Resume 2017

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Kathleen James Hill

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Bureau of Labor Statistics Washington, DC

Instructional System Designer in the Workforce Development and Training Branch- August 2012-Present
Instructional Design: Distance Education and E-learning Specialist
Course Designs including: Turn Your Data into an Interesting Story, Basic Leave Administration for
Managers (Synchronous), New Supervisor Administrative Orientation, Speed Mentoring, Developing
Virtual Speed Mentoring Program, Effective Presentation Skills, Evaluating Your Project/ Process to
Identify Improvements, WebEx Best Practices
Course Facilitation
Courses including: New Hire Orientation, Project Management, New Supervisor Administrative
Orientation, Effective Presentation Skills, and Books 24X7 Workshop
Marketing: Internal Courses and Resources
Evaluation of training programs
Technical point of contact for WebEx training and e-learning
Video Design
E-learning design: Adobe Captivate
Member of BLS Video Review Board

United State Peace Corps Volunteer Bulgaria

Youth Development Volunteer May 2010-July 2012
Project Development and Instructional Design
Projects including: HIV/AIDS awareness campaign, Minority Development Green School
Special Education Workshop, Special Education Creative Arts projects, Youth and Adult ESL classes,
Minority Youth Camp (American Football), Underserved Schools Remodeling Projects, Special Needs
Fundraising, Play Writing, More Future Project
Public Relations for local NPO, Verniat Nastoinik
Grant Writing
Business Development
Volunteer Trainer and Coordinator
Founder of , Volunteer Youth Club
Warden for and region
Visiting Professor for the American University of Veliko Turnovo

RAM Partners, LLC. Atlanta, GA

Property Manager________________________ June 2000-May 2010
Managed stabilized properties ranging from 119 units to 300 units, and 71 condominiums
Created and monitored annual budgets
Developed and maintained contracts with vendors
Developed marketing campaign and advertising analysis for markets in Georgia and Arkansas.
Supervised staffs of four to six people and performed human resource duties that pertained to staff
relations and payroll.
Supervised capital projects during the development of Berkeley Heights, valuing over one million
Supervised construction of residential housing and commercial properties
Performed interior inspections with construction to gain certificate of occupancy for residential housing.
Implemented crime deterrent initiatives with local law enforcement and neighborhood watch programs
for the Berkeley Park neighborhood.
Orchestrated client budgetary presentations
Performed apartment tours
Contract creation and negotiation
Accounting (Payables and Receivables)
Event planning
Designed and Facilitated Leasing Course and RAM Policy Course
RAM Mentor

Volunteer Work:

Jerusalem House Atlanta, GA

The Learning Center, Tutor____________________________________February 1, 2010 to May 2010
Tutored in English, writing, and Spanish
Worked with a child with dyslexia, tutoring him in Spanish and Writing
Jerusalem House is a home of refuge for individuals who are homeless with HIV

Joshua International Sierra Leone, Africa and Atlanta, GA
Missionary and Teacher______________________________________January 2007-May 2010
Taught children Christian based lessons during a medical mission in 2007
Created teaching curriculum with Joan Williams in preparation for the medical mission in 2007
Performed medical support for medical staff during 2007 mission
Currently run the public relations sites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter for Joshua International


08/2016 University of Maryland University College

Pursuing Masters Degree in Distance Education
1/2008 Georgia State University Atlanta, GA
Bachelor's of Arts and Science in History and Social Work

6/2007 Victory World Ministry Training Center Norcross, GA

Ministry Leadership Certificate

9/2006 Victory World Ministry Training Center Norcross, GA

Ministry Training Certificate

6/1997 Roehampton University London, England

Summer Study Abroad program in Historical and Shakespearean Studies

Experience, Certifications, & Mentoring:

ATD Master Trainer

Virtual Learning Expert-InSync Training
Virtual Classroom Mastery Certification from InSync Training
Facilitating Virtual Classrooms Certification from InSync Training
ATD Certification in Creating New Manager Training
InSync & ATD Certification in Designing Synchronous Learning
Management Experience (10 years)
Function and Event Planning (8+ years)
Sales and Marketing (15 years)
Proficient in AMSI/BCL, E-Site, MS Office (Excel, Windows, Outlook, Word, Publisher, PowerPoint)
Active member of RAM Training Committee (2006-2007)
RAM Mentor (2006)
Completed continuing education courses on Leadership and Development, Employee Discipline and
Behavior, and Atlanta Apartment Association Training Courses.
Volunteer with Agape Community Center-Tutoring children in a disadvantaged area
Performed missionary work in Sierra Leone with Joshua International (2007)
Performed missionary work in New Orleans, Louisiana with Campus Crusade for Christ (2008)
RAM Partners Manager of the Month (2007)
Presidential Key: Georgia State University for 4.0 GPA

Foreign Language:

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