The San Simon Prayer Book - S Ro - S Rob

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The San Simon Prayer Book

S Rob
Chapter 1

San Simon is a folk saint meaning that he is thought

to be a saint and treat as one by many people but

not officially recognised as one by the Catholic

Church. But one who is treated as a saint by so

many must have much power and San Simon does.

But San Simons origin is mixed and he also is

called Maximon, and he is therefore thought to be a

variation of the pre-Columbian god Mam. This
may lead you to believe that San Simon would be

difficult for other to understand and yet I have

found a strangely powerful connection to myself

and San Simon. But there are some similarities, for

one in many modern depictions he is seen wearing

dark glasses and at the time of writing I wear dark

glasses all the time. He also is depicted a lot as

having no arms of legs and this makes him look

short and stocky and although I have both arms and

legs and are of average height, I also am quite

wide, which although not the same thing, is a type

of link. In fact by first name is actually Simon. This

means that I am no more or less fortunate than

many others, and yet it is difficult to explain the

connection to San Simon, and yet we are also quite

different: San Simon is depicted and being used

not as a caring figure but as a bullying tyrant that

can be useful but who we must be careful of: not

like me at all. But the best way to put it is that it is

very easy for me to feel San Simon within me. In

fact partly this is because I feel that San Simon is

linked to other figures whose magick I have

already used. San Simon is as much an ancient

Mayan figure as a saint; he harks back to far older

magick than many people use today.

In fact it is this mixed lineage that empowers San

Simon so much. In a similar way to how voodoo
draws on Christianity, African religions and folk

beliefs, so does San Simon draw on Christianity

and ancient Mayan beliefs. This empowers him

and also means that he can touch our lives far

better than many people do, whether we admit it or

not San Simon is nearer to the world in which we

live than many other magical beings, mystics, or

even deities. But there is a tale of the origin of San

Simon that makes something of him clearer. It is

said that as one day the men of the village headed

off to the fields for work, San Simon had sex with

all of their wives. When the men returned they

were obviously angry and cut off his arms and

legs. The legend is unclear as to how he became a

god after that, but from the mix of beliefs it is quite

clear. San Simon was a man possessed by the

ancient deity or magical being Mam, he then when

possessed had sex with everyones wives. When

they cut off his arms and legs he was made a

martyr and so be became a folk saint, the two

entities merged through continual use: although

Mam will still exist in the original form. This does

mean that when using San Simon you could be

drawing on the power of a type of entity actually

created by merging both. In fact San Simon is

treated also as a link between Heaven and Hell.

However there also could be a further level to this,

and this is based on my belief that all religions are

at their core a system of classification of beings.

Therefore if we remove the system of

classification we have not the putting together of a

man and Mam, to create San Simon but the merging

of a powerful entity or type of entities that in pre

Columbian days was so powerful it was thought of

as a god and a man. This would mean that San

Simon when tortured and killed through chopping

off of his limbs could simply be a San Simon: or

pre Columbian entity or entity made by pre

Columbian entities: half man half Mam. San Simon

sleeping with the wives of all the village men

would be a way of the pre Columbian entities

spreading their DNA: or equivalent. This does

mean that San Simon could be literally anyone with

the correct mix of the more powerful nonhuman

race and our own human traits. I do not say this to

offend but so that the reader knows well that the

types of entity or entities used and commanded may

not be of the exact type that they imagine. I must

admit San Simon now seems perhaps less like me

that he did at the start of this chapter.

But none of this means that making an altar to San

Simon is not a good idea: but is not necessary for
most of the magick in this book. In fact making an

altar is an easy way of working magick. But the

altar should be made in such a way that it can be

taken apart if needed. In fact all that is needed is

some small space or even a drawer where some

items can be place and so an altar can be made

easily. The advantage of an altar is that once made

you can work magick simply be going to your altar.

It does make magick simpler: although you have to

have the altar. To make the altar you will need

some image that symbolises San Simon, and this

will be easy to find on the internet, and any San

Simon or Maximon image or art will do: any

depiction of him. A lot of the time the image wears

a black hat or black bandana, and San Simon

usually is seen wearing dark glasses. A lot of the

time the image is of someone with no arms and

with no legs. But once you have an image of San

Simon or Maximon you should print it out, get

someone else to print it out, or even draw it. Then

place it within a frame: this framed art is now your

depiction of San Simon and this should be placed

centre of the location where your altar is to be.

