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Ethical Theories Overview

There is no single ethical model that prescribes right from wrong. Every person when making a decision
that is ethically correct to them would use different models or theories. Our focus here is a normative
theories. And we will build a concept map piece by piece. So that you have an overview of our whole the
different theories fit together and how they relate or differ from each other. The first block of our
concept map is normative theories.

The normative theory foucses on whate we ought to do or what people should do. This is different
from psychological theory that look at what people atucally do. Normative theories can be broken down
into two board categories. These are teleological theories and deontological theories. The major
different between these theories is that teleological theories focuses on the consequences and outcome
of a decisions. While the deontological theories,focuses more on the intention or duty to do the right
thing rather than on the outcome itself.

Therefore, teleological theories are also known as consequential. While, deontoligcal are our duty based.
Teleological theory can further be broken down into ethical egoism and utilitarianism. The different
between the theories is that the ethical egoism will farvor an action that would result in the benefit been
received by onself. The words ego can be defined as a person sense of self-esteem or self-importance
thus when we refer to ethical egoism. We refer to the decision that is not only ethically correct but that
would also result in benefits to the decision-maker. Utilitarianism favours decisions that would result in
the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.

Deontological theory can also be broken down into rights theory and justice theory. The rights theory,
focuses on the rights of others decisions that uphold the rights of others would be considered ethical.
Justice theory,focuses on fairness and equality. Under this theory, everyone should be treated the same
and benefits and disadvantages should be shared equally. Looking at the entire concept map, we see
that there are two broad categories of normative theories and teleological and deontological . each of
these broad categories can further be broken down as indicated.

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