Chap 43 Boilers Operations

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The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Chapter 43
Boiler Operations

Effective operation of steam generating equipment Once combustion is established, the correct air/fuel
has always been critical to maintaining system effi- ratio must be maintained. Insufficient air flow may
ciency, reliability and availability. With advances in permit the formation of combustible gas pockets and
sensor technology, control software, and steam gen- provide an explosion potential. Sufficient air flow to
erator hardware, efficient operation today means bal- match the combustion requirements of the fuel should
ancing equipment performance with safety require- be maintained and a small amount of excess air
ments and emissions mandates. The procedures used should be admitted to cover imperfect mixing and to
to run steam generating equipment vary widely de- promote air and fuel distribution. For emissions reduc-
pending upon the type of system, fuel and applica- tion, many newer firing systems are staged with
tion. Systems can range from simple and fully auto- overfire air (OFA) ports installed in the upper com-
mated requiring a minimum of attention, such as bustion zones of the furnace. The controlled introduc-
small gas-fired package boilers, to the very complex tion of combustion air does not eliminate the need to
requiring constant operator attention and interaction, provide adequate operating excess air for safety.
such as a large utility plant. There are, however, a In addition to these combustion precautions, it is
set of relatively common fundamental operating important to verify boiler water levels. Combustion
guidelines that safeguard personnel and optimize should never be established until adequate cooling
equipment performance and reliability. When com- water is in the tubes and steam drum for natural cir-
bined with equipment-specific procedures, these culation boilers and minimum flow rates are estab-
guidelines promote the best possible operations. The lished for once-through boilers.
first half of this chapter focuses on general practices General safety considerations Pressure part failure
applicable to large multi-burner fossil-fuel fired natu- remains a major concern in the boiler industry. The
ral circulation and once-through boilers, though these
practices are also generally applicable to most other
boiler designs. Starting with Operation of Cyclone
Table 1
furnaces, the remaining sections focus on the unique Index to Additional Operating Guidelines
practices for several important special cases. Found in Steam
Because of the intimate relationship between equip-
ment design and operation, additional operating guide- System or Component Chapter
lines may be found in other chapters of Steam. Selected
areas of particular interest are listed in Table 1. Air heaters 20
Ash handling equipment 24
Auxiliary equipment 25
General boiler operations Burners, coal 14
Burners, oil and gas 11
Fundamental principles Bypass systems 19
Chemical cleaning 42
Although boiler design and power production have Chemical recovery units 28
become sophisticated, basic operating principles still Cyclone furnaces 15
apply. Combustion safety and proper steam/water Fluidized-bed boilers 17
cooling of boiler pressure parts are essential. Particulate removal equipment 33
Combustion safety and steam/water cooling require- Pulverizers 13
ments Before firing a furnace, there must be no lin- Scrubbers (flue gas desulfurization) 35
gering combustible material inside the unit. Purging, Selective catalytic reduction systems 34
or removal of this material, assures that the furnace Sootblowers 24
is ready for firing. A standard operating rule for mul- Startup systems 19
Stokers 16
tiple burner boilers is to purge the unit at no less than Waste-to-energy systems 29
25% of the maximum continuous rating (MCR) mass Water chemistry 42
air flow for the greater of at least five minutes or five Water treatment 42
volume changes.

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-1

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), what-if events, the operating personnel can gain valu-
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspec- able experience prior to initial operation.
tors, and other organizations have issued extensive Preliminary operation should not be entrusted to
codes directed at minimizing these failures. The codes inexperienced personnel who are not familiar with the
are continuously updated to support quality pressure equipment and the correct operating procedures. Con-
part design. (See Appendix 2.) siderable equipment damage and potential safety
Combustion products have also received consider- events can result from improper preparation of equip-
able safety attention. Carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon ment or its misuse during preliminary checkout.
monoxide (CO), sulfur oxides and chlorine compounds Operator training takes on special significance dur-
must be considered. While CO2 is not poisonous, it re- ing the initial operating period required to prepare the
duces oxygen availability in the flue gas. Sulfur oxides unit for commercial operation. Knowledgeable and
can form acids when breathed into the lungs. Chlorine experienced operators are valuable during this period
compounds can form hydrochloric acids or carcinogens when the controls and interlocks are being adjusted,
such as dioxin. fuel burning equipment is being regulated, operating
Safety of fuel ash must also be considered. While procedures are being perfected and preliminary tests
few ashes contain hazardous materials, heavy met- are being conducted to demonstrate the performance
als and arsenic can be present in dangerous levels. In and capabilities of the unit.
addition, residual combustion may continue in ash
collected in hoppers. This is especially true when new Preparations for startup
emissions reduction combustion systems are being A systematic approach is required when a new
installed. Carbon-in-ash characteristics may be al- boiler is being installed or when any boiler has un-
tered under the new low nitrogen oxides (NOx) firing dergone major repairs or alterations. The procedure
configurations. varies with boiler design; however, certain steps are
Finally, safeguards apply when performing main- required for all boilers. The steps may be classified as
tenance and other work on out-of-service boilers. A inspection, cleaning, hydrostatic testing, pre-calibra-
confined space may have insufficient oxygen for per- tion of instruments and controls, auxiliary equipment
sonnel. Good lighting is important for a safe working preparation, refractory conditioning, chemical clean-
environment. In addition, ash accumulations in out- ing, steam line cleaning (blowing), safety valve test-
of-service boiler areas may still be too hot for mainte- ing and settings, and initial operations for adjust-
nance activities. ments and testing.
Inspection An inspection of the boiler and auxiliary
equipment serves two purposes: 1) it familiarizes the
Initial commissioning operations operator with the equipment, and 2) it verifies the
condition of the equipment. The inspection should
Operator requirements begin some time during the construction phase and
Good operation begins before equipment installa- continue until all items are completed.
tion is complete. It includes training of the operators One item frequently overlooked during the inspec-
as well as preparation of the equipment. tion is the provision or lack of provision for expansion.
Every operator must be trained to understand and The boiler expands as the temperature and pressure
fulfill the responsibility assumed for the successful are increased, as do steam lines, flues and ducts, soot-
performance of the equipment and for the safety of blower piping and drain piping. Before pressure is
all personnel involved. To be prepared for all situa- raised in the boiler, temporary braces, hangers or ties
tions that may arise, the operator must have a com- used during construction must be removed.
plete knowledge of all components: their designs, pur- Cleaning Debris and foreign material that accumu-
poses, limitations and relationships to other compo- late during shipment, storage, erection or repairs must
nents. This includes thoroughly inspecting the equip- be removed. Debris on the water side can restrict cir-
ment and studying the drawings and instructions. The culation or plug drain lines. Debris on the gas side can
ideal time to become familiar with new equipment is alter gas or air flows. Combustible material on the gas
during the pre-operational phase when the equipment side can ignite and burn at uncontrollable rates and
is being installed. cause considerable damage. Glowing embers can be the
A distributed control system (DCS) integrates the source of ignition at times when ignition is not desired.
individual process controllers of a steam generation Fuel lines, especially oil and gas lines, should be
process into a coordinated, interactive system. It en- cleaned to prevent subsequent damage to valves and
ables the operator to manage the process as a complete the plugging of burner parts. Steam cleaning is rec-
system, with control over the interrelationship of vari- ommended for all oil and gas lines. Atomizing steam
ous subsystems. and atomizing air lines should be cleaned.
Modern distributed control systems are extendable Hydrostatic test After the pressure parts are as-
to provide operating personnel with advanced simu- sembled, but before the refractory and casing are in-
lations of equipment behavior. Simulator training is stalled, a hydrostatic test at 1.5 times the boiler design
typically in real-time, ensuring not only a working pressure is applied to all new boilers and maintained for
understanding of the various steam generator systems, a sufficient time to detect any leaks. Testing is equally
but also the reaction time and rate of the equipment. important following pressure part replacements at pres-
Combined with simulated equipment failures and sures specified in local code requirements.

