. _________________________________________________

` `nei - dpyd y`x
dpyd y`x is a two-day aeh mei, bg even in l`xUi ux where other miaFh mini
are only one day. The dates of dpyd y`x are:

The dkx
A of EpigdW

On the 1st night and 2nd night of dpyd y`x we say the dkxA of Epigd
in yEciw.
1st night of dpy
d y`x
On the 1st night of dpyd y`x when we say yEciw, we add the dkxA of
dfd onf l Epribd e Epniw e Epigd
y mlerd jln Epiw
el 'd dY` jExA

We add this dkxA whenever it is the first time we do a devn . The

first night of every Yom Tov we say the Bracha of Epigd
y . It is also
said when eating a new fruit (that you havent eaten the whole
2nd night of dpy
d y`x
On the 2nd night of dpyd y`x there is a zw lg
n, a disagreement
whether to make a Epigd y or not. So, when we say the dkxA, we have
in mind to eat a new fruit, and right after we say the yEciw, before
we wash for `ivend, we eat the NEW FRUIT.


1. What are the Hebrew dates of dpyd y`x?

2. If you live in Africa how many days of dpyd y`x do you have?
3. If you live in l xUi ux how many days of dpyd y`x do you have?
4. Pretend its the second night of dpyd y`x, practice saying yEciw

(without Hashems name). What else do you have to have in mind

when you say the second dkxA?


5. Draw what you should be thinking about in the thought bubble

6. What is a zw

There are many special foods to eat, including an apple dipped in honey,
pomegranate and fish head!
There are many mibdpn = customs to eat different foods on dpyd y`x. The most
common ones are:

a. ROUND CHALLAH DIPPED IN HONEY (no salt until after Sukkot!!) -

Round challah shows us that the years pass and we celebrate the same things
every year, but we want this year to be different, and we want to be better
people. We dip it in honey to have a sweet year.

b. APPLE DIPPED IN HONEY - say the dkxa of ur d ix and then say:

R `xFA
"dwEznE daFh dpy Epilr yc y ....oFvx idi" - that we should have a good and sweet year.

c. POMEGRANATE - "oFnixM zFik py oFvx idi"- that we should have as many

f dAx
Mitzvot as there are seeds in a pomegranate.

d. HEAD OF A RAM - "apfl `le y`xl did py oFvx idi"- that we should be the head
and not the tail.

e. FISH - "mibcM dAxpe dxtpy oFvx idi"- that we should have many Jewish children
like fish (fish have many babies).

*We are careful to eat only sweet foods on dpyd y`x so our year will be sweet.
We do not eat nuts because fFb (nuts) in Gematria = `hg (sin)
(its really 1 number off, but we dont even want to get close to sins!)

*We are also careful not to sleep in the afternoon so that we dont have a
sleepy year! (You should sleep at night , though!)

1. Why do we dip apples in honey on dpyd W`x?

2. What do we say when we do this?

3. When during the meal do we do this?

4. List 2 other foods tha we use as mipniq?



5. Draw a picture of your Yom Tov table below:

6. Cross out what we do NOT eat on dpyd y`x:

dxeYd z`ix
1. We read in the Torah about Epia` wgvi.
2. On the 1st day of dpyd y`x we read in the Torah
about the birth of Epia` wgvi.
3. On the 2nd day of dpyd y`x we read in the Torah
about wgvi zcw

The Power of daEWY

Eliezer ben Durdiya was a sinner for many years.

One day a woman said to him: You are such a
sinner...your daEWY would never be accepted! This
frightened him so much that he fell on his knees,
crying with regret for all his sins, until he died
from despair. At that moment, a lFw zA came down
from min W and said: Rabbi Eliezer ben Durdiya has
a wlg
in `Ad mlFr! From this we learn that a
person can do such intense daEWY, even after a
lifetime of mi`hg, that he can earn his `Ad mlFr in
one hour.

1. What is the d`ixw for the first day of dpyd y`x?

2. What is the d`ixw for the second day of dpyd y`x?

3. Write the story in which wgvis parents, mdxa` and dxU, find out

that wgvi will be born:





4. Write the story of wgvi zcw






5. What does wgvi zcw

r have to do with xteW?




Y zlitY

1) We say KilW Y and throw our zexiar , sins to the fish, on the first
day of dpyd y`x.

2) KilW Y
is performed after dgpn of the first day of dpyd y`x. We go
to a pond or stream and say a special dlit z asking Hashem to
throw our sins into the water.

3) If you do not have a chance on dpyd y`x, you can do KilW Y during
daEWY ini zxyr - the ten days between dpyd y`x andxERiM mei.
4) The two days of dpyd y`x are the first two days of daEyY ini zx Ur ,
which end on the 10th of ix yY
, which is xFtM mei.


1. Are the fish actually eating our sins? _______

2. So why do we do KilW Y








dpyd y`x review questions
1. List the 3 names other names of dpyd y`x and translate them:
a. ________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________

2. What is a r wFY
lrA ?
3. What does wgvi zcw
r have to do with dpyd y`x?




4. List 3 things a xteW reminds us of:

a. ______________________________________

b. ______________________________________

c. ______________________________________

6. List 2 foods we eat on dpyd y`x and explain why we eat them:
a. ______________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________
7. Which of the 3 zFa` do we read about on dpyd y`x?
8. If you can not do KilWY
on dpyd y`x, when can you do it?



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