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Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

Numerical simulation of entrained #ow coal gasi"ers.

Part I: modeling of coal gasi"cation in an entrained #ow gasi"er
Caixia Chen , Masayuki Horio , Toshinori Kojima *
Department of Chemical Engineering, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Koganei, Tokyo 184, Japan
Department of Industrial Chemistry, Seikei University, Musashino-shi, 3-3-1, Kichijoji-Kitamachi, Tokyo 180-8633, Japan
Received 1 October 1999; received in revised form 26 November 1999; accepted 22 December 1999


A comprehensive three-dimensional simulation model was developed for entrained #ow coal gasi"ers. In the model, the numerical
methods and the submodels conventionally used for the pulverized coal combustion modeling were used. An extended coal gas
mixture fraction model with the Multi Solids Progress Variables (MSPV) method was applied to simulate the gasi"cation reaction
and reactant mixing process. Four mixture fractions were employed to separately track the variable coal o!-gas from the coal
devolatilization, char}O , char}CO , and char}H O reactions. The in#uence of turbulence on the gas properties was taken into
account by the pdf model with a clipped Gaussian distribution function. A series of numerical simulations were performed for
a 200 td\ two-stage air blown entrained #ow gasi"er recently developed for the IGCC process. The predicted gas temperature pro"le
and the exit gas composition were in general agreement with the measurements. Model simulations illustrating the importance
of accounting for varying coal o!-gas and the e!ects of turbulence/reaction a!ecting the prediction capability were also
presented.  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mathematical modeling; Multiphase reactor; Turbulence; Fuel; Entrained #ow coal gasi"er; Simulation

1. Introduction in Japan (Ishimori, 1995). In this process, a low calori"c

value fuel gas is generated in a pressurized air blown
The Integrated Gasi"cation Combined-Cycle (IGCC) entrained #ow coal gasi"er and subsequently puri"ed
technology is one of the key technologies to provide an through a hot gas clean-up system. The hot puri"ed gas is
e$cient, economic method for generating power from sent to the gas turbine to generate electricity and high-
coal with substantially reduced emission of carbon diox- temperature exhaust gas. Heat from the gasi"er and the
ide and pollutant gases. Entrained #ow coal gasi"cation gas turbine exhaust raises steam to drive a steam turbine
is being developed in various parts of the world, while the to generate additional electricity.
oxygen blown entrained gasi"er has reached demonstra- Fig. 1 shows the schematic structure of a 200 td\
tion scale in the IGCC process developed in the USA and pilot-scale gasi"er tested in Japan. The gasi"er is an
the EU countries (Takematsu & Maude, 1991; Maude, up-#ow reactor consisting of a combustor and a reductor
1993). It is known that the oxygen blown entrained #ow separated by a throat. Twenty to forty percent of the
gasi"er can be operated at extremely high temperatures pulverized coal and the recycled char, with about 80% of
to ensure complete carbon conversion. However, the the total air are tangentially injected into the combustor
oxygen blown gasi"er has a disadvantage in the require- through two sets of injection nozzles at 0.4 and 0.7 m
ment of an oxygen plant, which consumes 10}15% of the above the bottom. The remaining part of the pulverized
gross power generated and results in an increased total coal with about 20% of the total air is injected into the
plant investment. To reach a competitive cost, an IGCC reductor through four nozzles at a level of 2.6 m. In the
process based on air blown operation is being developed combustor, the pulverized coal is devolatilized and reacts
with oxygen rapidly to produce a high-temperature com-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 0081-422-37-3750; fax: 0081-422-37- bustion gas, which is simultaneously used to drive the
3871. endothermic char}steam and char}carbon dioxide gasi"-
E-mail address: (T. Kojima). cations. In the reductor, the coal is devolatilized under

0009-2509/00/$ - see front matter  2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 5 0 9 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 3 0 - 0
3862 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

