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Why Why Analysis (the approach from the principles and

Repeat asking "'WHY" until recurrence is prevented
(Fig. 1-1)

Phenomenon Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Remedy

section is not Clean the

clean section.

Example of correction

section No standard
is not clean . for cleaning
Establish a
. cleaning standard

Takes time to Make the

Difficult to cover emovable
clean remove a
cover from in one-touch
. action


If the analysis is finished at the point of' is not cleaned ' in Fig 1-1 , the answer will be
'Then we will clean there.' and the analysis is ended.

As explained in the example of correction, if the analysis is not regularly performed in a

form of standard, and if another person comes, the same trouble may occur again someday.

Even when a cleaning standard is established, if it is difficult to do, that cleaning will not be
actually done when the workers are very busy in production.

Why Why Analysis (the approach from the principles and rules)
Repeat asking "why" until recurrence is prevented

The main aim of "Why Why"Analysis" is to solve a problem and to prevent recurrence
of the same problem.

So, while making analysis, you have to think not only of the solution but also of the
prevention of recurrence after solving that problem.

To prevent recurrence
1. Improve the system to prevent the problem recurrence.
2. Make up a new system so that, even if that trouble occurred, the persons around know it.
Also train them understand what to do.

From the point of equipment: Improve rules to allow person to do cleaning, oiling or
inspection more easily.

From the point of person: Knows the reason. Be trained up to do the job.

From the point of management...

1) Makes up various rules and standards.
2) Make right rules and standards.
3) Make them easy to observe.
4) Adhere to the standards.

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from principles and rules)
Repeat asking "Why" until recurrence is prevented.

The most important point on executing "Why Why Analysis" (Fig.1-2)

Things to do before actually

doing "Why Why Analysis".
(a) Sort out and arrange the
Point 2
problem (by layer) and
After finishing "Why Why
understand the fact correctly.
Analysis", be sure to read back Point 4
(b) Understand the composition
reversibly from the final "Why" Continue asking yourself
(structure) and role (function) of
to "Phenomenon" to judge if the "Why" until you find a
the part that formsthe main part
context is theoretically correct. factor that can solve the
of the problem.
problem and prevent

Phenomenon Why 1 Why 2 Why 3


Point 3
See the phenomena before
and after the trouble. Check
if all the factors are listed by
thinking of reverse side of
those phenomena (if such
factor did not occur, did the
phenomenon before that
factor occurred ?)

All about rectangle part

Point 1
Make the sentence brief in
the 'Phenomenon' and
'Why' column.
Eg.(Someone ) did

When executing 'Why Why Analysis', there are four very important points as follows:

Fig.1-2 shows a easy way to check in the actual 'Why Why Analysis'

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles and the rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point.

n Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5

Chain Vibration Roller Foreign particles

Cover set occurred. Bearing worn entered the
cover was bolts were bearing had
broken bearing
loose backlash

Bearing oil
was out.
After repairing
chain, operator
forgot to tighten Bearing
the cover set received bias
bolts. load

Operator was
Fork-lift looking away
the cover

Forklift couldn't
step away from (Fig. 1)

Question 1
We did 'Why Why Analysis'. Find out where the logic jumped. Then, correct it.
(Hint: Because some sentences were omitted, the important factor was overlooked.)

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles and the rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point.

non Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why4 Why 5

Chain Vibration Roller Bearing is Foreign particles

cover was Cover set occurred bearing had worn entered the
broken bolts were backlash bearing
Bearing oil was
After repairing
chain, operator
forgot to tighten the Bearing received
cover set bolts. bias load

Fork-lift waslooking away
the cover
Fig. 1
Forklift couldn't
step away from

Go back from 'Why' to phenomenon

1) [Because] foreign particles entered the bearing, the bearing was worn.
2) [Because] the bearing was worn, the roller bearing had backlash.
3) [Because] the roller bearing had the backlash, vibration occurred.
4)[Because] the vibration occurred, cover set bolt got loose.
5) [Because] the cover set bolts were loose, the chain cover was broken.

Fig. 2

First, find out where the logic is not reasonable or has jumped.
On the top row of the example above, go back from "Why 5" to "Phenomenon".
The 5) seems to be unfitting. Don't you think so?
No loose cover set bolts can break the chain cover.
To make the context coherent, think of the principle or the rule of 'broken' written
in the 'phenomenon' column.
Because a certain force was applied to the cover. That was the reason why the
cover was broken.
If you correct this sentence by clarifying this "Certain direction", the examples of
solution shown in Fig.3 is obtained.

If you correct this sentence by clarifying this "Certain direction", the examples of
solution shown in Fig.3 is obtained.

