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APR. i'a Lab. y.

R CHIEF oceedings of. the Firs t Intenationa i Conference Tech nische Hog eschool
on Numerical Ship Hydrod;nancs Deift
Gaitherebug., MD.., Oct., 19'5



Rcnd V. Vuncy
Mat!s tittt of Tcsooqy
Cmbrdp, Twxsettz G23 U.S.A.


The two-dirensional boindary-value problems for time-

harLinic f reesurface flow in water of arbitrary bottom
topography are csnsidered. A novel and versatile approach
for the solution of these types of problems is presented
in this paper. The inner region of changing topography is
descrbcd by an integral relation while the outer regions
of constant: depths are characterized by eigenfunctions.
Pressure and flux fields of the two representations are
rtched at the radiation boundaries. The resulting "hybrid"
integrai equation is solved numerically. The method is
applied to a variety of radiation and scattering problems.
Test computations agree well with existing results. New
results for a number of realistic geometries are also given
to illustrate the versatility of the method.
] Introduction
Hydrodyr.amic-force coefficients for two-dimensional
ohjeo.Ls in or near a free surface ar of parti.cuiar relevance
to ship-mo don or platform-motion theory. The term radiation
problem applies to situations where the body oscillates in
otherwise calm water, while scattering problems us'ially refer
to css Thee t body is helu n LLeIn of JnLide't
waves. The two types o problems are mathematicaliy and
physically related. The radiation asid scattering properties
of an object depend not only on its own geometry, but also
strongly on the physical features of the environment. The
advent of supersize vessels and huge offshore structures has
made the consideration of effects of restricted water impor-
tant. This paper presents a new technique of solving the
radiation and scattering problem in water of complicated
boundary configuration, a subject which has not received
much attention in the literature.
A brief review of existing solution methods for the type
of problems being considered is in order. The classical work
is due to Ursell (1948) who solved thn heaving problem of a
circular cylinder in an infinite fluid using a sequence of
singularities located at the origin. A more versatile formu-
lation for general-shaped bodies consists of distributing the
so-called wave-sources on the body contour. The strength of
these sources is obtained by solving a Fredholm integral
equation of the second kind [Lebreton and Margnac (1966),
Frank (1967)]. This approach is still applicable when
the water depth is not constant, in which case the unknown
strength in the integral equation will also include that part
of the bottom boundary that is varying. If the depth changes
from one limiting value to another, on the opposite side, the
problem is considerably more complicated. A variety of
approaches have been used by previous workers to tackle scat-
tering problems associated with certain simple geometries.
Bartholomeusz (1957) obtained a long-wave solution for propa-
gation over a step of finite height by considering an integral
equation which was arrived at by matching the potential above
the step. Newman (1965) provided results for the transmission
and reflection coefficients over an infinite step by matching
wave-maker solutions for the two regions. Miles (1967)
considered a more exact solution of the unequal-depths problem
by using schwinger's variational formulation. Hilaly (1967)
treated the same problem by matching eigenfunction expansions.
All these problems as well as the more general case of a non-

step-like transition can be handled, in principle, by exploit-
ing a Green function, if available, that satisfies the bottom
conditions on both sides of the transition region. Evans
(1972) in fact derived this function. The resulting expres-
sion is quite complex. To this author's knowledge, no appli-
cation of it to practical problems has yet been made. Bai
and Yeung (1974) investigated two new approaches for treating
the problem of general bottom topography. One method utilizes
a variational formulation with the fluid domain represented by
finite elements; minimization of a certain functional then
leads to the solution of the problem. The other approach con-
sists of applying the simple source function for an infinite
fluid to a finite fluid domain, resulting in an integral
equation along the fluid boundary that has to be solved. Chan
and Hirt (1974) used an initial-value problem formulation and
a finite-difference mesh to tackle the problem.
The method described in this paper stems from the
author's earlier work [Yeung (1973), also Bai and Yeung
(1974)1 in which case, the inner region where all the geo-
metrical changes occur is described by Green's theorem using
the source function for an infinite fluid. However, instead
of applying a radiation condition at a large distance from
the origin of disturbance, we now match the flux and pressure
fields at the "radiation boundaries" with solutions in the
outer fields represented by eigenfunction expansions. The
location of the radiation boundary can now be chosen arbi-
trarily close to the body, thus shortening the length of the
contour which bounds the inner field. The method is found to
be highly efficient from the computation viewpoint.