reactions into account, Smoot and Smith (1985) de-

veloped a two-dimensional and Hill and Smoot (1993)
a three-dimensional comprehensive pulverized coal mod-
els for gasi"cation or combustion (PCGC-2, 3), represen-
tatives of comprehensive models for pulverized coal
combustion. These models have common features in
solving the mass, momentum and energy conservation
equations with similar sub-models by nearly the same
mathematical methods (Smoot, 1993). Some models have
been applied to bench-scale entrained #ow gasi"ers
(Smoot & Brown, 1987), but the simulation capability for
gasi"cation was quite limited because of the greatly sim-
pli"ed treatment of the chemistry.
In traditional pulverized coal combustion models, the
contribution of coal reaction to the local gas composition
in the reactor was modeled with a Single Solid Progress
Variable (SSPV) based on the assumption that coal o!-
gas has a constant element composition and a constant
heating value (Smoot & Smith, 1985). The gas composi-
Fig. 1. (a) 200 td\ two-stage air blown gasi"er. (b) schematic overhead tion was then calculated in terms of only two or three
view of nozzle geometry.
conserved scalars called the mixture fractions for the
primary, second, and one lumped species. The lumped
oxygen-lean conditions to produce mainly hydrogen and gas species represents all the reaction products coming
carbon monoxide, with as little carbon dioxide as pos- o! the coal. Although such a simpli"ed treatment has
sible. The combustor is operated in a slagging mode and been questioned, it is still used in current simulation
the coal particles are centrifuged to the walls of the models, and has been justi"ed by the fact that all
combustor where they are mostly retained and burn on the major elements of coal seem to be released in propor-
a molten ash layer. The inner surface of the combustor is tion to the total mass evolution during combustion
covered by refractory to ensure smooth discharge of the (Smoot & Smith, 1985). Nevertheless, for an air blown
molten ash. Water-cooled tubes are installed on the walls gasi"cation process, char recycle is inevitable to obtain
of the di!user and the reductor designed for melt-free ash. complete carbon conversion. Neglecting the di!erence
Di!erent scale gasi"ers (including a 2 td\ of the o!-gas compositions between the coal and the
bench-scale, an 8 td\ and a 200 td\ pilot-scale gasi"er) char will cause problem in the treatment of boundary
have been tested since 1980s (Araki & Harai, 1996; conditions. Furthermore, the reactions in the gasi"er
Hara & Ichigawa, 1997; Kaneko, Hashimoto, Furuya, include devolatilization, volatile combustion, char}O ,

Hashimoto & Shinada, 1997). Further scaling up to char}CO , char}H O reactions and gas shift reaction.
a 1500}2000 td\ commercial-scale plant is expected As a result, the coal o!-gas varies not only with burnout
over the next several years. To help in the Japanese (time) but also with position (space). More detailed ac-
IGCC project, a comprehensive simulation model for counting of particle reactions and allowing for varying
entrained #ow coal gasi"ers has been developed and will o!-gas composition are therefore identi"ed as critical
be utilized to guide the scale-up. Part I of this paper needs for an advanced comprehensive gasi"cation model
presents the model and some numerical predictions for research.
the 200 td\ pilot-scale gasi"er. Part II uses this model In the present work, a Multi-Solids Progress Variables
to investigate the in#uence of design variables and oper- (MSPV) method, which allows for an arbitrary number
ating conditions on the performance of the air blown of coal o!-gas components (Brewster, Baxter & Smoot,
entrained #ow gasi"er. 1988), is incorporated into the development of a compre-
There are several mathematical models developed hensive simulation model for entrained #ow gasi"ers. In
specially for entrained #ow gasi"ers in the literature. addition to the numerical methods and sub-models
Wen and Chaung (1979), and Govind and Shah (1984) conventionally used for pulverized coal combustion
developed models for Texaco down-#ow, slurry-fed en- modeling, four mixture fractions are used to track separ-
trained gasi"ers. Ni and Williams (1995) recently de- ately the variable coal o!-gas from the coal devolatiliz-
veloped a multivariable model for Shell coal gasi"ers on ation, char}O , char}CO , and char}H O reactions.
the basis of equilibrium, mass and energy balances. Most Model simulations are presented illustrating the import-
of the gasi"cation models developed so far are one- ance of accounting for varying coal o!-gas and the e!ects
dimensional models neglecting the in#uence of char re- of several model parameters a!ecting the prediction
cycle. Taking gas turbulence, coal particle dispersion and capability.
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3863

2. Model description and simulation method The entrained #ow gasi"ers of interest have a void
fraction of near unity and the individual particles are
2.1. The transport equations governing the gas}solid dispersed. This may result in very few particle}particle
reacting yow interactions, and hence, the particle phase has not been
treated as a continuum like the gas phase. Pulverized
For comprehensive modeling of the gas}solid turbu- coal particles are tracked in a Lagrangian procedure.
lent #ow and reactions in the entrained #ow gasi"er, the The particle-phase equations are also listed in Table 1
following physical and chemical processes are included in (E-9)}(E-11). The Particle-Source-In-Cell model (Crowe,
the present model: (1) turbulent #ow of gas and mixing of Sharma & Stock, 1977) is used to deal with the interac-
gaseous reactants; (2) entrainment of particles and their tion between gas and particle phases through various
turbulent dispersion; (3) coal devolatilization and volatile particle source terms.
combustion; (4) heterogeneous char reactions including The set of conservation equations is closed by the
combustion and gasi"cation; (5) convective and radiative auxiliary expressions listed in Table 2 and the physical
coal/char/ash particle heating/cooling. The basic trans- models described below.
port equations governing the turbulent #ow are derived
based on the laws of conservation of mass, momentum 2.2. Gas turbulent model
and energy. The instantaneous equations of change can
be found elsewhere (Smoot, 1993), while the Favre aver- Turbulent #ow is characterized by #uctuation in time
aged equations for a steady-state gas #ow are written as and space of the velocity components and every scalar.
Eqs. (E-1)}(E-4) listed in Table 1. To obtain transport equation for the averaged variables,

Table 1
Governing equations for the gas and particle phases

For the gas phase

Mass (ou )"m (E-1)
*x G Q

* *p * *u *u *
Momentum (ou u )"! # k G # H ! (ouu)#F (E-2)
*x G H *x *x R *x *x *x G H Q

