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17: Researching Your States Government

Pages: 298-305

How Does Government Work

Big Ideas From the Lesson:
- Governments try to solve big problems for people
- Our government has limited power at each level to stop someone from becoming
too powerful.
o Example: British king had too much power, people left and founded our country
- We have 3 levels of government.
- Citizens can have an active role in our government

Level Purpose Example

- Protect our rights so no one * President, Congress, and
has too much power Supreme Court
Federal - help with problems that - prints money
affect the whole country - in charge of armed forces
Also known as National
- make laws for the entire US

- deal with problems that * Governor

affect their state - collects taxes
State - make laws for the state - protects state lands/parks
- make sure people obey the - issues licenses
laws of the state
- your city, town, or country *Mayor
government - fire and police protection
- meet local needs and help - school districts
Local protect people and property - libraries
- sanitary sewer
- public transportation

The Separation of Powers (pg.301)

- State governments and federal governments are divided into 3 parts or branches.
Having these branches create a separation of powers known as the System of Checks &

The 3 branches are:

1. Executive
2. Legislative
3. Judicial
The 3 Branches of State Government
Executive Legislative Judicial
enforces state laws makes the laws makes sure people
leader = governor most states have 2 are treated fairly
houses state courts & judges

System of Checks and Balances

makes sure no branch as too much power
each branch power is limited by the other two branches
o Example: Governor of a state may veto, or stop, a law passed by the legislature
However, two-thirds of the legislature can agree to overrule the veto

Importance of Leadership (pg.302)

- The US government uses a democratic form of government.
- Democracy means rule by the people
People in the US have the power and the government serves the people
- The US is also a republic.
- Republic means people choose leaders to act for them

Traits of a Good Leader:

- set examples for others to follow

- he or she helps people put aside differences to solve problems together
- helps people make important decisions
- makes decisions that will benefit most people

Examples of government leaders: president, members of congress, and judges

Choosing Our Leaders (pg.303)

- we hold elections to choose many of our leaders, citizens choose by voting
-Citizen means a person who by law has a right to live in a community
- Candidate means a person campaigning, or running, for public office
- voting is a key part of being a citizen. Elections let people have their say.

Reasons people vote a candidate:

- fair and honest
- agree with their views
- shown wisdom and courage

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