Cost Effective Materials Selection For Pumps

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Cost effective materials

selection for pumps
This paper discusses the importance of Industry as a typical example. Although to injection pumps in design, and oper-
materials selection for satisfactory the comments will be directed to the ate at similar high discharge heads. They
pumping requirements and fluids of this are used to pump separated oil from the
pump operation using examples from
industry, the general guidelines are platform ashore, or to a storage facility.
the offshore oil and gas industry. The applicable across the whole of industry,
importance of adequate information and show that cost effective materials * Downhole pumps: These are inserted
and the experience to use this is dis- selection is a complex operation. down the well and are usually relatively
small diameter multi-stage pumps that
cussed. The identification of the key P UMP TYPES handle formation water or process flu-
requirements for a specific application Five pump duties are being considered: ids. These pumps operate in deep wells
is essential and requires a close rela- and have to lift the fluids to the surface
tionship with the customer to ensure * Firewater pumps: These are usually and so have high, generated heads.
multi-stage submersible pumps sus-
adequate information exchange. Some I NFORMATION REQUIREMENTS
pended from the deck level, and are driv-
case studies are presented to demon- en via a gearbox from a diesel engine on In order to select materials for a pump
strate the benefits of application of the deck. These pumps handle seawater there is a level of information that is
these principles and the consequences and are usually idle although they are required to make the most cost-effective
tested for about 1 hour/week. Reliability choice. The individual parameters are
of selecting materials with inadequate
is an essential feature of these pumps. listed below, not necessarily in any order
information. of priority. In addition, these factors can-
* Seawater lift pumps: These provide not be taken strictly in isolation, and sev-
By R Francis, Weir Materials & Foundries and seawater for various requirements and eral are interdependent. Some of these
are similar to firewater pumps in design, inter-relationships are described below.
L Phillips, Weir Pumps Ltd
although they are usually driven by an The main problem when selecting mate-
electric motor below the pump or some- rials is obtaining sufficient accurate

I n most industries pumps provide the

means for transporting fluids from
one place to another. There is an increas-
times via a line shaft from the deck.
However, the duty cycle is very different
and seawater pumps are used continu-
information. A deficiency of information,
or cover all estimates, makes selection
more difficult and leads to a conflict
ing demand for pumps to be more reli- ously, although they can be idle for between engineers, who tend to opt for
able, with less maintenance and at lower extended periods if they are on standby. conservatism and will often over specify
cost. A determination of cost effective- in this case, and project managers, who
ness requires consideration of numer- * Injection pumps: These are used to want functionality at the most competi-
ous factors such as material cost, mate- pump water into the oil/gas bearing stra- tive price along with ready availability.
rial resistance to the pumped fluid and ta to maintain well pressure and hence Because of problems such as these,
expected life. Weighting based upon cus- production rate. The pumps are usually experienced staff or external advice is
tomer preference, fiscal and operational multistage barrel pumps handling either essential to make the most cost-effective
demands must be attached to each of deaerated seawater or produced water. materials selection.
the factors and a materials choice made The pumps must be capable of deliver-
accordingly. Because of the wide range of ing at high pressures, typically 200 300 * Pumping conditions: This covers not
pumping conditions and media compo- bar, and because they operate at higher only the flow and head but also the oper-
sitions across industry it has been nec- speeds compared with firewater and sea- ation, e.g., standby, intermittent or con-
essary to narrow the scope of this dis- water lift pumps, erosion corrosion tinuous. These conditions often dictate
cussion somewhat. This paper examines resistance becomes an important factor. the type of pump to be employed and
the materials options for the pumps this can then influence the choice of
most commonly used by the oil and gas * Main oil line pumps: These are similar materials from which it can be made.

44 PUMP engineer F EBRUARY 2003


Natural waters (excluding seawater)