43-2 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

The hydrostatic test is normally the first time the Chemical cleaning Water-side cleanliness is impor-
new boiler is filled with water; therefore, this is the tant for all boilers because water-side impurities can
time to begin using high quality water for the preven- lead to boiler tube failures. They can also lead to car-
tion of internal fouling and corrosion. (See Chapter ryover of solids in the steam, resulting in superheater
42.) Demineralized water or condensate treated with tube failure or turbine blade damage.
10 ppm of ammonia for pH control and 500 ppm of The flushing of all loose debris from the feedwater
hydrazine for control of oxygen should be used for all system and boiler, and the use of high quality water
nondrainable superheaters and reheaters. A clear fil- for the hydrostatic test, must be supplemented by
tered water is suitable for components that will be proper water-side cleaning before startup. To remove
drained immediately after the hydrostatic test. accumulations of oil, grease and paint, the natural
Temperature plays an important part in hydrostatic circulation boiler is given a caustic and phosphate
testing. The metal temperature and therefore the boilout after the feedwater system has been given a
water temperature must be at or above applicable phosphate flush. The once-through boiler and its as-
Code restrictions for hydrostatic testing. For example, sociated pre-boiler equipment are given a similar flush-
these restrictions, as stated in the ASME Code, specify ing. This boiling out and/or flushing should be accom-
that the hydrostatic test temperature will not be be- plished before operation.
low 70F (21C) to take advantage of the inherent tough- After boiling out and flushing are completed, prod-
ness of carbon steel materials as related to temperature. ucts of corrosion still remain in the feedwater system
The water temperature should be kept low enough so and boiler in the form of iron oxide and mill scale. It
that the pressure parts can be touched and close inspec- is recommended that acid cleaning for the removal of
tions can be made. It should not be so high that water this mill scale and iron oxide be delayed until opera-
escaping from small leaks evaporates immediately or tions at fairly high capacities have carried loose scale
flashes to steam. Also, the water temperature should and oxides from the feedwater system to the boiler.
not be more than 100F (56C) above the metal tempera- This results in a cleaner boiler for subsequent opera-
ture to avoid excessive metal stress transients. tions. Chemical cleaning of internal heating surfaces
Finally, no air should be trapped in the unit dur- is described in Chapter 42.
ing the hydrostatic test. As the unit is being filled, each Steam line blowing Fine mesh strainers are custom-
available vent should be open until water appears. arily installed in turbine inlet steam lines to protect
Instrumentation and controls Every natural circu- turbine blades or valves against damage from scale
lation boiler has at least two indicating instruments: or other solid material that may be carried by the ini-
a water/steam pressure gauge and a water level gauge tial flow of steam. In addition, many operators use
glass. If a superheater is involved, some type of steam high velocity steam to clean the superheater and steam
temperature indicator is also used. Once-through type lines of any loose scale or foreign material before cou-
boilers have steam pressure gauges, flow meters and pling the steam line to the turbine. The actual proce-
temperature indicators. These indicators are important dure used depends on the design of the unit. Tempo-
in that the pressure, temperature levels and flows in- rary piping for flow bypass to the atmosphere is required
dicated by them must be controlled within design lim- with all procedures. This piping and any noise reduc-
its. Therefore, the indicators must be correct. Opera- tion silencers must be securely anchored to resist the high
tion should not be attempted until these instruments nozzle reaction created during the high velocity blow-
are calibrated, and the calibrations should include cor- ing period.
rections for actual operating conditions. Water-leg Several methods are used for blowing steam lines,
correction for the pressure gauge is one example. (See including particularly high pressure air and steam
Chapter 40.) blowing. The recommended method and the one most
Most modern boilers are controlled automatically used is steam blowing because experience has shown
once they are fully commissioned. However, before that temperature shock and high velocities are the
these boilers can be started up, the controls must be most effective means of removing loose scale. Suffi-
operated on manual until the automatic controls have cient shock is obtained with a series of blows where
been adjusted for site-specific conditions. Automatic the steam temperature changes during each blow.
control operations should not be attempted until the Lower pressure, high velocity steam blowing tech-
automatic functions have been calibrated and proven niques are also available, including those with high
reliable over the load range. velocity treated water injection to promote thermal
Auxiliary equipment The auxiliary equipment must shocking of the mill scale and debris. Designed and
also be prepared for operation. This equipment in- managed correctly, these techniques provide safe re-
cludes fans to supply air for combustion and to trans- moval of scale and other solid particles detrimental to
port fuel, feedwater pumps to supply water, fuel equip- turbine components.
ment to prepare and burn the fuel, and air heaters to There are two basic methods of supplying steam for
heat the air for combustion. This equipment also in- steam line blowing with a natural or forced circula-
cludes an economizer to heat the water and cool the tion boiler. The first method is to use steam returning
flue gas, ash removal equipment, a drain system to from the flash tank to the superheater on the forced
drain the boiler when required, a functioning circulation unit or steam flow from the drum on the
sootblowing system to adequately clean the heat natural circulation unit. The second method is to use
transfer surfaces, and post-combustion environmen- high pressure steam directly from the boiler. The lat-
tal control equipment. ter method supplies large quantities of steam at higher

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-3

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

pressures. Temporary valving is required to control the tion is the use of vents to displace all air with water.
flow rates during the blowing period. This reduces oxygen corrosion and assures that all
Boiler pressure and temperature can be maintained boiler tubes are filled with water.
during the blowing period by continuous firing. If fir- A fourth precaution on drum-type boilers is to es-
ing is discontinued during the blowing period, it must tablish the correct water level before firing begins. The
be remembered that any change in boiler pressure water level rises with temperature. Therefore, only 1
changes the saturation temperature throughout the in. (25 mm) of water is typically required in the gauge
system. To avoid excessive thermal shock, changes in glass, except with certain special designs that may
boiler pressure should be limited to those correspond- require a higher starting level in order to fill all circu-
ing to 75F (42C) in saturation temperature during the lating tubes exposed to the hot flue gases.
relatively short blowing periods. Circulation Overheating of boiler tubes is prevented
Safety valves Safety valves are essential to the safe by the flow of fluid through the tubes. Flow is produced
operation of any pressure vessel, allowing adequate in the natural circulation-type boiler by the force of
relief of excess pressure during abnormal operating gravity acting on fluids of different densities. Flow
conditions. The set point of each safety valve is nor- starts when the density of the water in the heated tubes
mally immediately checked and adjusted if necessary is less than that in the downcomers. This flow increases
after reaching full operating pressure for the first time as firing rate is increased. (See Chapter 5.) Some drum-
with steam. Safety valve seats are susceptible to dam- type boilers are designed for forced circulation and de-
age from wet steam or grit. This is an essential rea- pend on a circulating pump to assist this flow.
son for cleaning the boiler and blowing out the super- The once-through type boiler depends on the boiler
heater and steam line before testing safety valves. feedwater pump to produce the necessary flow. When-
Safety valves on drum-type boilers are normally ever a once-through boiler is being fired, a minimum
tested both for set point pressure and for the closing design flow must be maintained through the furnace
pressures. This generally requires that the boiler pres- circuits. With the use of the bypass system, the fluid
sure be raised until the valve opens and then reduced can bypass the superheater and turbine to maintain
for the valves to close. this minimum design flow until saturated steam is
The testing of safety valves always requires cau- available for admission to the superheater and until the
tion. Safety valve exhaust piping and vent piping turbine is using sufficient steam to maintain the de-
should not exert any excessive forces on the safety sign minimum furnace circuit flow. (See Chapter 19.)
valve. Gags should always be used as a safety mea- Purging Considerable attention has been given to
sure while making adjustments to the valves. the prevention of furnace explosions, especially on
As an alternate, safety valves can be tested and set units burning fuel in suspension. Most furnace explo-
with the boiler pressure below the safety valve design sions occur during startup and low load periods. When-
pressure by supplementing the boiler pressure with a ever the possibility exists for the accumulation of com-
hydraulic lift, attached to the valve stem, in accordance bustible gases or combustible dust in any part of the
with the manufacturers instructions. This hydraulic unit, no attempt should be made to light the burners
assist method reduces the risk of damage to the valve until the unit has been thoroughly purged. The Na-
seat from extended steam flow in a conventional test. tional Fire Protection Association Boiler and Combus-
Startup Operating procedures vary with boiler de- tion Systems Code (NFPA 85:2004) provides the con-
sign. There are, however, certain objectives that sensus procedures for purging of various boiler and
should be included in the operating procedures of ev- combustion systems. For multi-burner boilers, the
ery boiler. These objectives include: purge rate from the forced draft fan through the stack
is at least 25% of the full load mass air flow which
1. protection of pressure parts against corrosion,
must be maintained for the greater of five minutes or
overheating and thermal stresses,
five volume changes of the boiler enclosure. A maxi-
2. prevention of furnace explosions,
mum of 40% of the full load mass air flow is specified
3. production of steam at the desired temperature,
for coal-fired units only, while no upper limit is set for
pressure and purity, and
oil- or gas-fired units.
4. compliance with environmental regulations.
Protection of economizer Very little water, if any,
Filling In filling the boiler for startup, certain pre- is added to the drum-type boiler during the pressure
cautions should be taken to protect the pressure parts. raising period; consequently, there is no feedwater
First, high quality water should be used to minimize flow through the economizer. Economizers are located
water-side corrosion and deposits. Second, the tem- in relatively low temperature zones. Nevertheless,
perature of the water should be regulated to match some economizers generate steam during the pressure
the temperature of the boiler metal to prevent ther- raising period. This steam remains trapped until feed-
mal stresses. High temperature differentials can cause water is fed through the economizer. It not only makes
thermal stresses in the pressure parts and, if severe, the control of steam drum water level difficult; it causes
will adversely affect the life of the pressure parts. High water hammer. This difficulty is overcome if feedwater
temperature differentials can also distort the pressure is supplied continuously by venting the economizer of
parts enough to break studs, lugs and other attach- steam or by recirculating boiler water through the
ments. Differential temperatures up to 100F (56C) are economizer. If a recirculating line is available, the valve
generally considered acceptable. in this line must remain open until feedwater is being
A third precaution taken during the filling opera- fed continuously through the economizer to the boiler.

