FM 1-28 Wind Design

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FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-28 Sepiember 2007 Page 1 of 63, WIND DESIGN TNSUREDS OF Fit GLOBAL SHOULD CONTAGT THEIR LOCAL Fd GLOBAL OFFIGE BEFORE BEGINNING [ANY ROOFING WORK. Table of Contents Page 1.0 SCOPE 1.1. Changes: 2.0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 Introduction 2.1.4 Determining Design Wind Speed 2.2 Root Design Loads 2.2.1 Basio Wind Speed 222 Surface Roughness Exposure... 2.2.3 Roof Uplit Design Pressure 2.2.4 ‘Topographic Factor (Key) 2.2.5 Wind Tunnel Testing to Determine Wind Design Pressures 2.2.6 Roof Overnangs ens 2.2.7 Minimum Wind Rating for FM Approved Root System 2.3 Wall, Door, and Window Design 2.3.1 Outward Wall Pressure for Enclosed Building 2.82 Inward Wall Pressure for Enclosed and Parlally Enclosed Buildings 2.83 Outward Well Pressure for Parially Enclosed Buildings 24 Othar Wind Related lems ... 3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Background : 8.1.1 Wind Pressures 8.12 Wind Damage 24.3 Tornadoes ow 8.4.4 Examples of Design Pressure Determinations (in pai) For Proposed Construction 8.1.6 FM Approved Exterior Wal! Wind Load Ratings 3.1.7 FM Approved Exterior Wall Hal and Fire Retings 3.2 Loss History 4.0 REFERENCES 4.1 FM Global 4.2 Other APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY ‘APPENDIX C SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION List of Figures Fig. 1. Building 2 Is more than 9 f (0.9 m) higher than Building 1 Fig. 2. Height of buldings + and 2 are within $f (0.8 m) of each other Flow Chart A, Enolosed building vs. partly enclosed building... Fig, 8. Basle wind speeds - Western United States (8/2001) Fig. 8. (Part 2) Basle wind speeds - Central ana Eastem United States (8/2001) . Fig. 8. (Part 3) Basic wind speeds - Western Gulf of Mexico Coastne of United States (82001) Fig. 3. (Part 4) Basic wind speeds - Eastern Gulf of Mexico and Southem Atlantic Coasting of United States (8/2001) : FM (2007 Fac Msuliaurence Company Al gts series. No pert this document may bo reproduced Sted naetiva sytem, or anemia nae on pan fom orb) ary mea, elecyors mechanics, Ercoomying resting 0 cheae, bout witan germiselon fFactory tt aurance Company 1-28 Wind Design Page 2 FAI Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Fig. 2 (Part §) Basio wind speeds - Mid-Atlantic and Northem Atlantic Coastline of United States (8/2001) Fig. 4. Basic wind speeds - Alaska (8/2001) Fig. 5. Basic wind speeds ~ Western Mexico, 3-s00 gust in miles per hour (8/2001) Fig. 8. (Part 2) Basie wind speeds - Eastem Mexico, 3-sec gust in miles per hour (8/2001) Fig. 6. Basic wind speeds - Australia, 3-sec gust in miles per hour (8/2001) Fig. 7. Basic wind speeds - New Zealand, @-sec gust in miles per hour (8/2001) : Fig. 8. Basic wind speeds - Western China, &-sec gust in miles per hour (8/2001) me AT Fig. 8. (Part 2) Basio wind speeds - Eastern China, &-sec gust in miles per hour (8/2001) 8 Fig. 8. (Part 8) Basic wind speed for selected cities - China rns 9 Fig, 9. Basic wind speeds - Taiwan, 3-sec gust in miles per hour (6/2001) 80 Fig. 10. Basic Wind Speeds ~ Brazil, 3-sec gust in miles per hour (m/s) (8/2001) 51 Fig. ‘1. Basic Wind Speeds for Selected Cites - Canada, 3:e¢ gust in miles per hour (ws) (8/2001) » 52 Fo. 12 Average rumber of tomadoos er yar gr 10.000 equa mies (25,900 sue Kometers) in the United States, 1953-1980 (7/2001) List of Tables ‘Table 1. Building Wind Design Levels ‘able 2. Wind speeds for enhanced and optimum designs based on storm category “able 3. Roof Field Area (Zone 1) Uplt Design Pressure, p, for Exposure B, Flat or Gable Foot, @ < 7° (For 60 (18 m)-< h-< 90 (27 m, limited to hw < 1); Enclosed Building Table 4, Roof Feld Area (Zone 1) Upltt Design Pressure, p, for Exposure C, Flat or (For 60 (18 m) < h< 90 ft(27 m), limited to hw s 1); Enclosed Building ‘Table 5. Root Field Area (Zone 1) Upltt Design Pressure, p, for Exposure D, Flat or Gable Root, © = 7” slope (For 60 ft (18 m) < hx 90 (27 m), limited 10 hw <1); Enclosed Building ‘Table 6. Root Design Outward Pressure Mulipliers for Root Zones 1, 2, and 3 . ‘able 7. Roof Overhang Factors (Apply on overhang areas oniy and for hs 60 ft (18 m) ‘Table 8. Recommended Rating of Field, Perimetr, and Comer areas for Enclosed Bulking” (Zones 1, 2, and 3) “Table 9. Wall Design Outward Prescure,p, for Exposure 6, © < 70, Enclosed Bulng, Area Zone 4 wu. 15 “Table 10. Wal Design Outward Pressure, p, for Exposure ©, © < 107, Endlosed Building, Area Zone 4. 18 ‘Table 11. Wall Design Outward Pressure, p, for Exposure D, 6 < 10° Enclosed Buldng, Area Zone 4 ..17 “able 12. Wall Design Outward Pressure Muliplers for Wall Zones 4 and 6, Enclosed Buildings. wm 18 “able 18. Wall Design Inward Pressure, p, for Exposure B, © < 10%, Enclosed Building (0 Note 2) nu. 19 “Table 14. Wall Design inward Pressure, p, for Exposure G, @ < 107, Enclosed Building, (s20 Note 2) ..20 ‘Table 15. Wall Design Inward Pressure, p, for Exposure D, © < 10° Enclosed Building, (see Note 2) ...24 “able 16. Wall Design Inward Prossure Mullis for Wall Zones 4 and §, Enclosed and Partially Enclosed Bulldings “able 17. Wall Design Outward Pressure p, Zone 4 of Parally Enclosed Buldings for Exposure B, esas “able 18, Wall Design esa “Table 19. Well Design Outward Pressure p, Zone 4, of Partly Enclosed Buldings for Exposure D, es 450 “Table 20, Wall Design Outward Extemal Pressure wits ‘or Petialy Enclosed Bilis. Wall 2008 5 nnn ‘Table 21. Height of Ground-Level Debris Exposure vs 88 ressure p, Zone 4, of Patially Enclosed Buildings for Exposure C, c2007 Fest Nua Iaurance Company. Al igh eseved Wind Design 1-28 © FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 3 4.0 SCOPE “This data sheet Is intended to provide general guidance to bulding designers regarding wind considerations for buildings. This includes recommended wind pressures