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Document Warehouse for SAP

Users Guide

Release 2.0


June 1997

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FileNet Corporation Image View, Visual WorkFlo/Composer, Visual WorkFlo/Conduc-
tor, Visual WorkFlo/Performer, WorkFlo/Fax, WorkFlo/Print, and
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All other product and brand names are trademarks or registered

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7149663400 Due to continuing product development, product specifications

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addition to the above statements.

About this Manual 7

Related Publications 8

New Features in This Release 9

Tips, Notes, & Cautions 9

Education 10

Comments & Suggestions 10

1 Introduction 1
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview 1
Document Warehouse Capabilities 1
System Design 4

2 Document Processing 7
Document Archiving Methods 7

Start Archiving 8

Early Archiving 11

Late Archiving 13
Late Archiving without Bar Codes 13
Late Archiving with Bar Codes 14

Simultaneous Archiving 15

Using the ClientLink for SAP Program 16

Changing to a Different IMS 17
Displaying Current Queue and WorkSpace 18
Selecting a Queue and Workspace 18

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide iii


Using the ClientLink for SAP Program (Contd)

Fetching Documents from a Queue 19
Auto-Fetching 19
Skipping a Document 20
Displaying Documents by Index 20
Pending Documents 20
Re-routing Documents 21
Exiting the ClientLink Program 22
Menu & Command Summary 22
Document Menu 22
Select Menu 23
Option Menu 23
Help Menu 23

Manual Data Entry 24

3 Document & Data Archiving 29

Archiving Modes 29
Synchronous Archiving 29
Asynchronous Archiving 29
Reverse Archiving 29

Archiving Outgoing Documents 30

Configuring Output Methods 30
Output Types 30
Module Specific Settings 32

Archiving Print Lists 32

Archiving Documents to the FileNet System 35

Displaying ArchiveLink Monitor 35
Checking Attributes for Asynchronous Archiving Job 37
Checking Output Requests for Asynchronous Archiving Job 38
Displaying Asynchronous Archiving Requests 40
Processing Confirmation & Acknowledgment Messages 42
Scheduling Asynchronous Archiving 43

iv Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997


4 Document Retrieval & Display 49

Retrieving Documents 50
Displaying Original Documents 50
Displaying Print Lists 52

Multiple Viewer Support 55

SAP ArchiveLink Viewer 55
Searching for a Text String 57
Searching for Attributes 58
Creating Notes 59
FileNet Viewer 60

Glossary 61

Index 65

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide v


vi Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

About This Manual

The Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide, publication number

9810904-002, dated June 1997, supports the 2.0 release of the Document
Warehouse for SAP software. It is written for end users and system adminis-

We assume that the reader is familiar with:

SAP R/3 system and applications

PC Operations

Windows 95, or Windows NT procedures

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide vii

About This Manual
Related Publications

Related Publications
The Document Warehouse software uses the standard FileNet system inte-
grated with the SAP system via the SAP ArchiveLink interface. The following
FileNet manuals and SAP documentation will prove useful as reference

Document Warehouse for SAP Coordinators Handbook

System Administrators Handbook (for your FileNet IMS platform).

System Administrators Companion (for your FileNet IMS platform).

WorkForce Desktop Users Guide release 5.0. This manual includes in-
formation on Image Display for Windows.

WorkForce Desktop Coordinators Handbook release 5.0. This manual in-

cludes information on Image Display for Windows.

Online documentation for R/3 System Release 3.0.

In addition, you should obtain the SAP documentation for the ArchiveLink
interface and familiarize yourself with the other appropriate documenta-
tion for SAP R/3.

viii Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

About This Manual
New Features in This Release

New Features in This Release

The following paragraphs describe the new features in release 2.0 of the Doc-
ument Warehouse for SAP software.

Archiving of REO organization data.

Remote Function Call (RFC) as the communication method between SAP

ArchiveLink and the archive server in both directions.

OLE Automation, which provides seamless integration between ClientLink

and SAP.

Archiving and restoration of documents to and from memory on the SAP

application server.

Confirmation of document status via a client-side message.

Tips, Notes, & Cautions

Throughout this manual, youll see assorted brief messages designed to draw
your attention to different kinds of information:

Tip Indicates hints to make your work easier.

Note Points to important information, such as situations that can affect the outcome
of an operation or affect some other part of the system.

Caution Signals possible loss of data or time.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide ix

About This Manual

FileNet offers introductory and advanced classes for system administrators,
developers, management, and support personnel. These classes combine
lecture and lab sessions to provide both conceptual understanding of the
FileNet system and practice in its operation. For more information on class
content and schedules, please visit the Education topics in the Services and
Support area of FileNets web site (

You can also use the following phone numbers to request information and to
ask questions.

Local: 714.966.3412
Toll free: 888.FNEDUC8 (888.363.3828)

Comments & Suggestions

FileNet invites all customers to communicate with the Documentation group
on any question or comment related to FileNet manuals and online help. Just
fax, phone, mail, or email any question or comment to Mike Calvert at one of
the numbers or addresses listed below. We guarantee a response to each
communication within one week. Your suggestions help us to improve the
products that we deliver.

Mike Calvert
Director of Documentation
FileNet Corporation
3565 Harbor Boulevard
Costa Mesa, California 92626-1420

Phone: 714.966.3449
Fax: 714.966.7153

x Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997


This chapter provides an overview of the concepts and functionality of

FileNets Document Warehouse application and its interface with the SAP
ArchiveLink program. For a more detailed discussion of the Document Ware-
house for SAP software, see the Document Warehouse for SAP Coordinators

Note This manual contains periodic references to the SAP system where it works in
conjunction with ServerLink and ClientLink. These references are included for
your convenience, as examples only, and to provide a clear understanding of
ServerLink and ClientLink procedures. However, SAP is highly user customiz-
able, and we cannot guarantee that your SAP system is configured in the
same way as the one used for the examples shown in this manual.

Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

FileNet has integrated its standard system with the SAP system using the
SAP ArchiveLink software. The result is an application called FileNet Docu-
ment Warehouse for SAP. Document Warehouse enables SAPs business ap-
plications to process FileNet document images and provides document and
data archiving. If you are not familiar with the FileNet system, we recommend
that you read the introductory chapters of the WorkForce Desktop Users

Document Warehouse Capabilities

The Document Warehouse software captures, stores and distributes incoming
original documents for processing on the SAP system. Document Warehouse
for SAP consists of the following applications:

ClientLink software, which is installed on the workstation and integrates

the SAPGUI client software (via the SAP ArchiveLink module) with
FileNets Image Management Services (IMS). ClientLink displays docu-
ments in either the SAP ArchiveLink Viewer or the FileNet viewer (Image
Display for Windows).