* *
Energy (ou hM )"! (ouh)#oh (E-3)
*x G *x G Q

* *
Gas species (ou >M )"! (ou>)#w (E-4)
*x G H *x G H H

* *
Mixture fractions (ou f )"! (ouf )#f (E-5)
*x GH *x G H QH

* * e
Variance of mixture fractions (ou g )"! (oug)#[C (G !C G )!C oe] (E-6)
*x G H *x G H  I   k

*k * u *k *u
Turbulent kinetic energy u " R !u u H !e (E-7)
G *x *x p *x G H *x

*e * k *e e *u e
Turbulent energy dissipation rate u " R #C u u G #C (E-8)
G *x *x p *x  k G H *x  k
For the particle phase
dm dm dm dm dm
Mass N" # # #  (E-9)
dt d dt dt dt

d(m u ) 1
Momentum N N " C o(u #u!u )"u #u!u "A #m a (E-10)
dt 2 " N N N N E

d(m C ) jN 
Energy N N N "A S (! )#A e (Q !p )# mR *h (E-11)
dt N d N N ? 0 N G H
3864 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

Table 2 standard constants of the k}e model (Launder & Sharma,

Auxiliary expressions and model constants for the gas and particle 1974) are used and listed in Table 2.
phases governing equations
2.3. Particle dispersion model

h" > C d (E-12)
G  As shown in Table 1, the instantaneous gas velocity in
C "a #b (E-13)
NG G G particle momentum equations was decomposed into time
pM mean (u ) and #uctuating component (u) to account for
o" (E-14)
R the e!ects of turbulence on the particle's dispersion. Here,
the particle stochastic trajectory model (Shuen, Chen

1.0, Re(10\,
C "
(E-15) & Feath, 1983) based on instantaneous gas velocities is
1.0#0.15 Re , Re*10\
used to simulate the particle motion and turbulent dis-
o(u!u )d persion. The values of the #uctuating velocities are as-
Re" N N (E-16)
k sumed to follow a Gaussian distribution and determined
Nu"2#0.6 Re Pr (E-17) in a stochastic manner within a turbulent eddy. Integra-
tion of the particle equation of motion yields the particle
*u  *v  *w 
G "k 2
# # position at any given instant of time. The time step is the
*x *y *z
minimum of the eddy lifetime and the eddy traverse time.

*u *v  *v *w  *u *w  The particle temperature is obtained from the particle
# # # # # #
*y *x *z *y *z *x energy equation as listed in Table 1 and the particle mass
k 1 *o equation is solved combining the following particle reac-
G "a
E p o *z tion model.
Turbulence coezcients
2.4. Particle reaction model
I    E E
0.09 1.44 1.92 0.8 2.8 2.0 The particle reaction model assumes that coal consists
of volatiles, char and ash. The minimum set of reactions
Exchange coezcients pU
in the gasi"er is listed in Table 3. Referring to Table 3, the
uvw k e f g h devolatilization is modeled by a simple, two-step mecha-
1.0 0.9 1.22 0.7 0.7 0.7 nism (Ubhayakar, Stickler, Von Rosenberg & Gannon,
1977). All the hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur are
assumed to be released as volatiles (R-2), and the volatile
the Favre averaging is applied to every conservation composition is assumed to be constant. The volatiles are
equation. As shown in Table 1, two types of additional assumed to combust immediately to form CO and H O
turbulent #ux terms, resulting from the non-linear con- (i.e., fast chemistry assumption) in oxygen-rich condition
vective terms are produced in the averaged equations. (R-3), or to form CO, H and CH in oxygen-lean condi-
These terms are the Reynolds stresses (ouu) in the tion (R-3). The products of the volatile combustion reac-
G H tion are thus varied with the reaction stoichiometry.
momentum equation and the Reynolds #uxes (ouU) in
G The oxygen, carbon dioxide and steam are assumed to
the scalar equations. A frequently used k}e model
(Launder & Spalding, 1972) is used to model these terms, react with char on the char particle surface to form CO
i.e., the Reynolds stresses and #uxes are modeled with (see Eqs. (R-4)}(R-6) in Table 3), which then combines
a turbulent viscosity with the remaining part of the oxygen (if any). The
particle surface reactions are characterized by 0.5 order,

2 *u *u *u multiple, parallel reaction rate formulation of Smith
ouu" d okM #k I !k G# H , (1)
G H 3 GH R *x R *x *x (1982). The gas-phase shift reaction is assumed to reach
equilibrium rapidly (R-7). All of the reaction rate expres-
k *U sions are listed in Table 3.
ouU" R , (2)
G pU *x
2.5. Turbulent reaction model
where the turbulent viscosity k is given by
k As shown in Table 3, the assumed reaction mechanism
k "C o . (3) involves seven gas species (O , N , CO, CO , H O,
R I e    
H and CH ). In principle, the transport equations of
The turbulent kinetics energy k and the turbulence seven independent gas species (E-4) and the enthalpy
dissipation rate e, are determined by solving the trans- equation (E-3) shown in Table 1 can be solved. The gas
port equations (E-7) and (E-8) as listed in Table 1. The density and temperature can then be calculated
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3865