43-4 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Protection of primary, secondary and reheat super- relatively thin tubes contract and expand at a much
heater During normal operation, every superheater faster rate than the thicker drum or header walls;
tube must have steam flow sufficient to prevent over- therefore, tube seat leaks are likely to occur if heat-
heating. During startup and before there is steam flow ing and cooling rates are not controlled. Heating and
through every tube, the combustion gas temperature cooling rates have, therefore, been established at 100F
entering the superheater section must be controlled (56C) change in saturation temperature per hour.
to limit superheater metal temperatures to 900F Headers with welded tube connections present no
(482C) for carbon steel tubes and 950 to 1000F (510 problem with tube seat leaks or with header distor-
to 538C) for various alloy tubes. While firing rate is tion because the tubes are welded to the headers and
used primarily to control gas temperatures, other the headers are normally filled with fluid at a constant
means are useful, e.g., excess air, gas recirculation and temperature. The concern is mainly with temperature
burner selection. differentials through the header wall and the resulting
Gas temperature entering the superheater during incipient cracking if excessive thermal stresses occur.
startup is typically measured with retractable thermo- Steam drums with welded tube connections are not
probes that are removed as soon as steam flow is es- subject to tube seat leaks but, because they contain
tablished in every superheater tube. (See Chapter 40.) water in the bottom and steam in the top, the heating
Other permanent gas temperature monitoring devices and cooling rates vary between the top and the bot-
are available, but precautions must be taken so that their tom. This results in temperature differences between
installed locations, usage and maintenance are adequate the top and the bottom. Stress analyses show that the
for the task of measuring gas temperatures entering the principal criterion for reliable rates of heating and
superheater. These devices are required for the first few cooling should be based on the relationship between
startups to establish acceptable firing rates. They should the temperature differential through the drum wall
always be used on the once-through type boiler. and the temperature differential between the top and
The two prerequisites for steam flow through ev- bottom of the drum, both of which are measured in
ery superheater tube are: 1) removal of all water from the same circumferential plane. Analysis also shows
each tube, and 2) a total steam flow equal to or greater that the allowable temperature differentials are based
than approximately 10% of rated steam flow. Water on tensile strength, drum diameter, wall thickness and
is removed from drainable superheaters by simply pressure. Therefore, each steam drum has its own
opening the header drains and vents. Nondrainable characteristics.
superheaters are not as simple, because the water To determine the temperature differentials during
must be boiled away. There will be no steam flow the periods of startup and shutdown, it is necessary
through a tube partially filled with water, and those to continuously and accurately obtain the outside and
portions of the tube not in contact with water will be inside surface temperatures of the drum shell. Tem-
subjected to excessive temperatures unless the gas peratures of the outside of the drum shell are best
temperature is limited. determined by thermocouples. At least six outside ther-
Thermocouples attached to the outlet legs of mocouples are required: two on each end, one on the
nondrainable superheater tubes, where they pass top and bottom (all outside the internal baffle and
into the unheated vestibule, will read saturation tem- scrubber area) and two in the center, one top and one
perature at the existing pressure until a flow of steam bottom. Temperatures of the inside of the drum shell
is established through the tube. The temperature of are best determined by placing thermocouples on one
these outlet legs rises sharply to significant increases of the riser tubes entering the bottom of the drum, one
above saturation immediately after flow is established. on each end, and one in the center.
Superheater tubes adjacent to side walls and division There are two periods when the steam in the top of
walls are normally the last to boil clear. These should, the drum is hotter than the water occupying the lower
therefore, have thermocouples. half. One period is soon after firing begins on boilers
Protection of drums and headers In most installa- with large nondrainable superheaters. Steam forms
tions, the time required to place a boiler in service is first in the superheater and flows back to the steam
limited to the time necessary for raising pressure and drum where it heats the top of the drum. A second
protecting the superheater and the reheater against period is during cooling when cold air is pumped
overheating. In some cases, however, the time for both through the boiler by the forced draft fans. The boiler
starting up and shutting down may be determined by water cools, but the steam in the top of the steam drum
the time required to limit the thermal stresses in the remains at essentially the same temperature.
drums and headers. Protection of drums and headers can The temperatures of the top and bottom can be
pose significant challenges for operators faced with the brought close together by flooding the steam drum
need to cycle the steam generator on/off for load demand. with water. Firing must be stopped and water must
Various rules, based on thermal stress analysis and not be allowed to spill over into the superheater. A high
supported by operating experience, have been formu- level gauge glass is needed for this operation. How-
lated and accepted as general practice. The rules fall ever, thermocouples attached to the superheater sup-
into three categories: one for drums and headers with ply tubes can be used to indicate when the drum is
rolled tube joints, a second set for headers with welded flooded because there is a sharp change in tempera-
tube joints, and a third set for steam drums with ture when water enters these supply tubes. Allowable
welded tube joints. temperature differentials for cooling are stringent,
On drums and headers with rolled tube joints, the considerably more so than for heating. Fast cooling

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-5

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should, therefore, be supervised with the use of ther- tion and performance of backend environmental com-
mocouples and a high level gauge glass. ponents [selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system pro-
Cooling is particularly important when the boiler tection, for example] can also be constraints in desirable
is to be drained for short outages. The steam drum steam generator gas temperature.
must be cooled to permit filling with the available Pressures and temperatures Most boilers supply
water without exceeding the allowable temperature steam to turbines or processes that require heat. These
rate of change. (See Fig. 1.) A wider latitude is per- processes rely on design pressures and temperatures.
mitted if the water used for filling is hotter than the Deviations from the set points may result in lower over-
steam drum. all efficiency of the power cycle, loss of production, or
Before removing the unit from service, a more uni- damage to the product or process.
form cooling can be achieved by reducing pressure to In units that produce saturated steam, boiler tem-
approximately two-thirds of the normal operating perature is directly related to the operating pressure.
pressure. This reduces the temperature of both the For many industrial applications, the process require-
water and steam in the steam drum. ments dictate the steam temperature and conse-
quently the operating pressure.
Operating techniques for maximum efficiency For electric power producing steam systems, steam
Fuel is a major cost in boiler operation. It is there- temperature has a significant impact on turbine effi-
fore important to minimize fuel consumption and ciency. Modern controls can typically maintain this
maximize steam production. Although a boilers effi- temperature within 10F (6C) of the desired setting.
ciency is primarily a result of its design, the operator Each 50F (28C) reduction in steam temperature re-
can maintain or significantly improve efficiency by duces cycle efficiency by approximately 1% on a su-
controlling heat losses to the stack and losses to the percritical pressure unit.
ash pit. Variable pressure operation Historically, utility
Stack losses The total heat that exits the stack is power boilers in the United States (U.S.) have been
controlled by the quantity and the temperature of the operated at a constant steam pressure and the turbine
flue gas. The quantity of gas is dependent on the fuel load has been controlled by varying the throttle valves
being burned, but is also influenced by the amount at the turbine inlet. This causes an efficiency loss due
of excess air supplied to the burners. While sufficient to the temperature drop across the throttle valves.
air must be provided to complete the combustion pro- In variable pressure operation, boiler pressure is
cess, excessive quantities of air simply carry extra heat varied to meet turbine requirements. This can signifi-
out of the stack. cantly improve cycle efficiency when operating at low
The temperature of the flue gas is affected by the loads (15 to 40% of MCR). However, boiler response
cleanliness of the boiler heat transfer surfaces. This to turbine requirements is slower in this mode. When
in turn is dependent on sootblower and air heater fast response is needed, pressure increments are used.
operation. Optimal cleanliness of the heat transfer At a given pressure, the throttle valves control the
surfaces is achievable with commercial sensors and steam to the turbine and provide quick response. As
control systems that measure the heat transfer effec- turbine requirements increase and the valves ap-
tiveness of the boiler banks, evaluate against the de- proach full open position, the boiler pressure is in-
sign duty, and clean only on an as-needed basis. While creased to the next increment. This arrangement pro-
high gas exit temperatures waste energy, excessively vides high efficiency while retaining quick response.
low temperatures may also be unacceptable. Corrosion Emissions requirements The majority of the steam
can occur at the acid dew point of the gas where corro- generators in operation today were not originally de-
sive constituents condense on the cooler metal surfaces. signed for todays environmental regulations. Hard-
Ash plugging of heat transfer surfaces can be aggra- ware changes made to accomplish the emissions re-
vated by the presence of condensate. Equipment protec- duction are typically accompanied by new operating
philosophies and guidelines for efficiency and equip-
ment protection. To maintain optimal SCR efficiency
and minimal ammonia usage/slip the combustion sys-
(222) tem is optimized to generate the lowest level of nitro-
gen oxides (NOx) possible. Staging of combustion air
Rate of Change, F(C)/h

is frequently used in firing system upgrades. Suffi-
300 cient care must be taken to ensure that lower furnace
corrosion associated with the reducing atmosphere is
Safe not excessive, especially with high sulfur content fu-
200 els. Depending on system design, there may be
(111) tradeoffs between lower NOx generation and increases
in the carbon content in the ash and carbon monox-
ide (CO) in the flue gas. To maintain ash quality suit-
0 able for disposal/sale, operational balance must be
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
(56) (111) (167) (222) (278) (333) achieved within the combustion process. Furnace com-
Total Change of Saturation Temperature, F(C) bustion is also usually controlled to achieve any spe-
Fig. 1 Permissible rate of change for saturation temperature, drum cific CO emissions rate.
and furnace. Combustion optimization A modern DCS is equipped