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles or the rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point

non Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4 Why 5 Why 6 Why 7

Chain Cover Cover set Vibration Roller Bearing was Foreign matter
cover was contacte bolt was occurred bearing had worn entered
broken loose backlash bearing
force d the
was chain
applied. Bearing
grease was

Bias load
After chain repair, was applied
operator forgot to to bearing
tighten the bolts

Cover Chain Chain

touched got elongated
the loose

Sprocke Sprocket
t had was worn

External Operator looking

force was away
applied the cover

Forklift couldn't
avoid the cover Fig. 3

By making the context coherent, a factor of chain and sprocket was found, which
would not be found in the first analysis.

Thus, you have to go back from the final 'Why' to 'phenomenon' to check the logic.

This way enables you to look things from a new way with a new concept.

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Approach" Pay attention to this point

Do not lead the analysis flow to psychological side (Fig. 2-1)

Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Remedy

Not looking Absent

NG Taro injured Bumped his ahead minded, When you
example on his head carefully looking walk, look
head against
a lowered down ahead, face
ceiling up. Be alert.

No protection
Good Taro Bumped Put a
material was
Example injured on protection
his head put on angled
his head material on
against a part
lowered angled part.

Try to avoid such expressions as 'He was absent minded' , ' had a hangover headache ' or 'got

Against those points, the remedies we can think of are: (Do not be absent minded',(
avoid being in hangover state' or 'do not be irritated'. These remedies cannot be actually taken.

In the Fig. 2-1), suppose you raise Why 2 as, not looking ahead carefully .
Then, the remedy will be 'When walking be sure to look ahead and be alert.'.

In this case, it is better to raise a Why 2 as ' No protection material was put on angled part.' so that
its remedy can be ' Put a protection material on angles'. You have direct other's attention to the
point of Hardware and controlling side.

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point.

A funny example of 'Why' 1

Phenome Why 2
Why 1 Why 3 Why 4
Equipment Equipment Production Order
Dust in a clean- was being
causes dust volume is volume
room has exceeded operated
the specified level fully large increased

If this assumption is true, then the

cannot keep on operating well.

As shown in Fig.3-1, if an unusual condition such as, 'Equipment was being operated fully'
is described, the context moves to a direction ' Order increased', which is strange.

In this case, finalize the story up to "Why 1" and think of a remedy 'Clean the equipment

Or, in the context after "Why 2", pursue the cause of dust. Think of a remedy.
That is, either change the material of the part that caused dust or enclose that part only, or
suck the dust. Develop the story in this way.

Why Why Analysis ( the approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point.

(Fig. 3-2)

Phenome Why 1 Why 2

Around the motor Motor installed just Move the
under the conveyor under the conveyor conveyor
is contaminated.


In the case of (Fig. 3-2) also, develop the text as, 'Cleaning under motor is difficult'
' No cover between conveyor and motor' or 'the motor is installed directly on the floor'.

Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point
Do not use a word "bad" in the text.

We often see the usage such as, "Design is bad", "'Material is bad" or " Machine is badly
operated". We tend to use "bad" very often.

The word "bad" has a wide meaning and the degree and type of badness depends on the
person who uses it.

In case of a text "material is bad", for example, it is not sure if the material is short in
quantity or the property of the material is not matching the purpose. There are many
ways of interpretation in this word.

So do not use a word "bad".

Design is

Material is

Badly bad

Use a word that clearly and definitely indicates the meaning.

Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point
Fig. 4

Go back from "Why" to "Phenomenon"

Phenome Why 1 Why 2 Why 3

A child is crying He is sad. The bucket fell
His goldfish died.

(Why 3l) Because the bucket fell down. (Why 2 ) Goldfish died.
(Why 2) Because the goldfish died. (Why 1) He was sad.
(Why 1) Because he was sad. Phenomen He was crying.

After finishing the Why Why Analysis, be sure to go back from the last (Why) to the
(Phenomenon). In that way, you can confirm if the context is theoretically correct.

The meaning of 'Go back from the "'Why" to 'Phenomenon' means the case as in the Fig. 4.

Suppose a phenomenon of "A child is crying" is here. Analyze this by repeatedly asking
yourself "Why" 3 times. After that, read through the texts from the last "Why" to the
'Phenomenon' as if you are checking the content is theoretically correct or not.

Reading back like this enables you to check if the context is reasonable and if there is a logic
jump in here or not.

Why 1
A child is crying. His goldfish died.. (Fig 4-1)

If the analysis of (Fig 4) is in the form of (Fig. 4-1), what is the result?
If you read back the sentence, the concept will be, " He cried because the goldfish died".

Is there any omission of logic between crying and gold fish's death?

If this story is explained properly : Because the goldfish died and he felt sad, he cried.
Another thinking is 'Because the goldfish died and he was afraid that his father/mother
will be angry and he cried in fear.
Is there any omission of logic between crying and gold fish's death?

If this story is explained properly : Because the goldfish died and he felt sad, he cried.
Another thinking is 'Because the goldfish died and he was afraid that his father/mother
will be angry and he cried in fear.

Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point

Question 2
What a child is crying for?
Watch the sketch well and guess what.

Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point

Go back from "Why" to "Phenomenon"

Phenome Why 1 Why 2 Why 3 Why 4

A child is It hurts him He fell down He hit the bucket He was
crying looking away Continued

He hit the
orange box.

He was sad. His goldfish

died The bucket with Goldfish in the
gold fish in it bucket moved Continued
fell down. violently.

He felt pain. Water got into Tried to catch Tried to shift Continued
eyes goldfish in the goldfish to
bucket. another place

He was Father scold Father drove the

afraid him boy's precious While carrying
goldfish to the bucket, the
death. bucket fell
down .

He was A spanner fell

down toward ‫پ‬H (Cause cannot be found unless the view is
surprised widened.)

He was glad (No cause is detected. So stop here.)

To understand the essence of a fact or thing, do not widen the view at first. Only think of the
principles and rule of the phenomenon.)

In this case, keep your eye on the question "Why did he cry?". Its principles will be "He cried because
it hurt him", "He cried because he was sad" , "Because it was painful".
"Because he was afraid" "Because he was surprised" or "Cried because he was glad".
principles and rule of the phenomenon.)

In this case, keep your eye on the question "Why did he cry?". Its principles will be "He cried because
it hurt him", "He cried because he was sad" , "Because it was painful".
"Because he was afraid" "Because he was surprised" or "Cried because he was glad".



‫)‪Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules‬‬
‫‪"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point‬‬

‫"‪Go back from "Why" to "Phenomenon‬‬

‫‪Phenome‬‬ ‫‪Why 1‬‬ ‫‪Why 2‬‬ ‫‪Why 3‬‬ ‫‪Why 4‬‬


‫الطفل مجروح‬ ‫الطفل وقع‬ ‫الطفل اصطدم بالدلو‬ ‫الطفل غير منتبه‬
‫الطفل يبكى‬ ‫أكمل‬
‫الطفل اصطدم‬

‫الطفل زعالن‬ ‫السمكة ماتت‬

‫الدلو سقط‬ ‫أكمل السمكة تحركت بشدة‬

‫الطفل يتألم‬ ‫الطفل حاول نقل‬

‫الماء وصل الى عينيه‬ ‫الطفل حاول االمساك‬ ‫أكمل‬
‫السمكة الى مكان‬

‫الطفل خائف‬ ‫توبيخ والده‬ ‫اعتقاد الوالد ان الطفل‬

‫وقوع الدلو عندما‬ ‫أكمل‬
‫هو السبب فى موت‬
‫السمكة‬ ‫حاول الطفل حمله‬

‫الطفل فوجئ‬ ‫المفتاح وقع عليه‬ ‫)ال ي وجد س بباذا ن نتهىهنا(‬

‫الطفل سعيد‬ ‫)‪.‬ال ي وجد س بباذا ن نتهىهنا(‬

Why Why Analysis (approach from the principles and rules)
"Why Why Analysis" Pay attention to this point

To pick up every situation

Because the battery life is gone, the flash light won't light up.

Divide the sentence into two.

The battery life is gone. The flash light won't light up.

Exchange the sentences.

The flash light won't light up The battery life is gone.

To make other causes easy for assessing.

The flash light won't light up. The battery life is gone.

Bulb is burnt.

The bulb and spring are not


Suppose in the "Phenomenon" or "Why" column, the texts, " Because the battery life is gone, the
flashlight won't light up" are written.

The next 'Why' is based only on the direction of "Battery life is gone".

To avoid this, write the sentence short as " Someone (thing) did something" style.

If a long sentence as "Because the battery life is gone, the flashlight won't light up" is written,
divide it into two short sentences of "Battery life is gone" and "Flash light won't light up".

By so doing, its cause persuasion becomes easy to do as indicated in Fig.5)

By so doing, its cause persuasion becomes easy to do as indicated in Fig.5)


The concept of Why Why Analysis (Fig 1)


1-1 Why 1-1 occurs?

Why 1 occurs?


1-2 Why 2-2 occurs?

Why the phenomenon occurs 2-2-2

2-1 Final "Why"

The source of cause
against a phenomenon

2 Why 2 occurs?


Why Why Analysis is a method of analyzing the cause of a phenomenon regularly, in order and without
fail not from one's thought. Here are explanations about how to do the analyzing using the Fig.1 as a

Always think of a cause of phenomenon , in other word, 'Why' such phenomenon occurred.
Suppose, you think of 1 and 2 causes. Then, you just think why such 1 and 2 occurred.
The probable causes of 1 are 1-1 and 1-2. Probable causes of 2 are 2-1 and 2-2.

And the final 'Why' (shown in a rectangle 5 ) is the source of that phenomenon.
Now, let see which cause is applicable to each site and actual case.

Here are some examples:

Even the analysis urges us to ask 'Why' repeatedly for five times, we don't know what to do. So here are
some example to illustrate: Here are actual example to illustrate the method of performing this well
known trouble analysis method 'WHY WHY ANALYSIS'.

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