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1. She said that she wanted ... stay.

a) he
b) him
c) he to
d) him to
2. Did the teacher make ... come on
a) they
b) them
c) them to
d) they to
3. Would you like.. accompany you?
a) that I
b) me
c) I
d) me to
4. Barcelona is one of ... largest cities.
a) Spain
b) Spain's
c) Spains'
d) Spanish
5. The ... population is increasing
a) world
b) worlds
c) world's
d) worlds'
6. Mark the correct sentence
a) Night's dark mantle fell upon the
b) Night dark mantle fell upon the
c) Night dark's mantle fell upon the
d) Night dark mantle's fell upon the
7. Can you tell me what ... the accident?
a) did cause
b) caused
c) did it cause
d) cause
8. What are you talking ...?
a) about
b) of
c) over
9. Who ... at the meeting?
a) did speak
b) did spoke
c) spoke
d) does spoke
10. ... house is this? Who owns it?
a) Whose
b) Which
c) Who
d) Whom
11. Whom are you talking ...?
a) for
b) to
c) after
d) in
12. The King ... gave us our medals.
a) itself
b) himself
c) oneself
d) yourself
13. The picture ... is in bad condition.
a) himself
b) myself
c) itself
d) oneself
14. The Queen ... welcomed us.
a) herself
b) himself
c) oneself
d) itself
15. This old couple still love ... very much.
a) one another
b) each other
c) themselves
d) each other's
16. 'Shall we walk?' 'No, I ... go by taxi.'
a) would better
b) would rather
c) will better
d) would prefer
17. The furniture they have is nice.
a) such
b) such a
c) so
d) so much
18. She was ... silly girl.
a) such
b) so
c) such a
d) so much
19. I've got ... headache.
a) such a
b) so
c) such
d) so much
20. She speaks. quietly that you can't
understand her.
a) such
b) such a
c) so
d) so much

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