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Activity: Change Circuit

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1 Song of the Bird

The Battleship Story


Dr. Ruskins Case Study


The Kubler-Ross Change Curve


Baby Words

STATION 1: Task: Fill in each blank with one word answer. Just a word!!!

A man found an eagles (i) ___________ and put it in the nest of a barnyard
hen. The eagle hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his
life, the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard
chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and
cackled. And he would thrash his wings and fly a few feet in the air.

Years passed and the eagle grew very (ii) _________ . One day he saw a
magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty
among powerful wind currents, with scarcely a beat of its strong golden (iii)
_________ . The old eagle looked up in awe. ``Whats that? `` He asked.
Thats the eagle, the king of the birds, said his neighbor. He belongs to the
(iv) ___________ .We belong to the (v) _________. Were chickens.
So the eagle lived and died a chicken for thats what he thought he was.
STATION 2 : What word do you think would fit the blank? Why?

Two battleships assigned to the training squadron had been at sea on

maneuvers in heavy weather for several days. I was serving on the lead
battleship and was on watch on the bridge as night fell. The visibility was poor
with patchy fog, so the captain remained on the bridge keeping an eye on all
Shortly after dark, the lookout on the wing of the bridge reported, Light,
bearing on the starboard bow.
Is it steady or moving astern? the captain called out.
Lookout replied, Steady, captain, which meant that we were on a dangerous
collision course with that ship.
The captain then called to the signalman, Signal that ship. We are on a
collision course, advise you change course 20 degrees.
Back came the signal, Advisable for you to change course 20 degrees.
The captain said, Send, Im a captain, change course 20 degrees.
Im a seaman second class, came the reply. You had better change course
20 degrees.
By that time the captain was furious. He spat out, Send, Im a battleship. You
better change course 20 degrees. Back came the flashing light,
Im We changed course.
STATION 3 : I might enjoy taking care of this person? Who do you think the
person is? Why?

Dr. Ruskin was very interested in the process of aging. The following
excerpt gives a description of a case. He said that he might enjoy taking
care of this person. Why do you think he said that?

The patient neither speaks nor comprehends the spoken words. Sometime
she babbles incoherently for hours on end. She is disoriented about person,
place and time. She does, however, respond to her name. I have worked with
her for the past six months, but she still shows complete disregard for her
physical appearance and makes no effort to assist her own care. She must be
fed, bathed and clothed by others. Because she has no teeth, her food must
be pureed. Her shirt is usually soiled from almost incessant drooling. She does
not walk. Her sleep pattern is erratic.
Often she wakes in the middle of the night and her screaming awakens others.
Most of the time she is friendly and happy, but several times a day she gets
quite agitated without apparent cause. Then she waits until someone comes to
comfort her.

The Kubler-Ross Change Curve


3. 6.

Frustration Decisions

Di mana 4.

Look at the word change. Form as many new words as you can from
the letters in the word change. Each word must be made up of at least
3 letters.


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