2. The Boundary-Value Problems

Consider the two-dimensional motion of an iriviscid fluid

with a free surface, as shown in Figure L The bottom topo-
graphy can be arbitrary, but must approach some asymptotic
-F -
depths ,h which need not be equal. Fluid motion may be



/ TI/f S = SouSFt)Z+uE.

Figure 1. Coordinate System and Notation

N5+1 5=NT N2+1


SB ________ , ],_,,



Figure 2. Subdivision of Boundary Contour

generated by the oscillation of the body or by an incident wave
system impinging on the body. If the flow is assumed irrota-
tional and time-harmonic of angular frequency 0 the fluid

motion can be described by a velocity potential function,

[q?(x,j.) cL(k)J , (



with ott. () being the amplitude of the body motion.

is the unknown complex-valued spatial function which satisfies
Laplace's equation in the fluid:

= O (2.2)

and the following linearized boundary conditions:

q.cp = o (2.3a)

C) (2.3b)

-f(s) (2.3c)

where = being the acceleration of gravity, ,

is the undisturbed free surface, the bottom surface, and

the wetted portion of the body in its equilibrium position.
If j istheunitinwardnormal of the body with components
fl), the functions associated with the inhomogeneous
boundary condition, 4c) for sway, heave and roll motion of the
body are p , and , (X-rI)
respectively. Aside fromthe
conditions (2.3), a radiation condition must be imposed in
order to render the problem unique. This may be stated as that
all propagating waves must be outgoing.

Once is known, the linearized hydrodynamic force or

moment (about O) acting on the body can ha obtained from the


time-dependent Bernoulli's equation and are usually written in

terms of components in phase with the body acceleration and the
body velocity. For instance, for the heave motion we have


where and are the added-mass and damping coeff i-.

cients for heave and are defined in terms of the solution of
(x,y), corresponding to f(s) = by


Coupling coefficients also exist if more than one degree of

freedom of motion occurs.
If one is concerned with the diffraction problem, the
definition used in (2.1) is still applicable provided we choose
a1 =0 and a2=l/a In this work, it will be more convenient

to solve for the total potential known usually as the scattering

potential defined by
= +P (2.6)
where is the incident-wave spatial potential, defined by

q'1 - 1t: VCVC)

eX, (2.7)

and PD is the so-called diffraction potential. Hence, for

the incident-wave problem, the scattering potential defined by
(2.6) satisfies (2.2), (2.3a) and (2.3b) but

=O on (2.8)

The inhomogeneity will come from the radiation boundaries as

detailed in the next section.
The free-surface elevation (x,y) for either type of
problem can be obtained from the dynamic boundary condition on


the free surface and is given by

-.L5k i
cxe)=-R 1'r.)e i (2.9)
Ycx) = v4(x,o) + (2.10)

Nothing has been said so far about how the two types of
problems are related. Such relations can be most conveniently
obtained by the application of Green's second formula. This
was indicated in a recent work by Newman (1975) pertaining to
the case of equal asymptotic-depths. The results can be gener-
alized for the unequal-depths case. For this latter case, there
exist two sets of transmission and reflection coefficients,
corresponding to the two different directions of incidence of
the propagating waves. The two sets are somewhat related as
indicated by Kreisel (1949) and Newman (1965). If (R1Tj
(T ) denote the reflection and transmission coefficients
due to incident waves from the left and the right respectively,

4l.X %--
+ R1 e il K(p
LnX (2.11a)
T ,_-%co

+ R2 eJ Kq), (2.11b)

f T2 e -

-r Z' (2. lic)



RIE TT*(D+/cr) (2.11)

R -i- i r (D/D-' ) = I (2.12)

= (2.13)