43-6 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

to offer significantly more information and analysis, zone. The overfire air (OFA) flows are typically var-
assisting the operating personnel in optimizing the ied as a function of load, based on parametric testing
steam generator. Closed loop neural network systems performed during commissioning. While normally sat-
and other advanced intelligent control systems have isfactory for ensuring complete combustion and emis-
made strides in maintaining optimum operations con- sions compliance, any changes to fuel type, fuel prepa-
sistently throughout the operating range. Variants of ration quality, or the fuel/air transport systems will
these systems use complex databases and algorithms require close monitoring of OFA system performance.
of unit-specific operating scenarios to guide the con- More advanced dynamic control schemes are avail-
trolling parameters during steady state and transient able, dependent on measurement feedback of the com-
operation. Extensive parametric testing of the unit is bustion process in the upper furnace zones.
conducted to define the characteristics and boundaries Excess air The total combustion air flow to a boiler
of the operating variables. As long as no subsequent is generally controlled by adjusting forced and induced
mechanical modifications are added and proper equip- draft fan dampers in relation to the fuel flow. Excess
ment maintenance is available, these advanced con- air is the amount of additional combustion air over that
trol systems are capable of consistently returning the required to theoretically burn a given amount of fuel.
steam generator to its most optimum operating condi- The benefits of increasing excess air include increased
tion. A significant attribute of these systems is the combustion intensity, reduced carbon loss and/or CO
ability to target specific results during optimization formation, and reduced slagging conditions. Disadvan-
and change the targeted parameter as needed. As the tages include increased fan power consumption, in-
result, NOx can be minimized during selected periods creased heat loss up the stack, increased tube erosion,
and heat rate can be minimized the rest of the oper- and possibly increased NOx formation.
ating year. For most coal ashes, particularly those from east-
ern U.S. bituminous coals, the solid to liquid phase
Key operation functions changes occur at lower temperatures if free oxygen is
Burner adjustments The fuel and combustion air not present (reducing conditions) around the ash par-
combine and release heat at the burners. To maintain ticles. As a result, more slagging occurs in a boiler
even heat distribution across the width of the furnace, operating with insufficient excess air where localized
air and fuel flows must be evenly supplied to all burn- reducing conditions can occur.
ers. While individual burner adjustments affect a Localized tube metal wastage may also occur in
particular burner, they also impact adjacent burners. furnace walls under low excess air conditions but the
Most boilers have multiple burners in parallel flow impact is less clearly defined. The absence of free oxy-
paths on the front and/or rear furnace walls. Burn- gen (a reducing atmosphere) and the presence of sul-
ers must be similar in design and must be adjusted in fur (from the fuel) are known causes of tube metal
the same way to optimize air flow distribution. For a wastage. The sulfur combines with hydrogen from the
detailed discussion of burner features refer to Chap- fuel to form hydrogen sulfide (H2S). The H2S reacts
ters 11 and 14. with the iron in the tube metal and forms iron sulfide,
Adjustments can typically vary the turbulence and which is subsequently swept away with the flue gas.
flow rates in burners. Increased turbulence increases High chlorine levels can also promote tube wastage.
the air-fuel mixing. It also increases the combustion Although coals and most conventional fuels burned
intensity, provides faster heat release, reduces un- in the U.S. contain very little chlorine, it is a problem
burned carbon (UBC) in the ash, permits operation in refuse-derived fuels. (See Chapter 29.)
with less excess air, and increases boiler efficiency. Fuel conditions Fuel conditions are temperature,
However, increased slagging, increased NOx emissions pressure and, if solid, mean particle size and distri-
and higher fan power consumption can also result. bution. Cooler temperatures, lower pressure and
Fuel adjustments on an individual burner basis are larger particle size contribute to less complete combus-
also possible, either through diverter mechanisms in tion and increased unburned carbon in the ash. Con-
the fuel preparation system or through flow balanc- versely, if the fuel is hotter, finer and at a higher pres-
ing devices in the coal transport piping. While possible, sure, combustion is improved. Unfortunately NOx emis-
the dynamic balancing of fuel flows is difficult. As with sions and slagging can also increase with these condi-
combustion air adjustments, potential impacts to ad- tions. Current day combustion technologies employ
jacent burners will require reliable feedback on rela- multi-zone low NOx burners to control the pace of com-
tive flow rates to be effective as a dynamic operational bustion and are more demanding on mean particle size
tool. Advances in flame characterization systems and and distribution for control of NOx and UBC production.
sensors for post-combustion constituents are provid- Effects of fuel preparation equipment on boiler per-
ing more precise feedback targets for on-line fuel bal- formance Fuel preparation equipment readies the fuel
ancing, as are in situ coal and combustion air flow for combustion and can have a significant impact on
measurement devices. pollutant emissions. The preparation equipment may
Overfire air port adjustments Burner systems in- be the crushers, pulverizers and drying systems on
tended for NOx reduction are typically staged at the coal-fired units; fuel oil heaters and pumps on oil-fired
primary combustion elevation and usually operated units; refuse handling, mixing or drying equipment
with less than theoretical air for complete combustion. on refuse-fired boilers; or fuel handling, blending, siz-
The remaining air needed to complete the burning pro- ing and delivery equipment on stoker-fired units. If
cess is introduced separately, above the highest burner this equipment is not properly operated, the fuel may

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-7

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

not be completely burned, leaving UBC in the ash or 3. Do not use open-ended pipes for rodding obser-
carbon monoxide (CO) in the flue gas. vation ports or slag on furnace walls. Hot gases
The operator must monitor the fuel preparation can be discharged through the open ended pipe
equipment. Knowledge of the equipment, its mainte- directly onto its handler. The pipe can also become
nance record and operating characteristics is essential. excessively hot.
Feedwater and boiler water conditioning requirements 4. When handling any type of rod or probe in the
The main function of a boiler is to transfer heat from furnace, especially in coal-fired furnaces, be pre-
combustion gases through tube walls to heat water and pared for falling slag striking the rod or probe.
produce steam. Clean metal tubes are good conduc- The fulcrum action can inflict severe injuries.
tors, but impurities in the water can collect on the 5. Be prepared for slag leaks. Iron oxides in coal can
inside surface of the tubes. These deposits reduce heat be reduced to molten iron or iron sulfides in a
transfer, elevate tube temperatures, and can lead to reducing atmosphere in the furnace resulting
tube failures. Water conditioning is essential to mini- from combustion with insufficient air. This mol-
mize deposits and maintain unit availability. (See ten iron can wash away refractory, seals and
Chapter 42.) tubes, and leak out onto equipment or personnel.
Sootblower operations As discussed in Chapter 24, 6. Never enter a vessel, especially a boiler drum,
a sootblower is an automated device that uses steam, until all steam and water valves, including drain
compressed air, or high pressure water to remove ash and blowdown valves, have been closed and
deposits from tube surfaces. Sootblowing improves heat locked or tagged. It is possible for steam and hot
transfer by reducing fouling and plugging. However, water to back up through drain and blowdown pip-
excessive sootblowing can result in increased operat- ing, especially when more than one boiler or vessel
ing cost, tube erosion and increased sootblower main- is connected to the same drain or blowdown tank.
tenance. Conversely, infrequent sootblower operation 7. Be prepared for hot water in drums and headers
can reduce boiler efficiency and capacity. Optimum when removing manhole plates and handhole cov-
sootblowing depends on load conditions, combustion ers.
quality and fuel. With the increased dependency in 8. Do not enter a confined space until it has been
the U.S. on Powder River Basin (PRB) coal and the cooled, purged of combustible and dangerous
cost attractiveness of spot market fuels, advanced soot- gases and properly ventilated with precautions
blowing control systems are being increasingly de- taken to keep the entrance open. Station a worker
ployed to assist the operators. Unlike manual guide- at the entrance and notify the responsible person.
lines, these intelligent systems do not rely on fuel 9. Be prepared for falling slag and dust when en-
characteristics to influence cleaning patterns. Rather, tering the boiler setting or ash pit.
they focus primarily on the heat transfer surfaces and 10. Use low voltage extension cords or cords with
monitor efficiency. Since cleaning decisions are based ground fault interrupters. Bulbs on extension
solely on an as-needed basis, the intelligent sootblow- cords and flashlights should be explosion proof.
ing systems are ideally suited for operations dealing 11. Never step into flyash. It can be cold on the sur-
with changing fuel blends. Furnace-based sootblowing face yet remain hot and smoldering underneath
equipment is increasingly being controlled with ad- for extended periods even after the pressure parts
vanced control schemes that monitor the heat flux in are cool.
select zones, supervise blower operation for effectiveness, 12. Never use toxic or volatile fluids in confined
and minimize thermal shock to the furnace wall tubes. spaces.
Personnel safety Operating instructions usually 13. Never open or enter rotating equipment until it
deal primarily with the protection of equipment. Rules has come to a complete stop and its circuit breaker
and devices for personnel protection are also essen- is locked open and any other drive devices are
tial. The items listed here are based on actual operat- immobilized. Some types of rotating equipment
ing experience and point out some personnel safety can be set into motion with very little force. These
considerations. types should be locked with a brake or other suit-
1. When viewing flames or furnace conditions, al- able device to prevent rotation.
ways wear tinted goggles or a tinted shield to pro- 14. Always secure the drive mechanism of dampers,
tect the eyes from harmful light intensity and fly- gates and doors before passing through them.
ing ash or slag particles. 15. Do not inspect for tube leak locations until metal
2. Do not stand directly in front of open ports or and refractory surfaces are cool, and ash accumu-
doors, especially when they are being opened. lations are removed.
Furnace pulsations caused by firing conditions, Performance tests Many steam generating units are
sootblower operation, or tube failure can blow hot operating day after day with efficiencies at or near
furnace gases out of open doors, even on suction- design values. Any unit can operate at these efficien-
fired units. Aspirating air is used on inspection cies with the proper instrumentation, a reasonable
doors and ports of pressure-fired units to prevent equipment and instrument maintenance program,
the escape of hot furnace gases. The aspirating jets and proper operating procedures.
can become blocked, or the aspirating air supply can Early in the life of the unit when the gas side is
fail. In some cases, the entire observation port or door relatively clean, the casing is tight, the insulation is
can be covered with slag, causing the aspirating air new, the fuel burning equipment has been adjusted
to blast slag and ash out into the boiler room. for optimum performance and the fuel/air ratio has