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 1

1 Introduction
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

The ServerLink software integrates the FileNet IMS with the SAP system
to provide automated document archiving and restoration facilities.

Using Document Warehouse you can:

Process incoming documents before, during and after archiving. The

three processing modes are:

- Early Archiving

- Late Archiving

- Simultaneous Archiving

These processing modes are explained in Document Archiving Methods

on page 7.

Link incoming documents to transactions in the SAP system.

Document indexing, which enables access to FileNet documents from the

SAP system, is by association and is performed automatically when you
link a document with a transaction. Business attributes are not maintained
for each archived document. Instead, the Link table maintains the rela-
tionships between SAP business objects and associated documents.

Link incoming documents to work items that are routed and processed
using the SAP Business Workflow software.

Archive outgoing SAP-generated documents and print lists directly from

the SAP system to the FileNet system, including:

- Print lists, such as customer and vendor lists.

- Document images, such as faxes received directly into the SAP


- Outgoing documents, such as order confirmations.

Retrieve documents from the FileNet system that are linked to a transac-
tion in an SAP application and display the documents at your workstation.

The following table lists some of the documents that you can process for each
module using the Document Warehouse software.

2 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

1 Introduction
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

SAP Module Incoming Original Documents Outgoing SAP Documents

Document Management Any Document (Simultaneous Any File (Synchronous
System (DMS) Archiving) Archiving)
Financial Accounting (FI) Incoming Credit Memos Line Item Journal
Full Audit Trail
Incoming Invoices
Classic Audit Trail
Incoming Payment (Early & Late Ar- Document Journal
chiving, with or without bar code) Originals in Print Lists
Human Resources (HR) Applications Employment Contract
Acknowledgment Letter
Contracts and Related Correspon-
Training Certificate
Security Agreement
Employee Photo Performance Appraisal
Regulatory Documents W2 Forms
Certificates, etc.
Materials Management (MM) Incoming Credit Memo (Early & Late LIFO Valuation Report
Archiving, with or without bar code) Outline Agreement
Purchase Order
Incoming Invoice
Schedule Line
Office Any document (Simultaneous Ar- Proxy List
chiving) Address List
Production Planning (PP) Purchase Agreement Production Schedule
Work Schedules PI Sheet
Quality Management (QM) Rejection Notification (Early & Late Rejection Notification
Sales & Distribution (SD) Complaint Complaint
Contract Contract
Delivery Note Credit Memo
Delivery Schedule Delivery Schedule
Schedule Agreement Order Confirmation
Inquiry Quotation
Purchase Order Schedule Agreement
Purchase Agreement Inquiry
Customer Inquiry Invoice
Workflow (WF) Any Document N/A

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 3

1 Introduction
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

System Design
The ArchiveLink program is an SAP application that connects document-im-
aging systems, such as FileNet, and the SAP system. The ArchiveLink inter-
face includes tools that use the FileNet system to process new document
types without modification and to manage archives connected to the SAP

The following illustration shows the relationship among the FileNet system,
Document Warehouse for SAP software, ArchiveLink, and the SAP system.

4 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

1 Introduction
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 5

1 Introduction
Document Warehouse for SAP Overview

6 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2Document Processing

Document processing consists of entering, distributing, and incrementing data

in appropriate modules on the SAP system using data from documents lo-
cated on the FileNet system. This chapter describes the various procedures
for processing data on the SAP system using the FileNet Document Ware-
house for SAP application.

Note Several of the procedures in this chapter require logging on to the FileNet sys-
tem. For detailed instructions, see the WorkForce Desktop Users Guide. For
administrative information, see the WorkForce Desktop Coordinators Hand-

Document Archiving Methods

You can process documents using the following archiving methods:

Early Archiving Commit incoming documents to optical disk and then

route them to another person for processing.
Late Archiving Commit documents to optical disk after the documents
have been processed on the SAP system.
Simultaneous Same as the Early Archiving method, except that you
Archiving do not route the work item to another person for

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 7

2 Document Processing
Start Archiving

Start Archiving
The ClientLink for SAP program must be running before you begin any of the
archiving procedures. To start the ClientLink program:

1 Double-click on the ClientLink for SAP icon to start the ClientLink program.

2 Log on to the FileNet system, if youre not already logged on. ClientLink opens
the default FileNet WorkFlo workspace and work queue specified in the
Clilink.ini file and displays the ClientLink for SAP dialog box. In our example,
the default queue is PostProcess and the workspace is SAPLink.

3 From the Document menu, select the Fetch command to fetch the first docu-
ment from the FileNet WorkFlo queue. ClientLink opens the FileNet viewer
showing the document image and displays the document number in the
Queue Item text box of the ClientLink for SAP window:

8 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Start Archiving

Note SAP will subsequently request that ClientLink send this document number to
be linked with SAP objects.

4 Double-click on the SAP icon in the SAP R/3 Program Group to open the SAP
R/3 main window.

5 Log on to the SAP system.

6 Select Optical Archiving from the Office menu and the desired archiving
method: Early Archiving, Late Archiving, or Simultaneous Archiving. The Get
Settings dialog box displays.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 9

2 Document Processing
Start Archiving

System settings are groups of related document types that classify the incom-
ing original document to be processed. For instance, incoming invoices and
credit memos might be grouped under a System Setting named Financial Ac-
counting. Access to the System Settings and associated document types can
be controlled via security features in the SAP system. For information on se-
curity features, see the appropriate SAP documentation.

Note If there is only one System Setting defined, selecting Optical Archiving from
the Office menu skips the Get Settings dialog box and puts you directly into
the appropriate Archiving window displaying the associated document types.

7 From the Get Settings dialog box, select the desired work module, such as
Sales & Distribution.

8 Click on the Choose button. This displays the Archiving window for the se-
lected archiving method containing the available document types for the se-
lected System Setting. The following sample screen shows an Archiving
window for the Early Archiving method.

10 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Early Archiving

The preceding steps for accessing an Archiving window are common to all Ar-
chiving methods. See Early Archiving on page 11, Late Archiving on
page 13 and Simultaneous Archiving on page 15 for the remaining steps for
each archiving method.

Early Archiving
This section describes the processing of incoming original documents on the
SAP system using the Early Archiving method. Use this method to commit in-
coming documents to the FileNet systems optical disk and to route the docu-
ments to another person for processing on the SAP system. New work items
are not forwarded directly to others for processing. Instead, new work items
are placed in a central SAP Workflow queue, which is emptied by a prede-
fined job (WF_PROCESS Job) on the SAP system that runs periodically and
moves the work items to specific Inboxes.