pH value Chloride
Conductivity Temperature
Total alkalinity Suspended solids
Calcium hardness Chlorine
Total hardness Dissolved oxygen
Seawater (plus high chloride brines)
pH value Chloride
Total alkalinity Temperature
Calcium hardness Suspended solids
Magnesium hardness Chlorine
Sodium Dissolved oxygen
Potassium Sulphides
* Fluid composition: The main factor
Sulphate Sulphate reducing bacteria
that causes corrosion is water and so Produced water
knowledge of the composition of the Chloride Hydrogen sulphide
water phase in the fluid is essential. This Bicarbonate Carbon dioxide
must cover not only chemical composi- Table 1. Water analysis requirements
tion but also other factors such as dis-
solved oxygen and temperature. Typical
composition requirements for natural tion addition could be 100 mg/l or high- usually more expensive, materials. This
seawater and produced waters are er and if this reaches the pump before is discussed at more length later on.
shown in Table 1. Whatever fluid is being adequate dilution it can cause severe
handled, its operating temperature is corrosion of some materials. M ATERIALS
also important. The pump operating When selecting materials for the various
conditions can also affect the fluid com- * Life and efficiency: This is the most dif- components in a pump there are a num-
position. For example: firewater pumps ficult area in which to obtain information ber of material properties that need to be
handling seawater are largely idle and from the customer about the require- considered. Appropriate weight needs to
during extended stagnant periods the ments. This covers such items as mini- be attached to each of these, depending
organic material in seawater can decom- mum maintenance intervals and total on the duty, the fluid being pumped etc.
pose and sulphate reducing bacteria can pump life. If the customer fails to speci- The main factors are shown in Table 2.
become active, both of which produce fy these and accepts the lowest bid it is Castability is very important as both the
sulphides and sulphur compounds possible that the pump will have only a casing and impellers are usually cast.
which can cause rapid corrosion of some limited life before maintenance/replace- Some high corrosion resistance alloys,
alloys. ment is required. In an environment e.g., titanium, are much more difficult,
such as an offshore platform all mainte- and therefore expensive, to cast than,
* Additions/impurities: In addition to nance work is costly, particularly where it say, stainless steels.
the bulk fluid composition, it is essential involves a shutdown. This is also true for Strength is also important, particularly
to know what additions or impurities are many other industries and it is impor- for high-pressure applications such as
present, as these can have a dramatic tant that the pumps that are purchased injection pumps. A seawater injection
effect on corrosion even in small quanti- have an acceptable minimum life. pump handling deaerated seawater
ties. Severe corrosion of nickel alumini- If the pump materials do suffer some could be made of 316 type stainless steel.
um bronze impellers has occurred in corrosion, then the pump performance However, by designing to the superior
aerated seawater containing as little as and efficiency will drop with time. If the yield strength of a super duplex stainless
0.03 mg/l sulphide. Impurities in cool- corrosion rate is high enough, the loss of steel, such as Zeron 100, a smaller,
ing water particularly in coastal installa- performance may be too much for the lighter pump with thinner cross-sections
tions can also arise by contamination specific application and hence prema- is possible. In view of the limitation on
from the discharge of adjacent plant e.g., ture repair/replacement is required. This
ammonia from fertiliser plant. Deliber- may not lead to catastrophic pump fail- Castability
ate chemical additions are also frequent- ure, but repair may still come at an Strength
ly made to water and it is important to inconvenient time if the minimum main- Pressure tightness

know, not only their composition and the tenance interval has not been achieved. Corrosion resistance
concentration when mixed, but also This incurs additional cost due to both
where they are being added, as the pump the unplanned shutdown and the cost of Availability
is frequently used to mix-up chemical repair. Cost
additions. Chlorine is usually added to The final factor is criticality. The greater Table 2: Some factors in materials
seawater at 0.5 to 1.0 mg/l to control the consequences of failure, the greater selection
fouling. However, the concentrated solu- the justification for more reliable, and F EBRUARY 2003 PUMP engineer 45