for common bulding siapes forthe folowing: 4. Building components and cladding and thelr immediate supports (wail siding, roof assemblies, etc.) 2. Opening protection (doors, windows, et.) For main force-resisting systems and other structures such as chimneys, tanks, signs and open frameworks, refer to the American Society of Civ Engineers (ASCE) Standard ASCE 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures. ‘Wind load requirements are not included for tornado-resistant design. Neither are they provided for main Wind-foree resisting systems of buildings except for the basic wind speeds. Included is the appropriate FFM Approvals minimum oot system wind upit ating. Both enclosed buildings and partially enclosed buildings are considered, alfrough partially enclosed buildings are not recommended for new construction. Open buildings are not covered by this data sheet. However, a conservative approach for these roof pressures can be achieved by following the guidelines in this data sheet for enciosed buildings, Mult-gable and mono-slope roofs are not covered inthis data sheet. Guldance In determining proper construction to resist the recommended loads in this document is included in the FM Approvals RoofNav program and the folowing FM Global Data Sheets: Data Sheet 1-0, Safeguards During Construction, Alteration and Demoltion Data Sheet 1-8, Antenna Towers and Signs Data Sheet 1-9, Root Anchorage Data Sheet 1-29, Raof Dack Securement and Above-Deck Root Components Data Sheet 1-31, Metal Roof Systems Data Sheet 1-49, Perimeter Flashing Data Sheet 1-52, Field Upiit Testing 1.4 Changes ‘September 2007. Minor corrections wore made to Tables 3, 4, 6 and 6. 2,0 LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 Introduetion Selecta bullding design level in Table 1 that reflects the importance of the building. Consider the value of the building and Its contents and the value of preventing an interruprion to activites inside the building. Consider using an Optimum or Enhanced design for buildings in hurricane, tropical cyclone or thyphoon-prone regions. These designs can greetly reduce damage allowing earler resumption of operations, often as soon as employees return and utiles are restored. {82007 Facey Mutual Ineuance Company Al igh reserves 1-28 Wind Design Page 4 FAI Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Table 1, Bulan Wind Design Levels Design Laver ‘Design Grrl ipected Pricane Damage Tinimur Acceptable [Design the entre bulcing” and important | Negigiie damage from winds that do not Design structures fo the base wind speeds and | exceed the basic wind speed. Extensive fof relalad guidance pers document, | damage and delay bofore bulcng Is. funeenal fom winds that considerably exceed the basic wind speed, Enhanced Design | Enhance te components that ara more | Negigible damage trom winds That do ot vulnerabie to wind damage? to esis: cesign | exceed the basic wind speed. Moderatto pressures that are higher than the basio | savere damage to components thet are vind sign. See Table 2. Ensure other | unimproved, or supported by unimproved ‘components meet local code. [components and moderate to severe clay beter bung I funconal fom winds that do net exceed the actual design wird sce ‘Gpimum Design |DESign the ane buldng” ard inporant | Noglgible damage from winds tat donot structures for wind preesures that are | oxoa6d the basis wind speed. Minimal Pigher than the bssc win pressures. Seo |damage and delay before bulting is Table 2 functional ftom winds that do not exceed L tho actual dosion wind speed. "Tis naa aboe-dec oo congeners. pera ating oo deck spn ened securemar, walla and epeing protective, {oa tnuntd equprent a faming ane ounce, Pate 1005-20 acon eration ot oo ea. $i lnudoscbove doo components, parser asig, ol deck span an sesuemen, wal daags, poring protestves. Need for Enhanced or Optimum Designs |Wind maps inthis document provide the minimum acceptable wind design criteria. Those for the United States are from the American Soclaty of Civil Engineers (ASCE) 7 “Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and ‘Structures” and are used by most building cades in the US. These minimum wind speeds as elsewhere In the world, provide a basic level of protection to all buildings and have protected most buldings from collapse ‘and major structural damage. However, the wind speeds of many hurficanes have exceeded these minimum design wind speeds leading to severely damaged buildings that are not useable for many months after hurricane winds and wind-driven rain enter the building, usually from failures ofthe building envelope - roo lashings and coverings, roof decks, wall claddings, doors and windows. For example, a large part of the US coastline in the Gulf of Mexico has a basic design wind speed for a Category 2 hurricane or less while 47 Category 3, 4 & § hurricanes made landfall inthe Gulf of Mexico since 1699. A simlar situation exists between basic wind speeds and wind speeds of land falling typhoons and cyclones in other regions. 2.1.1 Determining Design Wind Speed Select a design wind speed from the figures in Appendix C, which are the minimum wind speeds recommended for allocations, or choose a higher wind speed from Table 2 if an Optimum or Enhanced wind design is used {©2007 Factory Muu Iawrance Corpany Al ight esened. Wind Design 1-28 Fl Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 6 Table 2. Wind speeds for enhanced and optimum desis based on storm calegoy. ] Avsrage o Recommended Desi Safin Simpson Hurcare Category | Basle 9~sec ust wind speed _| Speed mph (m8 Catt 52-108 mph (7-48 mf) 08 (48) cag (08-190 mph (48-58 ms) 720 (58) cai 130-158 mph (58-70 mis) 745 (8) Cat 186-181 mph (70-05 mis) 175078) i cat5 > 101 oh 85 m6) 3200 (0) “These wird speed ee & second Gust ovr land a 39 (Tr) sbove apa ground in exzonure cep. 2.1.2 Since the effective wind area for bulding framing and some other building components considerably ‘exceeds 10 f (0.99 m*), pressures may be reduced from that shown in the tables in this document or the RootNav Ratings Caleulator in accordance with ASCE 7 to reflect the larger area. This reduction does not apply to raot assemblies. 