You can also get some candles and these can be

places at either side or all around the front of the

framed image: but if you use candles you must have

some type of water or fire hydrant nearby. But you

can instead put around some bowls or a bowl to

put offerings in.

Making the altar of San Simon

1. Choose a location, a shelf, a drawer where

some items can be left and the location use as

an altar.

2. Get an image of San Simon print or draw it out

and frame it.

3. Place the framed image in the centre of your


4. Put candles around or a bowl or bowls.

5. If you use candles make sure you have

something around to put out a fire.

6. If you have done this you are finished


If you have made the altar and so a good thing to

do is to leave an offering: especially if you want

something and good offerings to leave San Simon

is alcohol, cigars, cigarettes, or money: any of

these are ideal offerings to leave San Simon. But

when leaving offerings you should do so because

you want something in return. Therefore with this

in mind I will now show you how to use your altar

so that San Simon will attract sex and love to you.
To do this, simply follow these directions.

Leaving offerings at the altar to get San Simon

to attract to you love and sex

(This magick must be performed in front of the


1. If you are using an altar with candles light


2. Take a piece of paper and write upon it the

words San Simon attract sex and love to me

write your own name this is what I ask you to


3. Put the paper and place it on the altar: in a

bowl if you have one.

4. Place upon the altar an offering of a cigar, a

cigarette or a glass of any alcoholic beverage.

5. You should leave the altar or stay with it if it

has candles and then after 5 minutes blow out

the candles: remember to have near the altar

something to put out a fire if you are using


You have now learnt how to make an altar devoted

to San Simon and how to use this not just to leave

offerings but to leave offerings to get a magick

affect upon your life. The magick will keep

working as long as the note is on the altar although
you will need to keep leaving offerings from time
to time. This means that this magick will attract

lovers into your life.

Chapter 2

You may have wondered why a book that is about

prayer show you how to make and use an altar. The

reason for this is that any of the prayers in this

book can be done in front of an altar although most

of you will choose to simply say the prayers aloud.

But in order to work magick by saying prayers to

San Simon we will need a doorway entity that can

open a doorway to the realm where San Simon

resides so that he can, come through so that magick

can be worked. However this is not so difficult
because San Simon is after all a folk saint and this

means that we could choose to summon him

utilising Saint Peter who is upon the gates of

heaven however because San Simon is also in

many ways quite linked to the pre Columbian deity

Mum I will utilise a different entity to summon

him. In fact I have chosen to utilise another entity,

one of my own creation and this entity is named S

Rob Invictus: I am S Rob. I created this entity to be

modelled on me, but also to have no specific area

of power so that he is useful in all areas. In fact the

reason he is called S Rob Invictus is not just to

separate his name from mine, but also so that he

can draw power not just by being used by people,

or from the books he has been wrote about within,

but also from the Roman deity Sol Invictus. He has

the power to open gateways and he is a very good

gateway entity because he can open a gateway

anywhere at all. He certainly has the power to aid

San Simon in being summoned. I will start

therefore, by showing you how to pray to San

Simon to attract women to you.

San Simon to attract women

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can
step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made him a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract women to me, let them lust after me, and this

is what I ask from you. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


The magick above will work to attract women

whether you are a male of a gay or bisexual

female. The magick is powerful and it will work

for you. The magick uses both S Rob Invictus and

San Simon. In fact here is some magick to attract

men, and this magick will be of use to you whether
you are a straight female or a gay or bisexual man:
the bisexual should use both the prayer that follows

and that I have already shown to you. But do not

think that you do not need to really want the magick

to work because your will is important and you

must desire the magick to work strongly. Therefore

here is this magick now using San Simon and S

Rob Invictus

San Simon to attract men

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step
through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract men to me, let them lust after me and wish to

be with me, and this is what I ask from you. San

Simon agrees and departs through the gates. S Rob

Invictus he without boundaries he without limits, I

ask that you close the gates. Close the gates, here

and now. Close the gateway here and now. So it is

and will be.

