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Student Computer Facilities Rules.

1. Introduction

The following regulations apply to all computer facilities at the University of

KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). It is the responsibility of the computer user to know

and understand these regulations. A user is defined as a student, staff member or

any other person making use of the University's computer facilities. These

regulations are intended to safeguard the University's computer resources for

your continued benefit as well as to protect the rights of other users. Breach of

these regulations will be subject to users being banned from using the facilities,

to disciplinary procedures, or to prosecution under South African law. If any

aspect of the regulations is not understood, please approach the Lab Consultant

or Information & Communication Services (ICS) division for clarification.

The actions of users must be in compliance with the South African law and the

rules of the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN).

2. General rules

2.1 University computer facilities, including printers, may only be used for official

University purposes. Private or personal work may not be undertaken without

the permission of the Director, ICS.

2.2 Users may not create a disturbance or interfere with other users.

2.3 No smoking, eating or drinking is permitted in the computer laboratories.

2.4 Users shall not litter, cause any mess or leave the laboratories in an untidy state.

2.5 Users shall obey all reasonable instructions of Lab Consultants.

3. Rights of Use

3.1 Users shall only gain access to the computer facilities by producing a UKZN

student or staff card, or written authorisation to use the facility.

3.2 Users shall produce proof of identity at the request of the Lab Consultant or a

University official.

3.3 Users shall not share, distribute or use access identifications or passwords other

than those assigned to them.

3.4 It is the responsibility of the student to logout after using the computer. Any

student who either intentionally or negligently fails to logout will be held

responsible for whatever purpose the computer is used for whilst being left


4. Use of Hardware

4.1 Users must treat all computer facilities and equipment with due care and

consideration. Users must report any misuse of computer facilities or equipment

to the Lab Consultant.

4.2 No equipment may be removed from computer facilities or tampered with in any


5. Use of Software and Data

5.1 Users shall not use any software other than official University software without

the authority of the Lab Consultant.

5.2 Users shall not make use of University computer facilities to access or copy any

computer games, pornography, viruses, movies and music for personal use.

5.3 Users shall not play computer games on University computer facilities unless

authorised by a lecturer.

5.4 Users shall not interfere or tamper with software configurations or any system

data files.

5.5 Users shall respect all copyright and licensing requirements and intellectual

property rights. Users shall not copy software or other files from the University

computer systems without due permission.

5.6 Users are responsible for resources under their control. Any file found on a disk

in a person's possession will be assumed to be owned by that person unless the

contrary can be proven on a balance of probability.

5.7 Users shall not access or in any way alter other user's files without authorisation.

6. Use of Networks

6.1 Users may not attempt to bypass or undermine the system security. Thus the

system security must be observed at all times.

6.2 No software may be loaded, developed or executed on University computers that

attempt to alter the network file servers or other equipment.

6.3 Users may only access those facilities which they have been specifically

authorised to use. Users shall not access or attempt to access any other facilities,

equipment, systems or data that they are not specifically authorised to.

6.4 Only material relating to users courses and duties at the University may be

downloaded from the Internet.

6.5 Users shall not send messages using E-mail facilities to an individual or a large

number of users that may be considered undesirable or harassment by some or

all the Recipients.

7. Consequences of Breach of Rules

Breaching these rules could, apart from possible disciplinary action in terms of

the Rules for Student Discipline, result in a variety of departmental penalties,

ranging from a verbal warning, at one end of the scale, to removal of the user

from the Labs for a period of up to 2 weeks. Commission of a second or

subsequent offence under any of these rules can result in a recommendation for

a formal student disciplinary procedure. It must be noted that removal from the

Labs means that a student cannot continue with his or her computer-related

work in a course, which can have a negative impact on his or her academic


8. Departmental Appeals

Appeals may be put in writing to the ICS Lab Manager, giving full details of the

reason for the appeal. Student disciplinary matters are not dealt with by ICT and

appeals follow the normal University disciplinary procedures.

9. Policy Duration

This policy is effective from the underlying date and will be in force until official notice

is given to the contrary.


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