2.2 Root Design Loads “The following provides an overview of the methodology to determine roof design pressure and minimum FM Approved wind classification ratings (note: the RoofNav Ratings Calculator wil calculate the roof rating direct) + Determine basle wind speed (Section 2.2.1 and Figures 1-10), + Determine Surface Roughnass Exposure (Section 2.2.2 and Appendix A) + Determine building roof height and slope (building or plans) + Establish basic outward pressure for roof Zone 1 (Section 2.2.8 and Tables 9, 4, or 6) and then apply ‘appropriate pressure multipliers for the roof slope, zone, and enclosed or partially enclosed buildings (Table 6). (See Appendix A and Flow Chart A for definition of enclosed and partially enclosed buildings.) For significant roof overhangs, see Section 2.2.6 and Table 7. «+ Ifthe bulging is adjacent to an escarpment or ridge, molly the design with topographic factor (Section 2.2.4), using ASCE 7 or an equivalent local standard. «+ Determine minimum FM Approval rating requirements for fleld, perimeter, and comers. As an alterative for perimeters and comers, apply relevant Data Shest. (See Section 2.2.7 and Table 8 and 8A) “The guidelines in this data sheet are derived from the basis provided in ASCE Standard 7. The following exceptions to ASCE 7 have been adopted 1a) Use an importance factor of 1.15 for components, cladding and secondary structural framing ») Use surface roughness exposure C for hurfcane-prone coastal areas only where basic wind speed 120 mph (65 mis). For shoreline areas immadiately adjacent to the coast in hurricane-prone regions (see ‘Appendix A) where the basic wind speed Is less than 120 mph (65 mis), use Surface Roughness Exposure D. ©) Wind bome dabris regions are defined in Appendix A 1d) Roof design pressures are based on a maximum 10 ft (0.9 m) effective area, regardless of the actual effective area of components and cladding. 22.1 Basic Wind Speed Determine the basic wind speed from Figures 1 through 10, intorpolating from wind speed maps, when possible, See wind maps and other sources referenced in Appendix C. Basic wind speeds are based on 3-second gusts, 23 ft above ground in a Surface Roughness Exposure CC. Basie wind speed for Puorto Rico is 145 mph (65 mis), for Hawail itis 125 mph (60 mvs), and for ‘Guam It is 170 mph (76 mis). Note: The wind speeds presented in the maps are derived from limited statistics and computer modeling. “Thoy are not necessarly the worst case that can happen at facility. For example, ithe code tells us to design fora wind speed of 99 mph (145 kph), and three storms with winds exceeding that speed have passed within ‘e207 Factory Mut! surance Company. Zhi reseed. 1-28 Wind Design Page 6 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets +100 miles (60 km) in the past 20 years, your facility should probably be designed to withstand a higher wind speed. A quest for accuracy should not get in the way of good sense. The added cost is usually minimal. Increase the basic wind speed by 10% (4.5 mis) or more, as appropriate, in areas exposed to extreme local winds, in the United States and Canada this would include such effects as the Santa Ana, Chinook, Columbia Fiver Gorge, and Wasatch Mountain winds. Applicable areas include the Special Wind Regions shown on ‘some of the wind speed maps. Make’appropriate increases for other areas exposed by high local winds if Justified by local records. 222 Surface Roughness Exposure Determine the Surface Roughness Exposure as noted in Appendix A, Glossary of Terms, The Surface Roughness Expasure is @ function of the terrain surrounding the building itis being applied to. The Surface Roughness Exposure is not affected by the helght ofthe building in question relative to the heights of the ‘objects in that surrounding terran, For a site located in a transition zone between two Surface Roughness Exposures, use the more severe Surface Roughness Exposure (e.g, for B/C utilize C). Use the most critical applicable Surface Roughness Exposure even if t exists in only one direction. Design components and cladding of bulldings and other structures using the surface exposure category that results in the highest wind load for any wind direction at the sit. ‘Any apparent shielding afforded by individual or localized bulldings and other structures or terrain features is not to be recognized as having any impact on Surface Roughness Exposure, 223 Roof Upltt Design Pressure Use Tables 3 through 6 to determine the fold of roof area (Zone 1) design pressure for enclosed bulldings vith roof slopes up to and including 7 degrees (10 degrees for tal buildings). When entering these tables, consider the pertinent variables such as Surface Roughness Exposure, mean root height, and basio wind speed. For otner combinations of enclosedipartally enclosed bulidings andlor diferent roof slopes, and for Zones 2 and 3, apply the appropriate factors in Table 6 to the pressures in Tables 8 through 5 to obtain the ‘various root area design pressure. For components and cladding, base design pressures on those given in tis data sheet. For secondary supporting members (olsts, purins, etc.) refer to ASCE Standard 7 and apply the appropriate effective area and an importance factor of 1.15, (22007 Factory Mutual une Company. 