Lesson Plan 11th Sep Y11

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Lesson Plan: Date:

P2.2: explains the importance of Country and the interrelationship between Country, culture, economic life and
social systems for Aboriginal and other Indigenous peoples.
P4.3: investigates and compares the histories and cultures of Aboriginal peoples and other Indigenous people.


Lakota information booklet.

Syllabus glossary on the projector.

Time Management Plan:

5 Get-to-know students and mark the roll: call out names on the roll and each student is to say one
10 thing about themselves: what are your hobbies? What do you like doing at home and outside of
15 school?
20 Go through questions from p. 163 and 167 as a group. Get students to write answers in their books
25 as we go.
35 Read p. 168-169 and compare the experiences of the Lakota and Indigenous Australians whilst
40 reading (mind map on page 168 very important!)
55 Continue questions 6-9 on page 167, and start questions on p. 169. Students can work in pairs but
60 they are not allowed to split the questions only work together.

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