Note FileNet commits all document images prior to their processing on the SAP
system, regardless of the archiving method.

Using the Early Archiving processing method, you can:

Create a work item in the SAP Business Workflow program represent-

ing the document to be processed and route it to another persons Inbox.

Link the incoming document to the work item automatically.

Retrieve the work item from the SAP Inbox and display the associated
document image.

Process the Document Type associated with the work item and book the
document into an SAP application.

Create a permanent link between the document and the new SAP

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 11

2 Document Processing
Early Archiving

To process documents using the Early Archiving method, complete the follow-
ing steps:

1 Display the Early Archiving window. See Start Archiving on page 8.

2 In the Early Archiving window, select the appropriate document type. This
controls the routing and later processing of the associated document and dis-
plays the Confirm Assignment to Document dialog box.

3 In the Confirm Assignment to Document dialog box, create a work item by

completing the following fields:

Field Description
Doc. Type Selected Document Type. Classifies the incoming original document displayed in
the FileNet Display window.
Org. Unit Organization name associated with the document type.
Note Text description of the work item. This can be partly filled in with the selected
Document Type, if this option has been configured for the System Setting. A Sys-
tem Setting option determines whether you can edit this field.

After creating the first work item, you can click on the Continue button, or you
can process a batch of similar documents by clicking on the Mass Archiving

After you click on either the Continue or Mass Archiving button, SAP sends an
OLE request to ClientLink to obtain the document number selected/fetched
from the FileNet queue. Once the document number is sent to SAP, ClientLink
takes the document out of the queue and automatically selects the next docu-
ment in the queue.

12 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Late Archiving

If you clicked on the Mass Archiving button, an identical work item is created
for each document, and all remaining items in the selected FileNet WorkFlo
queue are processed automatically. When the queue is empty, processing
stops, and SAP displays the Scan Queue Empty message.

See Using the ClientLink for SAP Program on page 16 for information on the
activities available from the ClientLink for SAP window.

Late Archiving
The Late Archiving method enters documents into the FileNet system and
stores them on optical disk after they have been processed on the SAP sys-
tem. Late Archiving can be done with or without the use of bar coding on the
incoming documents.

Late Archiving without Bar Codes

This section describes how to process incoming original documents using the
Late Archiving method without bar codes.

Using this method you can:

Book the paper document into the SAP system to create a new transac-

Note the transaction key on the document for later reference.

Forward the document into a FileNet WorkFlo queue for processing.

Retrieve and display the document in a FileNet Display window.

Match an object in the SAP application using the SAP Object ID and other
key data from the displayed document.

Create an entry in the Link table to link the object and the displayed

To process documents using the Late Archiving method without bar codes,
complete the following steps:

1 If ClientLink is not running, start it and select a document from the FileNet
queue (See Start Archiving on page 8 and Using the ClientLink for SAP
Program on page 16.)

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 13

2 Document Processing
Late Archiving

2 Display the Late Archiving window as described in Start Archiving on

page 8.

3 In the Late Archiving window, select the appropriate document type. This con-
trols the routing and later processing of the associated document and displays
the Confirm Assignment dialog box.

4 In the Confirm Assignment dialog box, enter the necessary information ac-
cording to the selected System Setting and document type and then click on
the Confirm button. The ClientLink for SAP dialog box opens.

When you click on the Confirm button, SAP sends a request to ClientLink to
get the document number for linking with the SAP object.

See Using the ClientLink for SAP Program on page 16 for information on the
activities available from the ClientLink for SAP dialog box.

Late Archiving with Bar Codes

Using the Late Archiving processing with bar codes method, you can:

Attach a unique bar code to each incoming document before it is distrib-

uted for processing.

Book the paper document into an SAP application and create a new SAP

Wand the bar code into the SAP system to create a temporary link be-
tween the document and the SAP object. This link is stored in the SAP

Enter the document into the FileNet system and store it on optical disk.

Forward the document to a FileNet WorkFlo queue for processing.

Retrieve the document from the FileNet WorkFlo queue and send a mes-
sage to the SAP system containing the FileNet document ID and bar code

Match the message containing the FileNet document ID and bar code
value with the temporary record. In this way, the SAP Object ID and
FileNet document ID can be used to create a permanent link between the
SAP transaction and the document.

14 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Simultaneous Archiving

Simultaneous Archiving
Simultaneous Archiving is identical to Early Archiving, except that you do not
route the work item to another person for processing.

The Simultaneous Archiving method enters incoming documents into the

FileNet system and stores them on optical disk before processing the docu-
ment on the SAP system. The ArchiveLink software expects the documents
processing to be simultaneous with its archival to optical disk.

The following steps are required to process a document using the Simulta-
neous Archiving method:

1 If ClientLink is not running, start it and select a document from the FileNet
queue (Start Archiving on page 8).

2 Display the Simultaneous Archiving window as described in Start Archiving

on page 8.

3 In the Simultaneous Archiving window, select the appropriate document type.

This controls the routing and later processing of the associated document and
displays the Confirm Assignment to Document dialog box.

4 In the Confirm Assignment to Document dialog box, you create a work item by
completing the following fields.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 15

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

Field Description
Document Type Selected Document Type. This classifies the incoming original document dis-
played in the FileNet viewer window.
Org. Unit Name of the organization associated with the document type.
Note Text description of the work item. This can be partly filled in with the selected
Document Type if this option has been configured for the System Setting. In
addition, an option on the System Setting determines whether you can edit
this field.

After creating the work item, you can click on the Continue button, or you can
process a batch of similar documents by clicking on the Mass Archiving but-
ton.The ClientLink for SAP dialog box opens. (See Using the ClientLink for
SAP Program on page 16 for information on the activities available from the
ClientLink for SAP dialog box.)

When you click on the Confirm button, SAP sends a request to ClientLink to
get the document number for linking with the SAP object.

Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

The ClientLink for SAP main window is the interface to the Document Ware-
house application on the FileNet system. The status bar at the bottom of the
window shows the currently opened FileNet WorkFlo queue and workspace.

16 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

From the ClientLink for SAP window, you can do the following:

Access a different FileNet system. See Changing to a Different IMS on

page 17.

Display the current WorkFlo queue and workspace. See Displaying Cur-
rent Queue and WorkSpace on page 18.

Choose a WorkFlo queue or workspace. See Selecting a Queue and

Workspace on page 18.

Retrieve documents from a queue. See Fetching Documents from a

Queue on page 19, Auto-Fetching on page 19, and Skipping a Docu-
ment on page 20.

