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Alliance Access 7.1

Release Letter
This document contains release information for Alliance Access 7.1.

27 March 2015
Alliance Access 7.1

Table of Contents

.Practical Information .................................................................................................................................................3

1 Release Overview ........................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Why Release 7.1 and How Does It Impact Me? .................................................................................. 4
1.2 Enhancements and Features .................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Resolved Problems ................................................................................................................................... 9
1.4 Software Distribution ................................................................................................................................. 9
1.5 System Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 9
1.6 Documentation ......................................................................................................................................... 14
1.7 Warnings and Known Issues ................................................................................................................. 15
1.8 Obsolete Functionality ............................................................................................................................ 16

2 Installation and Upgrade ........................................................................................................................... 18

2.1 Alliance Access ....................................................................................................................................... 18
2.2 Alliance Web Platform ............................................................................................................................ 18
2.3 Alliance Workstation ............................................................................................................................... 19
2.4 Additional Tasks ...................................................................................................................................... 19

3 Support .............................................................................................................................................................. 20
.Legal Notices ...............................................................................................................................................................21

2 Release Letter
Practical Information

Practical Information
Installation type Optional

Operating system requirements Please see "Operating System Requirements" on page 10.

Installation path For Alliance Access:

Release 7.1
For Alliance Web Platform GUI packages:
Release 7.1

Upgrade path Release 7.0 - patch 7.0.80 - [patch 7.0.83] - Release 7.1(1)

Product dependencies This patch has dependencies on other products; see "SWIFTNet
Requirements" on page 11 and "Other Requirements" on page

(1) ADK components must be re-compiled.

27 March 2015 3
Alliance Access 7.1

1 Release Overview
Purpose of this document
This document contains release information for Alliance Access 7.1 (including Alliance Web
Platform GUI packages and Alliance Workstation).
If you have not yet started to use the browser-based GUI on Alliance Web Platform Server-
Embedded, this is a good moment to plan ahead. It will reduce the effort you need to deploy
Alliance Workstation on the different end-user systems. Alliance Web Platform Server-
Embedded and Alliance Workstation can be used in parallel to ease the transition.
First read this Release Letter, then use the other documentation provided for more detailed
information (for a complete list, see "Documentation" on page 14).

1.1 Why Release 7.1 and How Does It Impact Me?

Alliance Access 7.1 is an optional release. Next to a series of functional enhancements, this
release also includes a series of internal technology refreshes.
All future patches will be numbered in the 7.1.xx series.
The Alliance Access Service Description has been updated with this release.

Note Join us on LinkedIn to exchange experiences with your peers in the SWIFT
Alliance User Community

1.2 Enhancements and Features

Alliance Access 7.1 is an optional release that includes all the enhancements and features that
are already provided by the patches released since patch 7.0.80.
This release of Alliance Access includes the following enhancements and new features:

support for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1 Pro, and Internet Explorer 11

centralised installation of Deployment Packages

support for Deployment Packages created via MyStandards

reduced number of actions requiring housekeeping mode

improved manageability of SWIFTNet connections

Correspondent Info becomes Reference Data

FileAct enhancements

Message Partner enhancements

support for Transport Layer Security (TLS)

easier back-office integration with XMLv2

4 Release Letter
Release Overview

the Network tab is now always visible in Message preparation. Its usage in Message Creation
and Message Modification is controlled by a specific new permission (see "List of New and
Changed Permissions" on page 15)

usability improvements
This release also fixes problems described in "Resolved Problems" on page 9.
See also Knowledge base tip 5019798 for a detailed list of other enhancements that are
implemented in this release.

1.2.1 Support for Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1 Pro, and
Internet Explorer 11
As of this release, Alliance Access is qualified also using Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
edition. The GUIs running in Alliance Web Platform have also been qualified using Windows 8.1
Pro and Internet Explorer 11. There are no changes to the platforms on which Alliance
Workstation is qualified.
This gives you the flexibility to plan deployment of these OS versions in your organisation in line
with the needs and policies of your organisation.