Table 3
Reactions and the rate expressions

1. Reactions
coal"C H O N S Ash mois "vol char mois (R-1)

C H O N S Ash mois PC H O N S mois #C Ash (R-2)

For oxygen-rich conditions

m m m m
C H O N S mois # m #  !  #m O Pm CO # m #  H O#m SO #  N (R-3)
K K K K K K  4 2      4    2 

m m
For oxygen-lean conditions u( m #  !  #m
 4 2 

(1!a )
C H O N S #uO Pa CO #a CO#m (1!a !a )CO #  (m !2m )!2(1!a !a ) H
K K K K K         2     

a (m !2m ) m
#    H O#m H S#  N (R-3)
2    2 

C Ash #  O Pm CO#m Ash (R-4)
K K 2   

C Ash #m CO P2m CO#m Ash (R-5)

K K    

C Ash #m H OPm CO#m H #m Ash (R-6)

K K      

CO#H O0H #CO (R-7)

2. Reaction rate expressions
d> d(> #> )
"   "k (>H!> )#k (>H!> ) (E-18)
dt dt      

k "A exp(!E /R ) (E-19)


k "A exp(!E /R ) (E-20)

Char}O2 , H2 O and CO2 reactions
dm kA
N " Q [!k #(k#4kP )] (E-21)
dt 2k Q Q B G

Sh M D
k " A G (E-22)
B R d

k "A exp(!E /R ) (E-23)

Shift reaction

k "exp !3.6893# (E-24)

from algebraic relations (Eqs. (E-12)}(E-14)) as shown in culated from the mean gas properties instead of the
Table 2). However, #uctuations in gas temperature, den- #uctuating gas properties. On the other hand, the prod-
sity and species concentration caused by the turbulence ucts of the heterogeneous reactions provide a potential
of the #ow "eld can have a signi"cant e!ect on the source for further homogeneous reactions in the gas
reactions in the gasi"er. Generally, the rates of hetero- phase (volatile combustion and gas shift reaction). Such
geneous reactions including devolatilization, combustion gaseous reactions are rapid compared to the time scale
and gasi"cation are slow compared to the turbulence for the turbulent micromixing process. Therefore, the
time scale. Thus their average reaction rates can be cal- so-called turbulent reaction model is needed to calculate
3866 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

the average reaction rate w included in Eq. (E-4). In the convoluting the instantaneous value over the pdfs of the
present work, an extended version of the statistical independent mixture fractions:
coal gas mixture fraction model (Smoot & Smith, 1985;
bI (F , F , F , F )
Brewster et al., 1988) is used. In this model, the gaseous    

reactions are assumed to be limited by the mixing rate of \ \ \ \
" PI (F ) PI (F ) PI (F )
reactants and not by reaction kinetics. With this assump-   
tion, the gas composition can be calculated from local > > > >
instantaneous equilibrium through minimization of the ;PI (F )b(F , F , F , F ) dF dF dF dF . (7)
Gibbs free energy as a function of the local element The local variances of the mixture fractions are cal-
composition and energy level. The local gas composition culated from g transport Eq. (E-6) similar to those of
is determined from the mixing of the inlet streams and G
Launder and Spalding (1972). The pdfs are assumed to
coal o!-gas, which is tracked using the conserved scalars have the form of a clipped-Gaussian distribution, ad-
called mixture fractions. justed to account for turbulent intermittency (Smoot
In the coal gasi"er, the heterogeneous reactions & Smith, 1985).
include devolatilization, char}O , char}H O and
  In the gasi"er, the char}H O and char}CO reactions
char}CO reactions. Four components of coal o!-gas,
 are much slower than the oxidation reactions of volatiles
i.e., four coal gas mixture fractions, are necessary to track and char, so that the e!ect of the #uctuation on F and
the reaction products. These mixture fractions at a point 
F is neglected. Eq. (7) is thus simpli"ed as
are de"ned as the mass ratio of coal o!-gas to the total 
gas product and written as bI (F , F , F , F )

m \ \
f" G . (4) " PI (F )

PI (F )b(F , F , F , F ) dF dF . (8)
G m
 > >
Here, m "m , m , m and m represents the mass of gas
G     2.6. Heat transfer
originating from reaction (R-2), (R-4), (R-5) and (R-6),
respectively, and m "m #m #m #m #
     There are convective, conductive and radiative heat
m . f (i"1}4) are the conserved mixture fractions cal-
 G transfers between the gases, particles and reactor walls.
culated by transport Eq. (E-5) in Table 1. Instead of The scattering properties of the particles to radiation are
solving the gas species mass conservation Eq. (E-4) dir- assumed to be isotropic. The discrete transfer method
ectly, the local gas concentration of every gas species and (Lookwood & Shah, 1982) is used to solve the following
any other gas properties can be calculated from the local equation for the change in radiative intensity over path
mixture fractions. length ds:
From the general theory of the MSPV method
(Brewster et al., 1988), another four mixture fractions are dI
de"ned as ds

