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San Ignacio de Loyola


Alex Sanchez, Ph.D., P.E.

Lecture 01a: Introduction
Objectives of The Course
Understand and apply principles to highway design
Gain proficiency in the design of horizontal and
vertical curves, cross sections, and other geometric
Upon completion, students should be prepared to
generate basic highway design

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Evaluation through the Course

20% 80%
Assignment 1 (25%) Test 1 (50%)
Assignment 2 (25%) Test 2 (50%)
Assignment 3 (25%)
Assignment 4 (25%)

Midterm (25%)
Final Exam (25%)

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Design Software
Learn the advantage of using CAD software in
designing highways

Learn the design process from survey, alignment, cross

sections, volume calculations, budgeting

Review this webpage

Three of the homework will be done using this webpage,

working in groups.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Manual de Diseo Geomtrico de Carreteras MTC 2013
(free download).

Policy of Geometric Design of Highways and Streets

AASHTO 2001.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Why is important highway transportation?

They facilitate movement of people, goods, raw-materials,

manufactured articles, etc. speedily and easily in the different parts
of a country.

Usually is the only source of communication in regions of high

altitude i.e. in mountainous regions.

Help in growth of trade and other economy activities in and outside

towns by establishing contact between them

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez


Help in providing efficient distribution of agricultural products and

natural resources all over the country.

Help in price stabilization of commodities due to mobility of

products all over the country.

Help in promoting the cultural and social ties among people living in
different part of a country and thus strengthen the national unity.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Why is important highway transportation?

Help in providing improved medical facilities quickly to human

beings, especially to those who live in rural areas.

They provide more employment opportunities.

They enhance land value and thus bring better revenue.

They serve as feeders for Airways, Waterways and Railways.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Why is important highway transportation?

They help in reducing distress among the people during a disaster,

by supplying them food and clothing quickly.

Roads are the symbol of country's progress; thus, the development

made by any country can be judged by the quality and network of
it's road system.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez
Roads have been in use for thousands of years
Use as trade routes in Persian and Roman empires
4000 BC defined pathways used to travel and transport goods
3000 BC wheel invented used with carts and wagons
Vehicle widths of 2.0 m and height of 1.4 m
2000 BC road builders began to consider width of roads, grades,
materials, curves
Rock proved a durable road surface
312 BC - 150km long road was built in Italy - good materials, drainage,
used mortared layers.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

16th century the term road began to appear from verb ride
Modern road construction began in the late Eighteenth Century, use of
rocks and small stones
1820 Tellford made improvements in design width drainage
1822 McAdam better compaction of subgrade and binded surface
1908 Long Island Motor Parkway 10km long and used superelevation
Driving on Left hand side of road p vehicles with yh one lline of
Before car speed rarely exceeded 15 km/hr so 15-25 , radius curves OK
By 1900 a minimum of 50m radius required
By 1903 first roundabout introduced in France
By 1908 use of superevelation became common
In 1900 in New York problems of horse excreta highlighted in a day
1100 tonnes of manure, 270,000 tires of urine, 20 carcases of horses left
on roads
Dr. Alex M. Sanchez
Todays Road
Todays roads are designed based on:

Behavior of users
Impact on the environment.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Functional Classification
The movement of people and goods along a roadway network
needs to be channelized within the network in a logical and
efficient manner.
FC is the process to group into classes streets and highways or
systems, according to the character of service they are intended
to provide.
Functional classification defines the part that any particular road
or street should play in serving the flow of trips through a
highway network.
A schematic illustration of this basic idea is provided in the next

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Channelization of Trips

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Rural Highway Network

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Mobility vs. Land Access
Travel distances served by type
of road
It is related to a desirable
functional specialization in
meeting the access and mobility
Arterials emphasize a high level
of mobility for through
Collectors offer a compromise
between both functions.

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Rural Highways in Peru

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

Urban Highway in Peru

Dr. Alex M. Sanchez

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