Note Microsoft has decided to stop support for Internet Explorer 7,8,9, and 10 as of 12
January 2016. At that time, SWIFT will not support new versions of the Alliance
GUIs on these browsers.
This means that all Alliance Access GUI patches released after 30 November 2015
will only be qualified using Internet Explorer 11. Compatibility with older browsers
will not be tested, and therefore compatability cannot be guaranteed. No software
fixes will be implemented for issues that only occur on Internet Explorer versions
prior to Internet Explorer 11.
The 2016 Message Standards patch will only be qualified using Internet Explorer
11 and Firefox, and it cannot be assumed that the patch is compatible with Internet
Explorer 8, 9, or 10.
For patches qualified only with Internet Explorer 11, SWIFT support will restrict
assistance when older versions of Internet Explorer are used.
SWIFT will not provide patches for blocking/severe issues that only happen when
using browsers older than Internet Explorer 11.

1.2.2 Support for Deployment Packages Created through

MyStandards, SWIFT's collaborative standards management portal, has been enhanced to
provide the publishers of business usage guidelines the option to deliver these business usage
guidelines as an Alliance Access Deployment Package.
Alliance Access 7.1 is capable of loading these Deployment Packages and giving the end users
creating and modifying messages manually the possibility to see the message entry screens in
a way that complies with the business usage guidelines.
The message entry screens automatically adapt to the following restrictions defined in a
Deployment Package created with MyStandards:

fields tagged as "must not be used" are not shown

fields tagged as "Make Mandatory" are shown as mandatory fields

fields tagged as "Reduce Multiplicity" can only occur a specific number of times

27 March 2015 5
Alliance Access 7.1

fields tagged as "Fixed Value" can only have one value

fields tagged as "Changed Datatype" can only be entered as specified. This is typically a
string with reduced length.
During the message creation workflow, these restrictions will be maintained and result in a
message that is both ACKed by the SWIFT network, and meets the business usage guidelines
of your correspondent.
For more details, see message standards in the Configuration Guide.

1.2.3 Centralised Installation of Deployment Packages

Up till now, when you had to install a new MX message standard, you had to both install it in
Alliance Access as well as in the Message Management GUI Package on each Alliance Web
Platform Server-Embedded instance that you have.
As of this patch, Message Management gets all the information from the Alliance Access
instance that it connects to. This means less work in deploying new standards, and consistent
deployments. Alliance Access configuration screens have been enhanced to now provide the
features that were before only available in Alliance Web Platform such as marking message
types obsolete.

Note The FIN deployment package that in previous releases of Alliance Access only had
to be installed in Alliance Web Platform (using Message Management), now needs
to be installed in Alliance Access (using Access/Entry Configuration).
All FIN and MX Deployment Packages present in 7.0.80 are not migrated during
the upgrade to release 7.1. To be able to create and open FIN and MX messages,
all deployment packages must be reinstalled.

For more details, see message standards in the Configuration Guide.

1.2.4 Reduced Number of Actions Requiring Housekeeping Mode

Several enhancements have been made to allow higher uptime by removing the need to switch
from Operational mode to Housekeeping mode.
The following operations can now be executed in Operational mode:

installing a Deployment Package

adding, modifying, removing a Logical Terminal (LT)

adding, modifying, and removing routing keywords (based on new permission Modify
Active Schema)

adding, modifying, and removing routing rules (based on new permission Modify Active

installing, uninstalling, modifying, activating, and deactivating FIN-Copy profiles.

In reality this means that, given the appropriate permissions, all operations can be done from
Operational mode. Of course, you can continue to use Housekeeping mode to comply with your
internal policies and practices.
For more details, see the Configuration Guide.

1.2.5 Improved Manageability of SWIFTNet Connections

In Alliance Access 7.0.80 you could remove a SWIFTNet connection in Operational mode,
provided that the SIS and SNIS components were stopped.

