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Essay Three Introduction

The general purpose of this essay is to address the following question: are extrajudicial
means (privacy invasions, torture, targeted killings, as we define them now, useful and/or
appropriate in pursuit of the war on terror?

1.) Are the aggressive, and occasionally intrusive by all accounts, attempts to catch
domestic terrorist plots useful, useless, moral, immoral, or a combination thereof?
2.) Are targeted killings overseas, of Americans and/or foreign nationals an effective
way of reducing the risk of a terrorist attack, ineffective, moral, or immoral or a
combination thereof?
3.) Is the use of torture an effective and/or moral approach to preventing terrorism?

You should frame your paper with one article that you find problematic. Heres why:

For most topics or subjects of inquiry there are many established views and this is
true of our three topics. You should think of this paper as entering the debate by
offering your own established view. And, the most effective way for you to do
that is to argue against another established view. Therefore, you want to find an
article with which you disagree.

For both summaries, stick to the paradigm:

a.) What is the established view the source is arguing against? Explain this to the
reader and tell him what the reasoning behind that established view is
b.) What are the flaws in the established view? Try not to list these in the order in
which they are discussed in the source; rather, go over them in order of their
importance? Whats the biggest flaw? Do the other flaws flow from this,
such as faulty conclusions from an incorrect assumption?
c.) What does the author suggest as an alternative to the established view and
what are his or her reasons for doing so?
d.) Why does this matter?

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