Matilda Dance Chart

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Kyle Samuel 3-27-17

Bobby- Run Freedom Run

Lyric Movement Intention

Run Freedom Run! Freedom Far DS on 0 clump is around Explain what freedom is like,
run away!.... me. Singing to them and out remind everyone what were
fighting for

Til then, you better run, run-a, Turn to Aidan on my L and Shoo Aidan away, hes
run-a, run freedom run away! shoo him away stealing my spotlight

There's a trickle of sweat quickly travel upstage from

center to behind Sandras
(Hopes) chair

Drippin in your ear Have to be behind Sandra's

chair by the end of this line at
the latest

But still you gotta run, run-a, Starting on the lyric RUN,
run-a, run, freedom run away! bring arms up to shoulder
height extended out in front of
you, bent.

So dont you fret Lean to the R, free arms

And never fear Lean to the L, free arms

Theres a great big Cladwell Travel on the DSL diag, Really painting the picture
on your tail. moving btwn chairs, clapping and letting everyone know
on the even counts whats up and spreadin the

Great big Cladwells making All the way DS, move btwn
tracks for you. SL 8 and 4

Ensemble: Run freedom run! Move to 0 and get there just

as ensemble sings 2nd run

Run freedom run! Facing clump on USR diag Conduct my beautiful choir of
conducting, freedom to move- followers who are now on my
between 0 and 4 SR side.

That freedom sun, that Drastic shift in conducting,

freedom sun make movements very small
& sharp to signal pp staccato

Three, Four! Move back to 0 DS Were breakin out of the choir

section because now were
gonna run to freedom!

Run freedom run! Step on left foot to jog LRLR

and then weight on L leg on
count 1
Ensemble: Hal-le-lu-jah, hal- Jump off of L leg back onto R
le-lu-jah leg bringing left knee up on
count 2 to start high-knee
runs. Arms shoot up
overhead with shaking jazz
hand. Arms drop through
body on first jah to shoot
back up for second hallelujah.
Arms drop through body
again on 2nd jah, to pump at
sides opposite arm as leg up.

My friends you have to run, Keep running high knees


Ensemble: Run, hal-le-lu! Arms are straight and come

up in front of body to
overhead on Run, arms snap
in by side hands in front of
shoulders on le, to shoot
back up on lu, to drop.

That freedom sun Left arm extended up on diag To feel what the sun and
w/ jazz hand, focus at hand warmth of freedom really
running 3 numbers to the left feels like

Will shine some day Still in same position and now

traveling back 3 numbers to
the right (end back up in
starting position)

Til then you better run, run- Same high knee runs as
a. before w/ arms pumping

Hal-le-lu-jah Jump out and praise! Its time to praise!

With the wind in your hair Travel over to Bethany Gettin into it and I go over to

youll run to freedom glory (soupy sue) and offer my soupy sue because Im
head for her to wipe sweatin!

That freedom sun will shine all Go over to Ari (little becky I need to bless little becky
over your freedom story! two shoes) and bless her with two shoes becuase I just
the Spirit have to share the spirit cus
its overwhelming!

I said freeeeeeddoooommmm Break down section, total Giving it everything Ive got.
run, away! freedom, give it to the people My followers are convinced
and the audience. Live and to fight for freedom and
serve the gods! everything is lit!

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