6 Release Letter
Release Overview

In 7.1, you can now remove a SWIFTNet connection even when the SIS and SNIS components
are running, provided that the SWIFTNet connection is not assigned to any LTs and/or
Emission/Reception profiles.
To facilitate this, the concept of enabling and disabling an LT has been introduced (once an LT
has been disabled, it can be modified or removed.
The following new permissions are introduced:

SWIFT Interface: Disable LT

SWIFT Interface: Enable LT

Note These permissions are not required to add a new LT, only to enable (or disable) it
once added.
To perform some modifications on LTs and to activate those changes, you will
need to add this new permission to the user security profile.

New events (12066-12067) are added to the Event Journal when one of the new operations is
For more information, see FIN logical terminals in the Configuration Guide.

1.2.6 Correspondent Info Becomes Reference Data

With this release, we are introducing some changes that will support further changes in the
Reference Data area in 2015 and beyond. One of the most relevant changes that will happen in
the future is the fact that a BIC that is not connected to the SWIFT network will not necessarily
end with a '1'. More information on some of these future changes can be found in the "ISO
9362:2014 BIC Implementation" white paper available on swift.com.
For now, the changes are mainly in the terminology used in the GUI:

The Correspondent application group of the Alliance Web Platform-based Configuration

package is renamed to 'Reference Data'.

The Correspondents GUI application is renamed to 'BICs and Other Codes'.

The window title and the list title are changed from 'Correspondents' in 'BICs and Other

The 'Institution' column title and filtering criteria are changed to 'BIC'.

Note The related permissions are not renamed and remain 'Correspondent Info, ...'.

1.2.7 FileAct Enhancements

With this release, the following enhancements are delivered for FileAct:

It is now possible in Message Search and in Message Authorization to view the first 10 KB of
a FileAct file, if that file is a text file or an XML file. Compressed files will be decompressed
before viewing.
For more details, see the Message Details page in the Message Management Guide.

Until now, FileAct files were not stored in the archives. Because FileAct is today used for
similar business as InterAct or FIN, the same data retention regulations can apply. On the
other hand for some flows the file does not need to be kept at all and can be removed once it
has been sent. Therefore, it is now possible to define per service if FileAct files should be
archived (new), should not be archived (existing), or should be deleted immediately (new).

27 March 2015 7
Alliance Access 7.1

For more details, see the Application Services Profile page in the Configuration Guide.

It is now also possible to perform manual FileAct using a specific authoriser DN.
For more details, see sending a file manually in the Message Management Guide.

1.2.8 LDAP and OTP Enhancements

Several institutions have found it difficult to set up LDAP or one-time passwords (OTP), because
the implementation in Alliance Access assumes that an institution has a single LDAP
environment (potentially with backup).
With this release, it is possible to define several sets of LDAP or OTP servers, and define which
set each operator belongs to, so that authentication requests are sent to the appropriate LDAP
or OTP server.

Note It is no longer possible to run the

Configure Authentication Servers ... LDAP command from the
Alliance Workstation Security Definition application.

For more details, see user management in the Configuration Guide.

1.2.9 Enable "from" Message Partners to Route Based on Validation

Until now, a message that entered Alliance Access by means of a message partner and that
failed validation was automatically routed to _MP_Mod_Text.
To allow you more flexibility on handling such messages, a new function result "Validation error"
in AI_from_APPLI allows you to define the desired behaviour.
For more details, see the Installation Guide.

1.2.10 Enhanced "to" Message Partners to Be Operator Profile-Driven

for Own Destinations
Until now, only a "From Message Partner" was associated with a security profile, to prevent
messages with an inappropriate BIC from being injected into Alliance Access.
This feature is now also available for "To Message Partners", so that an Alliance Access system
can be configured in such a way that messages with incorrect routing are not propagated to the
back office.
For more details, see message partners in the Configuration Guide.

1.2.11 Support for Transport Layer Security (TLS)

In line with market trends, Alliance Access has been enhanced to use Transport Layer Security
(TLS) as a mechanism to secure TCP/IP flows.
The default usage of Secure Socket Layer (SSL) stays in place, to avoid impacting the way your
environment is set up.
In order to move your SWIFT environment fully to TLS and stop the use of SSL, you will need to
upgrade Web Platform to 7.0.60 or higher, and SWIFTNet Link and Alliance Gateway to 7.0.40
or higher.
For more information, see server authentication and confidentiality in the Security Guide and
Web browser settings in the Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded Installation Guide.