I,I = IR3] (2.14)

= (2.15)

4- mht - 2Pi
- t

These are useful relations for checking consistency of the

numerical solution. The well-known Haskind's relation remains
basically the same:

- DY (2.17)

where is the exciting force or moment in the j-th drec-

tion due to a unit-amplitude incident wave and is the com-
plex wave-amplitudes due to the forced oscillation of the body
or any part of the bottom contour (i.e., if we are interested
in the force on that particular portion) in the j-th direction.
Finally, if E denote the radiation wave-amplitudes of two
independent solutions (or experiments) of the radiation problem,

J AB.. - (2.18)
T - AB A ft: (A - A 5) D/D

which can be used to obtain the coefficients ). (

(T , then follow from (2.13), (2.14) and (2.15).


3. The Method of Solution
We illustrate the method of solution by applying it to the
forced-motion or radiation problem. The treatment for the
scattering problem requires only slight modification. First
let , .,, be two artificially chosen vertical boundaries
subdividing the fluid domain into an inner region of changing
geometry and two outer regions of constant depths. These are
denoted by regions I, II, and III as shown in Fig. 1. Let P be
a field point in Region I, and Q be a variable point on the
boundary of this region. Application of Green1s second ideri-
tity to and /
being the distance between P
and , then yields

2Tp(F) S)J0 +d$C)- 2L


F -

being variables of integration along Z . Here
denotes an infinitesimal arclength element along the boundary.
the normal derivative of Q
On $j:' and is
either known or expressible in terms of itself. Hence

21rC?'r = f CpQ)-J1)) -f- J


)c (3.2)
I 4C)--

Consider now regions II and III. Since the fluid depth is
constant, the solution in either one of these regions may be
written in the form of eigenfunction expansions [Wehausen,
1969], viz.,

pC%,) A e" +)
. c;

for X(3.3)

.Ln?OX 0L nC (tk) v
e c:os



with the coefficients and being unknown. The

eigenvalues m0,
cendental equation:
'k are roots of the trans-

= (3.5)

where m represents either or The functional

forms of (3.3) and (3.4) have been chosen so that represents
outgoing waves to the right and left in Regions II and III,
respectively. If we now make use of these representations of
and substitute them into (3.2), i.e., if we match at
and the potential (which is proportional to the fluid
pressure) and the normal velocity of the inner regions with
those of the outer regions, we may rewrite (3.2) as:

2W q

tA-1 o +
c -


- A:
j+ ; e' 1r( (3.6)

where the functions and are defined

by the following integrals:

m(j+) ,1?'
c_o mJ ( .Pj 2)
G C- , ) -h

) c& m('7) ioI

:4 (

The superscripts in (3.6) are used to designate the wave number

and depth h on the appropriate side. Physically, one may
think of the last four terms of (3.6) as a vertical distribution
of sources and normal dipoles of certain assumed forms on the
"radiation boundaries'. The functional form of this distribu-
tion is chosen to satisfy Laplace's equation. This idea follows
from one type of treatment used by Yeung (1973), in which case,
an exponentially decaying distribution was used on the radia-
tion boundary to represent the behavior of an outgoing wave
in water of infinite depth. The present expansion is evidently
a more complete treatment. In practice, only a finite number of
terms in the series of (3.6) will be taken; we denote this by

NR and NL
Referring to (3.6) we see that the velocity potential, (e
will be known everywhere if is known on the boundary
u ,and if the coefficients of the expansions are
known. To obtain an equation for the () , we simply let

the field point approach the aforementioned boundary. The fol-
lowing "hybrid" integral equation then results.

-Ti-cpcp tj

+Ae[ -G:i
-mL[L} N,..

