Writing A Résumé Handout

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Writing a Rsum

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify the different parts of a rsum and
write a sample rsum for yourself.

Have you ever seen a rsum? What is it about? Do you think it is important to learn
how to write a rsum properly? Why?

Learn about it!

Rsum Formats
Do you know that rsum has different formats? Three formats can be used in
preparing a rsum. Rsum Formats differs in the arrangement, order, or the
headings such as Work Experience, Educational Background, and Qualification
Summary. The three types of resume format are chronological, functional, and
combination or hybrid.

Chronological Format
The chronological format is used to emphasize the applicants work experiences
progress. It starts with the complete work experiences, followed by the educational
background. It is best used if the applicant is applying for a job related to his previous
experiences, and has ten to fifteen years work experiences.

Functional Format
Functional format, on the other hand, focuses on the skills, not on the work history. It
is best used if the applicant changed career or if re-entering the industry after a long
absence. It is also used by the high school or college students entering the industry.

Combination or Hybrid Format

Combination or Hybrid combines the chronological and functional format. It works
best if the applicant is aiming for a career change or wants to present both skills and

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Writing a Resume
Listed below are the six essential sections of a resume:
The resume heading includes the applicants complete name, current
address and contact details such as cellphone number or e-mail address. The
heading can be written in the center or on the left-side. Make sure that the formatting
style, especially the font type, looks professional.

Ryan Portollano
2159 Road 2 Fabie Subdivision, Sta. Ana, Manila
Phone: (02) 123 4567
Mobile: (+632) 912 3456
e-mail: ryanportollano@gmail.com

The heading contains basic information about the applicant.

An objective also referred to as job objective or career objective, reflects the
applicants career goals and intention for applying for the job. Remember to write a
direct and specific objective that contains what you want to achieve in your career and
what the employer could expect from you.

Seeking an entry level in bar waiter position with a focus on serving alcoholic and non-
alcoholic beverage, up selling the drinks and taking order from guests.
The objective given as an example includes the position and its detailed description.

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Professional Summary
Professional summary, also referred to as career summary or career
profile, showcases your knowledge and abilities. It includes short recent job
summary, together with your soft skills (e.g. problem-solving capability, adaptability to
change, etc.).

Good communicator, a flexible and reliable Service Crew with two years experience in
providing customer service, preparing food and maintaining cleanliness of the store.
This highlights the most valuable and recent job experience of the applicant.
Expertise and Achievement
This also refers to the professional skills and qualification of the applicant. It
includes personal and technical skills including the certifications and recognition

Order Taking Skills
Awarded as best service crew dated January 2015.
Excellent in persuading customers to try new food product.
This is the part where the applicant, with or without experience, can write a detailed
description of his abilities and skills.

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Work Experience
This is also called "employment history," "relevant experience", or "work history." Work
experience is a part of a rsum where the applicant states all previous
employment. If you have no work experience yet, write first the educational
background, and include the optional part Training and Seminar Attended.

Service Crew
HappyBee Inc.
(June 2013 to July 2015)

The example shows the applicants job title, the employer and the length of service.

Educational Background
The educational background section can also be labeled as Academic, Academic
Qualification or Education and Certifications. Write the degree together with your major,
minor or concentration (if there is any), school and year attended.

Bachelor of Hotel and Restaurant Management
Xavier University
2012 2016

The inclusion of educational background from preschool to junior high school is not
required in this part. Mentioning only the details on where and when the applicant got
his senior high school and college degree would be enough.
Pass the resume with a cover letter. A cover letter gives the employer an overview why
they are receiving the resume, job posting the applicant is applying for and the matching
skills related to the position.
A resume is used to apply for a job that contains a summary of an applicants personal
information, educational background, skills and work experiences while a Curriculum
Vitae (CV) is used to apply for an academic training or grant that contains a detailed
description of a persons educational background, academic credential, and
It is optional to include the following sections on the resume: Training and Seminars
Attended, Activities and Honors and References.

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