8 Release Letter
Release Overview

1.2.12 Usability Improvements

Preferred date and amount formats become user preferences
Using Alliance Web Platform, each user can now set the date format and amount format as a
user preference. This allows systems that are used remotely from different countries to adapt
better to local customs.
For more information, see preferences in the Message Management Guide.

1.3 Resolved Problems

See Knowledge base tip 5019799 for a detailed list of all functional change requests addressed
in this release.

Significant fixes
The following table lists the fixes that are included in this release and that have a potential
impact on the main message flow, or on specific activities such as daily operations or

CR number Impacts main message flow Description

CR 40137124 Yes For the AIX operating system, a

message can be printed to two
different printers or files when
you use the connection method

1.4 Software Distribution

This release of Alliance Access is available through the Download Centre on www.swift.com.
The software package contains the following:

Alliance Access 7.1

Alliance Access Configuration 7.1 GUI package

Alliance Access Monitoring 7.1 GUI package

Alliance Message Management 7.1 GUI package

Alliance Relationship Management 7.1 GUI package

Alliance Workstation 7.1

Note The GUI packages are provided together in a single access_7_1.ear file.

1.5 System Requirements

You must verify whether your current system is still sufficient or whether it needs to be upgraded
or renewed. Check the Hardware requirements page on www.swift.com to find out the system

27 March 2015 9
Alliance Access 7.1

1.5.1 Operating System Requirements

Alliance Access
Alliance Access 7.1 has been qualified against the English-language version of the following
operating systems:

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise edition and Standard edition

Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard edition

Oracle Solaris 10 Hardware revision 10/09

Oracle Solaris 11.1, SRU 10.6.0

AIX v6.1 Technology Level 06 with SP2

HACMP v5.5 and HACMP v6.1 have been used for qualifying Alliance Access 7.1 with
licences containing 11:DUAL HARDWARE.

Note To improve the performance of Integration Platform on AIX 6.1 systems, it is

strongly recommended to upgrade to AIX v6.1 TL06 SP8. This version of the OS
addresses a scalability issue when MALLOC operations are done
simultaneously in a multi-threading environment.

AIX 7.1 Technology Level 02 with SP3

PowerHA SystemMirror 7.1 has been used for qualifying Alliance Access 7.1 with licences
containing 11:DUAL HARDWARE, and requires RSCT or higher.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4

Note Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 can no longer be used as of Alliance Access 7.1,
as Red Hat has ended support for that release.

For information on changing operating systems, see how to migrate the database to a different
operating system in the Installation Guide for AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, or Windows.
For information on moving to a different level of operating system, see the Installation Guide for
AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, or Windows.

Alliance Workstation
Alliance Workstation 7.1 has been qualified against the English-language version of the
following operating systems:

Windows Vista Enterprise/Business Edition with Service Pack 2

Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard edition

Previous versions of Alliance Workstation were also supported on Windows XP, to facilitate
migration to Alliance Web Platform. As Microsoft ended extended support for Windows XP in
April 2014, SWIFT can no longer provide support for Windows XP.
This means we can no longer guarantee that Alliance Workstation will still run normally on
Windows XP. Customers still using Windows XP are suggested to upgrade their desktop
systems as quickly as possible, and preferably move to the Alliance Web Platform Server
Embedded GUIs.

Note SWIFT will stop supporting Alliance Workstation as of the end of March 2017.

10 Release Letter
Release Overview

More information
Please consult the following:

Alliance Access 7.0 System Configuration Recommendations and Guidelines

OS Levels and Patches Baseline, dated 27 March 2015

Alliance Access Product Family - Compatibility Matrix

1.5.2 Memory Requirements

The memory requirements for Alliance Access 7.1 and Alliance Workstation 7.1 are available in
the Hardware requirements for release 7.0 page on www.swift.com.
On UNIX and Linux, the system should be configured to have at least 8 GB of swap space
before you start an installation or upgrade for Alliance Access 7.1.
For more details, please refer to the System Configuration Recommendations and Guidelines.

