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Noses Therapeutic Clowns are joined by (clockwise) Mark Dailey,

Volume #2 - Winter / Spring - 2006 Blair Rossen and Fred Smith of the Parbusters?

A Tribute to Our Oldest Friends

Dear Friends: The Parbusters?
Welcome back to Noses Off and a big clown The Parbusters?, who have been around since the For the past 10 years The Parbusters? under the leader-
hello from all of us here at The Therapeutic Clown early years; Brenda, David and the Dimitry fam- ship of Fred Smith, Les Major and Blair Rossen, have hit a
Program at SickKids! We send a special greeting to ily who in honour of daughter and sister Carrie, hole in one for sick children and The Therapeutic Clown
our new friends and supporters and a sincere thank created Carries Dream Fund more than six years Program at SickKids. This group of fun-loving golfers
you to each and every one of you who continue to ago; and Hilary, Bernie and the Prusznowskis who in their own words possess more spirit than skill
improve the quality of sick childrens lives through who have been honouring their son and brothers began 51 years ago. Fred, who was there at the begin-
your loyal support of our program. memory through Adams Dream Fund for the ning, says that while they never stood a chance at win-
There is not a day that goes by that we are not past nine years. We would also like to introduce ning first, or in fact, any prizes at the tournaments they
grateful for the ability to touch these young lives you to the Weinbergs in our Donor Profile feature were playing in each year, knew they stood a chance
and make a difference. And not a day that we are their ongoing involvement in and hands-on at doing good for people in need. The Parbusters?
not thankful for each of you. We couldnt make a help with our program is greatly appreciated. fun-loving sportsmanship continues to contribute both
difference without you. For the past 12 years we Thank you, on behalf of our patients and their financially and through increased awareness of The
have counted on people like you to help us bring families and everyone here at Clown Central. Therapeutic Clown Program at SickKids. Thank you Fred,
light hearts and healing play to an increasing Together, you continue to make it possible for us Les, Blair and the Parbusters?.
number of sick and injured children. Today, we to bring happiness and comfort into the lives of so
Adams Dream Fund
have six therapeutic clowns at SickKids one on many young people.
was established in loving
each inpatient floor and one in outpatient clinics.
memory and tribute to Adam
In April we expect that number to be seven, and Best Clown Wishes,
Prusznowski, a high-spirited
will be increasing our core group to eight by the
little boy with an incredible zest
end of our next fiscal year. You have made this for life. Adam did the things that
growth possible. It is because of you that we are M. Joan Barrington Wanda Buchanan all 7-year-olds do until October
now able to brighten the days for thousands more Co-ordinator Communications & 15, 1993, when he was stricken
seriously ill and injured children. We hope that Development with a deadly form of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma-Can-
brings a smile to you as well. cer. Within 24 hours Adam went from an energetic,
In this edition of Noses Off we are proud to pay P.S.You will find enclosed an invitation to join rambunctious kid to a frightened and desperately ill
tribute to several of our oldest and dearest sup- us for Clown High Tea on March 21, from 46. child. It was then that Adams parents were to learn
porters Fred Smith, Les Major, Blair Rossen of We hope to see you there! from Adam how to compact a lifetime into 10 short
weeks and leave behind a legacy. When he was his most
vulnerable, the treatment worse than the disease, Adam
reached out to others and brought them closer to him.
Upcoming Spring Events He demonstrated an incredible strength, heightened
by his ability to love. Through all he endured, Adams
Clown High Tea Donor Recognition Day Light Hearts~Healing Play Level II Work- thoughts were with the children that were around
Tuesday March 21, 2006. Between 4 and 6 oclock, The shop Spring 2006 him. His greatest wish was to return to the hospital
Garden Patio in The Atrium at SickKids. Visit when he was well, to help the children. When Adam
therapeuticclownprogram for more info. was unable to verbalize his feelings at the height of his
Crepes for Clowns illness, therapeutic clowns came and lifted his spirits.
7:30 am Tuesday May 9, 2006 Adams Dream Fund Over the past nine years, Adams Dream Fund has
A Breakfast in Support of The Therapeutic Clown Supporting The Therapeutic Clown Program and Pedi- helped make it possible for The Therapeutic Clown
Program Mark this on your calendars! More informa- atric Cancer Research May 2, 2006. 416-635-0067. Program at SickKids to live Adams dream of helping the
tion to follow. children. Thank you Hilary, Bernie, Leah and Jessica.

