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Question 1 to 5

A. Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Natrah and Nathan are very excited. Their father is taking them to the
zoo. At the zoo, they see lions, monkeys, giraffes and many other animals.

Nathan likes the tigers but Natrah likes the giraffes. They enjoy this
outing. Then, their father buys food and drinks for lunch. They have a ride on
an elephant too. This is an unforgettable moment for them. They have a happy
time at the zoo. They go back at 2 oclock.

1. Where are Natrah and Nathan going?

A Zoo B Museum C Beach

2. Who is taking them?

A their father B their mother C their aunt

3. Who likes the tigers?

A Natrah B Nathan C their father

4. What does their father buy for lunch?

A Food B Drinks C Food and drinks

5. What animal do they ride on?

A lion B giraffe C elephant

6. What time do they go back home?

A at one oclock B at two oclock C at three oclock
Question 7 to 25

B. Each question in this paper is followed by three possible answers. Choose

the best answer from the options.

7. We smell with our _________.

A nose
B ear
C tongue

8. A ________ has good smell.

A hibiscus
B rose
C morning glory

9. The ________ is on the table.

A glass
B spoon
C cup

10. The _______ has a long neck.

A zebra
B elephant
C giraffe

11. Christmas is in ___________.

A January
B December
C May

12. The _______ is purple in colour.

A brinjal B tomato C chilli

13. I bought a pair of __________ .

A socks
B shorts
C shoes

14. Rizal is in the __________.

A classroom
B library
C field

15. Monday comes after _______.

A Tuesday
B Sunday
C Thursday

16. The __________ is sharp.

A scissors
B fork
C knife

17. I have my breakfast in the ___________ .

A morning
B afternoon
C night

18. Hafiz likes ____________ .

A sweets
B cake
C eggs

19. The ________ grows vegetables.

A fireman B doctor C farmer
20. This is a _______ stamp.
A Singaporean
B Indian
C Malaysia

21. Rosli has a ________.

A television
B computer
C radio

22. Sanjiv went to Ipoh by _________ .

A aeroplane
B ferry
C train

23. I bathe with _______ and water.

A towel
B soap
C eraser

24. Amir has a pet _______.

A cat
B dog
C rabbit

25. Fariz goes to the ________ every Friday.

A playground
B library
C Mosque

26. Liza eats _______ for breakfast.

A bread B cake C noodles
Questions 27 to 30
C. Study the pictures below carefully. Then, choose the best answer based
on the pictures shown.

27. A Please close the door.

B Please switch of the light.
C Turn to your right.

28. A Hello, Lim.

B Goodbye, Kim Seng.
C I am sorry, Kamal.

29. A. I am sorry, Johan.

B. Good morning, Ramli.
C. Thank you, Ravi.

30. A. Cats like to eat fish.

B. My cat does not eat fish.
C. The cat is sleeping.
Question 31 36
D. Look at the pictures. Number the sentences correctly.

First, wet your hands.

Next, scrub the back of your hands.

Then, put some soap.

Then, wash your hands.

After that, scrub between your fingers.

Finally, wipe your hands dry.

Question 37 42
E. Colour the correct answer.

37. This is my mouth nose


This is my neck shoulder

39. This is head face my

This is my ears eyes

41. These are my fingers toes

These are my shoulders arms

Question 43 46
F. Circle the sentences or questions with the correct punctuations.

43. A We have ten fingers.

B We have ten Fingers.
C we have ten Fingers.

44. A you have strong Teeth.

B You have strong Teeth.
C You have strong teeth.

45. A i like Chicken and Meat.

B I like chicken and meat
C I Like Chicken And Meat.

46. A I want a glass of milk.

B i want a glass of milk.
C I want a Glass of Milk.

Question 47 50
G. Tick ( ) the correct answer.

47. How do I get to the bookshop?


Go straight and turn right.

Go straight and turn left.

48. Where is the canteen?


Turn left and go straight.

Turn right and go straight.

49. How do we get to the library?

Go up the stairs and turn right.
Go up the stairs and turn left.

50. Can you show me the way to the

computer lab?

Go down the stairs and turn right.

Go down the stairs and turn left.
Computer lab

Prepared by, Checked by, Approved by,

______________________ _______________________ ______________________

Subject teacher Head of English Panel Headmistress

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