But it is good for San Simon to increase your

inherent level of attractiveness as others see you.

This will mean that how good looking you will be

affected: you will look more attractive to other

people. This will affect how others see you and

this can therefore be considered a glamour spell:

this means that you may not see its affects but
others will. It is not a spell to pull people to you
but it is very complimentary to the other magick in
this chapter. However I will first show you some

magick to be performed so that you are seen as

being more attractive but not a complete change

only a slight alternation of what you normally look

like: a better version of yourself.

San Simon to make you look more attractive

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of
the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you to

make me look more attractive, let me be extremely

sexually attractive, and this is what I ask from you.

San Simon agrees and departs through the gates. S

Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you close the gates. Close the

gates, here and now. Close the gateway here and

now. So it is and will be.

The last magick spell will provide a level of

attractiveness that will be extremely useful to many

people. But I do understand that some people will

want more, and so this next magick will bring to

you a greater level of attractiveness, and it will be

for anyone who sees you to see you as the most

attractive person they have ever seen. But do be

prepared for the strength of this prayer.

San Simon to make you more attractive than

anyone else anyone who sees you has ever seen

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

make me the most sexually attractive person

anyone who sees me will ever have seen: and this

is what I ask from you. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


This magick has helped you to gain an

understanding of the power of San Simon. But any

of the prayers in this chapter can be performed in
front of an altar or alone. But use this magick and it
will help you to have a better life.

Chapter 3

I will now help you to unlock further the mysteries

of San Simon and the other types of magick that he

can be used for. In fact San Simon is quite a

formidable force for anyone to work against, but

we will not be working against him we will be

working with him: or he will be working with us.

But what this does mean is that San Simon is a

great entity to be used to attack others with. In fact

although many people think they do not or will not

need curses they are useful to know even if just so

that you can recognise the many different types of
magick attacks that can be used again you. But

When we use San Simon to attack another person it

is good if we know this person well enough to

know what they look like and their name: in fact

without this we should not attack anyone with any

curses using San Simon, at least not those targeted

as to attack first. But San Simon is also an unusual

entity to have around you, or to sense, and this is

because San Simon is also Maximon. I will

however show you how to use San Simon to make

your chosen persons life difficult: not to kill or

maim just to make this day do day existence

difficult. This will be a great way of starting to use

him for curses because there is no need to go all

the way to the most offensive magick. In fact this

magick is great magick to practice even if you do

not have anyone you wish to curse simply by

attacking some dictator using this magick: after all

you may not have an enemy but a dictator is the

enemy of many other people. But here is how to

perform this magick now.

San Simon to curse a chosen enemy so that their

life is difficult

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can
step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attack state name of enemy make their life difficult,

make it difficult all the time they are alive and this

is what I ask from you. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


I have now shown you magick to attack someone of

your choosing at the lowest level of curses: but this

does not make it wrong in fact if you attack

someone at what is the correct level you need

never have any guilt, as to what is done. After all if
they get back what they did to you that is just fair.
But I do recognise that sometimes a stronger type

of curse is needed, and this stronger curse will

again be performed by the use of San Simon:

usually actually acting as Maximon: his other

personification. This curse will be stronger but it

will not be to kill. In fact this curse will be for

your chosen enemy: we all have them whether we

know it or not: to get lose all energy so they will

not be able to work or do anything. This magick

like the last works by getting S Rob Invictus: not

me I am just S Rob: to open the gateway and

summon San Simon through, who will then be

commanded and sent back, and the gateway closed.

This means that any magick will either be worked

from that other realm or via San Simon appearing

usually as Maximon a version of himself with arms

and legs and then doing what is necessary and

departing again. But for those that need this magick

to work against a chosen enemy here is how to

curse someone for them to lose their energy with

the help of San Simon.

San Simon to curse a chosen enemy so they

have no energy

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can
step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

draw all of the energy from state name of enemy

steal their energy so they are alive but unable to do

anything, alive but not truly living and this is what I

ask from you. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the

gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

I hope that taking the energy of a chosen enemy has

wetted your appetites for something more violent.