General corrosion Generally < 0.1 mm/y, less in areas with critical tolerances and had fractured during the mechani-
Localised corrosion Pitting cal lifting operating.
Stress corrosion cracking A second instance concerns the use of
Crevice corrosion graphite-loaded seals and bearings.
Erosion corrosion
These are sometimes selected without
it being made clear that they contain
De-alloying Total immunity in pumped fluid essential
Galvanic corrosion Not just pump components, but also other items in the system, graphite. Graphite is very noble and will
such as pipes, flanges, etc. must be compatible. cause localised corrosion of most met-
Corrosion fatigue All rotating components must be resistant. als in contact with it in water. Because
Table 3: Main types of corrosion affecting pumps of the critical nature of seals and bear-
ings this has led to premature leak-
extent of galvanic corrosion depends age/failure in a number of cases.
Material options Increasing cost
on the fluid being pumped, and in In addition to corrosion, four other fac-
some fluids two alloys can be used tors in Table 2 must be considered.
Nickel alloy
together which would not be possible Weldability and machineability are self-
Super duplex stainless steel
in other fluids. In addition to the pump explanatory. Availability is not always
Duplex stainless steel components, the interaction of the appreciated. For example, there are few
316 stainless steel pump with the other materials in the foundries that can manufacture large
Nickel aluminium bronze system such as the pipes and flanges complex castings in alloy 20 (UNS
Gunmetals must also be considered. For example, N08020), because of its propensity for
Austenitic cast iron a submersible seawater pump in super hot tearing in heavy sections, and it can
Martensitic stainless steel
duplex stainless steel will cause accel- be more cost effective to use an alter-
erated corrosion of the adjacent native alloy. Finally, cost must be also
Cast iron/steel
pipework if it is attached to a copper be considered. However, just because
Table 4: Commonly used pump materials
nickel column pipe. the base material cost for an alterna-
tive material is substantially higher, it
space and weight on an offshore plat- M ATERIALS CORROSION does not necessarily mean that the
form, the choice of super duplex stain- It is important to consider all the com- increased cost of the final pump set
less steel is very cost effective in this ponents in the pump and not just the will be proportionately greater. As an
case. major ones. Two examples where this example, consider a complex injection
Pressure tightness is also important for was not done will show the conse- pump set.
casings, but it is not readily achievable quences of neglecting to do this. The An upgrade from 316 stainless steel to
with all alloys. Phosphor bronze (BS first concerns a submersible super super duplex stainless steel increases
1400 CTI) is sometimes specified for duplex stainless steel seawater pump. the total cost of the wetted components
casings because of its good corrosion Oil company contractors connected the by ~15%. However, the cost of the rest
resistance. However, it is difficult to motor and pump on the platform. of the components on the skid is fixed
obtain pressure tight castings and so its When the column and pump were lifted and the upgrade represents an increase
use is usually restricted to impellers and for maintenance after several years the of ~2% of the total price. This is an
a gunmetal such as BS1400 LG4 is pre- motor and pump separated. Subse- extreme example, and an upgrade to a
ferred for the casing. quent examination revealed that 316 better material often involves a much
Corrosion resistance in the pumped stainless bolts had been used instead of lower increase in the cost of the wetted
fluid is very important. It is not always super duplex stainless steel. The 316 components. Hence, the increase in the
necessary to have total immunity to cor- had suffered severe crevice corrosion total cost of the pump set can be 1% or
rosion provided the pump life or main-
tenance interval is acceptable. It is much Property Option
more important that the materials resist Super

localised attack such as pitting, stress Ti duplex NAB 316SS

Castability 1 3 3 4
corrosion cracking and erosion corro-
Strength 3 4 3 1
sion as these tend to propagate rapidly Pressure tightness 3 3 3 3
and are more likely to lead to premature Corrosion resistance 4 4 2 1
leakage and/or failure. The principal Weldability 2 3 2 4
types of corrosion to be considered are Machineability 1 3 3 4
shown in Table 3. Availability 1 3 4 4
Cost 1 2 3 4
Galvanic corrosion is very important,
Total 16 25 23 25
as it is not always possible to make the
Table 5: Relative merits of four material options for an offshore seawater pump
whole pump of the same material. The

