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A fuel is any material that can be made to react with other substances
so that it releases chemical or nuclear energy as heat or to be used
for work. The concept was originally applied solely to those materials
capable of releasing chemical energy but has since also been applied
to other sources of heat energy such as nuclear energy (via nuclear
fission and nuclear fusion).

The heat energy released by reactions of fuels is converted

into mechanical energy via a heat engine. Other times the heat itself is
valued for warmth, cooking, or industrial processes, as well as the
illumination that comes with combustion. Fuels are also used in
the cells of organisms in a process known as cellular respiration,
where organic molecules are oxidized to release usable
energy. Hydrocarbons and related oxygen-containing molecules are
by far the most common source of fuel used by humans, but other
substances, including radioactive metals, are also utilized.

Fossil fuels are energy resources formed over millions of years from
remains of dead plants and animals buried underneath sediment and
rock. Subsequent decomposition without the presence of oxygen,
coupled with naturally occurring heat beneath the earth and pressure
from rock and dirt converted these dead plants and animal matter into
fossil fuels.

Fossil fuels are considered nonrenewable energy resources because

they take millions of years to form and are harsh on the environment.
This means we are current using fossil fuels formed more than 50
years ago, and once they deplete, we will have no fuel to burn.
Disadvantages of Fossil Fuels

1. Non-renewable

Nonrenewable energy sources are destined to deplete in the near future. Fossil
fuels do not qualify as renewable energy resources because their supply is
limited. In fact, they are projected to run out in the next 50 years. Also,
formation of fossil fuels takes years, which means when they deplete, we may
have to wait for another 60 years or so for new ones to form.

2. Environmental Hazards

Environmental pollution is one of the major disadvantage of fossil fuels. It is a

known fact that carbon dioxide, gas released when fossil fuels are burnt, is one
of the primary gas responsible for global warming. Rise in temperature of earth
has resulted in melting of polar ice caps, flooding of low lying areas and rise in
sea levels. If such conditions continue, our planet Earth might face some serious
consequences in near future.

3. Accidents can be disastrous

Unlike renewable energy resources like solar and wind, accidents involving
fossil fuels are highly dangerous and can cause massive damage. Oil spills have
occurred in the past, especially in the United States. Oil spills lead to pollution
of water bodies and death of aquatic animals including those living offshore.
Also, the environment around the shore is severely devastated.

4. Effect on Human Health

Emissions of greenhouse gasses and other toxic elements as a result of fossil

fuel combustion can cause serious health complications such as chronic asthma,
low lung functioning, chronic bronchitis and cardiovascular diseases.

5. Price fluctuations

Fossil fuels are highly susceptible to price fluctuations and market

manipulation. This aspect is greatly felt by developing countries that heavily
rely on importation of fossil fuels. According to the U.S. Department of Energy,
massive price fluctuations and price manipulations by oil producing countries in
the middle east cost the economy about 1.9 trillion between 2004 and 2008
alone. Advances in renewable energy technologies have minimized these price
fluctuations and manipulations to a greater degree.

6. over dependence

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, more than half of the oil
consumed in the United States is imported. This overdependence on foreign oil
is a security threat to the United States. Nations can use this overreliance as a
political leverage, putting the countrys interests in grave danger.

7. Need Huge Amount of Reserves

The coal power plants require huge and regular supply of coal to produce large
amount of energy on a constant basis. This means that these plants need train-
loads of fuel near power stations to carry out the process of generating power.
This is needed as many countries are still dependent on coal as a major source
for producing power.

8. Impact on Aquatic Life by Oil Spill

Fossil fuels are needed in huge reserves wherever their plants are set up. This
requires them to be transported to the desired location via truck, train, ship or
airplane. Often, we hear of some leaks in oil tankers or ship getting drowned
deep under the sea that were carrying crude oil to get refined. The impact of this
is that crude oil contains some toxic substances which when mixed up with
water poses serious impact on aquatic life. Transportation of crude oil via sea
can cause oil spill which can pose hazard to the aquatic life by lessening the
oxygen content of water.

Also , burning of the fossil fuel emits different gases which are the major cause

The greenhouse effect is a natural process that warms the Earths surface. When
the Suns energy reaches the Earths atmosphere, some of it is reflected back to
space and the rest is absorbed and re-radiated by greenhouse gases.

Greenhouse gases include water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide,
ozone and some artificial chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs).
The absorbed energy warms the atmosphere and the surface of the Earth. This
process maintains the Earths temperature at around 33 degrees Celsius warmer
than it would otherwise be, allowing life on Earth to exist.