G p e p
G m # G m
. (5) !(e #e #e )I# (e #e )# Q I dX.
? N Q p ? N N 4p
 H H 
By these de"nitions, each mixture fraction F (i"1}4) (9)
varies independently between zero and unity and, to
a "rst approximation, is assumed to be statistically inde- 2.7. The numerical solution procedure
pendent of the other mixture fractions. The relation be-
tween f and F is The resulting governing partial di!erential equations
G G for the gas phase are written in Cartesian coordinates in
f a generalized form as
F" G . (6)
G 1!  f
HG> H * * *
(ou U)# (ou U)# (ou U)
The gas properties are presumed to #uctuate with the *x G *x H *x I
statistical #uctuation of mixture fractions. The local G H I

* k *U * k *U * k *U
mean values of the mixture fractions F , the local vari-
G " R # R # R
ance of the mixture fraction g and the assumed shape of *x pU *x *x pU *x *x pU *x
the probability density function (pdf) are required to
#SU #SU . (10)
calculate time-mean values of the gas properties. The .
average value of any dependent #uctuating gas property U represents any quantity of mass, velocity components,
b(gas species, temperature, density and viscosity) is turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent kinetic energy
a function of F , F , F and F , and can be calculated by dissipation rate, gas enthalpy, mixture fractions and their
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3867

variances. SU is the source term, and SU is an additional turbulent kinetic energy and turbulent energy of dissipa-
source term representing the interaction between gas and tion, gas species composition, particle trajectory, particle
particle phases. The governing partial di!erential equa- size distribution, extent of reaction and radiant heat #ux.
tions for all quantities are reduced to their "nite di!er-
ence analogs by integration over the computational cells
into which the domain of interest was subdivided. The set 3. Application to the 200 t d\1 entrained 6ow coal gasi5er
of simultaneous algebraic equations is solved in the Eu-
lerian framework by the SIMPLER algorithm (Patankar, Simulations for the 200 td\ pilot-scale gasi"er were
1980). A line-by-line iteration technique is used to solve performed under the operating conditions listed in
the "nite di!erence equations. Table 4. The coal compositions were taken to be those of
Solution of the particle-phase conservation equations Taiheiyo bituminous. The gas #ow rates and particle
is coupled with the gas-phase. An overall convergence of loading for the three sets of burners were the total #ow
the two phases is achieved using an iteration procedure. rates into four nozzles. The wall temperatures were deter-
The gas "eld is "rst calculated for a "xed number of mined from the information of measurements. The chem-
iterations to obtain a speci"ed convergence, and this ical reaction rate constants were selected from the
solution is used for the particle momentum, reaction and literature for similar coal (Mann & Kent, 1994).
energy calculations. The source terms for the gas phase Coal particles were tracked from each nozzle. The
equations are then updated based on the particle calcu- particle size distribution was discretized into six size
lations, and the gas phase is again calculated for a "xed groups as shown in Table 4. The tracking was repeated to
number of iterations. This cycle is repeated until the achieve adequate random particle dispersion. The model
gas-phase variables do not change signi"cantly following tracked 11 500 particle trajectories to obtain a steady
the particle calculations. convergence in the calculations. A 21;21;62 grid mesh
The model has been developed for simulating practical was adopted as the standard grid, and approximately
gasi"cation facilities. It can be applied to calculate gas 1000 iterations were required to reach a converged solu-
and particle temperature, gas and particle velocity, mean tion for the conditions described. De"ning a "ner grid for

Table 4
Selected model parameters and operating conditions for Taiheiyo Bituminous coal

Parameters Values Parameters Values

Proximate analysis (wt%) Ultimate analysis (wt%)

Moisture 5.3 Carbon 77.6
Fixed carbon 35.8 Hydrogen 6.5
Volatile matter 46.7 Nitrogen 1.13
Ash 12.1 Oxygen 13.9
Higher Heating Value (kcal kg\) 6545.6 Sulfur 0.22
Gas yow rate (kg s\) Particle loading (kg s\)
Combustor coal burner 4.708 Combustor coal burner 0.472
Char burner 4.708 Char burner 1.112
Reductor coal burner 1.832 Reductor coal burner 1.832
Particle size distribution (lm) Wall temperature (K)
10% 150 Combustor 1897
10% 100 Di!user 1073
20% 40 Reductor 873
20% 20 Wall emissivity 0.7
20% 10 Particle absorption coe$cient (m\) 0.3
20% 4 Particle scattering coe$cient (m\) 0.14
Mass mean diameter (lm) 39.8 Gas absorption coe$cient (m\) 0.28 exp(/1135)
Devolatilization parameter Heterogeneous kinetic data
A (s\) 3.7;10 A (kg Pa\  s\ m\)
E (kJ mol\) 7.4;10 C}H O 0.0782
A (s\) 1.5;10 C}CO 0.0732
E (kJ mol\) 2.5;10 C}O 0.052
> 0.565 E (kJ mol\)
> 0.565 C}H O 1.15;10
Pressure (MPa) 2.7 C}CO 1.125;10