1.5.3 System Requirements on UNIX and Linux

For UNIX and Linux, Alliance Access 7.1 has specific system requirements. For more
information, see the user limit requirements in the Installation Guide for AIX, Linux, or Oracle

1.5.4 SWIFTNet Requirements

Alliance Access 7.1 has the following SWIFTNet requirements:

Alliance Access connects to SWIFTNet through Alliance Gateway 7.0 (or higher) using
relaxed mode.

1.5.5 Alliance Requirements

Alliance Access
Alliance Access 7.1 can be installed as either of the following:

a new installation

an upgrade from Alliance Access 7.0 with at least patch 7.0.80

GUI packages on Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded

Alliance Access 7.1 has the following additional requirements:

The Alliance Access 7.1 GUI packages on Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded 7.0.20
or higher are compatible with Alliance Access 7.1. In order to get the maximum benefit from
the enhancements implemented, SWIFT recommends using Alliance Web Platform Server-
Embedded 7.0.40 or higher.
The packages have been qualified using Internet Explorer 8, 9, 10, and 11, and Firefox
Extended Support Release 24.
For the required Internet Explorer settings, see the Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded
Installation Guide for AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, or Windows.

27 March 2015 11
Alliance Access 7.1

Note The packages are not compatible with Alliance Web Platform on IBM
WebSphere Application Server.
SWIFT recommends that you remove unused packages (such as previous
versions when they are no longer required), in order to reduce memory usage of
Alliance Web Platform.

Alliance Workstation
Alliance Workstation 7.1 can be installed as any of the following:

a new installation

an upgrade from Alliance Workstation 7.0 with at least patch 7.0.80

You can install Alliance Workstation 7.1 in conjunction with an existing 7.0 (or higher) release of
Alliance Workstation.

1.5.6 ADK Compiler Requirements

Institutions and partners who build ADK components will need to rebuild these ADK
components for Alliance Access 7.1. At the same time they will have to use a more recent
version of the compiler to perform this task.
The following compiler versions should be used:

Platform Compiler

AIX XLC 12.1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux gcc 4.4.7

Oracle Solaris Sun Studio 12 update 3

Windows Windows Visual Studio 2012 update 4

Note Only a new library and compiler version are needed in the rebuild. No additional
features or changes to the ADK functionality are required. It is important to note
that the rebuild of your ADK components is mandatory for Alliance Access 7.1. This
release will be available to SWIFT customers in July 2015 and mandatory for them
by November 2015. Further information about the rebuild procedure is provided in
Knowledge Base tip 5019789.

For more details, see the OS Levels and Patches Baseline document, dated 27 March 2015.

1.5.7 Other Requirements

Disk space
The installation or upgrade of Alliance Access 7.1 requires 5 GB of available disk space. For
more information on the required disk space depending on your operational environment, see
the System Configuration Recommendations and Guidelines document.

NTFS compression and encryption

Alliance Access cannot be installed in a folder or drive with NTFS compression or encryption

12 Release Letter
Release Overview

Alliance Access and network drives

The Alliance Access software and database files cannot reside on a NFS-mounted or mapped
network drive.
Alliance Access does not support the use of NFS-mounted or mapped network drives as the
mirror disk or the backup disk, which are required for the Database recovery functionality.
When running Alliance Access as a Windows service, Alliance Access cannot work with
mapped network drives.

File system type for high-throughput systems

On the AIX platform, the file system(s) for Alliance Access must be jfs2 (and not jfs with large
file option) on high-throughput systems.

Software from Oracle

The installation of Alliance Access 7.1 with the hosted database option requires an Oracle
database with one of the following versions:

when using Oracle 10gR2, version or higher

when using Oracle 11gR1, version or higher

when using Oracle 11gR2, version or higher

Note If you are using Oracle10gR2 or 11gR1, the backups of archives generated on
Alliance Access 7.0 with embedded database cannot be restored in the hosted
For specific database prerequisites, see the Installation Guide for AIX, Linux,
Oracle Solaris, or Windows.