8 ts reseed. Wind Design FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 1-28 Page 7 Table 8. Root Field Area (Zone 4) Upit Design Pressure, 0, tor Exposure B, Fiat or Gable Roo! © < 7° (For 60 (18 m) < h-< 90 9(27 m) lied o hw s 1), Enclosed Bulking B= 000256 K, KK If 60.) ~ (GG) n pounds pec (pst Enalosed Bung, Roo! Zone 1 (Field Area), efechve Wied Area t to 107%, Key 1.0.2 = 1 (GG,) == 1.0 for th 90M and (GG) =~ 14 for h > 80 fe (GC) m 0.18 ear ‘asic Wind Speed, V, 3806 gust, (A) tage =e] 9 | 100 | 10 | 120 | 190 | 140 | 145 | 150 | 100 | 170 | 185 nt) Root Fal Area Upli Design Passure,p, Exposure 8 (ost os | eT wT Als] a> s~al,e[a*#t[Tapte [A sama |stats 0 gerne |e | rare eae eo a [te | 20 [sai] as | a | | ss |e | os | 73 | 6 9] 20 28] 28 | o_| at | ae ss | oo | os [re | 2 | a7 eo_[ a | | ae | | ss | ee | m4 [00 | o8 | o7_[ 110 190 Yoo} 2a | se} 99 | a7 [se] 05] 77 ee [a8 | too | 113 | 194 200] 34] 30 [48 | 5869 [80 | vs | 100 | 107 | rea [499 [169 300 [ao af ss fs |r| ot] sos [ne | ter | tar [105 | 188 ‘a00_[ 42 | 4? [88 | 70 | ee | 98] te | vee | 1at_| 149_| 108 _| “199. soo [| so] 2 [7s [a9 | 105] vat_[-190 | 130 | tes [170 | 212 B= O0057S K, Ke ke [(G0,) (Gai ir Klopascals (KPa) Traased Bulcng, Root Zone 7 (Field Ares), echve Wind Area 0.710 08 TF Key 1.8, 2 = 1 (GGq) == 1.0 for hs 27 m and (Gy) =~ 14 for b= 27 m: (GO) = 0.18. "ean ‘Basie Wind Speed, V, $650 gust (mis) feos mB, ®)] #17 | @ eo | 70 pereeeeeeteeteee hem) “Root Fak Area Uplt Design Prose, py Exposure B (KPa) os [oF [os | 40 [| 12] is | 18 | 21 | ea | a8 | ae [36 [to [a7 [os [0 P18 ts | 18 | oe | 28 | 28 [83 [ar toe | to] 12 [ 15 | 1a | 22 [2s | 20 | 34 | oe [49 208) 10-[ 18 | 16 [19 [22 | 26 | 30 [35 | 40 | 45, 27 [10] i ta] 47] 20 [20 | ee | as | 38 | 43 [a9 Fz SD TT YT aps [1s] 19 | 2s | 26 [se | se | 46 [82 | 0 | or [te | ta] 28 | ee[ 4 | at] as | ee | ea | ra | 02 a [18 | 20] 26 | az | se | 46 | se] 03 | 72 | ea | 2 yao _[ 20 22 | 28 | 35 | a2 80 | 58 | 68 | 7a | ee | 100 40 [21 | 24] 30} a7 | a5 | 63 | e2 | 72 | 63 | 94 | 107 Nowe: 1. erptton appropri 2. Presoue (ple ttl net presi (ents 5 ane. (22007 Factory Mutua surance Comey. Al i reseed 1-28 Wind Design Page 8 FMI Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Table 4, Root Field Ares (Zone 1) Upit Design Pressure, 0 or Exposure ©, Fat or Gable Root, © < 7* (Far 80 (18 m)< he 80 (27 a), ited fo Ww < 1, Enclosed Buiing B= 1.00056 K, KK, V°1MfGO,)— (G0) n pounds per (os) Fralosad Buicng, Roo! Zane 1 (Feld Area, Efacive Wind Area t to 10, Kyx te. 2=hi (GC) =~ 1.0 forh< 90M and (GC) =~ 1.4 for h2 90 fe (GC) = 0.18 aan ‘Basic Vind Speed, V 2-800 Gust, (PA) eee Ze] # | 10 | 10 | 120 | 190 | 140 | 145 | 150 | 160 | 170 | 185 ne ‘Roo! Flea Area Upitf Design Prassure, p, Exposure © (ps ce ela Ts ale le@l] els] se l|e [a] 6 af a1] as | ee | as | ae | as | a7 | ot | os | | | eof [er [ef a] eer os | 76 | ee | er] tis aos [ao [a7] ae so | ee [me | 7 | ee | oe | 108 | 128 90 [a5 | 40 [40 | so 70 [as [08 [toa | 0 | 425 [141 | 108) yoo [36 [aso fet pre | as | 08 | 105 | is | tes [tas [art [azarae [ar soso [sree | t90_ [148 [167 [198 300 [4[ 51] 68 [7611 [-107_| 126 | 108 | 142 | te1_| 102] 216 ‘400 [48 [54] 67 [a1] _o6_[ nig [aot] at_| tet | tre _| 198 | ae soo [st s7 | 70 | es] tor | 119] 198 | 148] 158_[ 100 [203 | 240_] B= GODOBTS K, KK I[(@O,) (GC tr Rlopascals (KPa) Erclosed Buiklng, Roo! Zane (Feld Area), Efectve Wind Area 0.110 08 07, (2 = h:(GG,) =~ 1.0 for h< 27 m and (GC) =~ 1.4 for n> 27 mi (GC) = 0.18 ean Bas Wind Spee, V base, (i) pepe T eles, e~>s |e; slays Hon "at le We ih Dain Prose Epa GF) te Ls ee se | ae | ee | 0 |e De ae [cto pt ete | er [ee 03s] 20 ag woes pis | eo [ee [8 | aa [ae | as | sts Bie isp iret 2s] a0] as | a0 a8 92 | 88 Bs ieee | ee [at ar | as a | s6 fe wai] 19] 24] 28} as | «2 | 49 | 67 | oe | 75 | 64 a7 p18] a4 [a0] a6 | 43 | 81 | 58 | 67 | 76 | 08 eo 2022 | 28 [a5 | a2 | 80 | sa [68 | 7a | ee | 100 [22 [24] 31 | ae | ae| se | ea | 74 | 0s | a6 | wo 7 [ 2a | 28 [a2 [40 | a8 [58 | ea | 78 | 90 [02 [ne qo 24] 27] 34 [42 | si | 60 | ri] 2 | 4 | tor [12s Note 1. Interpalation seproprae, 2, Preset (alt pressure ost ard ner), (©0007 Factory Mans Insurance Company. Al ight eserves. Wind Design FM Global Property Lose Prevention Data Sheets 1-28 Page 9 Table 6, Root Feld Ares (Zone 1) Upit Design Pressure, p, for Exposure D, Flat or Gable Root, @ = 7" siope (For 60 8(18 m)< h- 90 (27 m), ited fo hws 1), Enclosed Buling B= OBS Re Ke V* (GO) = (GO) pounds prt (ps) Eposad Balding Roo! Zone (Fl Area), Ellocve Win Area 1 to OTF, Grae hi (GC) 10 forh <0 Wand (2G) =~ 1.4 forh 280 f (30) Waa ‘Basi Wind Speed, 3-00 gut (MPR) (Pos [eae we [wwe [oe [veo [eo | wo] es [ee | ioe [ie | ae ne oat Fed Area Up Design Pressure, Expose D Ibo) Des-apeapa tay [als] ole] 8 | wl) [im A a a FO) joo [at [ae [or [eo | ee | oe | ne | ver | tas [tee [108 300 [ae see feo [as | 196 [ae | tee | 082i EN ao0_[ se [se [ve [a7] vos rae [at 6a | 102 | tes 208_| ear FN B= 0.000519 RK Rg VI[(60) ~ [OO] n Mopascals (Ra) Eaeed Bulg; Root Zane 1 (ld Aes), Efecive Wnd Ave 01 1008 a 3 (@6,) == 1.0 for <27 mand (GC,) =-1.4 for 27 ms (60, Waar asc Wind Sead, V S65 Us, 7] pos gle ee [re fea tm Foot Fes Ave Upit Design Prosi p, Ewpoaure 5 Pa) 35 4s [is] 22 | oy [ot | ae | ae [ar ee 10 is _[ 47 [at 2s [a0 [as | «1 | a7 [sa | 60 18 is[ 19 [23 [2s [as | 30 | as | 32 [se | 67 20 is [ te] a4 pas | ae [40] «0 | 83 [60 | 68 2 is[-20 | os [a0 [a8 | a2 | aa | 38 | 64 [72 wate] 21 [ar | 35 | 40] a8 | so] os | 75 | 65 | o8 w [20 | ee [a7] ea | ai | 49 | 67] 66 [76 [a7 | 98] wo | 22 [ea [a1 | ea | <8[-ss | 65 [75 [68 | 08 | to eo _[-24 [ae [sa at | S059] 68 | a0 | 02 | tos | 8 io [25 _[ 28 | as | aa | 52 | o2 | 73 | 4 | 7 | 0 | 124 wo_[ 26 [20 | se | 45 | se [os | ve] 66 [vor | ns | 120, Note | Irerplaton is aor 2 Prasat (p) total upt pressure (oral and ral, (20007 Festry Mutual stance Conpary- Allis essed 1-28 Wind Design Page 10 Fit Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Tabe 6, Roof Design Ouard Pressure Multipliers for Roof Zones 1,2, and 3 Syma None For ils, Sse abe 2898 Syma Abu Zone for * Rete oo! Dos Negative Pressure Malipiors Zanes 1, 2.8 for Plat and Gabied Fools “Apply multiples to pressure values in Tables, 4, and 8, as appropiate. | Wear Foot Haig, —| Foot Slope Enalosed Buleing Partly Ercosod Burin? Zone | Zone? | ZoreS | Zonet [ Zone? | Zoned Reso RTSMH adwhen |__ OST 70 [188 [250 | tar | 100 | 285: hws for60- 7 2 Zone 2 cast Zone 840 2 Pang h> 601 (18.0, 4 Zane 2 exes Zone 8 0.