Alternative fuels include gaseous fuels such as hydrogen, natural gas, and
propane; alcohols such as ethanol, methanol, and butanol; vegetable and waste-
derived oils; and electricity. These fuels may be used in a dedicated system that
burns a single fuel, or in a mixed system with other fuels including traditional
gasoline or diesel, such as in hybrid-electric or flexible fuel vehicles.

Some vehicles and engines are designed for alternative fuels by the
manufacturer. Others are converted to run on an alternative fuel by modifying
the engine controls and fueling system from the original configuration.

Therefore, many different alternative fuels are used to increase the efficiency of
the fuel by adding some alternative fuel into it.

Addition of some part of the alternative fuel in the fossil fuel sometimes results
in the low emission of greenhouse gases, increase in the brake power, indicated
power of the engine, and increment in the different things related to the engine.

Hence, to increase the performance of the diesel engine we are using the TYRE
PYROLYSIS OIL (TPO). Which is the oil made with the tires and that too at the
very low cost and from its byproducts we can make different things like mat,
carpets, beads, etc.
Pyrolysis is a thermochemical decomposition of organic material at elevated
temperatures in the absence of oxygen (or any halogen). It involves the
simultaneous change of chemical composition and physical phase, and is
irreversible. The word is coined from the Greek-derived elements pyro "fire"
and lysis "separating".
Pyrolysis is a type of thermolyzes, and is most commonly observed
in organic materials exposed to high temperatures. It is one of the processes
involved in charring wood, starting at 200300 C (390570 F). It also occurs
in fires where solid fuels are burning or when vegetation comes into contact
with lava in volcanic eruptions. In general, pyrolysis of organic substances
produces gas and liquid products and leaves a solid residue richer in carbon
content, char. Extreme pyrolysis, which leaves mostly carbon as the residue, is
called carbonization.
The process is used heavily in the chemical industry, for example, to
produce charcoal, activated carbon, methanol, and other chemicals from wood,
to convert ethylene dichloride into vinyl chloride to make PVC, to produce coke
from coal, to convert biomass into syngas and biochar, to turn waste plastics
back into usable oil, or waste into safely disposable substances, and for
transforming medium-weight hydrocarbons from oil into lighter ones
like gasoline. These specialized uses of pyrolysis may be called various names,
such as dry distillation, destructive distillation, or cracking. Pyrolysis is also
used in the creation of nanoparticles, zirconia and oxides utilizing an ultrasonic
nozzle in a process called ultrasonic spray pyrolysis (USP).
Pyrolysis also plays an important role in several cooking procedures, such
as baking, frying, grilling, and caramelizing. It is a tool of chemical analysis, for
example, in mass spectrometry and in carbon-14 dating. Indeed, many
important chemical substances, such as phosphorus and sulfuric acid, were first
obtained by this process. Pyrolysis has been assumed to take place
during cytogenesis, the conversion of buried organic matter to fossil fuels. It is
also the basis of pyrography. In their embalming process, the ancient Egyptians
used a mixture of substances, including methanol, which they obtained from the
pyrolysis of wood.
Pyrolysis differs from other processes like combustion and hydrolysis in that it
usually does not involve reactions with oxygen, water, or any other reagents. In
practice, it is not possible to achieve a completely oxygen-free atmosphere.
Because some oxygen is present in any pyrolysis system, a small amount of
oxidation occurs.
Pyrolysis oil is the product of waste tire and plastic pyrolysis, the oil is wide
used as industrial fuel to substitute furnace oil or industrial diesel. Typical
industrial applications of pyrolysis oil as a fuel, the fuel oil is mainly used in
Machine do not require high quality fuel oil.
The pyrolysis oil is extracted from waste tire or waste plastic by our pyrolysis
plant, the pyrolysis plant is a machine converts waste tire to oil. During the
process of converting waste tire/plastic to fuel oil there will be no pollution and
solid waste. The product of pyrolysis plant is fuel oil, carbon black, and oil gas.
The raw material such as waste plastic/tire will be heated in reactor, then the
waste tire/plastic will vaporize, the vaporize oil gas will go into condenser and
condensed into liquid fuel oil. The fuel oil is a good energy. The dedusting
system will deal with the waste perfectly, just little energy is required to heat the
energy, the oil gas which cannot be condensed will be recycled back to heat
reactor. Thus, will save much energy.
The pyrolysis oil is mainly fuel oil used in heavy industry such as construction
heating, steel factory, cement factory, boiler factory; hotel heating etc., the oil is
closed to NO.2 diesel. By direct combustion in a boiler or furnace pyrolysis oil
can be used to produce heat. This is the most simple and straight forward
application combustion of pyrolysis oil in heavy industry is available. This
application offers some companies the possibility to partly from natural gas, or
heating oil to a renewable alternative fuel. pyrolysis oil is completive with the
price of heating oil, more and more countries are using pyrolysis oil to replace
natural gas. Pyrolysis oil has the potential to be available in large amounts and
competitively priced. Once the plastic/ tire oil refined it can be used many
different ways. Such as truck, tractor, ship, diesel power generation and so on.
The pyrolysis oil is mainly used in heavy industries for heating purpose as fuel,
usually used in industry or machine which doesnt require high stand oil like
steel factory, cement factory, brick factory and glass factory etc. Especially steel
factory and cement factory.



Tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance, emission, and
combustion characteristics of a single cylinder direct injection diesel engine
fueled with 10%, 30%, and 50% of tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO) blended with diesel
fuel (DF). The TPO was derived from waste automobile tyres through vacuum
pyrolysis. The combustion parameters such as heat release rate, cylinder peak
pressure, and maximum rate of pressure rise also analyzed. Results showed that
the brake thermal efficiency of the engine fueled with TPO-DF blends increased
with an increase in blend concentration and reduction of DF concentration.
NO(x), HC, CO, and smoke emissions were found to be higher at higher loads
due to the high aromatic content and longer ignition delay. The cylinder peak
pressure increased from 71 bars to 74 bars. The ignition delays were longer than
with DF. It is concluded that it is possible to use tyre pyrolysis oil in diesel
engines as an alternate fuel in the future.

The use of Tyre pyrolysis oil as a substitution to diesel fuel is an opportunity in

minimizing the utilization of the natural resources. Several research works have
been carried out on the pyrolysis of waste automobile tyres. Pyrolysis is the
process of thermally degrading a substance into smaller, less complex
molecules. Pyrolysis produces three principal products: such as pyrolytic oil,
gas and char. The quality and quantity of these products depend upon the reactor
temperature and design. In the Pyrolysis process, larger hydrocarbon chains
break down at certain temperatures in the absence of oxygen that gives end
products usually containing solids, liquids and gases. If the temperature is
maintained at 550 C, the main product is a liquid, which could be a mixture of
various hydrocarbons depending on the initial composition of the waste
material. At temperatures above 700 C, the gas becomes the primary product
due to further cracking of liquids. The gas is basically composed of CH4, with
C2H6, C2H4, C2H2, and other gaseous hydrocarbons however in lesser
quantities. The quality and quantity of these products depend upon the reactor
temperature and design.



The depletion of conventional automotive fuels, the increasing number of

vehicles and stringent emission norms are the challenges in front of
automotive industry. The tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO) is viewed as an
attractive alternate fuel for internal combustion engines. Tyre pyrolysis
oil is obtained by the pyrolysis of waste tyres. Tyre pyrolysis oil is
blended into petroleum diesel in different proportions viz. 10, 20 and 30
percent by volume. The properties of fuel samples are measured by
standard methods. The performance, combustion and emission
characteristics are studied on a single cylinder, four strokes, water cooled
compression ignition engine. Ignition delay for TPO blends is higher than
diesel. TPO blends show heat release rate comparable to diesel in
premixed phase. TPO blends show high brake specific fuel consumption
and low brake thermal efficiency compared to diesel. The TPO diesel
blends are found to produce high smoke compared to diesel.

The blends of tyre pyrolysis oil are tested in a CI engine. Engine runs
smoothly on the TPO blends. The peak cylinder pressure is found to
increase with TPO blends. The injection should be advanced as ignition
delay period is higher for TPO blends. As the calorific value of the
blended fuels is less than petroleum diesel, brake thermal efficiency
decreases with increase in blending percentage. The smoke emissions are
found to be higher for TPO blends at full load. Pyrolysis is effective way
of disposing waste tyres and process generates gas, oil and char.
Thus, tyre pyrolysis oil has potential to be an efficient additive into

