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Homework Assignments

Homework #1
Problem 1: Describe the three parts of the following measurement systems:
a) Measuring cup used in the kitchen
b) System used to measure the gasoline pumped into a car at the gas station.
If you have to look on the internet to see how these measurement devices work. If one of the
three parts of a general measurement system do not exist in a or b then say so.

Given: a) Measuring cup used in the kitchen

b) System used to measure the gasoline pumped into a car at the gas station

Find: Three parts (Sensor, transducer, output stage) of the measurement systems

Solutions: a) 1. Sensor/transducer: Direct measurements, or say that the cup serves as sensor.
2. Signal conditioning: No signal conditioning, but the signal conditioning can be
done by change the size of the cup.
3. Output stage: the scale scribed on the cup
b) 1. Sensor/transducer: Usually pistons in the piston metering pump head, becasue
the suction process of the gas pumping as shown in Fig. 1 requires the piston to move out, thus
the displacement of piston senses the volume of gasoline. The electric encoder serving as a
transducer to convert the movement of piston metter into a electric pulses.

Cross-section of piston metering pump head towards end of suction and discharge strokes. Blue
arrow shows direction of flow allowed through check valves (from wikipedia)

2. Signal conditioning: Traditionally, a gear system will be used to do the signal

conditioning to show the scales in the reeled meter. In the modern dispenser, the pulse output
from the encoder will be programmed by the embedded computer to both volume and money
3. Output: Typically a number readout for both volume and money from the

Problem2 A linear variable displacement transducer (LVDT) senses displacement and indicates
a voltage output, which is linear to the input. Figure below shows an LVDT setup used for static
calibration. It uses a micrometer to apply the known displacement and a voltmeter for the output.
A well-defined voltage powers the transducer.
What are the independent and dependent variables in this calibration?
Can you suggest any extraneous variables?

The independent variable for calibration of the LVDT is the length of the shaft and the excitation
voltage, and the dependent variables are the electromotive force generated in the coils and the
output voltage. The length of the shaft will give the amount of output voltage generated.
Here, an extraneous variable will be the electromotive force generated.
For replication of the experiment. The excitation voltage-in should remain the same. The
micrometer should operate properly and should not have any systematic or random errors.

Problem#3: When a strain gauge is stretched under uniaxial tension, its resistance varies with
the imposed strain. A resistance bridge circuit is used to convert the resistance change into a
voltage. Suppose a known tensile loads were applied to the system shown in Figure below and
the output measured on a voltmeter.
What are the independent and dependent variables in this calibration? Can you suggest any
extraneous variables?
Refer to Figure the strain gauge setup. The calibration variables are the excitation voltage,
resistances, gauge resistance, tensile load, strain, temperature and the output voltage.
Independent variable is that variable that changes independently of other variables. The
independent variables are the excitation voltage applied to the bridge, tensile load and the
constant resistances in the bridge circuit. These variables are not dependent on other variables in
the setup. Dependent variable is that variable that changes with change in one or more variables
in the circuit. The dependent variables are the strain, gauge resistance and the output voltage.
Strain depends on the applied tensile load and the output voltage depends on the gauge

Extraneous variables are the variables that cannot be controlled during the measurement. But
effect the value of the measured variable. The extraneous variable is the temperature that
depends on the external atmosphere. Resistance changes with change in temperature and hence
affects the output voltage. An experiment is replicable only when the same output is obtained
every time under the same conditions. The strain gauge experiment is replicable only when
conducted under the same conditions and with the same parameters.
Thus. Replication involves repeatedly obtaining the same output under the same conditions.
Replication is effected by extraneous variables, that is, temperature in the strain gauge setup.

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