46 PUMP engineer F EBRUARY 2003


less. This is set against the cost bene- ties where data is lacking. sulphides produced under stagnant con-
fits of much reduced through-life costs. The next item is to establish the key ditions. This has meant that for this high
Thus an upgrade to a more expensive requirements for the specific applica- reliability/high safety application, super
material can be cost effective because tions, as these are the ones that will duplex stainless steel is commonly used
the initial cost increase is small and is attract the greatest weighting in materi- and it has given high reliability in service,
more than offset by operational cost als selection. These requirements could as shown in Figure 2.
savings. Table 4 shows the different be, for example, resistance to high veloc-
groups of alloys often used for pumps ities, resistance to sand erosion, high * Seawater lift pumps: The same com-
in order of decreasing cost. This is also efficiency and a minimum 2 years main- ments that were made for materials
roughly the order of corrosion resist- tenance interval. Prior experience in a options for firewater pumps, generally
ance in seawater, although the corro- particular application can result in more apply for seawater lift pumps. Addition-
sion ranking order can change dramat- weight being given to some require- ally corrosion problems have been seen
ically in other fluids. ments than the customer realises is nec- with NAB due to excessive chlorine lev-
As an example of the relative merits of essary. els at the pump inlet. As for firewater
different materials consider a seawater Another factor that requires assessment pumps, super duplex stainless steel has
pump in the following material options: is criticality. Determination of criticality proved to give the high reliability
Titanium casing and impeller is not easy for the supplier and requires required.
Super duplex stainless steel case and input from the customer. Pumps fall into * Injection pumps: In the early days in
impeller three main categories. The higher the the North Sea these pumps were usual-
Nickel aluminium bronze impeller risk, the greater the justification for mov- ly pumping deaerated seawater and 316
casing ing to higher alloy, more resistant mate- stainless steel was commonly used
316 stainless steel impeller and casing rials: with alloy 625 weld overlay in critical
High risk: this is where failure will
Table 5 shows an assessment of the four result in a loss of safety, or failure of
alloys against the eight criteria in Table 2, the pump will result in lost production
using a grading from 1 (poor) to 4 (excel- at high cost. (e.g. firewater pumps).
lent). The ranking is a little subjective but Medium risk: this is where failure is
it shows that three of the options have not so critical, but repair is
similar overall rankings. However, in difficult/expensive, e.g., offshore plat-
many applications some of these factors forms. Some reduction in production
are more important than others. Thus, efficiency may also result.
when a weighting factor is attached to Low risk: this is where failure involves
the factors, the overall ranking can no safety issues and shut down for 1
change markedly. This can also vary from repair causes no major inconvenience.
project to project depending on the These are usually auxiliary pumps
requirements. rather than the major items covered
previously in pump types.
The previous sections have covered In order to explain the selection of mate-
some of the parameters that need to be rials philosophy in more detail it will be
considered when selecting pump mate- helpful to cover the materials commonly
rials. The following section covers the used for the five types of pumps
methodology used in materials selec- described previously in pump types, and
tion. Because of the number of variables the reasons for these selections.
and the interdependence of many of 2
them this is not a rigorous analysis, but * Firewater pumps: A low cost option
covers the essential elements. would be a 316 impeller in an austenitic Fig. 1: Stress corrosion cracking of an austenitic
The first, and probably most important cast iron body. While these pumps can cast iron column pipe
item, is to establish a good link with work well in operation, there have been Fig. 2: Firewater pump in Zeron 100 for the South
the customer to obtain the details nec- failures of the cases by stress corrosion Arne project
essary to optimise materials selection. cracking, particularly in warmer waters
As explained above, decisions made (Figure 1). Another option is a nickel alu- crevice areas, e.g. O seals. With the
with inadequate data are not necessar- minium bronze (NAB) impeller in an need for high discharge pressure the
ily cost effective. As information is not NAB or gunmetal body. While NAB has use of duplex or super duplex stainless
always easy to obtain it is necessary to good resistance to corrosion in clean steel offered reductions in wall thick-
rely on experience to assess probabili- seawater it is very prone to attack due to ness due to its higher strength. In addi- F EBRUARY 2003 PUMP engineer 47


tion, it is common to re-inject produced

water later in a fields life, and this often
contains chloride concentrations
greater than that of seawater plus sub-
stantial H2S concentrations. Super
duplex stainless steel has excellent
resistance to both chlorides and H2S
and injection pumps handling both
produced water and seawater have
given excellent service. A typical unit is
shown in Figure 3.

* Main oil line pumps: In addition to

the oil, the fluid usually contains some
water that has not been separated and
this can contain high levels of chloride.
The pumps are usually made with car-
bon steel casing and shaft and with
13/4 martensitic stainless steel
impellers and diffusers because of
their erosion resistance. The carbon
steel is often weld overlaid with 309 or
316 stainless in critical areas to min-
imise the effects of corrosion. These
alloys work because the corrosion is
not great at low water contents. Where
higher water contents are expected it
may be necessary to upgrade the mate-
rials. 316 stainless steel is not usually
used because the oil is pumped hot
(e.g., 60-70C) and chloride stress
corrosion cracking (SCC) may occur
and the alloy also has lower strength Fig. 3: Injection pump in Zeron 100 for the North Sea
than martensitic alloys. In this case a
duplex stainless steel gives increased
resistance to corrosion and pitting as S ERVICE EXPERIENCE (Stellite type) weld overlay on the wear
well as chloride SCC. In this section there is only space to rings. In service the pump suffered
cover a few examples which demon- severe erosion on the wear rings and
* Downhole pumps: These pumps are strate the necessity for identifying the balance drum due to the presence of
installed downhole and must resist key requirements to aid materials selec- sand, which was not mentioned in the
aggressive fluids both inside and out- tion. original specification. The problem was
side. Frequently sand, drilling mud or solved by utilising Zeron 100 super
other abrasive media are mixed with the * Case 1: A pump was required to han- duplex stainless steel and sintered
process fluid. Because of the need to dle a quarry water which was acidic with tungsten carbide wear rings. This has
resist both wear and corrosion in hot a high chloride content. It would nor- increased pump life from seven months
brines which often contain high chloride mally require a 316 type stainless steel to ~4 years i.e., a 600% increase. Cor-
concentrations it is essential to use as a minimum and possibly a duplex rect specification of the fluid composi-
materials resistant to both corrosion and stainless steel option for greater relia- tion would have prevented the costly
erosion. Typically the pipes and casing bility. However, it was specified that the failures and downtime.
would be super duplex stainless steel pump had to last only 3 months and for
with cobalt-chrome alloy (Stellite-type) this life a cast iron pump was the most * Case 3: The use of super duplex stain-
impellers. Bearings and seals would be cost-effective solution. less steel in injection pumps was
weld overlaid or solid cobalt-chrome as a described in the previous section. The
minimum. In very erosive media it is * Case 2: An injection pump handling increased strength enabled the use of
common to use tungsten carbide or produced water was made from duplex smaller lighter pumps, producing
other ceramics. stainless steel with cobalt-chrome weight savings on platform topsides.