In fact I am now going to show you how to use San

Simon to kill your enemy as if they are stabbed by

a sword. This magick is very real and should only
be used against those that truly deserve it.
However there are people who deserve it and

there are many dictators of many types, and this of

course includes royalty of all types: by using this

magick you can help to free many other people

from their difficult situation. The magick to get San

Simon to kill someone with a sword: or so they

will die as if this has happened: is not difficult, but

you must truly want to will it to work. This magick

can again be said on its own or in front of an altar:

if you do this in front of an altar then you can if you

wish leave an offering.

San Simon to kill your chosen enemy with a


S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San
Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and
legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

kill state name of enemy with a sword, kill them

with a sword so that they will die and this is what I

ask you to do. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the

gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

By all means use this magick as you see fit after all

it is your magick now: it is yours to use you have

gained that right. But bear in mind that what magick
makes your will real when used in the correct way
and this magick therefore is about your power: that

you had all along but did not know.

Chapter 4

We all need money; there is no way we can do

without money. But money is not the only form of

wealth because there are many others. Money is a

medium of exchange and as such it would be easy

to think that such things as art, science, great

discoveries must be more important but in fact

none of these would have occurred without a

medium of exchange because a medium of

exchange makes civilization possible and without

some degree of civilization none of these things are
possible. Civilization is our greatest achievement

and without it many achievements are not possible

but yet it also is true that these many achievements

are themselves part of civilization and so this

leaves us with money. Money has in its time been

stones, or pebbles, precious stones, precious

metals until we move to the paper money we use

today. Money gives us the resources to do what we

wish to do, even if this is make more money. The

usefulness of money cannot be underestimated, but

this does not mean that it is able to do everything

just that it can be swapped for almost anything.

Things like trust and friendship are difficult if not

impossible to buy. But for those other things here is

some magick for more money.

San Simon to attract money to you

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a
martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract cash money to me so that I will be richer

and this is what I ask you to do. San Simon agrees

and departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will

Money magick such as that you have already learnt

is not all there is: after all money is just one form

of wealth and sometimes the others such as assets

are of greater value. When we own assets money

flows to us permanently and this makes our lives

better: or at least we have more wealth and money.

People spend money and what you do with it is

determines what you have, and yet assets are not

spent and give us constant income. There are other

assets such as paintings and art that can be sold,

and even make us a profit is we buy correctly but I

will concentrate upon assets that make us money,

and this is what this next magick is to bring to you.

San Simon to attract assets to you

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San
Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and
legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract assets to me assets that produce an income,

assets that I shall own and shall be mine and this is

what I ask you to do for me. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


Sometimes what we need or want is not simply

more money or wealth but someone elses money
or wealth. In many ways this is a good way to think
about wealth gaining magically because you have

already got a target and you desire for their assets

to be yours. This will mean that this magick will

try to find a way of their wealth flowing to you.

But this magick works best if the persons wealth

is already quite near to you and this would be the

situation if they were a family member, or a close

friend. It does mean that if you want the wealth of

someone who is not close to you that it may take a

while for the money and wealth to flow to you. But

this magick does not need to be done on its own

and in fact you could choose to perform magick for

more wealth and money and this next magick if for

the wealth of someone else to flow to you. But you

will need to know the person so that this wealth is

attracted to you: you should know their name and

what they look like: this is so the magick spell is

targeted correctly. But if you already have

someone in mind here is how to work this magick.

San Simon to attract someone elses assets to


S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step
through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract all assets that belong to state name of

chosen person to me, let all of their wealth and

money flow to me and be mine and this is what I

ask you to do for me. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


You can use the prayers in this chapter on their

own but you may also say them in front of an altar

if you wish. But what you should do is to try to use

some of the magick in this book because I

understand that not everyone who reads a book like

this uses all of the magick straight away: although
if you can this is the best way to proceed. But it
can help you and also help you to understand your

own power, that power within you. In fact to think

that you have the ability to gain power from San

Simon and ask or command him to work magick

for your benefit or even against an enemy does

help to show to us all that we are not mere humans

and that it is our destiny as it was San Simons to

rise up to a whole new level. We can eventually

become the most powerful beings anywhere: after

all we have the will and the power, we need only

make the effort necessary for this to be true. This

effort humanity has been making for a long time,

and every time anything gets discovered, or

created we all move one step upwards. We may

bend reality to our will already we need only use

this power to a greater extent.

