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TEDTALKS JACQUELINE NOVOGRATZ is the founder of Acumen, 2 non-profit organization that funds projects to imorove the lives of poor people. Jacqueline Novograte's idea worth spreading is that we ccan change the way the world fights poverty. Instead of {giving money (traditional top-down aid), Acumen supports local organizations that improve communities and provide ‘services to poor areas — such as lighting, clean water and, housing. In this way, she says people can ‘solve their own problems BACKGROUND 1. You are going o watch an edited version of a TED Talk by Jacqueline Novogratz called An escape trom poverty. Read the text ebout the speaker and the talk. Then work in pais and discuss the questions, 1 What kind of aid hep) do poor courtrasin tho werkt receie? Who gues this ad? 2 What krd of things dees Acumen help poopie with? 8 Hows Acumen’s approach to helping poor peoole lfleront from other, typos of ad? KEY WORDS 2 Read the sentences (1-8). The words in bold are used in the TED Talk, Fst guess the meaning of tha words. Then ‘ate the words with thai defetione (2-9), 1 Thay lvein smal shack ina slum in Naob 2 When sha got a sewing machine, she was ale to ‘make and sal catnes and improve her fay’ income. 38 Acuenen specialvesin‘patert capital ging people long: term foane to sat ustncssoa, 4 ycu putin $100, wll mateh ths amount with $100 of my oun mney §5 Mary por peopia canrot nape 0 get a mortgage ans boy thar own house, 6 | am hoping to find job whee can counsel pepe lho arin Foarciliticuty. ‘2 money that you borow torn a bank to buy a property 'b_ moray that someone lends you fe. you must ay it hack in the fur) © avery poor resent area ola city wth few or na ‘9v@ advos to someone ut two things together go that they calance eachother a sralllow-qualy house, usually made of wood or metal amacrine for making cetnas TEDTALKS 1 [EB] Watch the edited version of the TED Talk How did Jane from Mathare Valley escape from poverty? ‘Answer the questions. Then compare your answers ‘with 2 partner. 1. Wiat happened to Jane's husbana? 2 What is Jane's job row? 8 Whereis her navy house? 2 [SEIN Wate the first part (0.00-1.55) of the talk again. Choose the correct option to compete the semtences, We citen ck at povery in dollar terms. But ally Poverty is about a lack af choice and money / #eecam, Jacqueline Novogratz got an understanding of povery in the Mathare Valley siums / farms in Kenya. In Mathare Valley, 2 quaiter of/ fala milion peopte ve tin shacks, often eight or ten peopie to a room. Jane, who lved in Mathare, hed two dreams: to be a doctor / mother, ard to marry a.gaod man, ‘She gol married wien she was eighteen and had one chit! wo chilsren, but then her husband let ne. ‘She was let with no money and no hame / skis 3 CUE] watch the second part (1.53-3.12) of the talk. ‘again. Completa the summary with these words. buys mikes lends save sells lh 2001, Jane's life changed. She heard about an ‘organzation called Jami Bora, Jami Bora money to peopie if they can match itwth the same amount Cf their own monay. Jane worked for a year and was able to?__ ty dotars. With this money she bought 2 sewing machine. Now she *__ second-hand lothos and makes dresses that she * —t0 ‘women ‘or therr daughters’ celebrations. Now Jane 5 ore than four dollars @ day, so she isn’t ‘80 poor any more, but she sil ies in Mathare, 4 [QS] Waten the third part (9.12-4.00) of the tale again. Complete the sentences. Use one word in each space, 4 With money fom Acumen and other ergenizatons, Jami Bora buit a low-cost —_—cevelopiment outside Narool 2 They cosigrod itfor _ te Jeno. 3 Jane had to gv than ___ dors, 4 Then Jamil Bora matched Jane's merigage to what she paid in tor her shack. 5 [EE] Watch the fourth pert (4.00 to the enc) of the talk again. Are the sentences true 7) or false (FI? 1 The dreams Jane had as a Ite gH have come tue. 2 Jane is heopy that she had chien. 3. Jane is sad that she did not hacerne a docter. 4 Jacqualine Novogratz believes tnt i's important for poopie tke Jane to make decisions and choioes for themsokes, VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT 6 [IEE] Waten tne tps rom me TED Tak, Choose the Correct mesring ofthe werd, 7 Wiorkin pais. Complete the sentences in your own words. 1 The ulna was orga toa, but hay ture koto 2 A shop that does good busiessin my town 3 The most important mlestongin my Ie 835, CRITICAL THINKING Reading between the lines ‘8 Work in pals. Which ofthe statements (a-c) about poverty do you think Jacqueline Novogratz agrees with? Poverty fa problem which we can't do anything about, 1b a problem which ind icuals can solve withthe right ‘suppor © problem which ich people can solve by ghing money to poor peo, “Thibault - ts a rice story. bu for me, its eugesting that peopain povaty can auays hep Meeaves. | Sort thnk nats rue sometimes the ery anener ite ge rect ad.

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