IBM WebSphere MQ
If you want to use the WebSphere MQ Host Adapter integrated in Alliance Access 7.1, then one
of the following IBM WebSphere MQ software versions must be installed:

IBM WebSphere MQ 7.0.1

IBM WebSphere MQ

IBM WebSphere MQ (recommended)

Note The MQ versions are not necessary supported by IBM on all the OS versions that
we qualify against. Only the MQ/OS combinations supported by IBM are supported
by SWIFT. See the OS Levels and Patches Baseline document, dated 27 March
2015, for information in which versions are supported on which platforms.

If the IBM WebSphere MQ software is not installed in the default directories, then
you must specify the environment variable to indicate the location of the
WebSphere MQ libraries. For more details, see the System Management Guide.

LDAP packages
Client LDAP packages are required if you want to use the LDAP functionality.
Please refer to the OS Levels and Patches Baseline document, dated 27 March 2015, for the
list of necessary packages.

27 March 2015 13
Alliance Access 7.1

1.6 Documentation
The following documents have been updated to describe additional functionality and change
requests addressed in Alliance Access 7.1:

Administration Guide - AIX

Administration Guide - Linux

Administration Guide - Oracle Solaris

Administration Guide - Windows

Configuration Guide - Alliance Web Platform

Daily Operations Guide

Developer Guide

Installation Guide - AIX

Installation Guide - Linux

Installation Guide - Oracle Solaris

Installation Guide - Windows

Message Management Guide - Alliance Web Platform

Monitoring Guide - Alliance Web Platform

Relationship Management Application User Guide

Relationship Management Application User Guide - Alliance Web Platform

Security Guide

Security Guide - Alliance Web Platform

Service Description

System Management Guide

System Configuration Recommendations and Guidelines

TARGET2 for Securities Web Services Developer Guide

Web Services Developer Guide

Note We recommend that you display a copy of the appropriate Alliance Access
Installation Guide during the installation process.

Documentation is available online

SWIFT is committed to continuously improve its product documentation. Ensure that you always
use the latest version of the documentation, which is available on www.swift.com, under
Support > Documentation (User Handbook).
If you subscribe to the monthly User Handbook Newsletter, then you will be informed about new
or updated documentation. To subscribe, go to www.swift.com > About SWIFT > Publications >

14 Release Letter
Release Overview

1.7 Warnings and Known Issues

See Knowledge Base tip 5019800 for the latest, detailed list of all warnings and known issues in
this release.

Significant warnings and known issues

The following table lists the warnings and known issues that were identified during the
qualification phase and that have a potential impact on the main message flow, or on specific
activities such as daily operations or configuration:

CR number Impacts main message flow Description

40134027 No saa_bootstrap has successfully

stopped, but the database is still

1.7.1 New Versions of ADK Components Required

If you are using third-party ADK components to add functionality to your Alliance Access, then
you must request your provider to supply you with a new version of the ADK component.
Components from Release 7.0 cannot be used on Release 7.1.

1.7.2 List of New and Changed Permissions

Compared to Alliance Access 7.0.80, the following new permissions have been introduced to
support the new features mentioned above:

New permissions

Permission Description

Application Interface Access Message Assigned to all operator profiles with the
Application Interface Create Message permission.
The list of allowed BICs is copied from the list of
allowed BICs of the Application Interface Create
Message permission. Customers wishing to
change that list must do so manually after the
release 7.1 upgrade.

Reporting, View Oper Reports Assigned to all operator profiles with the Reporting
This replaces the current Reporting permission.

SWIFT Support, Remove LT Not assigned to existing operator profiles.

SWIFT Interface, Enable LT and Disable LT Not assigned to existing operator profiles.
These permissions are required in order to modify
or remove an LT.

Routing, Mod active schema Enables operators (with the other relevant
permissions) adding/modifying/removing routing
rules or keywords in operational mode and to make
the changes available and effective immediately.
Not assigned to existing operator profiles.
Only available on Alliance Web Platform.