Chapter 5

Getting love is not always enough because what

we may really want is someone elses lover. This

is something which magick has no trouble with,

after all the magick here is simply a set of tools

that can help you get what you want out of life. In

fact getting the partner of someone else is

something that San Simon is well suited to. But it

should be remembered that to do this you will need

to know the name of the person whose partners you
want. Of course this all works on one assumption,

and this is that this person has only one partner. But

this magick should be used after all people say that

alls fair in love and war. But the fact that someone

is another persons sexual partner can make them

more alluring; it can make them feel more desired

too: they may feel that they will be more wanted

and desired by another. However there is a lesson

here and this is that we should be careful about

making sure our partners do not feel like this and

we can do this by treating them well: although

some of this is outside of our control. People have

free will, but magick can certainly help to move

them into the correct places and locations so that

you can get what you want. But if you work this

magick you will need to be able to follow through;

to be with the person and also be prepared that

stealing someone elses partner can unleash some

particularly nasty evil counter attacks: remember

what I said earlier about all being fair in love and

war. This may range from nothing happening at all

to you getting hurt, disfigured, their partner getting

disfigured and even someone getting killed: and a

lot of other quite nasty options. Therefore here is

some magick to steal someones female partner.

San Simon to steal someone elses woman

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San
Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and
legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract to me the female sexual partner of state

name of chosen person let their partner be with me

sexually and in all types of love and this is what I

ask you to do from you. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


But do not think that it is only a female partner that

can be stolen and in fact a man can also be stolen
and be attracted to be with you. Magick to attract a

male partner from someone to you is no more

difficult than that for a female. Of course you

should not assume that the remaining partner if

female will be any less violent or nasty than they

were the partner of a woman. This means that you

need to be prepared because sexual partners of

other people who become yours may not stay with

you or them: but any damage incurred to your

person may well be permanent. Of course some

people worry about this more than others: it is

simply a fact of life that some people will even

shrug off a lost tooth or teeth while most others

will worry and be unhappy about it. This does not

mean that those others who are not worried about

injuries are better, because in many ways it is a

worse thing, because greater injuries can be gained

over the years. It also is true that many people are

not good at knowing what they will think or feel in

particular situations. But here is some magick to

steal another persons male partner.

San Simon to steal someone elses man

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open
gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

attract to me the male sexual partner of state name

of chosen person let their partner be with me

sexually and in all types of love and this is what I

ask you to do for me. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


However there are times when what you may want

is not for you to actually sleep with a chosen

persons partner but instead to simply get them to

strip naked for you, and also to get pictures or

video of them when naked. This is quite
achievable using magick, and it feels the type of
thing that San Simon himself would want to do and

so he will very much be on your side, and he will

try his best to make sure that your do not suffer

because of anyone elses hate. But here is this

magick to get to see someone elses female partner

naked, and get pictures and video.

San Simon to get to see someone elses woman

naked and get pictures and video

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step
through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

get the female sexual partner of state name of

chosen person to strip naked for me and then I shall

get pictures, and video of them naked and this is

what I ask you to do for me. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


Here is the magick to be worked so that you can

get someones male partner to strip naked and for

you to get pictures and video of them.

San Simon to get to see someone elses man

naked and get pictures and video
S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

get the male sexual partner of state name of chosen

person to strip naked for me and I get pictures, and
video of them naked and this is what I ask you to
do for me. San Simon agrees and departs through
the gates. S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he

without limits, I ask that you close the gates. Close

the gates, here and now. Close the gateway here

and now. So it is and will be.

Chapter 6

People want and need many things and yet for most

people these are the same. But some people want

power and for them it is that simple. In fact when I
say power I mean power over other people and

this can manifest itself as a person being a leader

of a group, or people simply wanting to do as they

wish them to. Power can flow from wealth but it

can also flow from numbers and even from

knowing what your opponent is going to do and

many other things too. In fact although people like

to simplify the nature of power it has many

complexities and yet many people are afraid to

seek it, or afraid to say that they do. However

some people seek it so much that they over stretch

themselves and lose all they have: simply aiming at

it will not necessarily mean you will get it: nothing

is ever quite that simple. As power comes in many

forms I will first show you some magick for you to

be the leader of any group.