> 7 end N60 F (1) 3 opal eg 23 (1 nye ova rund a paneer ofthe root wen @ <7, wat Zone 8 a Zone 2 2 PPAR ate (ios my ore 2 a n(107 rin: 276 12, 6 ren) a= Tz 2 nS mi 6; Pal ercosed bung muhars for ots are aac ony on openings aetng the on so. 7. Mao of SPE5 Zam my," tno sate of 0.1 nes th bing letsr pen cmension ota h nd nave as ther fhe aorta manson, or 2 (0. Zone 3 sunt wih arson 1) Forh OOR (tas 0+ roe he bung noe Han donde, bu pot ae tar 8 (@9 m). Zone Sian ih siento 2a ha eave hehe 5) For see 7 f= mean oo height 2, Mus of ve based oh ese” pan mension (22007 Fectay Maul neurence Company. Al ight eseved Wind Design 1-28 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 11 2.24 Topographic Factor (Key) ‘Topographic effects can increase wind speed locally due to significant his, ridges, and escarpments of specitied dimensions and proximity tothe building or proposed buiiding in question. Guidelines for determining dasign pressures under these conditions are provided in ASCE Standard 7, and use Ker values greater than 4. The topographic factor greater than 1 is generally the exception (for extreme cases) rather than the rule. However, when applicable, the design pressure adjustments can be significant. Due to the adsitional complexity when using a K,- greater than 1, and the fact that ths is for the minorty of cases, the procedure for this is excluded from this data sheet, Refer to ASCE Standard 7 for furthar Information on the topographic factor. 225 Wind Tunnel Testing to Determine Wind Design Pressures \Wind tunne! testing for determination of design wind loads is sometimes done for various reasons (regular building shapes, channaling effects or buffeting in the wake of upwind obstructions, etc). Wind loads dotermined from tunnel testing are acceptable to use, provided that ASCE 7, Section 66 "Method 3~ Wind ‘Tunnel Procedure” is followed, and that recommended wind speeds from this document are modeled and an Importanee Factor of 1.15 is applied to resulting pressures. \Where muit-level roots mest at 2 common wall, the edge of the upper root is treated as roof perimeter and comer areas (Zones 2 and 3) if the difference in height Is > 8 ft (0.9 m). The lower roof strip where it meets @ higher wall is treated as a field aroa, excopt forthe square areas at each end, which are treated as perimeters. (See Figures 1 and 2.) FEB cow S Peumes eos Fig. 7. Bullcing 2 is more than 3 #(0.9 ) higher than Buiing 2.26 Roof Overhangs For roof areas extending beyond exterior walls (overhangs), adjust design pressures in accordance with Table 7. For the specific conditions in Table 7, apply the factors in Table 7 to the design pressures previously determined for that particular roof area. (50007 Faxon Muti irsirence Comeany- Al hts rasrod 1-28 Wind Design Page 12 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets a Fig. 2. Height of bulsings 1 and 2 are within 8 1(0.9 ) of each other. Table 7. Roo! Overhang Factors (Apply on overhang areas only and fr hs 60 f(18 ml) ‘Enoiosed Buin Paraly Enciosed Buling Stope Fo Perimeter | Camar Fa Perimeter | Comer eer 14 DNA aoe ee NA DNA, Fe6soF | BNA DNA 7.6 | DNA DNA 14 Besse | DNA 18 se =e NA i (22007 Factory Mal awance Comsany Al hts reserved. Wind Design 1-28 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 18 22.7 Minimum Wind Rating for FM Approved Roof System ‘Based on the field of root area design pressure previously obtained, use Table 8 to determine the minimum FFM Approved wind classification rating needed forthe entire roof assembly (deck and above-deck system). Table &. Recommended Rating of Flea, Perimetsr, and Comer areas for Enolosed Suiting (Zones 1, 2, and 3) Toot Fei Area Desion ‘Minima Wind Rating for FH Approved Decl/Above-Deci/entra® Assembly Pressure, (28 oot Fit Area Root Perimeter Arca oof Comer red 15

60K 1-28 Page 15 Wats: Ke = 10; = 085; 1= 1.18; (60,) =~ 10 fori 60 fand (GG) »~09 forh> 60 (66) «0.18 Tear] Basi Wind Spend, 5-6 gis () Foo! Height [SSE] GO] TO] HO] S| TY ae] Tas] Iso] Teo | AO] Tes ‘Above round, ‘Wal Basgn Guard Pass, pn Pounds Por (ps) net) ET A Cn = eof ar fs to ae | ot | oe | sm 8 | a joo[1e_ [eer ane as [aes 60a) FS AE = wos pe peta) fe | | os | ie | ee i= D.OOOBTEK, Kee 1(Q0,)~(GOaI in Rlopascals Pa) Wal Zone & Eietve Wind Ave: 01 9 09 morn 18mandO1 18m forh> Tom Wares Ky = 1.0; X= 0851 = 195; (26,) == 10 for ns 18m and (G0, }=— 09 for > 18 m: (60) w 0.18 Tear asl Wind Spuad,V, 5-90 gus (7/8) Feat vogn [2] a] Sa] ss | eo | ee] w]e | mh] ‘Above _ Grain, Wal Basign Outward Pressure 6, eRopaszals Wa) hm) ES 2 SL NP TY to [a7 [os[-10- | 13 | is [18] 22 [es | 29 | 33 | ar eos ie [ie [is 1s | ee | es | oo | oe | ae | as z[aa[ io | 4a 6 | te | 22 | 26 [a0 [ss [40] a5 aos [io ia [is | to | 22 | 26 [30] as | 40 | as A o[ sa [12 | te [ie [ee [6 [ss | a8 | aa [80 | 8 CE vo_[ ie [as [18 [a6 | 20 | sa | 40 | a8 | 63 [61 | e8 ESE SEE os (22007 Facer Mutua suwance Compary- Al ight ecaved. 