43-8 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

been set correctly, performance tests should be con- off, the furnace should be purged of any combustible
ducted to determine the major controllable heat losses. gases and feedwater flow to the boiler should be
These losses are the dry gas to the stack and, on coal- stopped. The air flow should be reduced to a minimum
fired units, combustible in the ash or slag. as soon as the furnace purge is completed. This proce-
During these tests, accurate data should be taken dure reduces the loss of boiler pressure and the corre-
to serve as reference points for future operation. Sam- sponding drop in water temperature within the boiler.
pling points that give representative indications of The firing rate or the flow of hot gases can not be
gas temperatures, excess air and combustibles in the stopped immediately on some waste heat boilers or on
ash should be established and data from these points certain types of stoker-fired boilers. Several factors are
recorded. Items related to the major controllable losses involved in the decision to continue the flow of feed-
should also be recorded at this time, e.g., draft losses, water, even though the steam drum water level can
air flows, burner settings, steam flow, steam and feed- not be maintained. In general, as long as the tempera-
water temperatures, fuel flow and air temperatures. ture of the combustion gases is hot enough to dam-
Procedures for performance tests are provided in the age the unit, the feedwater flow should be continued.
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (See later discussion for chemical recovery units.) The
Performance Test Codes, PTC 4, Steam Generating Units; thermal shock resulting from feeding relatively cold
PTC 4.2, Coal Pulverizers; and PTC 4.3, Air Heaters. feedwater into an empty steam drum should also be
Abnormal operation considered. (See Protection of drums and headers.)
Low water If water level in the drum drops below Thermal shock is minimized if the feedwater is hot,
the minimum required (as determined by the manu- the unit has an economizer, and the feedwater mixes
facturer), fuel firing should be stopped. Caution with the existing boiler water.
should be exercised when adding water to restore the After the unit has been cooled, personnel should
drum level due to the potential of temperature shock make a complete inspection for evidence of overheat-
from the relatively cooler water coming in contact with ing and for incipient cracks, especially to headers,
hot drum metal. Thermocouples on the top and bot- drums, and welded attachments. (See Personnel
tom of the drum will indicate if the bottom of the drum safety, especially when the potential of hot materials,
is being rapidly cooled by feedwater addition, which boiler fluids, or combustibles is present.)
would result in unacceptable top-to-bottom tempera- An investigation of the tube failure is very impor-
ture differentials. If water level indicators show there tant so that the condition(s) causing the tube failure
is still some water remaining in the drum, then feed- can be eliminated and future failures prevented. This
water may be slowly added using the thermocouples investigation should include a careful visual inspec-
as a guide. If the drum is completely empty, then wa- tion of the failed tube. In some cases, a laboratory
ter may only be added periodically with soak times analysis or consideration of background information
provided to allow drum temperature to equalize. (See leading up to the tube failure is required. This infor-
Protection of drums and headers.) mation should include the location of the failure, the
Tube failures Operating a boiler with a known tube length of time the unit has been in operation, load
leak is not recommended. Steam or water escaping conditions, startup and shutdown conditions, feedwa-
from a small leak can cut other tubes by impingement ter treatment and internal deposits.
and set up a chain reaction of tube failures. By the
loss of water or steam, a tube failure can alter boiler Shutdown operations
circulation or flow and result in other circuits being Boiler shutdown is less complicated than startup.
overheated. This is one reason why furnace risers on The emphasis again is on safety and protection of unit
once-through type boilers should be continuously materials. Two shutdown situations may occur: a con-
monitored. A tube failure can also cause loss of igni- trolled shutdown, or one required in an emergency.
tion and a furnace explosion if re-ignition occurs. As Under controlled conditions, the firing rate is gradu-
discussed later in the chapter, process recovery boil- ally reduced. Once the combustion equipment is
ers are particularly sensitive to tube leaks because of brought to its minimum capacity, the fuel is shut off
the potential for smelt-water reactions, which can lead and the boiler is purged with fresh air. If some pres-
to boiler explosions. sure is to be maintained the fans are shut down and
Any unusual increase in furnace riser temperature the dampers are closed. The drum pressure gradually
on the once-through type boiler is an indication of lowers as heat is lost from the boiler setting; a mini-
furnace tube leakage. Small leaks can sometimes be mal amount of air drifts out of the stack. If inspection
detected by the loss of water from the system, the loss and maintenance are required, the draft fans remain
of chemicals from a drum-type boiler, or by the noise on to cool the boiler more quickly. If the unit is
made by the leak. If a leak is suspected, the boiler equipped with a regenerative air heater, it is shut
should be shut down as soon as normal operating pro- down, allowing the boiler to cool faster. If a tubular
cedures permit. After the leak is then located by hy- air heater is present, this heat trap can only be bypassed
drostatic testing, it should be repaired. to help cool the boiler. The cool down rate should not
Several items must be considered when a tube fail- exceed 100F (56C) per hour of saturation temperature
ure occurs. In some cases where the steam drum water change to prevent damage due to thermal stress.
level can not be maintained, the operator should shut In an emergency shutdown, the fuel is immediately
off all fuel flow and completely shut off any output of shut off and the boiler is purged of combustible gases.
steam from the boiler. When the fuel has been turned Additional procedures may apply to the fuel feed equip-

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-9

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

ment. The boiler may be held at a reduced pressure maintenance. Operation with molten slag and defi-
or may be completely cooled as described above. cient air can result in iron sulfide attack (wastage) of
the boiler tubes. When operated with insufficient ex-
cess air, fuels with high iron content can smelt the iron
Operation of Cyclone furnaces from the ash. A pig iron, which forms a strong bond
The Cyclone component of a Cyclone furnace is to the boiler tubing, can form and may result in tube
a cylindrical chamber designed to burn crushed coal. damage during deposit removal.
The basic design, sizing and general operation of Cy- Operation with high levels of excess air leads to
clone furnaces are covered in Chapter 15. The key lower thermal efficiency and results in Cyclone cool-
feature that affects operations is the collection of most ing. This hinders slag tapping. On multiple Cyclone
of the coal ash as a liquid slag in the Cyclone cham- units, it is important to accurately measure the sec-
ber. This slag is continuously tapped into the furnace ondary air and coal flow to each Cyclone to ensure it
through a hole at the discharge end of the Cyclone. is operating with the proper air/fuel ratio.
The slag collects on the furnace floor and flows through Because proper excess air is essential, theoretical
a tap into a water filled tank where the chilling effect of air curves should be used to readjust the excess air
the water leaves the slag in granular form. Unique op- levels when one unit of a multiple Cyclone furnace is
erational issues center upon maintaining desired furnace removed from service.
slag tapping without excessive maintenance. Firing subbituminous coals is generally more diffi-
Fuels cult due to increased fuel moisture which must be
evaporated during combustion. Units designed for
A key operating parameter of Cyclone units is the subbituminous coal firing have provisions for higher
selection of a proper coal. Fuels acceptable for Cyclone air temperature and generally run with 10 to 12%
firing must generally meet the following specifications excess air.
subject to site-specific conditions: Due to environmental concerns, some bituminous
Bituminous coals: coal-fired Cyclone furnaces have been converted to
1. maximum total moisture 20% burn low sulfur subbituminous coal or coal blends.
2. ash content 6 to 25%, dry basis Subbituminous coal has a lower ash content than most
3. minimum volatile matter 15%, dry basis bituminous coals. As a result, less slag is available to
4. ash (slag) viscosity refer to Table 2 trap the raw coal particles. This, combined with the
5. ash iron ratio and sulfur content See Chapter depressed flame temperature caused by the increased
15, Fig. 4 moisture content, can result in less coal being en-
trapped in the slag where the combustion is completed.
Subbituminous coals and lignite: Acting on the additional environmental concerns, utili-
1a. maximum total moisture for a direct-fired system, ties have installed OFA systems for combustion NOx
but without a pre-dry system 30% control. While furnace wall corrosion remains a con-
1b. maximum total moisture with pre-dry system cern, worthwhile NOx reductions have been attained
42% with fuel rich stoichiometry and lower sulfur fuels. These
2. minimum high heating value 6000 Btu/lb Cyclone operating techniques have changed the oper-
(13,956 kJ/kg), as-fired ating practices of these slagging combustors.
3. ash content 5 to 25%, dry basis When firing higher moisture subbituminous coal,
4. ash (slag) viscosity refer to Table 2 smaller crushed coal particle size is required and
For proper combustion and efficient unit operation, higher transport air temperature is desired.
properly sized crushed coal is required. This is espe-
cially important for subbituminous coals, where the
higher moisture content requires a finer coal grind to Table 2
maintain Cyclone temperatures and to minimize un- Ash Viscosity Requirements
burned carbon in the flyash.
Maximum T250* As-Fired
Combustion air Coal Rank Ash Viscosity Total Moisture %
All Cyclone furnaces use heated air at a high static Bituminous 0 to 20
pressure. The air temperature ranges from 500 to 750F 2450F (1343C)
(260 to 399C), depending on the unit design and the Subbituminous direct-fired 21 to 30
rank of the fuel. The static differential across the 2300F (1260C)
Cyclone ranges from 32 to 50 in. wg (8 to 12.5 kPa). Subbituminous/lignite** 31 to 35
This high pressure produces the very high velocities 2300F (1260C)
which, in turn, produce the scrubbing action required Lignite*** 36 to 42
for complete combustion of the crushed coal. 2300F (1260C)
A key variable in Cyclone operation is excess air.
* T250 is the temperature at which the ash viscosity
For bituminous coals, which are generally high in
is 250 poise.
sulfur and iron content, 15 to 18% excess air is rec- ** For lignite firing, a fuel pre-dry system is required.
ommended at full load operation. Operation at lower *** For high moisture lignite firing, pre-dry and
excess air can promote an oxygen-deficient reducing moisture separator systems are required.
atmosphere, which can significantly increase unit