San Simon to make you the leader of any group

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that give

me the power to be the leader of any group, make

people wish to follow my directions and this is

what I ask you to do for me. San Simon agrees and

departs through the gates. S Rob Invictus he

without boundaries he without limits, I ask that you

close the gates. Close the gates, here and now.

Close the gateway here and now. So it is and will


Some magick is to work on the world at large but

some is to work upon fewer people and this next

magick, although performed to give you power, is

to be done so that it gives you power only over one

person. However this does mean that the full

strength of the magick will be working upon them.

But of course what you choose to do with this

power is up to you. This power could be used for

the good of all or for the good of you. But it may

pay to be subtle or else someone may think that

something is amiss: that something it wrong. But
you can use this magick on one person: but you
must know them well enough to know what they

look like and their name: if you were blind

however you would simply need to know their

name and to know them quite well.

San Simon to have control of a chosen person

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came
back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that make

it so that state name of person will do whatever I

ask them to: so that I control them, so that I am

their leader in all ways and this is what I ask you

to do for me. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the

gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

Sometimes what we need is not so much to gain in

power as for someone else to lose power. This is a

type of magick that can be performed and assisted

with the help of San Simon. But to work this

magick you need to know the name of someone

whose power you wish to reduce, even disappear.

But this person should be someone who you know

well enough to know what they look like because

this will make the magick easier: easier to target

the person. This is a type of curse: but this curse
can perhaps save many peoples lives if it is
targeted at a truly bad person. Therefore with this

in mind I will show you how to take away the

power of a chosen person.

San Simon to remove the power and influence of

a chosen person

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came
back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

take away the power from state name of person

remove their power and influence and this is what

I ask you to do. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the

gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

There are times when the need to have power is

greatest: and these are the times when our lives

may be going badly off course: not that things not

going according to plan is necessarily bad. But we

need power in our life, and we should not deny its

existence, and the need for it. By all means use this

magick when the time is right because it will be

there for you. But there always is the possibility of

practicing on dictators and other people who make

morally correct targets: people who have made

many peoples lives difficult. But magick can itself
give power to you, and not just by the actual
working of magick but also by the feeling of

completeness that we feel when magick is within

us. I feel that humanity needs magick, and we

should not deny that it is a part of us: of course we

have many other aspects to our nature. But when

using this magick you are under control and even if

San Simon was to appear and be seen by you, he

would definitely be under your control: in fact this

would be a very good sign that should be

considered very much in your favour. But having

the power to curse others does not mean you must

tell them you have this power and a lot of the time
it is better to act from the shadows rather than our

actions be seen before what we desire occurs.

Chapter 7

I want to make sure that you have an opportunities

to see San Simon if you have not seen him already.

This magick is sometimes frightening but usually

not more so than when people actually see such

entities. But seeing San Simon is a sign of the

strength of the magick. But I do understand that for

many people sensing entities that are nonhuman and

not even of a solid nature usually is alarming. But

such entities exist and they are here with us, and

yet we do not always know they are. I feel that for

you to know that different realms exist because you
have experienced them in some way is a truth that

you should be aware of. I understand that the truth

is frightening, but it is better than not knowing,

being surprised and not knowing what to do or

what is happening. For this reason there will be a

prayer for you to experience and also see San

Simon. But it is easiest to see San Simon if you

perform the prayer when it is late at night: in fact

the later the better. It is simply an easier time to

connect with other beings and entities. This is

partly because something of the nature of our

selves sometimes is transformed late at night. But

you may wonder what San Simon will look like,

well be could look like a person with their arms

and legs amputated and he also could look like a

average height man with arms and legs. But if you

see him it could be out of the corner of your eye,

although hopefully it will be right in front of you.

But the magick to work this is quite easy, and all

you need do is to say these words while truly

wanting to see San Simon.

Prayer to San Simon to appear before you

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open
gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick. I ask that you

appear before me, San Simon be with me and be

seen by me, be here in full physical solid form, be

here, be heard, smelt let you be fully solid and here

with me and this is what I ask you to do. San

Simon agrees.

