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Ways on how to conserve land resources

1. 1,000 gallons/month!
2. Water your lawn during the evening, when it is cooler and dryer. Watering in the morning, when
it is hot and dry, leads to water evaporation.
3. Pick up some earth-bags at your local grocery store. Say no to both, paper and plastic!
4. Replace your old light bulbs with energy saving fluorescent bulbs. Sure, they may cost more
money, but you will save on your energy bill in the future and they last longer.
5. Try shortening your shower by just a minute. You could save 150 gallons/month!
6. Skip the dishwasher built-in dry option and simply air dry your dishes.
7. Collect rainwater and save it to water your lawn.
8. Get rid of objects containing mercury in your home. Theyre a health risk and harmful to the
9. Set your fridge to be between 36-38 F degrees and freezer to be between 0-5 F degrees.
10. Save those pesky wire hangers and return them to your neighborhood dry cleaner.

Land resources
In economics, land comprises all naturally occurring resources whose supply is inherently fixed.
Examples are any and all particular geographical locations, mineral deposits, forests, fish stocks,
atmospheric quality, geostationary orbits, and portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Natural
resources are fundamental to the production of all goods, including capital goods. Location values
must not be confused with values imparted by fixed capital improvements. In classical economics,
land is considered one of the threefactors of production (also sometimes called the three producer
goods) along with capital, and labor. Land is sometimes merged with capital to simplify micro-
economics. However, a common mistake is combining land and capital in macro-analysis. Income
derived from ownership or control of natural resources is referred to as rent.

Land was sometimes defined in classical and neoclassical economics as the "original and
indestructible powers of the soil."[1] Georgists hold that this implies a perfectlyinelastic supply
curve (i.e., zero elasticity), suggesting that a land value tax that recovers the rent of land for public
purposes would not affect the opportunity cost of using land, but would instead only decrease the
value of owning it. This view is supported by evidence that although land can come on and off the
market, market inventories of land show if anything an inverse relationship to price (i.e., negative

If the land has been deforested, overused or abused, consider ecological restoration techniques to
restore its plants, animals, soil and natural beauty Ecological Restoration Links & Resources (2) (3)(4)

Protect and encourage biodiversity in the soil, garden, fields and forests. What is Biodiversity? Why is it
important? Use native plant and native tree species they're likely to be healthier, longer lasting, and
require less water, pesticides and other inputs. North American Native Plant Society | Gardening with
Native Plants | Links

Protect and preserve the soil it is the foundation of healthy land and water. Use ecological and
organic gardening, landscaping and lawn care techniques, plant windbreaks, and do whatever you can to
prevent erosion. Seek out all sides of the story before adopting corporate fertilizers and pesticides
remember that it is in business' best interests to sell you things that you will need to come back for, again
and again (see "planned obsolescence").

Planting trees make the property warmer in winter and cooler in summer they also add beauty; improve
the quality of the air and water; prevent erosion; block out noise; reduce heating and cooling costs; and
attract songbirds. "The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now."
How to Plant a Tree | Tree Links & Resources | The Simple Act of Planting a Tree(book, free to
download) | Trees, Forests & Eco-Forestry

If you have a woodlot or forest, consider eco-forestry techniques to strengthen and preserve it.

Whether you want a lawn, flowers, or a garden brimming with fresh food, try to do it withoutpesticides
for your own health as well as your children, neighbours, and wildlife. What's wrong with
pesticides? | Organic Landscaping | Organic Gardening

1. By educating, informing and sensitizing all landholders about various aspects of this precious
resources and their sustainable use.

2. Contour ploughing is another measure to conserve our land. By this method, the fields are ploughed,
harrowed and sown along the natural contour of the hills.

3. By terracing method: A series of wide steps are made along the slop following the contours. This
method is very common in rice growing regions.

Under the afforestation and reforestation programmes, planting of trees, bushes and grass help to
check the soil erosion,

5. Strict actions are taken to check reckless felling of trees and overgrazing.

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