Display the index field for a document. See Displaying Documents by In-
dex on page 20.

Place a document on hold for future processing. See Pending Docu-

ments on page 20.

Route a document to another queue. See Re-routing Documents on

page 21.

Access help information. See Help Menu on page 23.

Display version information for ClientLink for SAP. See Help Menu on
page 23

Exit the ClientLink for SAP program. See Exiting the ClientLink Program
on page 22.

For quick reference information on the menus and options in the ClientLink for
SAP window, see Menu & Command Summary on page 22.

Changing to a Different IMS

While logged on to a FileNet system, you can access queues and workspaces
located on a different FileNet system. To do this, you first have to indicate to
ClientLink to change to a different IMS service.

Note To access multiple FileNet systems, your user name and password accounts
must be identical for all systems you want to access.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 17

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

To change to a different FileNet system:

1 From the Select menu, choose the IMS Service command. The Select IMS
Service dialog box opens showing the NCH name of the FileNet system
where you are currently logged on.

Enter the name of the FileNet system you want to access. Use the format of
Object:Domain:Organization.(For details on how to enter this name, see the
WorkForce Desktop Users Guide.)

2 Click on the OK button to log on to the specified FileNet system and return to
the ClientLink for SAP window.

Displaying Current Queue and WorkSpace

To obtain the name of the WorkFlo queue and workspace that are currently
open, select the Current Queue and Workspace command from the Option
menu. The current queue and workspace information also appears in the sta-
tus bar at the bottom of the ClientLink for SAP window.

Selecting a Queue and Workspace

You can select a WorkFlo workspace on the FileNet system that contains
WorkFlo queues with documents for processing. Each workspace has its own
set of WorkFlo queues. Ask your system administrator for the correct work-
space and queue to use.

The default workspace is the one specified in the ClientLink configuration file.
To access a different workspace and queues, select the Queue/Workspace
command from the Select menu. A dialog box displays listing the valid queues
and workspaces available:

18 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

Select the appropriate WorkFlo queue and workspace and click on the OK

Fetching Documents from a Queue

When ClientLink first opens a work queue, you can use the Fetch Document
command on the Document menu to fetch or select the first available docu-
ment in the queue. The documents ID number displays in the Queue Item text
box. When you fetch a document, it is locked until it has been processed from
SAP (linked to SAP objects) or skipped using the Skip to Next Document com-
mand (See Skipping a Document on page 20).

After SAP processes a document, ClientLink fetches the next document in the
queue (Auto-Fetching option on), or you can use the Fetch Document com-
mand to retrieve the next document for processing (Auto-Fetching option off).
See Auto-Fetching on page 19 for details.

When Auto-Fetching is turned on, ClientLink deletes the document that has
just been processed from the queue and fetches the next document in the

When Auto-Fetching is turned off, ClientLink stays with the current document.
To retrieve the next document, you must use the Fetch Document command.

To turn Auto-Fetch on and off, select the Auto-Fetch command from the Op-
tion menu. Then highlight the On option to activate auto-fetching or highlight
the Off option to deactivate it.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 19

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

Skipping a Document
To skip the current document and select the next available document in the
queue, select the Skip to Next Document command from the Document

Displaying Documents by Index

When you select or fetch a document from a queue, the documents ID num-
ber displays in the Queue Item text box in the ClientLink for SAP window. For
convenience, you can also display index information for the document. The
Queue Item text box then shows indexing information for the document in-
stead of the document ID number.

To display index information for a document, select Display Queue Item By

from the Option menu. A dialog box displays. Enter the name of the docu-
ments index field in the text box and click on the OK button. The dialog box
closes, and the ClientLink for SAP window displays showing information for
the specified index in the Queue Item text box.

Pending Documents
You can mark a document in a queue for processing at a later time. This is
called pending a document. ClientLink returns the document to the queue
where it remains until the specified time period elapses.

Note A pended document is not available for processing and will not be displayed
as part of the queue contents. When the specified time period elapses, the
document automatically becomes available for processing.

To place a document on hold for later processing:

1 From the Document menu, select the Pend Document command. The Pend
Document dialog box displays.

20 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

2 Select whether you want to put the document on hold for Day(s) or Hour(s).

3 In the Hold For text box, enter the number of days or hours you want to pend
the document. Click on the OK button to place the document on hold and re-
turn to the ClientLink for SAP window.

Re-routing Documents
You can forward a document to another WorkFlo queue on the FileNet sys-
tem. To re-route a document:

1 From the Document menu, select the Re-route Document command. The Re-
route Document dialog box opens displaying a list of available queues:

2 Select the desired queue and click on the OK button. This writes the current
document to the selected queue, retrieves the next document from the current
queue, and displays it.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 21

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

Exiting the ClientLink Program

Use the Exit ClientLink command on the Document menu to terminate the Cli-
entLInk program.

Menu & Command Summary

The following tables briefly describe the menus and commands available in
the ClientLink for SAP main window.

Document Menu
The options on the Document menu are:.

Option Function
Fetch Document Retrieve the first document in a work queue. See
Fetching Documents from a Queue on page 19.
Skip to Next Skip the current document and select the next docu-
Document ment in a work queue. See Fetching Documents from
a Queue on page 19.
Pend Document Place a document on hold until a specified future time.
See Pending Documents on page 20.
Re-route Re-route a document to another work queue. See Re-
Document routing Documents on page 21.
Exit Exit the ClientLink program. See Exiting the ClientLink
Program on page 22.

22 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Using the ClientLink for SAP Program

Select Menu
The options on the Select menu are:.

Option Function
Queue/Workspace Select or change to a different queue or workspace.
See Selecting a Queue and Workspace on page 18
and Displaying Current Queue and WorkSpace on
page 18.
IMS Service Access a different IMS from the one you are currently
logged on to. See Changing to a Different IMS on
page 17.

Option Menu
The options on the Option menu are:

Option Function
Auto-Fetch Automatically fetch the next document in a queue. See
Fetching Documents from a Queue on page 19.
Current Queue Display the currently activated WorkFlo queue and
and Workspace workspace. See Displaying Current Queue and Work-
Space on page 18.
Display Queue Display index information associated with the current
Item By document ID. See Displaying Documents by Index on
page 20.

Help Menu
The options on the Help menu are:

Options Function
Contents Display an index of ClientLink help topics.
About Display product and version information for ClientLink
for SAP.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 23

2 Document Processing
Manual Data Entry

Manual Data Entry

You can book an incoming original document into the SAP application before
it enters the FileNet system. You complete data entry from information on the
hard-copy document rather than from a document image.