1-28 Wind Design Page 16 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets ‘Table 10. Wal Design Outward Prsure,p for Exposure 0, @ < 10, Enclosed Buin, Aree Zone 4 ‘= 0.00256 K, Kz Ka ¥ If 6G) = (GG pounds per (psf, Wal Zone 4; Etectve Wind Area: fo 10 Tor h © 60 ft and { to 20 8 for > 60 TE K, | ‘asos: Ke = 1.0; Ke= 085; [= 1.18; (GQ,) =~ 1.0 for hs 60 and (GC,) =~ 0.9 for h > 60 ft: (6G, ean ‘Basie Wind Sp00d,V, 5-580 gus, (mph) | Root Hein [Zas-] Go] 100 [Ho ] Wa | 190 | 140] Tas] 180 | 180 | 170 | Tes Above |Ground, Will Design Outward Pressure, pn pounds per (pal) | hh cs eT] Ss] el) el eT els | ele | ns | ew [a1 | 23 [20 | a5] a2 | aay et_| es [| oe | a A oo_[ ee [er | a ap as or 8) | ve | 8 | or [tts ST 200 | 29] | a0 | «er [or | ees | 88 | tor | ta | 105, ET BO DY wo [33] er] [ss | es [| 0 | 08 | toa | iy | t92 | 187, s00_[ es] 99] ae | se] 69 | er | 4 | 101 | toa | vas [veo | 108 P= 0.000679 Kz Kg KV [(GC,) ~ (GO, n Klopascals (KPa) | Wall Zone # Stecive Wind Area: 0.1 to 08 mi forh © 18m and 0.1 0 1.8 mP foo TOM Re ates; Ky = 1.0; Ky = 05; |= 1.15; 1.0 forh's 18m and (GO, ) = 09 forh> 18 m: (G0) = 0.18, Wear Basie Wind Spe0d, V, 3-865 Gus, (i) Root Heint | 285] ] 8] 80 | 6 | o ] 6 | w | 7% | 80 ) Above | _ Wal Basign Outward Pressure, 9, n Mlopascals @Pa) 2) 0-5 [08 [10 [42] 18 [18 | 32 [26 | 30 [oa | 39 [aa a 0a c.g |e Soe elem case w [i213 [16 [20 | 24 | 20 [se | so [4s | 61 | 58 ean |r er |r es err | a [42 [13 [17 | 21 | 28 [30 | 38 [40 [46 | 52 | 59 ate [af a7] 21 [28 [so | 35 | 40 | 48 [52 | 59 eo [ta [1s [is | 24 [ee | oe | a0 [46 | 5a | 61 | 68 a [4s [47 [21 | 26 [31 | a7 | a4 [50 [58 | 66 | 74 yo [te] 18 | 22 | 27 [ss | s9 | a6 | sa | 62 | 70 | 78 wo [47 | 18 [2s | 20 35 | 41 | a8 | 56 | 64 | 73 | 38 Note: 1. apelatn perp (€2007 Feely Muza insurance Conary. Al hls asec Wind Design FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Table 11. Wal Dostgn Outward Pressure, p, for Exposure D, © $ 10, Enclosed Bulsng, Area Zone 4 = 0.00286 K; Kz Kz V*[[(G0,) = (GO, pounds par (st Wall Zane 4; Efetve Wind Area: 1f0 10 Tor h = 60 and +1020 forhh> 60 Te R ‘vars: Ky = 1.0; Ky= 0.88; 1= 1.18; (GG) = 1.0 for N= 60 and (GO,) =— 0. for h> 60 ft (Cy) = 0.18, Mean ‘ase Wind Spo0d, V, 300 gus, (met) oot Holo [a5] 90] 100] WO] 7e0 | 160] 140] Tae] 160) 160] i70 | ToS Above I ens Wiall Design Outward Pressure, pn pounds perf (pal) ospelsl,elwla~>apTepte,e | ~*~) 8 | im wo [ = |e fa | 2 | «| ss |e | | 7 | oe | 9 [7 a oo | [ar | so | «| se | os | 76 | a1 | er | 98 | vie [199 joo [28 | at [a a7 ee [es | 76 | | er | oe | ne | 198 200 [ae [os | | sa | es [7a | es |e o8 | te | 128 [180 3o0_[ 8] 38] a7 |_e7_| 68 | ve | 2 | 09 [105 | 10 [1905 [160 ao_[ ae] 40} a [a0 | | os [or | toe [ait_| tas _| 142 | 109. soo [ar [i [si] ee | maar | 100_| to [ais [sat 49 | 75, [ ‘P= O.G006TSK, KK, °1N(GG,) —(0,)) h Mlopascals (Pa) Wall Zane & Etecive Wind Area 0.1 t 08 mF forh< 18m and 0.1 to 1.8m forh> 4m Ke vatles; Ky = 1.0; Ky = 005; = 1.8; (GC) =~ 1.0 for hs 18 m and (GO, =~ 0. for > 18 my (GOs ean ‘asic Wind Speed, V, 500 gua, (mis) Foot Heit [Zan] 0] mo ] | oO | = | mw |] % ) mo | oS Above ren ‘Wall Design Outward Pressure, p,m Klopsscals a) [a ST SSE] ESE SSE TE ST A TT] te) 13 [as | 19} 2s | 28 | 3s | se) 4s | 32 | sa | er [ia [18 [18 | 24 [20 | sa | a0 | 48 | 68 | 00 | a8 we [is [19 [24 | 20 | aa | 40] a6 | 53 | 60 | 68, wo is | 19 [24 | 20 [aa | 40] 46 [89 | 60 [68 1s i721 | 26 | a2 | se | ae [51 | 50 | e7 | 75 eo [ 18] 8] ee [2s | se [40 | a7 | 5 [es | 72 [as 40 _[17_[ 19 [24 [20 | so | eo | 60 | sa | 08 | 76 | es 10] 18 | 20 [| 28] 31 | a7 | 44 | 52 | 60 | 69 | 78 | a8 ote: (©2067 Factory Mua Iaurance Company. Al hts esas 1-28 Page 18 Wind Design FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Table 12, Wall Design Outward Pressure Multiples fr Wall Zones 4 and 5, Enclosed Bulngs symmetial About. = Wal Design Outward Pressure Muiblers, Zones 4rd, Fiat and Gabled Rosle, © $ 45° “Apply muller to pressure values in Tables 9,70, and Ti, as appropiate. Tan Roc? oof Angle Enclosed Bung 1 Holght above groura, (A) Zonet Zones 180 (8 m) oar 10 122 [= ns eon em esi 10 128 neeo 18m) Wee sa 08 134 ho sof (Em) wee = 45° oat 188 Note 1. Van of" 4) Foch S60‘ (18m) "ith smal of 0.1 tne the bung leser pan inesion or 4 tnes hy bu ever less than 4% of ne iat hao cmensin, 31 (03 1b) Fork 60 (18 mee teeth bung lke an cimenin, but netles ha 8 (0.8) 2. Va of 4) For spas 10% hw ate ht 3) For Spee. 10 hm naan oo igh 3. -W a esa lan dimension (©0007 Feclony Mutal nuance Company. Al ls reserved Wind Design 1-28 Fil Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets Page 18 jgL oor rene lg ter muses | Leer muses oor ms H ie B el oor mam Ry |_| toere muse TAL | lecore mua 8B | lear mma F882 99/5 38 yy ay Elect AF [goers mum 3 [loom mem BREE BISA | feoore moos ES | [coor ims SSS SSSIEE 3/38 23 : 3 slsfstelelalelslale Ae fe 33] | [core ume aleg e8 spisels ANN | mee 8 [eon mon PRESSE | ee pone Spf eoar mom ee 2) F 8 loo swumea ET lore mums alels aay ul Soeeakbubel i Sla| roar mn IEE om um SSSR CES, $ algae i F ig score ma SL oor mrs Mee sa ele =| islalelslaiclelsle| 2 FE leo am AEE coors nwo SEES i ses" | y € ; 06 eum 3) | ftom mrs fa A ig oor musta A oor muss Bl 4 be oor mee 33 | lecom mine FBPRB ERE) 2 Sq 3 le ; 1d fhe RR Ve HH jest alelselel Eg | fro mae H com mas SEPLIE ¢ Eel Jol eoore msc BE) lel esane mun |Ie|eIe|°/5)515/513] 8g ea 2 ae B EP ecore mas BAL Ter maa # ope ie | Slee ge u Notes (©0007 Facion Mutual Insurance Company. A ihls essed 1-28 Wind Design 18 7 2 36 28 a 33 3 38 co 267 rewows a5) ews 3: a 0 02. 02 OF 03, 0: OS, os: (opi eu (op) ewe a Page 20 Fil Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheeis I J Eee eRe! eeeeeeeee lol Coors eusw PT PT RPE] af bel (too ewem PPS ii sy BI sasvleetalsle| a |(*oo)* yeuwenxs) "| 4 Itooye rewens ||") I | I? H k} g Bbeeeeerce gfe tom ewma | [| coer rewenr Fr a1 le] 23 /| foohn}an}o|enles|ohin|aale— £3] | [oor ewes F] 22) | froor muna PRP E SPS ee 2 k| 3 beebsseeee) BA (ol eroort ewer 38 |,| oor muow, i al 2s k} és leclbaseleles 3] gg foxes Be) (feoore mune RPREPPREEE: az en $ L| = eelelelshleklels| 2B} 44) [gL roar mun F] 28) || coor muon PR PPEEPP IP i 8] Ss S3 keeeieeeles 8) SS | Iecor auons F9 | leosr sums FRPP EEAREE) & a| Sy 24 i =e i BESEEESBER| 5 ge gz leletelelelel a < elt! lelelelelafelalelale| 2 EEE leo puma PPPESEERFIES 48 [room mune RESP SEPP sed se | Se ae i 2 eats lebobletblele| #84 BEBEEEEEES BIBS SPL coor rus [PP PLES Soh | coor muou: i sie aay f bees bebe kebes! E : 38a [coors mums PES AR [coo eus PPSEEEEPPP) § Blas cel ay ee) lalrleeleelelebolaleke| g BRE SE coy SES | oe BSSSISSII | & setts oor mu [Pf 3 Si Coo mew ; 3|¥38 Epis] 3 | EePRissaee| & AE coor roms PPS 5 Sf ftoor mun i B28 | coon Fee BERESERSES| ¢ €)F 3S [ol oor mum EEF |g] Cooreums z Bisa 24 £) Syl | [too mwers Ay | [coer evens §) Se aa sy 8) <8] lol coor usw < oo) ewan cls 5 a 2 3 § Coo) uss Wall Zone 4 and 6; Effacive Wind Area: 110 10, Wall Zone 4 and & Evectve Wind Area 0.1 100. 