= for F 0uSvg
If we now place the point P at ( NRtI ) distinct locations
on and t4+ ) distinct locations on
( we shall ,

have enough equations to determine the unknown coefficients of

the expansions. Whence, making use of (3.3) and (3.4) on the
left-hand side of (3.6) and observing that the 's give a
finite contribution when the limit of IL.-'o is taken, we get

5 Icro 5

t -LR( ccsh
Ng .j. .f '1

co5JiWt Ji CLS Th W

Io e

= J 4()

for F'E Z (3.10)


with a simlarly modified expression for PE _ . It was

found that the choice of these so-called control-points on L1.
or L.. , with everything else held constant, have no effects
on the numerical solution of the problem. Of course, one must
not choose two points to be so close that they become numeri-
cally indistinctive. (3.9) and (3.10) thus are a rational
system of equations for the solution of the problem under con-
sideration. One caution. however one should take in solving
(3.9) and (3.10) is that it is more desirable to absorb the
exponential factor following by defining new coef fi-
cients, say , representing the product of the two.
This will prevent certain column elements of the matrix of the
linear equations representing equations (3.9) and (3.10), which
will be discussed later, from becoming excessively small if
or XL have a large value.
For the scattering problem, we observe that the represen-
tation of (3.3) and (3.4) is incomplete. If the right-moving
incident wave is of amplitude A1 in Region III, the scattering
potential is

c,p= A1e +Ae

cj _1_)
osrv'1(l.) (3.11)

The quantity in (3.3) is flow proportional to the ampli-

tude of the transmitted wave. By (2.8) the third integral of
(3.2) iow vanishes. Transposing all unknown quantities to the
left-hand side of the equation, we obtain the following equation
as the analog of (3.9)

-irqcp) qqh.c(
+5 cPJerJc$
2tL '0 -

T + Z e '13

[3G: I + KI
c em G T

mL -

The inhomogeneity now occurs on the left radiation boundary.
The analog of (3.10) can also be obtained, in a similar fashion.
Once the system of equations is solved, the complex-valued
transmission and reflection coefficients are simply given
respectively by

R - Ai/AI
It is worthwhile to note in passing that in classical el-
liptic boundary-value problems, one normally specifies either
the potential or the normal derivative on the boundary. In our
present approach, an indirect specification of both cpand cp
on and Z is accomplished by requiring them to be expand-
able in the y-direction as a sequence of orthogonal functions
with unknown coefficients. Although such a type of "boundary
condition" is hardly discussed in the theory of partial differ-
ential equations, we have experienced no difficulty in finding
a stable numerical solution, which will be discussed next.

4. Solution by the Method of Discretization

By the method of discretization, the integral equations
(3.lO) and (3.1) for the unknown continuous function
can be reduced to a set of linear algebraic equations. First,
a set of grid points is chosen along the contour S
and in Region I. Let these be denoted by as
( , ) ,

defined in Figure 2. For a sufficiently fine grid, the unknown

cp () between each pair of consecutive grid points may be

See page 584.


approximated by a constant function . If equation (3.l)

is evaluated now at a set of control points denoted by
on the boundary, the following discretized representation is

.[-1rj )cp
A0 $Ai' t z. c s = i ,

for j= I,Z, N1 (4.1)

.t.= 1I) -.

where &. is the Kronecker delta and the values of in the

first sum are identical to those of i The influence coef- n
ficients C... and are defined by integrals as follows:

= = , N4; (4.2)
-foi. =
=N5+t .......

with Q. and being line integrals over a small segment

P ( ;j ,+,) = J J0 I ()-f J (4.3)



= [ (X.,.)- LGC,L)j

with the and
defined by (3.8) and (3.). In Equation
(4.5), the top and bottom signs are to be associated with the
right and left radiation boundaries respectively.

If the control points are located on , Equation

(3.11) is to be used. The corresponding form for it is:

. C.. AT -f 6 T:: A0 S (46)

+ CS f_FX)

where for obvious reasons, N3-N= N The T are defined


T=e [-h+ + LG(o,)J
o (4.7a)

