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Geometric modeling
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Geometric modeling is a branch of applied mathema cs and computa onal geometry that studies
methods and algorithms for the mathema cal descrip on of shapes.

The shapes studied in geometric modeling are mostly two- or three-dimensional, although many of its
tools and principles can be applied to sets of any nite dimension. Today most geometric modeling is done
with computers and for computer-based applica ons. Two-dimensional models are important in computer
typography and technical drawing. Three-dimensional models are central to computer-aided design and
manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and widely used in many applied technical elds such as civil and mechanical
engineering, architecture, geology and medical image processing.[1]

Geometric models are usually dis nguished from procedural and object-oriented models, which dene the
shape implicitly by an opaque algorithm that generates its appearance. They are also contrasted with
digital images and volumetric models which represent the shape as a subset of a ne regular par on of
space; and with fractal models that give an innitely recursive deni on of the shape. However, these
dis nc ons are o,en blurred: for instance, a digital image can be interpreted as a collec on of colored
squares; and geometric shapes such as circles are dened by implicit mathema cal equa ons. Also, a
fractal model yields a parametric or implicit model when its recursive deni on is truncated to a nite

Notable awards of the area are the John A. Gregory Memorial Award[2] and the Bezier award.[3]

See also
Geometric modeling kernel
Architectural geometry
omputa onal conformal geometry
Computer-aided engineering
Computer-aided manufacturing
Computa onal topology
Digital geometry
List of interac ve geometry so,ware
Parametric curves
Parametric surfaces
Pythagorean-hodograph curves
Solid modeling
Space par oning

1. Handbook of Computer Aided Geometric Design
2. h7p://
3. h7p://

Further reading
General textbooks:

Jean Gallier (1999). Curves and Surfaces in Geometric Modeling: Theory and Algorithms

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(h7p:// Morgan Kaufmann. This book is out of print

and freely available from the author.
Gerald E. Farin (2002). Curves and Surfaces for CAGD: A Prac cal Guide
(h7p:// (5th ed.). Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 978-1-55860-737-8.
Max K. Agoston (2005). Computer Graphics and Geometric Modelling: Mathema cs. Springer Science
& Business Media. ISBN 978-1-85233-817-6. and its companion Max K. Agoston (2005). Computer
Graphics and Geometric Modelling: Implementa on & Algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media.
ISBN 978-1-84628-108-2.
Michael E. Mortenson (2006). Geometric Modeling (3rd ed.). Industrial Press.
ISBN 978-0-8311-3298-9.
Ronald Goldman (2009). An Integrated Introduc on to Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling
(1st ed.). CRC Press. ISBN 978-1-4398-0334-9.
Nikolay N. Golovanov (2014). Geometric Modeling: The mathema cs of shapes
(h7ps:// cs-shapes/dp/1497473195).
CreateSpace Independent Publishing PlaIorm. ISBN 978-1497473195.

For mul -resolu on (mul ple level of detail) geometric modeling :

Armin Iske; Ewald Quak; Michael S. Floater (2002). Tutorials on Mul resolu on in Geometric
Modelling: Summer School Lecture Notes. Springer Science & Business Media.
ISBN 978-3-540-43639-3.
Neil Dodgson; Michael S. Floater; Malcolm Sabin (2006). Advances in Mul resolu on for Geometric
Modelling. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN 978-3-540-26808-6.

Subdivision methods (such as subdivision surfaces):

Joseph D. Warren; Henrik Weimer (2002). Subdivision Methods for Geometric Design: A Construc ve
Approach. Morgan Kaufmann. ISBN 978-1-55860-446-9.
Jrg Peters; Ulrich Reif (2008). Subdivision Surfaces. Springer Science & Business Media.
ISBN 978-3-540-76405-2.
Lars-Erik Andersson; Neil Frederick Stewart (2010). Introduc on to the Mathema cs of Subdivision
Surfaces. SIAM. ISBN 978-0-89871-761-7.

External links
Geometry and Algorithms for CAD (h7p://www.mathema
/cdgen0104.pdf) (Lecture Note, TU Darmstadt)

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