24] | [oor muss sf i § el gi Beeeeeeees) & $8) |p| oor rus S| fa oor muon Bl My elelela] “St I" selelelelelaiafele| # LL coor rues aR} cooponums PEEFFEP SEE € ee ge fg i Ee =e ERP ee een ze ‘lelelelalelsisis) = pe #8 £3 i (€2007 Facto Mutual auence Company. ih esened Wind Design FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets (opr ous roo una (opr eu 37 8 10, cI 13 |roor wens (opi use 35 45 46 36 63 1 oP mus 1a 1.15,(G0,) = 29 and (GC) «0.18 (opi ews (60) = 09 ond(66,) =-018 a0 49 sits 709 2 a0 oo or oo 08 |eoor muon 2. noi (opr eu aan et nah a2 15 6 08 38 a rr a |eoor ewer (2.00856 Ky Ke VE H(GC) i a bud ele oor usin 2r 30 32 89 om oo 8 oo a7 a7 (Soo) ewes Base Wind Spee, ee opr msi Speed aoe fa) be ba 3s 08 8 \eooy wor = 4f0,}4.G0).n pounds per (pa) Bas 15. 23 30 Tema 2 @ apectio wall hag. tema 28 g | é : Om ba as, a . 10.00 ne 18.0) and 01 w 18 nh» 13.) K, ves, Kye 1, || (oer eww | eleelelsiaiais \roor ewer slslelalelelslels, (opr eur ieigjalsaie|siaiais |coor pus (2.00056 Ky KV I(GC) in pa dated blow 92) Tablo 15. Wall Design Inward Pressure, p, for Exposure D, © s 10° Enclosed Buileing, (se8 Note 2) usc, (opr ews where 608 26 a a3 32 03 |eoor wana Wa Zone 4a 5 lace Wind Ae} 10 (60) snd 1020 (0 > 5 a Ka (apy eve 12 12. oo i : g 5 3 i i 3 i t 3 5 i oz oor res Berar ‘eral i BS ql y 5 4 m2 eral tilt Above Grane, én) Early (22007 Factory Mutua sutanes Company. lights save. 1-28 Wind Design ‘Sheets Page 22 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Dat ‘able 16. Wal Design Inward Pressure Multolers for Wal Zanes 4 and 8, Enelosod and Partly Enclosed Bulings ‘Symmetrical About ¢ = Symmetrical About ¢, a pa Wal Design inward Pressure Wiiotors, Zones 4 ad 5, for fat and gabe ooh, © 3 45 ‘Apply mulls 10 eemel and intemal values i Tables 18, 14, and 15 Faight Above] _ Roof Slope Enclosed Bulding |___ Parialy Enclosed Buling Ground, 2 Zones 4 and 5 Zones 4 and 5 Ernal infeed ‘Exemal ictamal—) zesonem | O21 70 0} 10 34 zeeor(iem) | 1 <0s Ta 10) 14 31 z> soRGEm) | eos | 10 10. 10 34 Note: 1, Ntn: The wih of th ro! preter and omar aes (ae done “ing emalar of 1 fe te bln lesser plan cmension or 1 outtimes the cas hig (man oe neg for pes > 107, exept ih > 601 (18 ), but 1 nover les than 4 fs ea! norzntl meron or (tm), xcap or» 80 (18m), 2, Value of 8) For spee 1 n= seve nog 1) Farslopos > 10h = mean ro! help. ssw" = eeser pian dimnsien 4 10 =2 fn, (167 em; 90" = 7 nn ($88 ed 8° rz msr2 mtr) Company. ih resend Wind Design 1-28 Fit Global Property Loss Prevention Data Shests Page 23 . (op /"> jewew Ras eeeee |, (Poore ewou || “| sels) 3 Jlelslslelsledlsls 8 | [es0r mwens eer err, leooyt reweg || PRR R RE . 9} lel ttgere eucw 43] |g treme PPERERRR PE] s FI z 3 : lelalalalelclelels 8 | froor muna 5) | ltoormime PRPREPF EES) B 3 3 aisle] & el | |e oor mum 43 || eoore eum RR) e] 84/7 7 elelallalalel-lel--| S 3 sislalaialatsisisie 8) Ba | leoo usa yy oor i 3] 3g a 4 a eq telal 2 8] x8) (gl Coore mem #5] |, roore mum : £3 | 4 lalalelalslals BY 23) | froor momen BE | room mama [85/9 a] S37 =3 2 al 33] . lala] | B] Sipgpconem 2 Afale| Poorman : | |S ay 2a elelafalslalalals|s) = | 8) 5 228 |rooremuns ae = TEL leoore muses FPP e aR EES esa i BRE 38| coor mune cane : Slee al 7 oP APE By felalal & slays gee 8 \ 318g Salat coors men 83 He,| rooreieum Sg g53 ae" a3 x lal EF SISA) | froore moma S88 [rooremome PTT Re) Bs | ssa sa i FH | | sors usm LE | | poor eu 5 AY 25 [ol Cooreeusm © G) gl too ewe s| 34 el al 3B] £4 Leooremums P] SS | feoove sus a) $31 Aa re 3 3 8) || Coovorewau || m] 25) |p| (root mumas yi | Jrooroeums FRSA 23 | [oor moms a | eg i = gl coor ro § fl g[ toot uss {| S| $3) | leoor mans FS | Jrcore mans Bel coorvinuen |” Fal coor msm [| qf ila 4 |) i (00) rues |°| | 2 | | dese I ange’ ©2007 Factory Mutual Insurance Company. All ights reserved. | Wind Design FM Global Property Lose Prevention Data Sheets 1-28 Page 24 “204 a sre assay ove. (u 61 ¥ 09 4 WEE Jos pue OL U OHM Y= 2 RIN 'Z »“ieudIdoe a Cenedtet*L i fi i i a A as] a g ii! ad Pug ggg gd gage 2 e 2 e el @ e 5 5 2] #4 3 a al 3 41 8] 4) 8) Sl Bl 8] Bl BB) 8] emmo a A a a 3 a al al 8] | 8} el 8] a] Bl 2 8 oem z + + | “nmin Sa es Sms ToT aE Tiare ynerannatensaaerarewvml ate "naa parnae Ho (OO)I gh X71 190000 = (OBTD ween PINAR 4M COO)! eA" £15000 » “OOP = Hees a ae = ae i et lg og F p.. s| a] 2} 8 | ale] al al al 2 4 aa] 8] a a] a a al 8 EA BONIS PUM ST BOE POTTER ET = TOOTRET OTST AITT: = COVENT #1 BaD" ALOT PH SIN WHAT PS WSUS TT BO Pa erp yd 20) P14 92000 = COTE mn peas fe D9) 3H 82000 = COP Gri) g) md spnady o9Fo Posyo=d (@i8h 5 8 9 amnsedia 10) SEuping pesomuR ATEMEE 19 'p GUZ S BMSEIY BIEMITO WSO TEM i SEL (20007 ct Mata nsrance Company. Al dhts esaved. Wind Design FMI Global Operating Standards Table 19, Wall Design Outward Pressure p, Zone 4, of Paral Enclosed Buin for. 1-28 Page 25 Exposure 0. 