43-10 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

As the moisture content reaches the 20% range at The major control functions for fuel, air, water and
design Cyclone fuel inputs, clinkering and UBC in the steam flow are highly interactive placing unique con-
Cyclone and on the furnace floor can increase dra- straints on operation. Though todays integrated con-
matically. Levels of unburned carbon also increase in trol systems manage many operating functions, it is
the ash in the economizer, air heater and precipitator still important for the operator to fully understand the
hoppers. Supplemental firing with fuel oil or natural relationships between short-term (transient) and long-
gas along with design changes may be required if the term (steady-state) energy transfer effects and to care-
unit was not originally designed for this condition. fully monitor and coordinate, as required, all control
Several Cyclone units are operating on high mois- actions. Modern control systems are often referred to
ture North Dakota lignite fuel. This is accomplished as coordinated systems. (See Chapter 41.) The combus-
by the use of a pre-dry system, as illustrated in Chap- tion systems are conventional; they are subject to the
ter 15. In this system, hot air [750F (399C)] is intro- normal concerns of fuel utilization, efficiency and safety.
duced to the raw coal stream prior to crushing in a pres- The operator has three main controls for operating
surized and heated conditioner. The hot air-coal mixture a UP boiler:
then travels to a cyclone separator, where the saturated
1. firing rate,
air and some coal fines are separated from the coal
2. feedwater control, and
stream and are injected into the lower furnace. The dried
3. steam flow/steam pressure.
coal is then carried by a lift line to the Cyclone burner.
Firing rate The long-term demand for firing rate is
directly proportional to load. The short-term effects of
Operation of once-through boilers firing rate impact steam temperature and pressure.
During increases in firing rate the steam temperature
Principles increases until the feedwater flow is increased to com-
In full once-through operation, high pressure wa- pensate and balance the new firing rate. Steam pres-
ter enters the economizer and high pressure steam sure increases in a similar fashion to that of a drum
leaves the superheater; there is no recirculation of boiler. In a supercritical pressure application, there is
steam or water within the unit. The path is through no large rise in specific volume during the transition
multiple parallel tube circuits arranged in series. De- from liquid to vapor conditions. However, there is still
sign and construction details are found in Chapters a large increase in specific volume as a supercritical
19 and 26. This type of boiler can be conceptualized fluid is heated. With this expansion, the turbine con-
as a long heated pipe with continuous coolant flow- trol valves are opened and flow is increased to main-
ing through it. As the fluid progresses through the tain pressure. With the many interactions that are a
components, heat is absorbed from the combustion consequence of firing rate, the operator and auto-
process. The final steam temperature is dependent on mated control system should strive to position firing
the feedwater inlet temperature and ratio of the fluid rate for the desired electrical load and then manipulate
flow to the heat available, which have important im- other variables to control temperature and pressure.
plications on unit operation. Feedwater flow The outlet steam temperature is
dependent in steady-state conditions on the ratio of
Operating practice feedwater flow rate to firing rate. Because it is desir-
The once-through steam generator, referred to by able to position firing rate based on electrical demand,
The Babcock & Wilcox Company (B&W) as the Uni- feedwater flow control is based on outlet steam tem-
versal Pressure (UP) boiler, has operating character- perature. The short term effect of feedwater flow
istics not seen in drum units. The UP boiler is capable changes is to increase or decrease steam pressure and
of operating above the critical pressure point [3200 psi electrical load. The load change results because en-
(22.1 MPa)] and can deliver steam pressure and tem- ergy is placed into or brought out of storage through
perature conditions without a steam-water separation cooling or heating of the boiler metals. However, this
device after startup. The original UP boilers are typi- load change is transitory. Pressure is a measure of the
cally designed and operated for base load operation. balance between steam flow and feedwater flow. The
To address the increasing demand for operational flex- outlet pressure is constant if they are matched. The
ibility, the B&W Spiral Wound Universal Pressure operator can, therefore, use feedwater to assist in re-
(SWUP) boiler is capable of variable pressure opera- covery from transients and upsets, but ultimately must
tion and on/off cycling, as well as load cycling and base position feedwater flow for the appropriate outlet steam
load operation. This spiral wound tube geometry UP temperature.
boiler, including its startup and bypass systems, mini- Steam flow/steam pressure In steady-state con-
mize the thermal upsets during transients, allowing ditions, steam flow is the same as feedwater flow, and
rapid load changes. boiler pressure is determined by turbine throttle valve
To start up a UP boiler, a steam/water separation position. In the short term, a change in steam flow
device (flash tank or vertical steam separator), with impacts steam temperature and electrical load. This
appropriate valving and piping to bypass and return is because increasing steam flow at a constant firing
fluid to the cycle, is supplied. The modern bypass sys- rate affects the balance of the two and the steam tem-
tems are highly automated and very effective in perature drops initially as a consequence to electrical
achieving smooth operation. The bypass system is in load increase. This can not be a lasting effect, how-
service only during low load operation. ever, as steam and feedwater flows eventually match

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-11

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

each other at a different pressure. Similarly, load may Due to the need for flexibility of the variable fur-
be changed by adjusting the turbine throttle valve nace pressure SWUP designs, startup and bypass
which increases or decreases steam flow, but this load systems have changed to incorporate features of the
change comes from depleting or building stored en- subcritical drum and supercritical once-through
ergy in the form of pressure. As above, steam flow may startup systems. As shown in Fig. 4 (key elements
be manipulated to help restore control of steam tem- only), the SWUP system has evolved from the second
perature and load, but it ultimately must be controlled generation system shown in Fig. 2 with the replace-
to achieve the desired operating pressure. ment of the valves and flask tank with vertical steam
separators, a water collection tank and a boiler circu-
Operating skills lation pump. At startup and low load, the flow passes
Efficiency The supercritical boiler provides very through the vertical steam separators where steam is
high cycle efficiency. This inherent efficiency can be removed and sent to the superheater and water is
maintained throughout boiler life with proper instru- discharged to the water collection tank. Water then
mentation and maintenance. The operator must be flows through the boiler circulation pump to maintain
thoroughly trained to know the optimum operating the minimum furnace wall circulation. Any excess
parameters. Deviations in these parameters may then water accumulated during startup is sent to the con-
be addressed with instrument maintenance, direct denser through the 341 valves. When unit operation
operator action (such as sootblowing) or an engineer- reaches the load where the sum of the furnace flow
ing investigation. Performance tests should be con- plus the attemperator spray flows is equal to the main
ducted on a regular basis. Besides the conventional steam flow rate, once-through operation is achieved,
need to minimize heat losses, these tests can be used the 381 valves are closed, and the boiler circulation
to confirm control system calibration. Test results pump is shut down.
should be reviewed with the operator. Limits and precautions The once-through nature of
Startup systems Chapter 19 provides a comprehen- UP boilers results in special limits and precautions that
sive overview of the configuration and operation of must be observed for reliable and dependable operation:
state-of-the-art startup and bypass systems for vari-
1. Feedwater conductivity unlike a drum boiler
able and constant furnace pressure once-through
which can release suspended solids through
boiler systems. Systems for UP boilers have evolved
blowdown, all hardness and other contaminants
as the understanding and experience of the once-
that enter the boiler in the feedwater are depos-
through concept have increased. A key requirement
ited on the water side of the heating surface or in
for the startup system is to maintain adequate flow
the superheater. Deposition can lead to overheat-
in the furnace walls (30% for most variable pressure
ing and tube failures. Boiler firing must be stopped
supercritical units, 25% for most constant pressure
if conductivity exceeds 2.0 microsiemens for five min-
supercritical units, and 33% for most subcritical units)
utes or if it exceeds 5.0 microsiemens for two min-
to protect them from overheating during startup and
utes. The operator should be trained in water qual-
low load operation. Initial designs (first generation)
ity control requirements. (See Chapter 42.)
simply bypassed any excess flow from the furnace, not
2. Minimum feedwater flow firing is not permitted
required for the turbine power generation, directly to
unless the boiler feedwater flow is above the speci-
the condenser from the high pressure turbine inlet.
fied minimum. The boiler is to be immediately shut
Second generation startup systems added a steam-
down if flow falls below 85% of minimum for twenty
water separation device called a flash tank (includ-
seconds or 70% of minimum for one second.
ing steam-water separation equipment) after the con-
vection pass enclosure circuits, but upstream of the
primary superheater. This permitted the generation
of dry steam for turbine roll and synchronization. The
flash tank was effectively a small drum including
drum internals. (See Fig. 2.)
Subsequent constant pressure third generation de-
signs moved the bypass line plus necessary valves
(200 and 201) downstream of the primary superheater
so that the primary superheater is always in the ini-
tial flow circuit. (See Fig. 3 for key elements.)
Steam is produced in the flash tank because the
pressure reducing valve (207 in Fig. 3) drops the pres-
sure from supercritical to approximately 1000 psig
(6.89 MPa) in current designs. For a smooth transi-
tion or changeover from startup (flash tank) to once-
through operation, the enthalpy of the flash tank steam
must be matched with the enthalpy leaving the 201
valve. Because the flash tank generally operates at
1000 psig (6.89 MPa), the throttle pressure to the tur-
bine is only ramped to full pressure after transition
from the flash tank. Fig. 2 Second generation UP startup system schematic.

43-12 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

4. Overfiring for supercritical units, the fluid in the

furnace has no latent heat of vaporization as in a
subcritical boiler. Consequently, as heat is absorbed,
the fluid temperature is always increasing and the
furnace tube metal temperatures increase. Firing
in excess of design rates can result in excessive tube
metal temperatures in selected furnace locations.
The operator must therefore observe a strict limit
of transient heat input. A maximum of 1.15 times
the steady-state rate is a typical guideline. This rate,
at various load conditions, should be clearly estab-
lished by combustion tests.
5. Tube leaks operation with a tube leak is not rec-
ommended on any boiler. For once-through units,
the situation is more critical because the leakage
can reduce cooling flow to subsequent tubes or
circuits downstream.
6. Low pressure limit a constant pressure supercritical
UP boiler must be tripped if the fluid pressure in the
Fig. 3 Third generation UP startup system with primary superheater furnace falls below 3200 psig (22.1 MPa) for fifteen
in initial flow circuit. seconds. Failure to do so can result in improper cir-
cuit flow, inadequate tube cooling and furnace tube
3. Feedwater temperature the heat input required failures. For the SWUP boilers the units are designed
per unit of water flow is dependent on the differ- for specific variable pressure ramps. To avoid pos-
ence between the feedwater inlet temperature and sible tube damage, the units must operate along de-
the controlled outlet steam temperature. If feed- sign pressure ramp curves.
water temperature is reduced while the outlet tem-
perature is maintained (by overfiring), the heat Operation of fluidized-bed boilers
input to the furnace can exceed design levels that Chapter 17 provides a detailed discussion of fluid-
may result in damage to the tube material. For ized-bed combustion systems. The following sections
units that were not designed for a feedwater provide selected remarks on general fluidized-bed
heater out of service, removal of a feedwater boiler operation, both circulating fluidized-bed (CFB)
heater will require that the final steam tempera- systems and bubbling fluidized-bed (BFB) systems.
ture be reduced to hold furnace heat input rates
within design limits. Unless specific information CFB systems overview
is provided, the general rule is to reduce steam The CFB is constructed and behaves like a conven-
temperature one degree F for every two degrees tional drum boiler in many respects. However, ther-
F that the feedwater temperature is low. mal performance, combustion efficiency, furnace ab-
sorption pattern and sulfur dioxide (SO2) control are
strongly influenced by the mass of solids in the bed
(inventory), the size distribution of the bed material
Spray Water (bed sizing), and the circulating rate of the bed (flow
rate). Bed density can be described as bulk density
Secondary Reheater which is a measure of the material weight per unit
volume. There is a higher density and inventory in
Primary the lower furnace, made of coarser particles (average
Superheater size 200 to 400 micron), and a lower density and in-
ventory in the upper furnace (also called furnace
Convection Pass
shaft) made of finer particles (average size 100 to 200
micron). Fig. 5 shows the density of the bed with re-
Steam L P IP spect to furnace height and indicates the effect of load.
Separator(s) To integrate these influences into operating proce-
dures, the CFB is equipped with additional instrumen-
tation which provides operator input for bed manage-
Furnace 341
Condenser ment. These inputs are as follows:
1. Primary zone P The gas-side differential pressure
Tank is measured across the primary furnace zone [from
Boiler the air distribution grid to an intermediate elevation
of about 6 ft (1.8 m) above the grid] and is an indica-
tion of the coarser bed inventory. This variable is
managed as a function of boiler load and desired fur-
Fig. 4 Startup system for a SWUP boiler (key elements). nace shaft P, utilizing the bed drain flow for control.