Note The following procedure is an example for entering a sales order using the
Late Archiving, manual data entry method.

1 Log on to the FileNet system.

2 Double-click the SAP icon in the SAP R/3 program group to open the SAP R/3
main window.

3 Log on to the SAP system.

4 From the Logistics menu, select Sales/distribution and Sales. This displays
the Sales dialog box.

5 From the Sales Order menu, select Create. This displays the Create Sales Or-
der dialog box.

6 From the Order Type drop-down list, select OR (Standard Order).

7 Enter the necessary information in the Organizational Data section.

8 Click on the Double-Line Entry button. This displays the Create Standard Or-
der dialog box.

9 Enter the necessary information.

10 Click on the Choose button. This displays the Restrict Value Ranges dialog

24 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Manual Data Entry

11 Enter the necessary information and then click on the Continue button. In our
example, the Create Standard Order: Overview-Double-Line Entry window

12 After saving the transaction, the key (SAP Object ID) is displayed at the bot-
tom of the screen. For a customer order, this is the Order Number, and is
noted on the document to be used later during Late Archiving processing.

13 From the Get Settings dialog box, select a System Setting and then click on
the Choose button to select one of the available System Settings.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 25

2 Document Processing
Manual Data Entry

A list of document types associated with the selected System Setting displays
in the Late Archiving window.

14 You must classify the incoming original document so it can be associated with
the correct type of transaction in the SAP system.

Click on a Document Type from the list and then click on the Choose button to
select a document type that matches the document image displayed in the
FileNet Display window.

The Assignment to Original Document dialog box displays the key object ID
number for the selected document type. In the following example, the number
is 803.

26 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

2 Document Processing
Manual Data Entry

15 In the right-hand field, enter the Order Number that is written on the document
displayed in the FileNet Display window. This links the target object in the
SAP system with the document.

16 Click on the Confirm button to display the attributes of the target SAP object in
the Archiving Original Document dialog box.

17 Click on the Display Document button to navigate to the target object in the
SAP system.

18 Click on the Continue button to link the displayed document to the selected
SAP object and complete the Late Archiving procedure. An entry is created in
the SAP database Link table associating the SAP object with the document.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 27

2 Document Processing
Manual Data Entry

28 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3Document & Data Archiving

The FileNet Document Warehouse for SAP application archives outgoing doc-
uments generated by SAP to the FileNet system. This chapter describes the
synchronous and asynchronous archiving of SAP-generated documents.

Archiving Modes
The FileNet system supports both synchronous and asynchronous archiving
of outgoing documents generated by the SAP system.

Synchronous Archiving
Synchronous archiving means that an archiving request is sent directly from
the SAP business application to the FileNet system. FileNets ServerLink soft-
ware retrieves and archives the document and displays the FileNet document
ID in an acknowledgment message.

Asynchronous Archiving
Asynchronous archiving means that queues are used to buffer both the SAP
systems outgoing archive requests and the incoming acknowledgment and
confirmation messages. Although the FileNet system acknowledges the ar-
chiving request immediately, the document is retrieved later from a queue for
archiving. The FileNet document ID displays in a separate confirmation

Reverse Archiving
You can also reverse the archiving process and place documents stored on
the FileNet system in the SAP system where they can be processed as

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 29

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Outgoing Documents

Archiving Outgoing Documents

Configuring Output Methods
When configuring output, you must first verify that the relevant definitions exist
in the Global Document Type list and also in the Links list. Refer to the Docu-
ment Warehouse for SAP Coordinators Handbook for information on these
configuration steps.

Output Types
The following tables list all of the documented output types that SAP indicates
are archivable as of the 3.0x release.

Material Management Purchasing Documents (MM -PUR)

Description Document Type Object Type

Outline agreement MEOAGREEM EKKO
Purchase order (PO) MEOORDER EKKO
Request for quotation (RFQ) MEOREQUOTE EKKO
Delivery schedule (issued under a MEOSCHEDUL EKKO
scheduling agreement)
Reminder/expediter MEOREMIND EKKO
re: ordered goods
Acknowledgment expediter MEOACKNOWL EKKO

30 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Outgoing Documents

Sales and Distribution (SD)

Description Document Type Object Type

Sales activities SDOACTIV VBKA
Order confirmation SDOORDER VBAK
Delivery schedule SDODELPLAN VBAK
Foreign trade data SDOCOMEX VTTK
Invoice (cash sale) SDOINVOICE VBAK
Rebate credit memo SDOBONUS VBAK

Plant Maintenance (PM)

Description Document Type Object Type

Maintenance notification PMONOTFPAP BUS2038
Service notification PMOSERVPAP BUS2080
Maintenance order PMOWORKPAP BUS2007

Quality Management (QM)

Description Document Type Object Type

Complaints field by customers QMOLETTER1 BUS2078
Complaints against vendors QMOLETTER2 BUS2078
Internal problem notifications QMOLETTER3 BUS2078

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 31

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Print Lists

Module Specific Settings

Once you have created/verified the Global Document Class, you must assign
it to the Output Type. Configuration steps for each module can vary. Refer to
your SAP documentation for instructions. (In the online documentation media
for R/3 system release 3.1G, see the bcals.hlp file in SAP ArchiveLink - Sce-
narios in Applications and the bcbptarc.hlp file in SAP ArchiveLink.)

Note We strongly recommend that you obtain and use the SAP documentation
mentioned in the previous paragraph. It provides valuable information about
optical archiving of incoming and outgoing documents, data, and print lists.

Archiving Print Lists

With the Document Warehouse application, you can archive print lists gener-
ated by SAP applications.

Note To demonstrate how to find a print list, the following procedure displays the
Material List dialog box where you can create and archive a print list.

1 From the SAP R/3 main window, go to transaction mm60 (enter /nmm60 in the
top edit box). This displays the Materials List dialog box.

2 To display a list of materials, enter the appropriate search criteria, such as a

range of material numbers.

3 Click on the Execute button. This displays the desired list of materials.

32 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Print Lists

4 To archive the displayed print list, select the Print command from the List
menu. The Print Screen List dialog box displays.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 33

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Print Lists

5 Complete the following fields in the Print Screen List dialog box:

Field Description
Output Device Printer defined on the SAP system. (The ARCH output device does not dis-
play in this list.)
Title(Spool Request Text description of the print job, such as Materials List.
Print Immed. Click in the selection box to force immediate printing.
(Spool Control section)
Delete After Print Click in the selection box to delete the document from the work list after ar-
chiving and/or printing.
Archiving Mode Determines the output of the print list.
Print only
Archive only
Print and archive

6 Click on the Print button.

If you have set the archiving mode to Archive Only or Print and Archive, SAP
displays the Archive Parameters dialog box where you define the resulting ar-
chive object.