Carries Dream Fund

is a loving tribute to Carrie
The Therapeutic Clown Program Noses Off is a publication of The Therapeutic Dimitry who died on July 12,
Endowment Fund Clown Program at SickKids, located at 555 University 1995. Carries dream was to see
Ave. 4th Floor Black Wing Toronto M5G 1X8, and is many clowns visiting all the sick
Beginning April 1st we will be including The
published twice a year for donors, volunteers and staff. children at SickKids. Carrie, if you
Therapeutic Clown Program Endowment Fund in
ask anyone who knew her, was a
our fundraising efforts. By creating this fund we
child full of smiles and hugs. Qui-
seek to ensure that children are provided with light
Light Hearts Healing Play Since 1993 etly brave and determined to overcome the obstacles of
hearts and healing play for generations to come. living with Familial Dysautonomia (cont. on back)

Each month over 1,000 children will be treated for serious illness or injury at Sick- Through gentle humour, they remind children that they are still children with
Kids. With your help, these children will also be cared for by a therapeutic clown a right to play.
practitioner a specially trained member of the healthcare team who, through You can help Bunky, Choola, Clutter, Doko, Loo Loo, Mary Sunshine and Nuula
clown, brings light hearts and healing play to sick children when they need it put a smile on sick childrens faces every month of the year by joining our Smiles
most. Club. By donating monthly you are making a lasting investment in the lives of the
Therapeutic clowns are caring playmates who provide comfort, emotional and children we care for, showing that you really care. Please see the reverse side of
medical support to children and their families during long term illness and injury. this tear-off to make your contribution.

It costs only approximately $12 for one child to receive a therapeutic clown visit.
(cont. from front) (Riley-Day Syndrome), she loved going Two New Therapeutic Clowns to
to school and her many friends. She learned to ride a Make Us the Group of Seven!
horse and enjoyed reading, movies, drawing, computer
games and very bad jokes. Carrie touched everyone Heidi Firby and Annie Alexander join the team as
she met with generosity, compassion and love. She our newest therapeutic clown practitioners. Heidi
continues to touch our clown lives and the lives of sick brings Loo Loo to outpatient clinics every Tuesday
children through Carries Dream Fund. Our heartfelt and Clutter delights patients and families on the
thanks to Brenda, David, Amanda and Matt. 4th floor each Tuesday and Thursday.
Lucia Cino is returning from sabbatical in the
spring to bring Nuula to the 6th floor making our
company seven members strong!

an excerpt from

The Clown Journals Therapeutic Clowns (clockwise from top), Loo Loo, Choola, Bunky,
Mary Sunshines Friend Amit Clutter, Mary Sunshine, Doko