(Look around the room; give yourself some time to

look around, and if you want to use any psychic

tools to connect with San Simon now would be the

time. When at least 5 minutes have passed you may


San Simon departs through the gates. S Rob

Invictus he without boundaries he without limits, I

ask that you close the gates. Close the gates, here

and now. Close the gateway here and now. So it is

and will be.

This magick gives you a good chance of seeing or

sensing San Simon. But there are other ways of

seeing San Simon. Sometimes we see better with

our eyes closed: this is because to me seeing is not

just about the eyes but also a term that we use to

mean how we perceive things and this means that

when you find yourself concentrating with your

eyes closed you are perceiving the world and

sometimes seeing things better and more of the

world than when your eyes are open. After all did

Albert Einstein see more of what was around him

with his eyes or his brain? I think his brain was a
far more useful tool to him that his eyes. However
it is best to have both. But with this in mind I will

now show to you a method of connecting to San

Simon using your mind and your eyes closed.

Seeing San Simon with your eyes closed

(Say the words that follow)

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you

San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world.

(Now move to some location so there is nothing in

front of you)

San Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms

and legs but did not die but rose to sainthood,

ancient magical being from Mayan magick, I ask

that you appear right in front of me: San Simon, be

in front of me now. San Simon agrees.
(Close your eyes and San Simon should be in front

of you if not move your head around. With your

eyes still closed say)

San Simon San Simon San Simon

(Keep your eyes closed and move your head to see

San Simon, you can then read the words which

follow with your eyes open)

San Simon departs through the gates. S Rob

Invictus he without boundaries he without limits, I

ask that you close the gates. Close the gates, here
and now. Close the gateway here and now. So it is

and will be.

I will now show you how to go and visit San

Simon in his realm using astral projection. The

method to do this is not really difficult although it

will come easier to some people than others. But

you can perform it as many times as you want. But

also the other prayers in this chapter will help you

a lot and act as a great preparation for this magick.

But any contact you make with San Simon will be a

great achievement and also help you work this


Seeing San Simon on the astral plane

1. With your eyes closed see another you appear

in front of yourself. Then be within that body

and looking at yourself, and then make a door
appear: by wanting it to be there: and walk

through this door knowing it will take you to

San Simon.
2. You may find that San Simon is right in front of

you if not look around. When you feel you have

seen what you want to see: and hopefully San

Simon. Walk back through the door or open

your eyes.

3. Then be within your own body looking through

your eyes.

You will find that contacting San Simon in this way

will help you to see and know them better. In fact it
is quite natural for people to be frightened. But you
are powerful and you should bear in mind that San

Simon as used here can be commanded by us and

our human power is great. There is not much more

powerful than human power although sometimes

natural disasters can be a powerful force also. But

you should never underestimate your own power

but also we should accept that part of this is not

just will but thought. The ability to plan, think,

problem solve are human abilities that we should

also embrace. Magick can facilitate us achieving

our goals. But we should not fear using magick

alongside other things too, our own non

supernatural abilities have power also and I never

ask that you should subdue or suppress any aspect

of yourself. But you should also accept that you

still need have control over yourself. But the

magick in this chapter is about you connecting with

San Simon and yet his ascendance into a being

higher than he was should be our fate: although not

the part about losing our arms and legs. His power
can be our power because he was a mortal man

and yet even in our mortal state we have power

which reaches further than our physical body does.

Every progression that exists does so while

helping us to move upwards to a better human

state. But if you found that San Simon was not

experienced by you in some form, you can keep

performing this magick but do not think that this is

necessary for you to move onto the next chapter

because it is not. The magick within you has

awakened and you will connect with your inner

self more than before.

Chapter 8

I will now introduce some extremely violent

magick; this magick is not just to kill your chosen

enemy but also to torture them. There is much

variation in this type of curses far more than you

may at first imagine. But then when we think of the

many methods and ways that we as humans have
created to kill and torture, it is obvious that we

would devote no less an effort to curses. Curses

however can draw upon anything you can imagine

and so they are less restricted than you may think.