3. Fuel properties of pyrolytic tyre oil and its blends with diesel fuel -
Towards waste management.

The non-biodegradable nature of scrap tyres makes it not suitable for landfills.
In this study, thermal pyrolysis of waste tyre samples was carried out in a semi
batch reactor made up of stainless steel in our own laboratory.
The physiochemical properties of tyre pyrolysis oil (TPO) had been studied by
different analysis .The oil samples obtained from waste tyre is distilled and then
mixing with common diesel oil were analyzed according to their fuel properties,
elemental analysis and functional groups presents. The products from the tyre
pyrolysis are (33-39) wt. % char, (34-42) wt. % oil, and except are uncondensed
gases. Almost 44.5% TPO can be distilled as fuel oil. The comparative study of
physiochemical properties and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
analysis of distilled tyre pyrolysis oil (DTPO) and diesel oil is also present in
this paper. The blended oil (50% DTPO+ 50% diesel) shows almost similar
properties with conventional diesel oil except flash point and fire point.
The typical products of tyre pyrolysis are char, bio-oil, and non-condensed
gases. In the range of 320 to 330C about 38.5% of TPO was obtained as
presented in Figure 3. The oil percentage increased to 57.14% at 360C.
After further heating from 365C, percentage of obtained oil increased
rapidly to 87.9% at temperature 380C. The gases produced through tyre
pyrolysis consists of hydrogen (H2), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide
(CO), methane (CH4), ethane (C2H6), and butadiene (C4H6); with trace
amounts of propane (CH3CH2CH3), propene (CH3CH = CH2), butane
(CH3(CH2)2CH3), and other miscellaneous hydrocarbons.
The crude TPO contains char, sand and alkali metals which are responsible for
buildup carbonaceous deposits in the combustion chamber, exhaust valves, ports
and in the piston ring grooves and also for exhaust emissions (Bhatt and
Patel, 2012). Therefore, distillation process was carried out to separate the
lighter and heavier fraction of hydrocarbon oil present in TPO. At the
temperature of 104C only about 17.5% of distilled tyre pyrolytic oil
(DTPO) was achieved as revealed in Figure 4. However, percentage of
DTPO increased sharply to 44.5% DTPO50 (50% DTPO+ 50% diesel) at a
temperature of 230C from 27.5% at the temperature 181C

4. Experimental Investigation of Tyre Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) in Diesel

Engine without any Engine Modification.

In the current energy scenario, attention of world is changing towards

producing energy from waste products. In the present study, tyre
pyrolysis oil (TPO) is prepared and investigated in diesel engine. Initially,
waste tyres were collected from local market, cut down into small pieces
and steel wire meshes inside the tyre were removed. Then the pieces were
heated at a high temperature. The last derived component after heating is
called TPO. The minimal amount of black tyre powder which was also
identified inside oil is removed by filtering process. The obtained TPO oil
is mixed with traditional diesel fuel in the ratio of20% TPO and 80%
diesel. Then the prepared samples were tested in computerized single-
cylinder direct-injection diesel engine to analyses the combustion and
performance characteristics. Emission measurements were done using
AVL make: 444 Di Gas Analyzer and 437C Smoke meter. The results
show that brake thermal efficiency increased by about 0.6% and brake-
specific energy consumption decreased by about 0.59 MJ kW h1 with
20TPO than diesel fuel at full-load condition. The exhaust emission gases
like CO, HC, NOx and smoke were decreased about 0.01%, 1 ppm, 119
ppm and 11.2 Hart ridge smoke unit with 20TPO than neat diesel,
respectively. The combustion characteristics like in-cylinder pressure,
heat release rate and rate of pressure rise increased by about 0.92 bar,
6.88 JCA1 and 0.47 barCA1 with 20TPO than diesel fuel. The
prepared TPO may be used as an additive in diesel engine without any
engine modification.


The results obtained show the high potential of tyre pyrolysis oil of being used
in various fields. The different grades of oil obtained after distillation increases
its commercial value. But the focus of this report is on its environmental impact.
Although some TPO plants have come up, only 20 25% of scrap tyres are
being recycled by this process. Making the production of TPO more lucrative,
will result in more percentage of scrap tyres recycled in this manner. As a result
scrap tyres wont be disposed of into the environment in form of landfills or
wastes; rather they will be properly processed and converted to useful products.
The fact that pyrolysis of waste tyres is a useful solution to protect the
environment, it can also be made cost-effective. Fractionating the TPO by
distillation is a very important procedure that is often overlooked. If TPO is
directly used as a fuel, the presence of PAHs and aromatic compounds release
many harmful anthropogenic gases into the atmosphere. The sulfur content
present in it means that it is almost impossible for the fuel to pass stringent
emission standards when used in IC engines in future. By distilling it we obtain
a very clean fuel which is completely free from sulfur and PAHs. Lubricants
dont undergo combustion and seldom come to direct human exposure. So, the
risk of releasing harmful toxic gases is greatly reduced compared to all other
methods of disposing scrap tyres. Thus, the remains of the distillation can be
used to manufacture low grade lubricants.

Future Work

The basic work done is to make TPO with different distillation temperatures.

Analyze the tyre pyrolysis oil for different effects on the parameter of the
diesel engine.

Analyze the TPO for the gas chromatography and mass chromatography.

Manufacturing a Lubricating Oil from TPO as feedstock.

some changes in the diesel engine which effects on the characteristics of it

while using different blends of the TPO with the diesel fuel.


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