C}O 0.61;10

3868 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

the burner region, the gasi"er also has been modeled with 4. Results and discussions
a 25;25;70 grid mesh to determine the e!ect of grid
"neness on temperature distribution predictions. Because 4.1. The gas temperature and composition distributions
a structured gridding approach is used, the cell bound-
aries are not laid parallel to the physical boundaries, and The simulated distributions for the gas temperature
a jagged edge is thus used to approximate the curved and the composition were found to change very little
boundary. Uniform distributions of inlet velocity and with the "ne grids used. The predicted burnout and the
temperature, fully developed #ow conditions at the out- exit gas composition changed by less than 0.3% with the
let, and no slip conditions at the wall are de"ned. For "ne grid, so that the standard grid was used for all
regions immediately adjacent to the wall, the wall func- predictions. In general, the simulated distributions ap-
tion approximations are used for near-wall grid nodes to pear to have axial symmetry while being highly non-
modify the low Reynolds number e!ect. The turbulence uniform along the axial direction. To resolve the regions
of the nozzle inlet conditions is 0.02 in inlet Reynolds with most intensive reactions and rapid variable changes,
mean stress (rms)/normal velocity and 0.1 in turbulent the results up to a height of 5 m are depicted and
length scale/square root of nozzle area. Di!erent com- discussed in the present paper. For the upper part of the
positions are de"ned for the coal and the recycle char in reductor (above the height of 5 m), the simulated distri-
the inlet, and the #ow rate of the recycle char is speci"ed butions for the gas temperature and the compositions
in input data. A converged solution was de"ned when the become relatively uniform both in the radial and in the
global energy balanced to within 0.3% of the total combus- axial direction. The cross-sectional averaged values for
tion energy and the normal residual (mean residual/mean the total gasi"er are presented in Part 2.
inlet velocity) for each of the velocity components was less Fig. 2 shows the simulated axial and radial distribu-
than 0.3%. Some of the model simulations, including tem- tions of the gas temperature and the gas compositions in
perature and concentration distribution in the gasi"er are the 200 td\ gasi"er. As shown in Fig. 2(a)}(e), the gas
presented here to illustrate the credibility of the model. temperature generally decreases along the gasi"er height
A more detailed discussion of individual parameters is and is related to the gas compositions. This means
presented in the subsequent paper. that the high concentration in CO and H O in the

Fig. 2. Axial distributions of the gas temperature and the gas compositions in the 200 td\ gasi"er.
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3869

Fig. 3. Cross-sectional distributions of the gas temperature and the gas compositions at the level of combustor coal burners.

combustor is responsible for the high combustor temper- (between the char burner and the reductor burner levels)
ature, and the high CO and H production in the reduc- and the devolatilization zone (above the reductor burner

tor is the reason for the low reductor temperature. level). The performance of the two-stage air blown en-
Furthermore, the di!erences between the combustor and trained #ow gasi"er is controlled by the characteristics of
the reductor are directly caused by the air/coal staging, the three zones.
which makes the combustor operate under less fuel-rich Fig. 3 shows one quarter of the cross-sectional distri-
condition than the reductor. For the same reason, the gas butions of the gas temperature and compositions at the
temperature has a maximum value higher than 2000 K level where the combustor coal burners are located (0.4 m
located at the region below the char burner, where CO in height). The remaining part is omitted since the pre-

and H O are largely produced through volatile and char dicted distributions are nearly symmetrical to the center

combustion. Above the char burner, the gas temperature axis of the gasi"er. As shown in Fig. 3(a), the gas temper-
decreases gradually before dropping rapidly in the reduc- ature in the central region is more uniform than near the
tor burner zone. The temperature reaches a minimum at inlet port. The temperature increases rapidly to 2000 K
the reductor burner level, where H rises to a maximum in the lateral direction, but increases slowly along the jet

but CO and H O fall to minima. direction near the wall. The distributions of "ve gas
Contrary to the CO concentration, the CO concen- compositions, i.e., CO , H O, O , CO and H , at the
tration increases monotonically along the gasi"er to same level are shown in Fig. 3(b)}(f). A major feature is
reach a maximum at the outlet. About one quarter of the that all the CO and H O isomolar-fraction lines are
total CO is produced below the char burner level coincident with the isotherms, and the peak gas temper-
through char combustion, and another quarter is pro- ature is located at the position showing the maximum
duced between the char burner and the throat, mainly CO and H O concentrations. The oxygen is consumed
contributed from the char}CO and char}H O gasi"ca- rapidly in the vicinity of the inlet port, and the volatile is
tion. The remaining CO is produced in the reductor expected to be released and to combust at this location.
burner region through coal devolatilization. Therefore, After the oxygen disappears, the carbon dioxide de-
the reactions in the two-stage entrained gasi"er are ap- creases with rapid increase of carbon monoxide and
proximately divided into three zones, i.e., the combustion formation of hydrogen due to the char}CO and

zone (below the char burner level), the gasi"cation zone char}H O reactions. In the center region (about a third

3870 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

of the reactor diameter), however, the highest temper- temperature. The MSPV method predicts a high-temper-
ature level is retained with the highest CO and a low ature region below the combustor char burner level,