7 Complete the following fields for the archive job.

34 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

Field Description
Object Type Object type defined on the SAP system. Click on the Object Type field. SAP
displays a button for displaying a selection list.
For print lists stored in the DMS application, select the DRAW Object Type.
The Object Type determines the Link table where the print list is indexed and
determines the archive where the document is stored.
Document Type Type of document defined on the SAP system. Click on the Document Type
field. SAP displays a button for displaying a selection list.
For print lists, you can select the GENPRILIST Document Type. This identi-
fies a general-purpose print list. The Document Type determines the Link ta-
ble where the print list is indexed and determines the archive where the
document is stored.
Information Replace the question mark character (?) with any text.
Text Text description of the print list. This description displays as an attribute on
the resulting Output Request.

8 Click on the Archive button to create a Spool Request in the SAPspool mod-
ule. One or more Output Requests are associated with the Spool Request.
One is for the ARCH Output Device that represents the FileNet system.

Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

This section discusses how to archive jobs to the FileNet system using the Ar-
chiveLink Monitor.

Displaying ArchiveLink Monitor

Use the SAP ArchiveLink Monitor to manage the queues and background pro-
cesses associated with document processing and archiving. Display the Ar-
chiveLink:Monitor dialog box as follows.

1 From the SAP R/3 main window, select Administration from the Tools menu.
This displays the System Administration dialog box.

2 From the Administration menu, select Process technology. This displays the
Administration: Process Technology dialog box.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 35

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

3 From the Optical Archive menu, select Archive monitor. This displays the Ar-
chiveLink:Monitor window.

36 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

Checking Attributes for Asynchronous Archiving Job

To see the attributes for a list of documents and print lists waiting to be

1 In the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog box, double-click on the Open Spool button

in the Asynchronous requests section. This displays a dialog box that contains
a list of open spool requests.

2 To display the attributes of a spool request, select a spool request from the list
and then click on the Display button. The Spool:Requests dialog box opens.

3 In the Spool: Requests dialog box, click on the Attributes button. This displays
the Spool Attributes dialog box.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 37

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

4 For more details on the selected spool request, click on the Attributes II

5 To return to the Display Open Spool Requests dialog box, click on the yellow
arrow (pointing up).

Checking Output Requests for Asynchronous Archiving Job

To display the associated Output Requests for the selected spool request:

1 In the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog box, double-click on the Open Spool button

in the Asynchronous Requests section. This displays a dialog box that shows
a list of open spool requests.

2 To display the output requests for a spool request, select a spool request from
the list and then click on the Display button. The Spool:Requets dialog box

38 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

3 Click on the Output Requests button. The following dialog box displays.

4 For asynchronous archiving, direct one of the output requests to the appropri-
ate ARCH output device by clicking on the Print button.

Note The result of clicking on the Print button depends on how the Archiving mode
was set in the Output Determination-Output Types dialog box.

5 In the resulting Spool:Output Request dialog box, you can decide to either
print the document (Print button) or fax the document (Fax button).

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 39

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

Displaying Asynchronous Archiving Requests

To display a list of archiving requests (held in the CARA queue):

1 Click the Archiving button (Queues section) in the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog

box. This displays the ArchiveLink: Archive Requests window.

2 Select the desired archive request and then click on the Display button. The
selected archive request attributes are displayed.

40 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

3 To send the archiving request to the FileNet system, click on the Process
button. This displays an information dialog box showing that the request has
been received by the ServerLink program and that the document will be

4 Click on the check mark button to return to the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog box.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 41

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

Processing Confirmation & Acknowledgment Messages

When you asynchronously archive documents to the FileNet system, the
ServerLink program returns the following message types to the SAP system.

An acknowledgment message informing ArchiveLink that ServerLink has

received the archiving request.

A confirmation message informing ArchiveLink that the related docu-

ments have been successfully committed to optical disk in the FileNet

1 To display a list of acknowledgment and confirmation messages waiting to be

processed, double-click on the Archiving button (Queues section) in the Ar-
chiveLink:Monitor dialog box. This displays the ArchiveLink: Archiving Confir-
mation dialog box containing a list of acknowledgment and confirmation

This list contains entries for the following types of documents:

Archived print lists from the SAP system.

Outgoing documents from the SAP system.

2 Select the desired confirmation and then click on the Display button to show
the configuration of a selected message in this queue.

42 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

The above is a message for an outgoing Order Confirmation document ar-

chived from the Sales application. The Archive Doc. No. is the FileNet docu-
ment ID assigned to the document when committed to optical disk.

3 Click on the Process button. An information window confirms that the item has
been processed.

4 Click on the check mark button to return to the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog box.

Scheduling Asynchronous Archiving

You can process the queues related to asynchronous archiving and retrieval
in batch mode using a scheduled job defined on the SAP system.

1 Click on the Schedule Job button in the ArchiveLink:Monitor dialog box to dis-
play the Create Step 1 dialog box where you define the asynchronous ar-
chiving job.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 43

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

2 Complete the following fields (in the ABAP Program section) for the job to run
the correct ABAP/4 script.

Field Description
Name Enter ILQBATCH.
Variant You can leave this field blank.
Language Set to E=English.

44 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

3 Click on the Save button. This displays the Define Background Job dialog box
where you enter the required information and save the ABAP/4 configuration.

4 Complete the following fields before saving the job.

Field Description
Job Name Name of the job.
Job Class Set to C.
Status Job status. Displays as Scheduled.
Target Host Select the appropriate server from the drop-down list by
clicking on the Target host field and then clicking on the
Down Arrow button.

5 To indicate when the job should run, click on the Start Date button to display
the Start Time dialog box.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 45

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

6 Set a time for the job to run:

To run the job immediately, click on the Immediate button.

To run the job at a specified date and time, click on the Date/Time button.
This displays the following version of the Start Time dialog box.

46 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

Enter the date and time that you want the job to run (MM/DD/YYYY). You
can also enter a date and time after which the job expires by entering a
date in the No Start After field.

Click on the Save button to save the overall job configuration.

To run the job after running another job, click on the After Job button. This
displays the After Job version of the Start Time dialog box. Enter the job
name after which the job should run.

Click on the Save button to save the overall job configuration.

To run the job after a specific SAP event such as at the end of a job or af-
ter a test, click on the After Event button. This displays the After Event
version of the Start Time dialog box where you can choose a Batch Event

Click on the Save button to save the overall job configuration.