T =1_r Cih +

equations for (X. ,.) on can also be written

in a similar manner. Therefore combining these with (4.1) and
(4.6) we have altogether i\Lr linear equations for N,- unknowns
which can be solved simultaneously. Of course, much of the
efficiency and feasibility of the method will obviously depend
on our ability,to handle integrals defined by (4.3), (4.4),
(3), and (3.i). The integrals and G.:j can be eval-
uated analytically in a rather straightforward manner, but the
's and C- 's have no simple closed-form solution.
does not pose any problem for numerical quadrature,
requires more careful consideration because of the oscillatory
behavior of its integrand, particularly when K is large. It
can be shown that these source and normal derivative-integrals
can be written in terms of standard exponential integrals with

complex arguments. Namely, define the complex numbers

=m(+i), =
rn [thJ , o (4.8)


F( ,
=-m n(c) c, rn(-di)
+ -5m e E1(2) t e E

IQ ih e 'E1)e-jmk -

z ,1e

mJ rnC
k)Jc{1+ (-7}


Y[Oi-] -
- [ e() - eE,(-)J (4.10)

+Jtee Eu,)-
where the exponential-integral special function E,() is
defined to be

E() , j9j K

A preponderance of techniques is available in the
for efficient evaluation of this special function.

5. Results and Discussions

The present method of solution has been applied to a nurn

ber of radiation and scattering problems. In all cases where
existing results are available and are known to be correct, the
present computation yields very good agreement. As an example,
the heave added-mass and damping coefficients (or wave ampli-
tude ratio) for a circular cylinder as well as a rectangular
cylinder in water of finite but constant depth are shown in
Figures 3. For the rectangular case, these are compared
with Lebreton and Margnac (1966) who used the Green-function
integral-equation technique to solve the problem. For the cir-
cular case, results are compared with Bai and Yeung (1974) ob-
tained by two different methods. The present calculations are
consistent with the author's previous calculations using the
fundamental-singularity distribution method. For a circular
cylinder in water depth of h/a = 2.0, the current calculations
yield a limiting value of added-mass coefficient equal to 0.500
as the frequency goes to zero. This value is found to be con-
sistent with that obtained by an alternative approach of con-
sidering the limiting boundary-value problem (Newman and Yeung,
1975). The corresponding limiting value of the rectangular
cylinder is 0.822. Yeung (1973) showed that for a fluid with
different depths on each side, the damping coefficient is re-
lated to the asymptotic wave-amplitudes by

2 (5.1)

This equation provides a consistency check of the integral of

the potential on the body, Equation (2.5), and the asymptotic
wave-amplitude defined by the first term of the eigenfunction
expansion, Equations (3.3) and (3.4). In all results shown,
Equation (5.1) is satisfied very accurately.
Figure 4 shows the hydrodynamic coefficients of a bulbous


t - b=1 -
1.2 1.0

- - - -
- } Present Calculations
1.0 4- l, Bai & 0.8
11: Rectangle J Yeung (1974)
0 X Lebreton & Margnac (1966)

0.8 /
/ 0.6
/ Rectangle

lo- -, -S-
// 4<
0.6 /, -S-- 0.4
Circle S--

0.4/ 0.2

h= 2

'1ff /7/F/Fl ff711/f/f f/f/f f //f/1f/IFI////l f,

0.2( I I 0.
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Fig. 3 Heave added-mass coefficients and wave-amplitude

ratios of circular and rectanqular cylinders
cylinder undergoing sway or heave motion in water of varying
depth. A sinusoid is used to represent the transition region.
Results for the constant depth case with the depth being the
average of the two sides are also shown. For the particular
configuration considered, forces associated with the heave mode
are much less sensitive to the change in bottom topography as
compared to those of the sway mode. Coefficients associated
with the sway mode also become practically indistinguishable
for the two cases when )..'a. ',o.2. This corresponds to a mean
depth/wave-length ratio of approximately 0.463. We observe
that the phenomenon of radiationless frequency for heave occurs
also in water of finite depth. Furthermore there exists a
frequency rage in which the sway added mass becomes vanishingly
small and even slightly negative. Similar occurrences of nega-
tive added-mass coefficients were observed by Ogilvie (1963)
when he considered the swaying force on a submerged circular
cylinder near the free surface.