Message Creation, Change Network, Exit Points Enables operators (with the other relevant
permissions) to change the network assigned to a
message during manual message creation.
Not assigned to existing operator profiles.

27 March 2015 15
Alliance Access 7.1

Permission Description

Message Modification, Change Network, Exit Enables operators (with the other relevant
Points permissions) to change the network assigned to a
message during manual message modification.
Not assigned to existing operator profiles.

Message File, Change expiry d/t, Own destination For future use; allows an operator to change the
emission expiry date/time of message instances.
Not assigned to existing operator profiles.

Compared to Alliance Access 7.0.80, the following permission has been changed:

Changed permission

Permission Change

Message Creation, Add/Modify/Remove Template, Now supports BIC 11, as well as the previous BIC
Own Destination 8.

1.7.3 End of Support for Microsoft Browsers Older than Internet

Explorer 11
In early August 2014, Microsoft announced that it would end support for Internet Explorer
versions prior to IE 11 as of 12 January 2016. Alliance Access patches released after 30
November 2015 will not be qualified on IE versions older than IE11.
While Internet Explorer 11 has a whole set of new tools to better support web pages designed
for earlier versions, this means a significant impact to most of the SWIFT community.

1.7.4 End of Support for Alliance Workstation

As announced in early March 2015, SWIFT will stop supporting Alliance Workstation as of the
end of March 2017. This means that the Message Standards 2017 patch will not be compatible
with Alliance Workstation.

Note The SWIFT Campaign Management team tries to make sure that all impacted
customers are aware and are taking appropriate actions. If you have not informed
them of your plans or have difficulty meeting the deadline, please inform them as
soon as possible by email to Interface.changes@swift.com.

1.8 Obsolete Functionality

The following functionality is suppressed or replaced in this release of Alliance Access.

1.8.1 End of Support for the MQSA Plug-in Defined

Reason for removal/suppression Timeline Alternative

The technology used by MQSA could not 31 December 2014 The MQ Host Adapter is the
keep up with the demand for high-volume best alternative for
processing. Since the introduction of the MQ WebSphere MQ-based
Host Adapter, MQSA has been in communication between
maintenance-only mode. The MQ Host Alliance Access and the
Adapter provides a more efficient, easy to back office.
use, and transparent alternative.

16 Release Letter
Release Overview

1.8.2 End of Support for the CAS Protocol and CAS File Format
Reason for removal/suppression Timeline Alternative

This adapter has been in maintenance-only 31 December 2014 The SOAP Host Adapter
mode for more than 5 years. The technology and MQ Host Adapter are
used is aging and long-term support can no future-proof alternatives for
longer be guaranteed. interactive communication
between Alliance Access
and the back office.

1.8.3 End of Support for Alliance Web Platform on IBM WebSphere

Application Server
Reason for removal/suppression Timeline Alternative

Due to a lack of interest in the community, 31 October 2015 Alliance Web Platform
SWIFT has decided to end support for the Server-Embedded provides
IBM WebSphere Application Server version the same user functionality
of Alliance Web Platform. through the GUI packages.
Knowledge Base tip
5018595 provides guidelines
on how you can deploy
Alliance Web Platform
Server-Embedded in a
resilient and scalable setup.

Note The SWIFT Campaign Management team tries to make sure that all impacted
customers are aware and are taking appropriate actions. If you have not informed
them of your plans or have difficulty meeting the deadline, please inform them as
soon as possible by email to Interface.changes@swift.com.

27 March 2015 17
Alliance Access 7.1

2 Installation and Upgrade

2.1 Alliance Access
Alliance Access 7.1 is a release and can be either installed from scratch, or used to upgrade the
current Alliance Access version 7.0.8x on the same or a new host (see "Different Scenarios for
Installation and Upgrade" on page 18).
The Installation Guide provides detailed instructions to guide you through the installation or
upgrade of Alliance Access 7.1.
We recommend that you display a copy of the appropriate version of the guide (AIX, Linux,
Oracle Solaris, Windows) during the installation or upgrade.