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-13

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

2. Shaft P The furnace shaft P, from the inter- if any, operator actions needed. However, the opera-
mediate elevation to the furnace roof, indicates the tor must be trained to understand these relationships
shaft bed density and is managed to follow boiler and to control upsets to establish and maintain sta-
load with corrections for primary zone tempera- bility if necessary.
ture control. It is influenced by the multi-cyclone Fuel sizing and fuel characteristics
dust collector (MDC) recycle rate, the primary to Coal firing Fuel sizing is very important to success-
secondary air split, and excess air setting. ful boiler operation. It impacts the furnace heat re-
3. Lower bed (or primary zone) temperature The lease profile: fine particles tend to burn higher in the
lower bed temperature is set by the operator as a furnace shaft while coarse ones burn predominantly
primary control variable for optimal combustion in the primary zone. For medium and high ash fuels,
and emission performance. The shaft P, primary fuel sizing also impacts sizing of bed particles and,
to secondary air split, and excess air controls are correspondingly, bottom ash to flyash split. When fuel
used to control this operating parameter. variation occurs, the operator should be thoroughly
The variables mentioned above are typically not trained on the required adjustments in case the varia-
available on conventional boilers. However, the over- tions are outside the range of the programmed con-
all operation is similar. Fuel feed is set by steam re- trol logics.
quirements (pressure), total air flow is adjusted to fol- Biomass firing Biomass fuels provide a particular
low fuel flow, and excess air is set to optimize combus- challenge in CFB operations because of continuous
tion and unit efficiency. Shaft bed density is then variations in size, shape, moisture content, and heat-
predominantly used to control the lower bed tempera- ing characteristics. To minimize operating problems,
ture, the most important variable on a CFB boiler. The fuel sources should be continuously blended to achieve
lower bed temperature is usually controlled to a fuel- as uniform a consistency as possible. Modest invento-
dependent set temperature [for example 1550F (843C) ries are needed large enough to permit blending for
for lignite and 1620F (882C) for petroleum coke] which uniformity of feed but not large enough to result in
results in optimal combustion efficiency and SO2 ab- excessive inventory storage times. Bed material siz-
sorption. The optimum bed operating temperature ing should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that
from combustion and emission standpoints is from 1500 the bed material is not deteriorating. Care must be
to 1650F (816 to 899C), depending on fuel. taken in such sampling procedures because of the high
Another variable that is controlled somewhat dif- bed material temperature.
ferently in a CFB is the air admission to the furnace. Startup and shutdown considerations Chapter 17
The total air flow is divided into primary and second- provides general guidelines for the startup of CFBs.
ary flows. Because total air flow is based on fuel flow, Hot and cold startup conditions are distinguished by
the primary to secondary air split becomes another the temperature of the furnace solids inventory, ei-
important parameter affecting emissions and bed tem- ther higher or lower than the auto-ignition tempera-
perature. The split affects the lower bed density, shaft ture of the main fuel established at the end of the
density, and control of the primary zone temperature. boiler purge sequence. As with any boiler, prior to
The optimum air split is determined as a function of startup and after shutdown the unit must be purged
steam flow during commissioning tests. Once the op- according to the latest applicable NFPA codes. An im-
timum primary to secondary air split (as a function of portant part of a cold startup is the warming of the
steam flow) has been determined for automated con- bed material with auxiliary fuel overbed burners de-
trol, the operator should not need to independently signed for this purpose. During normal operation, a
manipulate the split.
Solids management is also unique to CFBs. Once
the bed material inventory has been established, bed
inventory is maintained by the fuel ash and sorbent-
derived solids flows in most cases. Any change in in-
ventory necessary to accommodate load change comes
from the MDC hoppers. In the case of firing low-ash
and low-sulfur fuels, solids input with fuel ash and
sorbent may not be adequate to provide enough bed
material for furnace temperature control. This also
may be the case when firing waste fuels requiring a
high bed drain rate for removing oversized material,
e.g., rocks. If a shortage of solids for maintaining bed
inventory occurs, the first source to add bed material
would be recycling a usable part (properly sized ma-
terial) from the lower furnace bed drain. If this is not
sufficient, inert bed material fed from an external
source, e.g., sand, would be provided.
With the sometimes complex relationships where
changes in one variable impact several temperatures
and flows, control logics are provided to automatically
control these inter-relating parameters with minimal, Fig. 5 Typical bed density profile for a circulating fluidized bed.

43-14 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

CFB is loaded with enough bed material to provide a occur when manipulating control variables and the
20 in. wg (50 kPa) pressure differential across the operator must be specifically trained to respond to up-
primary zone. During the warming process, bed ma- sets. These responses include:
terials are introduced to raise the bed pressure drop
1. Fuel flow control fuel feed is increased or decreased
from 5 in. wg (1.25 kPa). Auxiliary fuel is used to in-
based on steaming requirement. Changes in fuel
crease and stabilize the primary zone temperature at
feed have a short-term impact on bed temperature.
about 1000F/538C (varies somewhat depending on
2. Bed height height is controlled by adding mate-
main fuel) in preparation for main fuel introduction.
rial from the makeup system or by removing ma-
Simultaneously, the boiler metal temperatures as in-
terial through the drain system.
dicated by steam pressure (saturation temperature)
3. Air control total air is primarily controlled based
must be within the heatup rate allowed for the boiler
on steam flow. Air may be biased by the operator
pressure parts. Upon ignition of the auxiliary fuel, the
to change bed conditions. Increasing primary or
flue gas temperature entering the U-beams and the
bed air at a given load increases bed turbulence
steam-cooled surfaces must be monitored and main-
and burnout in the bed, while the secondary air
tained below 950F (510C) until 10% of the MCR
changes opposite to the bed air change to control
steam flow is established through the steam-cooled
constant total air at a given load. Reducing bed
circuits. Once the primary zone temperature is stabi-
air at a given load would have the opposite effect.
lized at the fuel auto-ignition point, the main fuel is
The operator must, therefore, bias the set point
introduced and the bed temperature can be gradually
based on combustion conditions. Fuel sizing varia-
raised to about 1500F (816C) where the auxiliary
tions, moisture content, and higher heating value
burner may be shut off. Boiler load can be increased
are most likely to influence combustion conditions.
from this low load operation with circulating mode
4. Bed material flow material flow to the primary
being established with increasing solids, fuel and air
zone is through makeup and bed drains. Because
flow. The rate of increase must be controlled such that
these are generally intermittent devices, the opera-
the bed temperature remains stable. Primary air to
tor must observe control variable trends, particu-
total air ratio is further adjusted to improve combus-
larly height, and make appropriate adjustments.
tion and reduce emissions.
Overbed burners are used to assist with the burnup Coal sizing Careful attention to coal sizing (mini-
of unburned carbon particles in the primary zone of mum and maximum) is critical to successful unit op-
the furnace. If the boiler is being shut down for main- eration for both under-bed and over-bed feed systems.
tenance and personnel entry into the boiler setting is Finer particles are elutriated too quickly and coarser
required, all solids must be completely removed from particles tend to take too long to burn completely. In
the boiler and hoppers, and the boiler temperature either case, UBC and SO2 emissions (if being con-
must be below 120F (49C) prior to entry. (See person- trolled) both increase. An optimum size range exists
nel safety discussed earlier.) for each fluidized-bed system and fuel type. The proper
size range is fine tuned through unit operating prac-
BFB systems tice. In addition, for the over-bed feed system fuel size
Overview As is the case with its CFB counterpart, interacts with spreader speed, angle of injection and
bed management of a BFB is important. Bed inven- gas velocity.
tory, bed sizing, makeup and drainage must be inte-
grated into operating procedures from data collected
during commissioning tests. The BFB is also equipped Operation of Kraft recovery boilers
with additional instrumentation to assist the operator in
developing the unit-specific operating guidelines. Overview
The Kraft recovery boiler has three purposes in
1. Primary zone P the gas-side differential pres-
todays pulp and paper industry:
sure is used as an indication of bed height. The
primary zone may be compartmented on the air 1. recovery of sodium and sulfur compounds from the
side for coal firing, and multiple P cells are then spent pulping liquor in forms suitable for regen-
displayed. eration,
2. Bed temperature the typical bed temperature 2. efficient heat recovery from burning the liquor to
range is 1350 to 1650F (732 to 899C) and is a pri- generate steam for process use, and
mary control variable. Because control of this vari- 3. operation in an environmentally responsible man-
able is critical, multiple thermocouples are in- ner, cooling the combustion gases to allow back
stalled in the bed. end particulate collection and minimizing the dis-
charge of objectionable gases.
The operation of a BFB is similar to that of other
combustion technologies in that fuel and air demands Steam flows can exceed 1,000,000 lb/h (126 kg/s) at su-
are set by the required steaming conditions. Bed tem- perheater outlet pressures as high as 1500 psi (10.34
perature is controlled within the desired range by the MPa) and final steam temperatures of up to 950F
primary/overfire air split for biomass firing and by se- (510C). These units burn black liquor with solids con-
lected compartment slumping for coal firing (see Chap- tents up to 75 to 80% and with heating values de-
ter 17). If an SO2 sorbent is used, it is usually metered creased to about 5500 to 5600 Btu/lb (12,793 to 13,026
in proportion to the fuel flow. Various interactions can kJ/kg). A detailed review of designs and general op-

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-15

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

erating practice is provided in Chapter 28. Selected

operating issues are highlighted below:
1. black liquor combustion process and air flow,
2. auxiliary burners,
3. operating problems, and
4. smelt-water reactions.