48 PUMP engineer F EBRUARY 2003


This is important as it has been duplex stainless steel, which combines

calculated that every tonne of weight galvanic compatibility with the piping, About the
saved topside results in savings of with resistance to erosion corrosion at
~GBP 100,000 of structural steel below higher velocities enabling a reduction in
the waterline. The high erosion corro- the diameter of the rising main. This Dr. R. Francis has
sion resistance of super duplex stain- reduction in size means that super been a corrosion engi-
less steel also guarantees high reliabil- duplex firewater and seawater lift neer for over 25
ity at the high rotation speeds used in pumps can be cheaper than copper alloy years. He is currently
injection pumps. This is an example of pumps delivering to larger diameter pip- the Corrosion Services
the use of materials properties to pro- ing. There are similar savings with the Manager for Weir Materials and Foundries,
vide a more cost-effective pump. valves because of the reduced size. This
Manchester, which he joined in 1991. His
shows how upgrading to a more expen-
duties include organisation and supervision of
* Case 4: A submersible pump han- sive material and designing to its supe-
external R&D, in-house corrosion testing,
dling seawater had nickel aluminium rior properties can result in overall cost
bronze (NAB) impellers and casing savings. advice on materials selection to the Weir

with an alloy K-500 shaft. The pump Group worldwide and the examination of serv-
suffered corrosion due to the presence C ONCLUSIONS ice failures. He has been employed as a con-
of sulphides (Figure 4) and was The above discussion has tried to sultant by several large companies, investigat-
replaced with super duplex stainless demonstrate the large number of vari- ing major failures. He is currently a Director of
steel impellers and casing. However, ables which can influence materials NACE International and sits on more commit-
the shaft was left in K-500, as the pump selection for pumps and the importance tees than he cares to remember.
was driven by a shaft from the surface of identifying the key criteria which will
and replacement involved substantial influence selection for a specific applica-
Mr Leonard Phillips
extra cost. After a short while in service tion. One of the most important things
graduated in Metallur-
severe corrosion of the shaft occurred is to establish a good relation with the
beneath the impeller hubs and the customer to obtain all the information gy from the University

bushes, followed by fatigue of the shaft required to optimise material selection of Strathclyde in
(see Figure 5). The shaft material (K- and also to be able to offer alternatives 1973. He has since
500) had suffered severe sulphide pit- where insufficient data is available. The worked in the pump
ting. This did not occur previously experience of the pump manufacturer industry where he
because of the coupling to NAB, which can then be used by the customer to find has been extensively
provided galvanic protection. The solu- the most cost-effective solution. It is not involved in Material Selection with particular
tion was to fit a super duplex stainless sufficient to rely on project specifica-
emphasis on corrosive and erosive applications
steel shaft. Even in clean seawater cor- tions as these rarely include all the rele-
and the use of high technology coatings.
rosion has been observed on K-500 vant information. Pumps are expensive
shafts in super duplex pumps and the items and most users are happy to enter
material is no longer considered gal- discussions to get reliable equipment at
vanically compatible with high alloy minimum cost.
stainless steels. This demonstrates the
necessity for considering the whole
unit during repairs as well as in the ini-
tial design stage.

* Case 5: Firewater piping on offshore

platforms is often installed in high alloy
austenitic or super duplex stainless
steel. The reason for this is that the
super stainless steels can tolerate high-
er flow velocities than carbon steel or
copper nickel, which means pipe diam-
eters can be reduced by up to a half. This
reduces the weight of water being car-
ried on the platform and hence saves
money on structural steel below the
Fig. 4: Severely corroded nickel aluminium Fig. 5: Corroded and fatigued alloy K-500 shaft
water line as described above. The
bronze impeller
pumps are usually made from super F EBRUARY 2003 PUMP engineer 49

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