To run the job in a test or dummy mode, click on the At Operation Mode
button. Select an operation type and then click on the Choose button.

Click on the Save button to save the overall job configuration.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 47

3 Document & Data Archiving
Archiving Documents to the FileNet System

To run the job at specified intervals such as monthly or hourly, click in the
Periodic Job checkbox and then click on the Period Values button. This
displays the Period Values dialog box where you can select Hourly, Daily,
Weekly, Monthly, or Other Period when the job should run. See the appro-
priate SAP documentation for instructions on setting period values.

Click on the Save button to save the overall job configuration.

48 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4Document Retrieval & Display

This chapter describes how to retrieve documents stored on the FileNet sys-
tem and display them on a workstation using either the viewer for the Ar-
chiveLink program or a viewer for the FileNet system.

Retrieving incoming and outgoing documents involves the following steps:

Retrieving a transaction in an SAP application.

Requesting the display of associated documents stored on the FileNet


Selecting the required items from a list of documents indexed on the SAP

Retrieving the associated document images automatically from the

FileNet system and displaying them in a viewer on the workstation.

You retrieve print lists in a similar manner via a mini-Document Management

System module where index records are kept. (See Displaying Print Lists on
page 52.)

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 49

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Retrieving Documents

Retrieving Documents
When an ArchiveLink-enabled SAP application displays an object, you can
display a list containing documents stored on the FileNet system that are as-
sociated with the selected object.

Note The following example illustrates how to display documents stored on the
FileNet system that are related to a specific customer order in the SAP sys-
tem. In this case, you would need to request a list of Sales Orders for that cus-
tomer as follows.

Displaying Original Documents

1 From the Office menu in the SAP R/3 main window, select Optical archiving
and then select Display Originals. The ArchiveLink:Find Incoming/Outgoing
Documents window displays.

2 Enter VBAK in the Object Type field and click on the Find button (at the top).
This displays the key field entry dialog box.

50 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Retrieving Documents

3 Enter a valid Sales document number. In our example, we used number 322.

4 Click on the Continue button. The Hit List of Originals dialog box displays.

5 Choose any of the four original documents and click on the Display Originals
button to display the document in the FileNet viewer. Clicking on the button
communicates with ClientLink, which in turn invokes the FileNet viewer to dis-
play the document.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 51

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Retrieving Documents

Displaying Print Lists

Print lists are reports produced from SAP applications. These can be printed
and/or archived to the FileNet system and stored on optical disk in a single

You can retrieve print lists either directly in the SAPoffice module or via the Ar-
chive Objects Administration module of the ArchiveLink program.

Use the following procedure to display the Find Archived Print Lists dialog box
in SAPs Document Management System (DMS) module where print lists are

1 From the SAP R/3 main window, select Optical Archiving from the Office

2 Select Display Print List. The following dialog box displays:

3 Enter the following search criteria:

Field Description
Report Name Type of print list.
Archiving Date (From/To) Date range when the print list was archived. (nn/
Object Type Type of object associated with the print list, such
as Document.
Document Type Document type, such as General Print List.

52 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Retrieving Documents

4 Click on the Execute button to display a list of matching print list reports.

5 Click on the Display Info Record button to retrieve the full index attributes for
the archived print list.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 53

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Retrieving Documents

6 Click on the Archive Obj Status button to determine whether the print list is
available for retrieval. If the Archive Status value is Online in the Archive Infor-
mation section, the document is stored on the FileNet system and is available
for retrieval.

7 Click on the Display Archive button to retrieve the print list from the FileNet
system and display it in the SAP ArchiveLink viewer. (The viewer communi-
cates with the .DLL of the ClientLink program to retrieve the archived print list
from the FileNet system.)

54 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

Multiple Viewer Support

The FileNet system supports the use of both FileNet and SAP document

SAP ArchiveLink Viewer

The SAP system includes a document viewer, the SAP ArchiveLink viewer, as
part of the BASIS module that includes the SAPoffice application and associ-
ated ArchiveLink components.

This viewer uses functions provided in the ClientLink .DLL to retrieve docu-
ments stored on the FileNet system. The SAP ArchiveLink viewer can display
document images, outgoing documents, and print lists.

Note The SAP ArchiveLink viewer can display documents stored on the FileNet
system in proprietary ALF and OTF format.

With the SAP ArchiveLink Viewer, you can:

Print to a UNIX server using a spool independent of the R/3 system


Print locally via Microsoft Windows.

Display and edit a Note already associated with the displayed document.

Create a new Note if one is not already associated with the document.

Select a displayed document.

Deselect a displayed document.

Copy a selected area of a document image to the Windows clipboard.

Select an entire page prior to copying to the Windows clipboard.

Search a displayed print list for a text string.

Search an indexed print list for record matching attributes.

Navigate through a document using the first page, next page, and previ-
ous page commands.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 55

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

Navigate between documents using the first document, next document,

previous document, and last document commands.

Manipulate images using the enlarge, reduce, scale, rotate, and scale-to-
gray commands.

Manipulate windows using the tile and cascade commands.

The following is a print list in Advanced List Format (ALF) displayed in the
SAP ArchiveLink viewer.

56 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

This is an outgoing document displayed in the SAP ArchiveLink viewer.

Searching for a Text String

You can search for a text string in an SAP print list document stored on the
FileNet system by using the Free Search feature. The search is conducted di-
rectly on the data file portion of the print list. For optimal performance, this
search is executed on the FileNet IMS server and retrieves only matching
pages to your workstation.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 57

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

Use the following steps to search a displayed print list for a specific text string:

1 From the Edit menu, select Free Search. This displays the Find dialog box
where you can enter the desired text string:

When you execute a search, the displayed page of the print list is searched
first. The first occurrence of the text string is highlighted.

If the text string is not found on the displayed page, the text string is passed to
a search engine running on the FileNet server, and the search continues on
the remainder of the print list in cache. If the text string is located, the relevant
page is retrieved to the workstation, displayed, and the matching text string is

2 Click on the Find Next button to find all occurrences of the desired text string.

Searching for Attributes

The Attribute Search feature searches an SAP print list document stored on
the FileNet system for a record that matches previously saved attributes. The
software searches the description file portion of the print list. The resulting
pointer is used to navigate to the correct location in the data file. For optimal
performance, this search is executed on the FileNet IMS server and retrieves
only matching pages to your workstation.

58 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

Creating Notes
The FileNet system integration with the SAP system supports the creation of
Notes from SAP applications and from the SAP ArchiveLink viewer.

From the SAP ArchiveLink viewers display window, select Note from the Edit
menu to display a Note associated with the displayed document.