But a really good torture and way to kill someone

is them being hung, drawn and quartered: they did

not do this in this order and it would mean a

person was tied to a plank which was towed,

behind a horse, the person would then have their

neck put in a noose and hung but taken down before

they died. You then take the person and chop off

their genitalia if they are a man, disembowel them:

yes there was actually disembowelment that

occurred in the torture of being hung, drawn and

quartered. Then you either slice off their legs or

attach each limb to a horse and pull their limbs off,

and then you chop their head off. All in all it is

difficult not to appreciate the artistry of the

medieval people of Europe: I am from England and

so may be biased. But in order to get San Simon to

do this punishment onto someone of your choosing

you need to have an idea of what actually would

happen to them. Therefore with no further delay

here is how to perform this curse.

A chosen enemy hung, drawn and quartered

using the power of San Simon

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San
Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and
legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

take state name of enemy and tie them to a plank

and draw them from a horse or vehicle and then

hang them but cut them down before they die, then

cut off their genitalia, and then disembowel them,

then pull off their arms and legs and chop off their
head and this is what I command you to do to state

name of enemy. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the
gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

But we can get San Simon to do practically

anything our perverted heart desires and so I will

now show you how to perform a curse for your

chosen enemy to be turned inside out. In fact this

curse is quite uncontrolled because it can mean that

they feel they have been turned inside out and die,
that they are physically turned inside out, or that

they are emotionally inside out: the latter means

that their internal thoughts become their public

thoughts while their external thoughts become their

internal and so a complete alternation of their

personality. But the unpredictability of this curse
really does not matter because it is to be used on
your enemy and so as long as they are punished and

punished badly that is enough for most of us.

San Simon to turn your chosen enemy inside out

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a
martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San

Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

turn state name of enemy inside out, physically,

emotionally and in all ways; this is what I ask you

to do to them. San Simon agrees and departs

through the gates. S Rob Invictus he without

boundaries he without limits, I ask that you close

the gates. Close the gates, here and now. Close the

gateway here and now. So it is and will be.

Death by burning always seems particularly brutal

and painful. I suppose it was for this reason that it

has been used as a punishment against occultists

and witches in the past. Of course the hatred some

of the world had for us we can unleash onto others.

But I am not leading a hate campaign against those

that do not practice the occult, simply saying that

you can use this as a punishment for others to

experience. This magick can be used against

anyone you wish, but you should know what they

look like and their name. If you have someone in

mind you can use this curse upon them or else

simply choose some dictator or some other person

who has done the world sufficient wrong.

San Simon to burn to death a chosen person

S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he without

limits, I ask that you open the gates, open the

gateway to the other realm so that San Simon can

step through. S Rob Invictus open the gates, open

gateway, the gateway is open. San Simon step

through the gates. San Simon folk Saint, he who is

Maximon, he who had sex with the wives of all of

the men in his home village, and when them came

back then did cut off your arms and legs, but you
San Simon rose again, and death only made you a

martyr. San Simon step through the gates. San

Simon steps through the gateway to this world. San
Simon, he who is Maximon, he who lost arms and

legs but did not die but rose to sainthood, ancient

magical being from Mayan magick, I ask that you

set alight state name of person burn them all over,

let their whole body be aflame and burn all over,

so that they will burn to death and this is what I ask

you to do. San Simon agrees and departs through

the gates. S Rob Invictus he without boundaries he

without limits, I ask that you close the gates. Close

the gates, here and now. Close the gateway here

and now. So it is and will be.

The magick in this book will have empowered you

greatly and many of lifes difficulties are made
easier. But also you have explored something of

yourself whether you knew or not. There is

something of San Simon in us all; there is perhaps

the effort that he can make for us within us all the

time. After all we have a very broad nature and

many different types of emotions and possible

behaviours. This does not mean that we are

necessarily good or bad but that in an imperfect

world we have the ability draw on whatever tools

and modes of thought are needed and desirable.

But getting what we want does not always mean

that other cannot: although sometimes it does. But

with the extra tools of magick and San Simon at

our disposal: and S Rob Invictus: we have at our

disposal powerful helpers. I hope that I: S Rob:

have helped you to see the way through even the

most difficult of times. Every time you use this

magick you help San Simon and S Rob Invictus to

have the power to help you. But you have the

choice and the power and you need never be

without this magick and the power at any time. The

knowledge you need to work magick is now yours

and so is the power to choose what you wish to do

and what you wish not to.

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