6 s 45°) B= adGGy- a] 6), pcunde per (pe) af GO.) = 200286, Ky KV 1( QC.) ead below Gf) » COURSE Ke Ke Ke 1(60,) Ips tabla baton. tive Wi Are: #0108 (ts 60) and 20. (> 60 K, vais Ky = 10 Ky = 085, 1= "2nd (0) = 0. for > 60 (GC) = 0.5 118 (60,) =-10for2s 60 a ee ome ES eee veinrnce | Fegeteeekekeeeeege Grounds) | S15 8 |S 2 1S le 1S |e |S |g |e 1g [3 |Z 18 |Z ] PLETE AAT AEE i BUSVEIGIE AVE VE (ENG VE USE [UE [a | moe sees ror aa ee fe te Sie ap ae fa ar far fe fee ce eee tas tae eet tert feet er fects ae se STS ES apes or far fe fae 1 Sa SETS aE oso fe foe aero ear 7 Spree eae eter Pes tes te et ete =e SE TS SEs a or tar fae fer feof ae — srtarteetsetestsetertarteo ote testirt oe et aerirt ee ae sate re eras rae ae Lo oe tes tester ea Fr aaaalaiah CARTE RRR SG) WIP Mb 0) = ETS Mh ioc ni eat ln ete nts 01 5, sates Samal mora. LEE : SS ; [3 sigalg lel lake laleleielag lag a wornon 22 (Efe ele ERE lee le le ee ee cation 2/5 |g | |g | |e [a Le IG ia I le [oe la 18 Ig io Is |e |e AVERTED TRIE UE IRIE VE gE TEE EA LE FRAP BURG |S ERIS Ea aE qatar rater ro oat aoe ae feo faa a tapes Ee a aaa agrees fafa tea aa roo oe ae eevee sg foot eapaet eteg eet seat rateatcotastvatsetertertee aotea estat Fea eae fet erae feat totaal veto este esteateetes eer ea[oe ee feeder ea tea ta aol eot aortas ea{cat ze ae aoveetes Eyre etna saree] atest eat eels ao sa{eatcal ela feoTester Taare a beater vate vetas eateateetont gotta es ae fe ate tte eat es (ro sles ao lestan ee feo] epleolseteriar Ra aga oes aot rea eofoa aaa ea ee ea Hoes erate eat ae vero testes eetent eter tes es{eapra[ae Nes” 1c inepalon is eprerine. 2. real) = where h 60 %(%8 mina) @ wall opering lg, where n > DR (8m Exomal (= rua ol helt For 8s Yo" ad ot hag n= 60 (12m renee extemal Zone & pros ves by 10% Table 20, Wall Design Cutward Extemal Prassure Mutples for Pataly Eneosed Bulllngs, Wall Zone 5 Wall Design Outward Pressure Mutiplers, Zone 5, gable roofs, © < 45° poly Mutioos 9 Edomal Pressure Values in Tablas 17, 18, and 19 Wall Zone 6 Holght Above Ground, 2 Root Angle, 8 Exlomal Pressure Multior 226018 m) Osi 126 S607 (8m) eos 127 z> of (8m) Ose sas 20) ‘Note, Do potinsrease Zane 5 exeralpreatre by 10% for @ 10" anh <0 (18 m) This hs been ecco Forin Table 29-mplirs w ‘aeeged Woot Ne. in Tables 17 18, ad 18 when apg Tee 2). (©2007 Fesory tutu insurance Company. Al ight eared 1-28 Wind Design Page 25 FM Global Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 24 Other Wind Related Items 2.4.1 Design and anchor new root-mounted eculpment o withstand wind speeds according to this data sheet ‘acting on all exposed surfaces. For additional guidance, rafer to ASCE 7. 2.4.2 Where the basio wind speed ie equal to or greater than 100 mph (4S mis), ensure the roof design does hot use gravel surfacing of any type, which can Become a source of wind-bome debris. Use FM Approved roof coatings, where needed, to provide additional resistance to exterior fire exposure, hall, and UV (uitraviolet ray) degradation. Exception: Pea gravel may be used in these regions where itis required, such as adjacent to fire ‘subdivisions, provided that all gravel remaining atthe end of the instalation is fully embeded and there is no loose gravel nested on top, This can be accomplished as follows: 2) Apply agoregate into a flood coat of hot bitumen, and allow to cool and harden, ) Push away loose aggregate, apply @ sacond flood coat and push the loose gravel back into the second flood coat, and allow it to cool and harden. ©} Remove any remaining loose gravel from the site. 2.4.3 Provide emergency generators and fuel supplies adequate to fully power all important equipment vital to production of faguited for refrigeration of valuable perishable items in hurricane-, tropical cyelone-, or typhoon-prone areas. Ensure this can provide service forthe extent of the power loss, which historically can be between 5 and 14 days following hurricanes. Provide protection and fre separation for equipment and fue! supplies In accordance with DS 7-88, Flammable Liquid Storage Tanks, 3.0 SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 Background 8.1.1 Wind Pressures Damage to the structural frame of a bullding seldom cccurs during a windstorm. Yet, a very small breach in the building envelope can destroy a large area of the interior. For this reason, keeping the bulding envelope sealed is one of the most effective ways of preventing windstorm damage toa fact ‘This document provides separate calculation methods for wind loads on roofs and walls. Roof design loads cannot be considered in isolation from the walls. Failure of walls or opening protectives from pressure or ‘windborne debris (where applicable) leads to internal pressurization effecis and can result in direct water damage to building contents as well as an increase in root design loads. Consequenti, the design of partially enclosed buildings is NOT recommended. itis extremely important to recognize that wind blowing over a roof exerts varying upit forces on different areas of the roof. For simply, the roof can be divided into three areas: (1) comers, (2) perimeter and (8) the fiekd-oF- roof (area inside comers and perimeter). The roof perimeter and corners are exposed to higher uplift forces than the field ofthe root. The maximum uplft force occurs atthe comers when the wind blows at an angle of about 45" tothe roo (roughly along the diagonal). The maximum pit force along the windward root perimeter occurs when the wind blows at 90° to the perimeter. Actual pressure coefficients for the corners ‘and perimeter vary depending on the building height, parapet height, roof slope, etc. ‘To compensate for these increased pressures, special roof deck and above-dack component fastening is recommended in the comer and perimeter areas (See D.S. 1-29). “The following is an explanation of the need for Enhanced of Optimum Designs: \Wind maps inthis document provide the minimum acceptable wind design criteria. Those forthe United States are from the American Society of Chil Engineers (ASCE) 7 "Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Structures” and are used by most bulding codes in the US. These minimum wind speeds as elsewhere in the world, provide a basic level of protection to al buildings and have protected most buildings from collapse land major structural damage. However, the wind speeds of many hurricanes have exceeded these minimum design wind speeds. This has and can lead to severely damaged buildings that are not useable for many months after hurricane winds {©2007 Factory Mutual insurance Company. AX ight resend

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