The Note Editor dialog box displays a note associated with the displayed

To add new text to the existing Note or to create a new Note, click on the Ex-
tend button. The Note is sent to the FileNet system where a FileNet annota-
tion is created and stored with the document.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 59

4 Document Retrieval & Display
Multiple Viewer Support

FileNet Viewer
To display image documents, ClientLink integrates with the standard FileNet
document viewer, Image Display for Windows 5.0. When SAP makes a re-
quest to display a document stored on the FileNet system, the ClientLink pro-
gram invokes Image Display for Windows.

Note The FileNet viewer cannot display documents generated on the SAP system
that are stored in proprietary ALF and OTF formats.

60 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997


Abbreviation for Advanced Business Application Programming. The pro-
gramming language used for creating SAP applications.

Abbreviation for Advanced List Format. This is SAPs proprietary format for
outputting summaries of reports such as print lists.

ARCH Output Device

A dummy printer where SAP-generated documents are placed in readi-
ness for archiving and/or printing.

This can mean commit to optical disk, print and commit to optical disk, or
print only.

The SAP systems interface between the SAP system and Document

Asynchronous Archiving
When queues are used to buffer both the SAP systems outgoing archive
requests and the incoming acknowledgment and confirmation messages.

Creating new transactions such as orders and invoices in the SAP system.

Document Type
The assortment of documents associated with a system setting. A credit
memo might be a document type associated with the Financial system

Early Archiving
An SAP process where you retrieve committed documents from the ar-
chive system and route the documents to another person who completes
the processing.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 61


Short for facsimile. An SAP document type that conforms to CCITT Group
4 TIFF format.

Hit List
A displayed list of items returned from a query to the SAP database.

Incoming Document
A scanned or archived document that can be processed in the SAP sys-
tem. Also, see NCI.

Insert mode as opposed to Overwrite (OVR) mode. Press the insert key to
toggle between insert and overwrite modes.

Late Archiving
An SAP process where you process work items and then retrieve and link
committed documents from the archive system.

Link table
A table in the SAP system that defines the relationships between SAP ob-
jects and documents stored in the FileNet system.

To indicate that a document in the FileNet system is to be linked to a work
object in the SAP system.

Non-Coded Information. A document that has been scanned or faxed.

Short for SAPs proprietary Outgoing Text Format. This is the format that
SAP uses for outputting detailed reports.

Outgoing Document
A document created in the SAP system.

Overwrite mode as opposed to Insert (INS) mode. Press the insert key to
toggle between insert and overwrite modes.

62 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997

Print List

Print List
Print lists are reports produced from SAP applications such as customer
and vendor lists.

The operation to be performed on a work item, as defined by the document

Systems, Applications and Products in Data Processing.

The SAP systems Graphical User Interface: windows, buttons, menus,

Simultaneous Archiving
An SAP process where you retrieve committed documents from the ar-
chive system, link them to work items, and complete the processing.

Subsequent Assignment
A document that is already linked to a work object in the SAP system can
be retrieved, marked, and linked to another work object.

System Setting
A module in the SAP system that groups specific kinds of documents

A variant is a group of often-used or difficult to remember selection values
that you can save and use when these selection values are required.

The SAP ArchiveLink viewer as well as FileNets Image Display and Image
View applications can display document images, outgoing documents, and
print lists Image View can be used with 16-bit ClientLink only.

Work Item
A work item is the processing of a document or a message.

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 63

Work Queue

Work Queue
The FileNet WorkFlo queue in the selected WorkFlo workspace containing
documents for processing in the SAP system.

Where ClientLink searches for the FileNet WorkFlo queue containing doc-
uments for processing in the SAP system.

64 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997


ABAP/4, defined 61 data entry, manual 24
ALF, defined 61 Display application window
ARCH Output Device, defined 61 commands 2223
archive request, message types 42 menus 2223
archive, defined 61 display document in viewer 2, 49
ArchiveLink distributing work items 11
defined 61 document type
Monitor 35 defined 61
archiving selecting 10
asynchronous 29 documents
asynchronous, defined 61 archiving 2, 35
documents 2, 35 asynchronous 29
early 2 early 2
late 13 late 13
mass 13 synchronous 29
methods 7 displaying 2, 49
print lists 32 incoming
reverse, documents 29 defined 62
SAP documents 2 document type 10
simultaneous 15 early archiving 2
synchronous 29 late archiving 2
asynchronous archiving 29 late archiving, without bar code 13
check job 37 mass archiving 13
defined 61 select type, late archiving 26
scheduling 43 simultaneous archiving 2, 15
attribute search 58 system settings 10
linking 2
B list to display 50
bar code processing 2 outgoing, defined 62
booking, defined 61 processing 2
retrieving 2
Caution, message in manual 9 E
check asynchronous archive job 37 early archiving 2
classes, FileNet 10 defined 61
create a work item 15 experience level, user 7
creating notes 59

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 65


fax, defined 62 print list, defined 63
features print lists
early archiving 2 archiving 32
late archiving 2 defined 52
simultaneous archiving 2, 15 retrieving 52
free search 57 procedures
access ArchiveLink Monitor 35
H archive print list 32
hit list, defined 62 check archive job attributes 37
check requests for archive job 38
I early archiving 12
incoming document, defined 62 find archived print lists 52
INS, defined 62 late archiving
insert mode, defined 62 manual data entry 24
processing with bar code 14
L without bar code 14
late archiving 2 retrieve documents, example 50
defined 62 schedule async archiving 43
select, document type 26 search for text string 58
without bar code 13 simultaneous archiving 15
linking documents 2 process, defined 63
list documents to display 50 processing
logon, SAP system 9 a batch 13
documents 2
marking, defined 62 R
mass archiving 13 retrieving
message types, archive request 42 documents 2
print lists 52
N reverse archiving 29
NCI, defined. 62
Note, message in manual 9 S
notes, creating 59 SAP link table, defined 62
SAP, defined 63
O SAPGUI, defined 63
OTF, defined 62 scheduling asynchronous archiving 43
outgoing document, defined 62 search for
overwrite mode, defined 62 attributes 58
OVR, defined 62 text string 57
simultaneous archiving 2, 15
defined 63
subsequent assignment, defined 63

66 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide June 1997


synchronous archiving 29 W
system settings 10 web site 10
defined 63 work item
creating 15
T defined 63
Tip, message in manual 9 forwarding 11
training courses 10 work queue, defined 64
workspace, defined 64
user experience level 7

variant, defined 63
defined 63
display documents 49

June 1997 Document Warehouse for SAP Users Guide 67

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