Inverse Kinematic Solutions: Puma 560 (The Sixth Joint Angle)

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Inverse Kinematic Solutions:

Puma 560
(The sixth joint angle)

2017 Max Donath

Inverse Kinematic Solutions:
Alternative pathways
Inverse Kinematic Solutions:
Real-time evaluation

To avoid exciting manipulators at their resonant frequency, want

Fsolution > 10 Fresonance

where Fsolution is the frequency at which the solution is computed.

Each solution results in a change in acceleration Impulse loading

For servo stability,

want faster sampling rate and shorter control loop computation time

Use interpolation between solutions to drive the control loops.

Interpolation equivalent to constant velocity between solutions.

EXAMPLE: For the Puma 560,

t solve = 0.028 sec. Fsolution = 35.7 Hz

Interpolation: 32 times per solution

t interpolation = 0.000875 sec.

Puma 550/560
Troubleshooting Aids

For more info on the Puma Controller, see report:

The Unimation Puma Servo System by
Peter Corke, which can be found on the class web site.

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