Turning our attention now to scattering problems, we show

in Figure 5 the total wave amplitude function YT(x) due to a
right-moving wave propagating over a sinusoidal hump. The
results obtained earlier by Bai and Yeung (1974) using a finite-
element method have been incorrectly given. The complex wave
function YT(x) is defined as

= 2e Ec)LuYzc%) (5.2)

where the first term after the first equality sign represents
the incidentwave and the second the diffracted waves.
The scattering characteristics of a finite-size step are
given in Table 1 and are compared with Hhlaly (1967) . By
Equation (2.11):

lY*1zIYI = (5.3)

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5








0. 0.1 .40
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5

Fig. 4 Force coefficients for bulbous cylinder



- 0.4


-4.0 -2.0 0. 2.0 4.0 6.0


Fig. 5 Amplitudes of diffracted and total waves

for a sinusoidal hump. (m0h=0.5)

where and Y , being the resulting wave amplitudes cor-
responding to unit-amplitude incoming wave, are essentially
the transmission and reflection coefficients respectively.
evidently represents the group-velocity ratio. The
Here, '

agreement as can be seen is quite good

Our method is next applied to determine the reflection
ability of a steep hump located in front of a step. The speci-
f ic geometry of the hump is shown in Figure 6, with the results
presented also therein. Transmission characteristics of a
finite-size step without the hump are also plotted for the pur-
pose of comparison. A considerable increase in the reflection
coefficient occurs. However, one would still consider the
performance of the hump as a submerged breakwater to be rela-
tively poor.

6. Concluding Remarks
We have examined in this paper a very versatile method for
solving the two-dimensional time-harmonic free-surface flow
problem for a fluid of arbitrary bottom topography. The method
is quite stable. Results obtained always satisfy consistency
and energy checks very well. Generally speaking, the numerical
accuracy is not as good for scattering problems when the ref lec-
tion coefficient is vanishingly small. This corresponds to
situations in which the wave frequency is fairly high. For
low to moderately high frequency, the technique discussed here
represents a simple yet potent tool for investigating the hydro-
dynamic interaction of bodies with their physical environment
which can be made as realistic as possible.

Table 1. Reflection and Transmission Coef-
ficients of a Finite-height Step

R1 T1 Eqn (5.3),
arg R1() arg T () L.H.S.=

0.03395 .4269 -163.14 .5799 4.99 1.00025

.4273* _163.26* 5797* 497* 1.00001

0. 04365
.4242 -160.86 .5846 5.64 1.00016
.4246 -161.00 .5846 5.61 1.00001

0.05813 .4201 -157.86 .5918 6.46 1.00011

.4205 -158.02 .5917 6.44 1.00005

0.06644 .4134 -153.73 .6035 7.56 1.00002

.4138 -153.93 .6034 7.53 1.00007

0.12115 .4016 -147.68 .6244 9.04 .99980

.4021 -147.94 .6244 9.02 1.00008

0.20031 -137.97 .6679 11.07 .99938

.3777 -138.32 .6681 11.04 1.00031

0. 39260 .3158 -120.25 .7803 13.05 .99851

.3162 -120.83 .7810 13.03 1.00023

1.09093 .1458 -90.67 1.0395 7.61 .99760

.1470 -91.99 1.0407 7.69 1.00025

*TaJfl frc Hilaly (1967). His phase angle cx is related to the present
notation by: cx = -(ri + arg R)

1.2 0.5


's 0.4
--- "s


Energy Trans. Factor, K

> ,

C-) 0.8 0.1
o r
y+(x).. _h+[1_.cosCnx/h+)]
hump case 0.0
y(x)= '7
h/h 2.5 step case

i I'vh i I i J J,
.02 .04 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2.0 4.0
Fig. 6 Reflection and Transmission Coeffs. of a hump

This work was carried out under the Naval Ship Systems
Command General Hydrodynamics Research Program administered by
the Naval Ship Research and Development Center, Contract Number
N00016-75-C-0236. The author is also grateful to partial
support by the National Science Foundation, Grant Number GK-
43886X. Acknowledgement is made for the valuable assistance
of Mr. Y. H. Kim, Research Assistant in the Department of Ocean
Engineering, MIT.


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