2.1.1 Recommendations When Moving to a New Operating System

To upgrade to one of the new operating-system versions used to qualify Alliance Access (AIX
7.1, Oracle Solaris 11, and Red Hat Enterprise 6.4), see "Moving to a New Operating System
Level" in the Installation Guide for AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, or Windows.

2.1.2 Different Scenarios for Installation and Upgrade

The following sections in the Installation Guides cover these various scenarios:

New installation
See "Preparation" (AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, Windows).

Standard upgrade
See the "Upgrade" section (AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, Windows)

Installation on a different host

See "Upgrade Alliance Access (Installation from Backup File)" in the "Upgrade" section (AIX,
Linux, Oracle Solaris, Windows)

Please pay particular attention to the section "Next Steps" in the Installation Guides, which
details the tasks to be performed once the upgrade has completed (AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris,

2.2 Alliance Web Platform

See the Alliance Web Platform Server-Embedded Installation Guide (AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris,
Windows) for information about the installation and configuration of the GUI packages.
The relevant Alliance Web Platform packages for Alliance Access 7.1 are Alliance Access
Configuration, Alliance Access Monitoring, Alliance Message Management, and Alliance
Relationship Management.

To locate the packages in the downloaded file, navigate to the following file: \GUIPackages

Note To preserve user preferences, ensure that you install the 7.1 GUI packages before
removing the 7.0.80 package.

18 Release Letter
Installation and Upgrade

Installation procedure

1. Copy the content of the downloaded file to a local path.

2. Deploy release 7.1 (access_7_1.ear), which is cumulative, by running the

swp_config -packages -install command. The configuration from any previous
GUI packages will be migrated.

3. If you have created any custom application groups, update them with the new version of
the application(s) or create new specific custom groups with the new version of the

4. To minimise resource consumption, if the previous GUI packages have already been
installed and are no longer needed, SWIFT recommends that you remove them by using
the swp_config -packages -uninstall command.

2.3 Alliance Workstation

Installation procedure
This procedure explains how to install a new Alliance Workstation, optionally in addition to an
existing previous version, without disturbing the previous version:

1. Copy the downloaded software to a folder accessible from the Alliance Workstation system.

2. Log in with the Alliance Workstation owner account.

3. Unzip the downloaded file and navigate to the \win32\saa-install.exe file.

4. Double-click saa-install.exe to launch the installation.

If you are installing next to an existing Alliance Workstation, ensure that you specify a different
installation folder.

2.4 Additional Tasks

2.4.1 Update Gateway Connections for Automatic LAU Key Renewal
Once you have upgraded Alliance Gateway systems to patch 7.0.25, you can change the
configuration of the Gateway Connections and switch on the LAU Key Automatic Renewal.

Note LAU Key Automatic Renewal is mandatory on Alliance Remote Gateway, and
cannot be switched off on the Alliance Access side.

For more information, see the Gateway Connection Details window in the Configuration Guide.

2.4.2 Starting the Alliance Access Servers

If the automatic start-up mode is configured, the Alliance Access servers should be started
manually the first time after the upgrade to release 7.1.

2.4.3 Alliance Developer Kit (ADK)

The ADK components need to be rebuilt.
For more information, see the Alliance Developer Kits requirements in the Installation Guide for
AIX, Linux, Oracle Solaris, or Windows.

27 March 2015 19
Alliance Access 7.1

3 Support
Support for SWIFT customers
SWIFT is the single point of contact to report all problems and queries that relate to SWIFT
services and products. Support is available to all SWIFT customers.
Users within a customer organisation must register to use the Support service.
For more information about how to register for Support, see the Customer login section on the
http://www.swift.com home page.

Related Information
For more information about Support services, see the Support Service Description.

20 Release Letter
Legal Notices

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SWIFT 2015. All rights reserved.

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Do not distribute this publication outside your organisation unless your subscription or order expressly grants
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The information in this publication may change from time to time. You must always refer to the latest
available version.

The English version of SWIFT documentation is the only official and binding version.

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27 March 2015 21

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