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accordance with this standard comprises the following re- mark when importing into the country or exporting

ting to other
quired components: countries. You can visit the nearest office of the Department
the IPPC symbol of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Directorate: Inspec-
country code
producer/treatment provider code
tion Services or then go to divisions, agri-
cultural products inspection services, and wood packaging Regulating
treatment code using the appropriate abbreviation
(HT for heat treatment or MB for methyl bromide
to find the registered treatment provider or pallet manufac-
turer next to your area. wood packaging
fumigation). material using
Markings should be:
Legible, permanent and not transferrable; ISPM No. 15
Placed in a visible location, preferably on at least two
opposite sides of the article being certified;
Rectangular or square in shape;
Surrounded by border lines with a vertical line separat-
ing IPPC logo from country information;
Must not be hand drawn;
Red and orange colours must be avoided as they are
used for dangerous goods. Contact details
Directorate : Inspection Services
Tel : 011 971 5117
E-mail :
Tel : 012 309 8738
E-mail :
Documents available online Divisions Agricultural
products wood packaging ISPM No. 15

HT mark
8. Message to all traders
All traders must use wood packaging material from reg- agriculture,
istered service providers. The wood packaging material
should always be treated and marked with the proper IPPC
forestry & fisheries
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
1. What is ISPM No. 15? 2. Why is wood packaging material 5. Where can treated wood packaging
ISPM No. 15 (International Standard for Phytosanitary Mea- regulated? material be bought?
sures No. 15) is a standard developed and adapted by the Wood packaging material is made of raw wood which origi- Wood packaging material can be treated by the registered
International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and its nates from living or dead trees that may be infested by pests. treatment providers and can be bought from registered pal-
member countries which serves as a guideline for regulating This raw wood had not undergone sufficient processing or let manufacturers. For further information about registered
wood packaging material in the international trade. treatment to remove or kill pests and as such, remains a pallet manufacturers and treatment providers, visit www.
pathway for the introduction and spread of quarantine pests. then go to divisions, agricultural products in-
Regulating this material would reduce significantly the risk spection services, and wood packaging to find the treat-
of introduction and spread of most quarantine pests that ment provider or pallet manufacturer next to your area.
may be associated with the particular material.
6. What are the approved treatments
3. What are the regulated wood associated with wood packaging
packaging materials? material?
All packaging material such as crates, boxes, packing cas- Approved measures consist of phytosanitary procedures
es, dunnage, pallets, cable drums and spools/reels made including treatments (heat treatment and methyl bromide)
from raw wood. and marking of the wood packaging material.
4. What are the exempted wood Heat treatment: wood packaging material should be heated
packaging materials? in accordance with a specific time-temperature schedule
The following articles are of sufficiently low risk to be that achieves a minimum wood core temperature of 56oC for
exempted from the provisions of this standard: a minimum of 30 continuous minutes throughout the entire
profile of the wood.
wood packaging material made entirely from thin wood
(6 mm or less in thickness); Methyl bromide treatment: wood packaging material must
be fumigated with methyl bromide in accordance with a
wood packaging made entirely from processed wood
schedule that achieves the minimum concentration-time
material, such as plywood, particle; board, oriented
product over 24 hours at the temperature and final residual
strand board or veneer that has been created using
concentration. The minimum temperature of the wood and
glue, heat or pressure, or a combination thereof;
its surrounding atmosphere must be not less than 10oC and
barrels for wine and spirit that have been heated dur-
the minimum exposure time must be not less than 24 hours
ing manufacture;
at the required MB dosage.
gift boxes for wine, cigars and other commodities
made from wood that has been processed and/or 7. What are the marking requirements
manufactured in a way that renders it free of pests; associated with wood packaging
sawdust, wood shavings and wood wool; material?
wood components permanently attached to freight An IPPC mark indicating that wood packaging material has
vehicles and containers. been subjected to approved phytosanitary treatment in

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