Black liquor combustion process and air flow

Unlike the firing of conventional fossil fuels, recov-
ery boiler combustion goes through several distinct
stages. Black liquor firing is composed of drying, vola-
tile burning, char burning and smelt coalescence as
discussed in Chapter 28. This has a distinct impact on
unit operation and air addition. All modern B&W re-
covery boilers are equipped with three levels of com-
bustion air. These are known as the primary, second-
ary and tertiary air streams in order of increasing el-
evation in the furnace. A fourth level, called quater-
nary, can be added for additional NOx and particu-
late control (see Chapter 28). Fig. 6 Proper bed shape for a black liquor recovery boiler three air
Primary air Primary air is in the lowest zone in a level design.
recovery boiler furnace. The air ports are located ap-
proximately 3 ft (0.9 m) above the furnace floor. Ad-
mitted on all four walls of the unit, the primary air The objective in the manipulation of all of these
provides perimeter air around the bed at low velocity variables is to control the steps of the drying and com-
and low penetration, so the boiler does not lose com- bustion of the liquor, and control bed temperatures.
bustion. The primary air is critical to bed stability, bed The result is stability of operation, with minimum
temperature and reduction efficiency. plugging and emissions.
Secondary air High pressure secondary air pen- A comprehensive discussion of recovery boiler emis-
etrates the full cross-section of the unit and is admit- sions is provided in Chapter 28.
ted at the top of the bed providing the combustion air
for ignition and the heat to dry black liquor droplets Auxiliary burners
and support pyrolysis. This air also helps control SO2, Recovery boilers are equipped with oil- and/or natu-
total reduced sulfur (TRS) and CO emissions. Finally, ral gas-fired auxiliary burners located at the secondary
secondary air controls the shape of the top of the bed. and tertiary air port elevations. The burners in the sec-
Fig. 6 indicates the proper bed shape with the rela- ondary windboxes are used for unit startup, as black
tive locations of the air ports and liquor nozzles. liquor can only be fired into a heated furnace with an
Tertiary air Tertiary air is admitted at the upper auxiliary ignition source. The secondary burners are also
elevation, above the liquor guns. Like secondary air, used to stabilize the smelt bed during an upset condi-
it is admitted at high pressure to provide penetration tion and to burn the bed out of the unit on shutdown.
across the width of the furnace to complete the com-
bustion process. This is an oxidizing environment to Operating problems
control CO and TRS emissions. Two problems unique to recovery boiler operations
To maintain combustion in the proper location, the air are plugging and aggressive tube corrosion.
flow splits and pressures must be properly maintained. Plugging of the superheater, boiler bank or econo-
Ranges of typical air flow distributions, inlet temperatures mizer is generally caused by two mechanisms. The first
and pressure differentials are summarized in Table 3 for is condensation of the fume or normal gases given off
the two dominant firing systems, stationary and oscillating. by the black liquor combustion. The hot combustion
Successful stationary or oscillating firing depends gases that leave the lower furnace contain vaporized
on the correct liquor droplet size. This size must per- compounds that condense when the gas temperature
mit complete in-flight drying before reaching the fur- is cooled in the upper zones of the boiler, superheater
nace wall or bed. The variables in black liquor com- or boiler bank. This condensation is dependent on gas
bustion include liquor percent solids, temperature and temperature. The material condenses on the cooled
pressure at the spray nozzles, spray nozzle sizing and heat transfer surfaces such as furnace screen tubes
splash plate angle, and number and position of black or primary superheater tubes. It also precipitates out
liquor guns in service. Other variables include the when the gas temperature falls below approximately
vertical and angular movement of the oscillators or the 1100F (593C). In either case, this material is a source
off-horizontal angle of the liquor guns for stationary of fouling in convection surfaces. Condensation or pre-
firing. Other factors on the air side include total ex- cipitation depend upon the temperature regime and
cess air; air temperature(s); air splits between the pri- chemistry of the fume. The deposit can be in the plas-
mary, secondary and tertiary ports; and the static air tic range and very difficult to remove. On a properly
pressure in each of these air zones. designed and operated unit, this transition of the fume

43-16 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

material is predominantly made of sodium carbonate

Table 3 (Na2CO3), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and sodium sulfide
Typical Air Flow Splits and Operating Conditions* (Na2S) compounds. The cause of this carryover is re-
lated to operation of the liquor nozzles, oscillators and
Firing Technique various air port settings. As previously noted, the
Stationary Oscillating black liquor firing equipment and air system settings
Firing Firing
must produce complete in-flight or wall drying of the
Primary air 30 to 40% 40 to 50% liquor droplets. If this drying occurs too high above
300F (149C) 300F (149C) the smelt bed, the less dense droplets are entrained
3 to 4 in. wg P 1 to 3 in. wg P in the gas stream and carry over into the convection
(0.7 to 1 kPa) (0.2 to 0.7 kPa) sections of the boiler. In practice, most recovery boiler
Secondary air 40 to 50% 20 to 30% plugging results from a combination of fume conden-
300F (149C) 300F (149C) sation and mechanical carryover.
8 to 18 in. wg P 6 to 10 in. wg P Recovery boilers are also subject to aggressive cor-
(2 to 4.5 kPa) (1.5 to 2.5 kPa) rosion compared to conventional fossil fuel-fired units
due to the presence of corrosive sulfur, chloride and
Tertiary air 10 to 20% 20 to 30% other trace compounds in an elevated temperature
80F (27C) 300F (149C)
environment. The Kraft recovery boiler also operates
10 to 20 in. wg P 8 to 12 in. wg P
(2.5 to 5 kPa) (2 to 3 kPa) in both an oxidizing and reducing atmosphere due to
the combustion process. Because of these conditions,
Economizer out- < 2.5% O2 2.5 to 3% O2 the floor and lower furnace walls are constructed us-
let conditions 100 to 200 ppm 200 to 300 ppm ing one or a combination of corrosion protection sys-
CO CO tems: metallic spray coatings or carbon steel tubes,
high-density pin studs with refractory, 304L stainless
* Units with four air levels are discussed in Chapter 28.
steel tubes, Incoloy alloy 825 and Inconel alloy 625
composites tubes, and weld overlay of carbon steel tubes.

from a dry gas to a sticky substance takes place in the Smelt-water reactions
upper furnace, wide spaced screen or superheater. One unique and undesirable feature of a Kraft re-
Here the deposits can be controlled by sootblowers. On covery boiler is the possibility of water entering an
an overloaded or improperly operated unit, the gas tem- operating furnace through a tube leak or external
perature remains elevated farther back into the closer source, resulting in a smelt-water reaction. A smelt-
side-spaced boiler bank or economizer, where controlling water reaction occurs when water combines with hot
the plugging with sootblowing equipment becomes dif- or molten smelt, and a violent explosion can result.
ficult. The gas temperature at which the fume turns to This concern has resulted in years of study and test-
a sticky liquid is also liquor chemistry dependent, with ing and has prompted enhanced industry standards
higher levels of chlorides or potassium compounds be- on unit design, operation and maintenance. Modern
ing detrimental to unit cleanability. units are equipped with the provisions for an emer-
The second major cause of plugging is mechanical gency shutdown procedure. This is initiated if water is
carryover of smelt, or unburned black liquor, into the suspected to have entered the furnace of an operating
convective heat transfer sections of the boiler. This recovery boiler. Refer to Fig. 7 for procedural overview.

Sound an alarm to clear the Immediately stop firing all Immediately shut off Close primary air dampers and Drain the boiler as rapidly as
area of all unnecessary fuel-auxiliary fuel and black feedwater supply and all other immediately set other air flows possible to a level 8 ft (2.44
personnel. liquor. Secure the units water and steam sources to essentially stop combustion m) above the low point to the
auxiliary fuel system at a except smelt shatter steam to and smelting in the bed while furnace floor. Reduce steam
remote location. the boiler. maintaining some level of pressure as rapidly as
purge air. Regulate induced possible after the boiler has
draft fan flow to maintain been drained to this level.
furnace balanced draft.

Fig. 7 Emergency shutdown procedure overview for an operating recovery boiler (adapted from the Black Liquor Recovery Boiler Advisory
Committee, October, 2003).

Inconel and Incoloy are trademarks of the Special Metals Corporation group of companies.

Steam 41 / Boiler Operations 43-17

The Babcock & Wilcox Company

Babcock & Wilcox built and operates this refuse-to-energy plant in the southern U.S.

43-18 Steam 41 / Boiler Operations

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