CO. This implies that the char}CO and char}H O characterized by a rapid temperature increase just after
gasi"cation can be ignored in the center, because very few the burner inlet region. This is due to the early evolution
char particles remain in this region, with most particles of oxygen and hydrogen, and less evolution of carbon in
centrifuged to the reactor walls. the volatiles. The hydrogen-rich volatile then combusts
with oxygen to produce a high-temperature region,
4.2. Comparison with the Single Solid Progress Variable where the fuel/oxidizer mixture is nearly stoichiometric.
(SSPV) method After passing through the stoichiometric region, a wide
fuel-rich or zero-oxygen region follows characterized by
For convenience, the four-variable coal o!-gas mixture the gas temperature decreases caused by the endothermic
model employed in the present paper is referred as the gasi"cation reactions.
Multiple Solid Progress Variables (MSPV) method. The Comparing with the MSPV method, the SSPV method
simulation results using this model are compared with predicts a lower gas temperature below the char burner
those of the traditional Single Solid Progress Variable level, owing to less H O and more CO production dur-

(SSPV) method, where a constant o!-gas composition is ing the combustion of hydrogen-lean volatile. The gas
assumed for both the coal and the recycle char. The temperature reaches its peak above the char burner level
calculated gas temperature and oxygen concentration where the fuel/oxidizer mixture becomes stoichiometric,
distributions in the combustor for the two methods are and shows a higher value than the MSPV method. This is
plotted in Fig. 4. The di!erences between the predictions because of the higher carbon content in the coal o!-gas
of the two methods are substantial. The obvious e!ect of compared with the volatile de"ned in the MSPV method.
separately tracking coal volatile and char reactions o!- After the peak, the gas temperature is predicted to decline
gas, where the char is assumed to be pure carbon and the more slowly than from the MSPV method, possibly due
volatile composition is constant, is to decrease the car- to the assumption that the recycle char has the same
bon content of the early o!-gas and increase the carbon composition as the coal.
content of the late o!-gas. A more subtle e!ect is to alter The oxygen concentrations shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b)
the heating value, as gasi"cation is an endothermic reac- also di!er signi"cantly between the two methods. For the
tion. The di!erence in the predictions of the SSPV and MSPV method, the oxygen concentration drops quickly
MSPV methods can be explained in the light of these two to zero at the #ame front as the available oxygen from the
e!ects. jets is quickly consumed by reaction with volatile and
As shown in Fig. 4(a) and (b), the major di!erence char. The oxygen concentration drop is less steep for the
between the two methods is the location of the peak SSPV method, which is explained by the slower gas

Fig. 4. Comparison of the simulation results of the MSPV and the SSPV methods.
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3871

temperature increase predicted by the SSPV method. The e!ects are not so dramatic, because the fuel-lean zone is
lower temperature results in a lower reaction rate, lead- very limited.
ing to a larger fuel-lean region below the char burner
level. 4.3. Ewect of turbulent yuctuations
Centerline gas temperatures and the product gas prop-
erties for the two methods are compared with measure- In all the simulations reported in this paper, turbulent
ments (Araki, 1993; MHI, 1994) in Fig. 4(c) and Table 5. #uctuation in the local gas-phase stoichiometry was
As shown in Fig. 4(c), the measured data show that the taken into account by assuming local instantaneous
gas temperature reaches a peak below the char burner equilibrium. All the gas properties were integrated over
level and declines with height. While limited data are the pdfs of the mixture fractions of F and F , while the
shown here, it matches the prediction of the MSPV #uctuations on the F and F were ignored in the calcu-
method better than that of the SSPV method. In Table 5, lations, as presented in Eq. (8). The calculation would be
the composition and the Higher Heating Value (HHV) of much simpli"ed if the e!ects of all these #uctuations on
the product gas for the MSPV method are also in general the gas-phase chemistry could be neglected. A study of
agreement with measurements. For the SSPV method, the importance of these #uctuations was therefore con-
the predicted CO and the HHV for the product gas are ducted. In this study, simulations were performed under
much lower than the measurements. And in particular, two cases: (a) the #uctuation of F was included, but that

the predicted burnout largely exceeds that measured, of F was neglected; and (b) the #uctuations of both

because of the predicted high gas temperature in the F and F were neglected. F represents the degree of
gasi"cation zone. mixing between the coal volatile and the inlet gas, and
In summary, the e!ects of separately tracking coal F represents the degree of mixing for the char}O
volatile and char reactions are found to be particularly reaction product. The simulated distributions of the
signi"cant in the combustor, because of the transition gas temperature and the oxygen concentration under
from fuel-lean to fuel-rich regions. In the reductor, the these assumptions are compared in Fig. 5(a) and (b).

Table 5
Comparison between measurements and predicted composition and Higher Heating Value for the product gas

CO H CH CO H O N HHV (kcal m\)

Measurements (vol%) 23.3 10.1 0.4 4.7 * Balance 1055.8
MSPV predictions (vol%) 22.4 12.1 0.0 5.3 2.1 Balance 1051.0
SSPV predictions (vol%) 20.3 11.0 0.0 6.4 2.4 Balance 953.6

Fig. 5. E!ects of the turbulent #uctuation on the gas temperature and O distributions.