I met Amit shortly after his first visit to the 8th you are Mary Sunshine! Where have you been?
Floor. We had an instant connection. Eager to get Magic wand please.
to know me and full of demands, he was easy to Apparently, he had been asking for me for two
get to know. One day as I was playing with another days and wasnt about to forget about seeing me.
child I heard a page overhead, Mary Sunshine, According to his mom, I help Amit settle in each
Donor Profile come to the Nursing station Mary Sunshine. time that he comes to SickKids. His first question
I reported at the desk immediately to quickly is always, Will Mary Sunshine be there?
Meet The Weinberg Family
learn that Amit had been admitted a few days Its wonderful to have Amits trust and to be
In 2005 the Weinbergs a family with special affection
earlier to another floor. I needed to see him ASAP. able to help care for him. He has Mary Sunshines
for and connection to The Hospital for Sick Children
visited The Therapeutic Clown Program. Joy Cherry My heart raced, was something going wrong with picture taped to his hospital bed, carries one in
Weinberg, her daughters Deena Weinberg Sussman and Amit? I had never been called away to see a child. the car with him and keeps one in his bedroom
Sari Weinberg Binder, and her sons Barry and Joel, had I took a deep breath and approached his room. at home. There are days when I find myself at Sick-
chosen to make a substantial donation to our program As I peeked around the corner he was sitting up Kids wondering, Will Amit be there?
as a tribute to the late Dr. Fred Weinberg. Dr. Weinberg in bed, bright eyed and playing with Choola my As we continue this journey together, I know
was the first Jewish Chief Resident at SickKids. With a sister clown. When Amit saw me he gave an our bond is sealed.
special interest in the behavioural field he became As- authoritative look, pointed at me and said, There
sociate Medical Director, Child Development Clinic, Divi-
sion of Neurology in 1974. We are honoured to continue
to keep Dr. Weinbergs spirit alive through our program.
Other News Child Life Specialist, joined Joan and Helen, supporting
Thank you Joy, Deena, Sari, Barry and Joel. Your support the benefits of therapeutic clowning in relationship to
is felt and appreciated in so many ways. The Robo Award child lifes goals.
Joan Barrington, aka Bunky is co-recipient of The Robo
Kids Helping Kids with Award for therapeutic clowning, 2005 sponsored by Clown Nose Day December 6, 2005
Longwoods Publishing. Joan has been bringing Bunkys
Clown Nose Day compassion, caring and support to sick kids for over 12
The magic of therapeutic clowning spread throughout
the hospital this past December 6 as we celebrated our
Students from kindergarten to grade 8 and their teach- years. Paul Hoosen, aka Doc Willikers of Vancouver shares 2nd Annual Clown Nose Day. We kicked off the day with
ers at Leo Baeck Day School celebrated Clown Nose Day this award with Joan. a special story time in the reading room before a live
on February 7th raising funds for and awareness of audience, broadcast to all patient rooms. A fabulous Ther-
The Therapeutic Clown Program at SickKids! Thank you Clown Carolling December 19th apeutic Clown Parade at noon complete with kazoos
to Principal Eric Petersiel, Director David Prashker, staff This year also marked our second year of clown carolling and ukele brought smiles and play to children, staff
members Pauline Landon, Debra Epstein-Franks and bringing light hearts, healing play and melodious and families in the Atrium, corridors and the Food Court.
Amy Platt and parent Deena Weinberg for opening Leo silliness in the spirit of the holiday season to patients, A TCP poster launch and signing, group clown visits and
Baecks door and heart to sick kids. We especially send families, and staff. our Clown Nose Drive in support of the program made
a huge clown thank you to all the kids the grade the day complete it was great to see so many patients
8s did a superb job leading this event to success. Our The Ontario Health Associations and visitors sporting the clown nose! Thank you to Jen-
Noses Off to you! Health Achieve Conference nifer Graham, Ann Kedwell and Barbara Liepner for your
Joan Barrington and Helen Donnelly (aka Choola), volunteer resources. Many thanks to Janice OBorn and
The Women Auxiliary at presented Partners in Healing at this years Ontario The Printing House for the posters and to The Womens
Health Association Conference, October 31. This 3-hour
The Hospital for Sick Children presentation workshop examined the impact of thera-
Auxiliary for making sales possible in the 5 Fifty 5 Shop.
Adopts A Clown! peutic clowning on the psychosocial well being of young
The Therapeutic Clown Program at SickKids gratefully
Thank you Marilyn and all the wonderful women who patients. Participants at the conference discovered how
work so hard to support the mission of SickKids. Your therapeutic clown practitioners, in building relationships
adoption of Choola means that hundreds of children on with children and staff, enhance the medical goals of
the 7th floor will be guaranteed therapeutic clown visits the inter-professional team at SickKids to bring the best
this year. family centred care to all patients. Erin Boyle-McBride,

Yes, I want to join the and make a lasting difference in the lives of sick children today!

$12 Please find Debit my: Visa MasterCard American Express

$25 enclosed my cheque(s)
$50 made payable to
Another amount of choice SickKids Foundation Card#/Expiry:
designated to The
I prefer to make a Therapeutic Clown
one-time gift in the amount Program Email:
of or Phone #:

The Therapeutic Clown Program at SickKids is self-funded through generous individual, foundation and corporate gifts. Donations over $20 are tax deductible.
Please mail your contribution to 555 University Avenue Room 4293 Black Wing Toronto, Ontario M5G 1X8 or phone 416-813-6629.
Thank you for your generous support. Charitable Business #108084419-RRR-0001

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