3872 C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874

Comparing with the standard case of the MSPV method The model has the capability of predicting the variabil-
shown in Fig. 4, the "rst major di!erence to be noted in ity for the product compositions from the volatile com-
Case (a) and (b) is the temperature distribution below the bustion and the heterogeneous char reactions. This
combustor coal burner level. For the later two cases, the variability has a signi"cant e!ect on comprehensive code
higher temperature region in the center of the combustor predictions. Turbulent #uctuations in the volatile and the
is immediately followed by a low-temperature region char}oxygen reaction were shown to a!ect temperature
down the combustor. Neglecting the #uctuation of F in and gas composition signi"cantly, and the turbu-

Case (a) causes a higher temperature region between two lence/oxidation reaction interaction should not be ne-
combustor burner levels, presumably because of the vol- glected in the model development.
atile combustion to produce more CO and H O in this
region. Ignoring the #uctuations of both F and F in Notation
Case (b) makes the high-temperature region become
smaller and less extreme, but shows a higher temperature A ,A pre-exponential factors, s\
level compared with the standard case. It is evident that A pre-exponential factors,
taking the #uctuations into account smoothens the gas kg m\ s\ Pa\ 
temperature distributions. These observations are consis- A surface area of particle, m
tent with those reported elsewhere (Brewster et al., 1988) a acceleration due to gravity, m s\
for pulverized coal combustion. a,b constants of linear "tting
The oxygen distribution also di!ers signi"cantly C ,C ,C , turbulent model constants
among the three cases (the standard case, Case (a) and C ,C ,C
(b)). For the standard case, the oxygen concentration C #uid drag coe$cient on isolated particles
drops quickly to zero as the available oxygen is quickly C speci"c heat capacity of particle,
consumed by reaction with volatile and char. The drop is J kg\ k\
less steep for Case (a) due to the slower mixing of the C speci"c heat capacity of i gas species,
evolving carbon monoxide with oxygen. The oxygen J kg\ k\
drops most slowly for Case (b) because of the slower D di!usivity of i gas species, m s\
mixing of both the volatile and the carbon monoxide d characteristic particle size, m
with the oxygen. E ,E activation energies of devolatilization
reactions, kJ mol\
4.4. Ewect of the shift reaction E apparent activation energy, kJ mol\
F mixture fractions de"ned in Eq. (5)
The e!ect of the steam gas shift reaction was examined F momentum source term arising from
by neglecting it in the calculation. The simulated particles, kg m\ s\
oxygen concentration was exactly the same as for the f source term from particles, kg m\ s\
standard case. The changes with the gas temperature and f mixture fraction de"ned in Eq. (4)
other gas species concentration distributions were very g variance of f
limited. These "ndings justi"ed the neglect of the h thermal enthalpy, J kg\
#uctuations of F and F . Further research is needed h source term arising from particles,
to identify the interaction between the shift reaction J kg\ s\
and the turbulent #uctuations, and to what extent the I radiation intensity, W m\ s\
e!ect of the #uctuations of F and F can be k turbulent kinetic energy, m s\
neglected. k ,k devolatilization rate constants, s\
k mass transfer rate coe$cient,
kg s\ m\ Pa\
5. Conclusions k equilibrium constant, dimensionless

k rate constant, kg m\ s\ Pa\ 
A comprehensive computer simulation model of M molecular weight of carbon
the entrained #ow coal gasi"er has been developed m }m mass of gas originating from reaction
and applied to the simulation of a 200 td\ two-stage (R-2), (R-4)}(R-6), kg
air blown entrained #ow gasi"er was recently developed m mass of air, kg

for the IGCC process. The predicted gas tempera- m mass of particle, kg
ture pro"le and the product gas properties are in m mass of product, kg

general agreement with the measurements. The model m mass source term arising from particles,
predicts a combustion zone, a gasi"cation zone and kg m\ s\
a devolatilization zone in the 200 td\ two-stage Nu Nusselt number
gasi"er. P pressure of gas phase reactant i, Pa
C. Chen et al. / Chemical Engineering Science 55 (2000) 3861}3874 3873

Pr Prandtl number m21, m26 stoichiometric coe$cient of char

p static pressure, Pa c1 volatile matter content of dry base
Q radiative heat #ux, J m\ s\ c2 char content of dry base
R molar gas constant, 8.314 J mol\ k\ * averaging
Re Reynolds number  #uctuation of any variable
Sh Sherwood number
S generalized source term
S source term arising from particles Acknowledgements
s distance, m
temperature, k This work was supported by the New Energy and
mean temperature ("(# )/2), k Industrial Technology Development Organization
particle temperature, k (NEDO), and the Center for Coal Utilization, Japan
t time, s (CCUJ). We acknowledge CRIEP and MHI for sup-
u,u ,u gas velocity components, m s\ plying the gasifer parameters and operating conditions.
u gas velocity, m s\
u particle velocity, m s\
w reaction rate of species j, kg m\ s\
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