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Physical and Social Effects of Internet Use in Children

( JOSH PATRICK) on: Feb 18, 2015

The side effects of constant media exposure in children continues to be a growing public health concern. In the
past 20 years, Internet usage among children has steadily increased. More than two-thirds of 8-year-old children go
online each day, according to a study by the nonprofit Joan Ganz Cooney Center. The relationships between Internet use
and physical or social aftereffects are complicated, but some facts are starting to reveal themselves.

Physical Health

As children spend more time in front of computer monitors, they typically spend less time in physical activities. The
sedentary lifestyle associated with computer usage can be a prime risk factor for obesity, according to clinical
psychologist Kaleyvani Geeseeny Sawmy, author of "The Impact of Internet Use on Children/Adolescents." Furthermore,
computer use is linked to both repetitive motion injuries like carpal tunnel and eye strain. For some children, the rapidly
flashing images of certain websites and games can trigger epileptic seizures, according to authors of "The Impact of
Home Computer Use on Childrens Activities and Development," published by Princeton University.

Cognitive Development

Children with easy access to the Internet may become less able to separate fact from fiction. The Internet has no
filter and no peer review, so anyone can publish anything they want. Educators also worry that the informal
communication common to chat rooms has carried over into academic settings. Students facing challenging homework
tasks and essays are becoming more likely to plagiarize from Internet sources. The multitasking that many children
engage in while online reduces attention span, making intense concentration on a single task more difficult.

Depression and Isolation

Increased Internet use among children may result in feelings of loneliness and depression, warns Geeseeny
Sawmy. Whether time spent online is a cause or effect of these negative feelings is unclear. However, more online time
does result in less time spent with family and friends or working on hobbies. The rapid and instant nature of Internet
stimulation alters the way a young person sees the world, leading to more boredom with everyday life.

Social Maladaption

Desensitization to violent stimuli is one potential consequence of excessive Internet usage in children, warns the
City of Manchester Health Department. Both violent and pornographic imagery can fundamentally alter a developing
child's perspective on the world. Child pornography is especially disturbing and may forever change a child's
understanding of human sexuality. The violent images, foul language and lack of social rules common to the Internet do
not prepare anyone, much less a growing child, for interaction in the real world.

Positive Effects

Online games and activities can enhance teamwork and creativity. The Internet's wealth of information can add to
the child's store of knowledge, provided that the child has learned to discriminate between good and bad information
sources. Many studies have demonstrated that children in households with computers perform better academically than
peers who do not have ready access to computers. Interacting with computers has been shown to improve both visual
intelligence and hand-eye coordination.
14 Negative Effects Of Internet On Students And Children
(Lien Nguyen) July 19, 2016

As all of us already know, internet is a rapidly and strongly developing media which brings people around the world
closer together. The internet is increasing important position because of the integration and development. Internet
helps people capture all information in the world as quickly as possible just sitting at home. Moreover, because of fast
spreading, internet also has a lot of negative effects on student and children.

Internet is a useful tool in technology era. However, it still remains many negative aspects if it is abused by people
especially student and children. Here are 6 negative effects of internet on children and students that people should
know to avoid:

1. Addiction

2. Work Ethic

3. Cyber Crimes<

4. Abandonment Of Family

5. Physical Development

6. Cyber Bully

7. Privacy Disrupted

8. Cheating

9. Lazy

10. Bad Webs

11. Hesitant Toward Face To Face Communication

12. Lacking Creativity And Dependence

13. Wastage Of Time

14. Insomnia

1. Addiction
Online games on the internet can be addictive to teenagers, children, and adults. This can take away
your precious time that should be used for other things more productive.
In addition, they are addicted to an extreme level. Maybe it is the social networking websites or the gambling ones
that they use excessively on the net. This internet addiction can result in disruption of the development of their
mental at such young age.
2. Work Ethic
This is one of the negative effects of internet on children and students that you should be aware of.
Children who grow up in the Internet time expect rapid gratification. They may easily get online and look for
anything they want, from the favorite music videos & TV shows to difficult homework answers. The Internet helps
them not to wait and give them immediate results with a minimal effort. These traits will not translate to the
school, where teachers expect their students to work for the grades. Students, as a result, are often unable to
understand problems. In addition, they also fail to control their time efficiently.
3. Cyber Crimes
Unsuspecting internet users may easily become a victim of criminal elements who interfere with the
emails or do something with the credit card information. Fooling or phishing other people into believing that
websites owned by criminals are legitimate resulted in millions of money lost for these misleading business
You can easily see these online frauds and crimes in daily news.
4. Abandonment of the family
In fact, using anything excessively has its disadvantages and abandonment of family is another of the
negative effects of internet on children and students that you should know. People become insensitive when they
depend on the internet. To prove this point, I want to give you a detailed example. Due to the virtual baby on the
internet, a couple in Korea forget to feed their real kid who died of hunger. This is so sorry!
In addition, too much use of these social networking sites and the internet will push the children into an isolated
world where the internet is their only friend. They can spend hours on using the internet and as a result, they will
ignore their families. For them, accessing the internet is more important than taking their time to talk to their loved
5. Physical Development
As you know, a full education will surely enhance both your body and mind. Spending hours on accessing
the internet, engaging on social networks, and playing online games can drastically inhibit the physical
development of a child. Instead, place a greater emphasis on the necessity for physical activity and regular exercise.
Schools in which are unable or unwilling to give a physical education can lead to the risk of the sedentary lifestyle of
6. Cyber Bully
One of the negative effects of internet on children and students is cyber bully. This is considered as
another term that is added to explain getting bullied on the internet. It seems to be much easier than physical bully.
Students get easily trapped into it. The extremely regular explorations of the sites of social networking make the
cyber bullies easier to do. Students often get most bullied on the internet. The cyber bullies always expose and
demoralize these victims. As a result, this will cause students to give a rise in suicidal attempts. They are harassed
and have to face their embarrassment but they still cannot share such serious experience with anybody.
7. Privacy Disrupted
When it comes to the social networking, a lot of things may be exchanged or uploaded over them. For
instance, when students do not realize their action and in the innocence, they can exchange private messages,
pictures, etc. through personal chats, which will disrupt their privacy. Many times, their privacy gets hindered and
they are not covered with the web. Many people will try to get your private stuff to misuse it. Therefore, you should
be careful
8. Cheating
The Internet is a place in which is stored the knowledge of world. Students may easily find test answers or
essays for any subject. And the correct answers readily available on the internet are very attractive for some
students, which will result in academic fraud, cheating, and plagiarism. Educators have carried out to counter such
problems. They have developed websites that check research papers and essays against published content in order
to detect pilfered material. However, determined students may try to circumvent these safeguards by using
message boards and social media to share class information. And this contributes to have culture of cheating that
did not exist on such scale before appearing the internet.
9. Lazy
There are no statistics on the number of students who addicted to the internet, but in fact, there are so many
people spend a lot of hours, even on 8-hour, all day to enter the internet. They play games, read a book, listen to
music or access their favorite websites without caring to study or work. Many students even drop out of school to
enter the internet all day. Lots of them are expelled because of internet addiction. When being addicted by internet,
the student will get lazier. This is one of the most negative effects of internet on students that people should know
to avoid abusing the internet and being lazy.
10. Bad Webs
According to a survey, the number of people entering black webs is compare with Google and YouTube.
There were 4.4 billion people visit these blacks website per month, more double than other sites such as CNN or
BBC. Besides, the number of students visiting bad webs is also uncountable. Spending too much time to enter black
webs affects to children in mind. These films and black webs have a significant impact to the physical and
psychological condition. This is one of the main causes affecting unhealthy lifestyle and moral corruption of a youth
department. According to a research of the University of Florida, if students use internet over 3 hours a day, they
can easily to be sexual exploited. With the spreading of sex web, the large number of children can be felt down to
sexual exploitation because their thought and mind are affected by these black webs. In a long time, the mental
health of the student can be affected by being exploited online.
Moreover, moral corruption is also a negative effect of internet on children that are released on many black sites.
There are a lot of available good and bad things on the internet that a 5-year kid can approach the content, such as
the 18+ information.
Thus, the use of the Internet in the right way, at the right time, for the right purpose gives you a lot of benefits in all
aspects without opposite effects. This is one of the significant negative effects of internet on students that people
should know to block and avoid bad webs.
Not only being affected metal health, now everyone can be sexual exploited due to black webs.
11. Hesitant Toward Face To Face Communication
With the Internet, through social networking sites, Students can make a lot of friends, in many parts of
the country and the world. Just sitting alone at home you can talk and share the joys and sorrows with the others in
the very long distant or even your classmate.
Because of this convenience, you will have less time for the old relationship and little opportunity to meet in real life
to go play, eat and recall memories together. They only see the words: I'm very sad when you fail the test, or I
really want to help you this time, but you do not see the eyes anxious, panicked heartbeat of your friend who are
ready to next to you when something wrong happened. Some students do not like chatting face to face with friends.
They just feel comfortable when they at home through a computer and internet. They feel shy to make
theconversation to anybody face to face. They prefer to talk and chat in somewhere which can separate them from
the real world. Therefore, friendships in the real-life are gradually fading. Virtual feeling is one of the negative
effects of internet on children that student should know to avoid overuse internet because they cant feel the real
sentiment if they just sitting at home. In facts, it seems to be one of the most negative effects of internet on children
that people should know to learn and avoid it.
12. Lacking Creativity And Dependence
With internet, I had the whole world in my hands!. That may be the oft-quoted line of many
students who are addicted internet. If the student wants to find out about a famous place such as Paris, London,
New York or any certain knowledge, just searching Google, they'll have all they need.
Instead of thinking about any things you want to know by yourself, the fastest way they can do is searching the
internet or asking Google. Therefore, the ability of thinking and creation are limited. They just search on the internet
to find the information they need without working their mind. They are being depended with things they would
have to get to work and they rely on internet search results.
Students are often doing some presentation and projects. The simple way they can do is finding the available
information on the internet, copying and pasting in to their notebook. This situation can cause the lack of creativity
in students and being one of the worse negative effects of internet on children. They do not make the chance to find
out any new things by themselves.
They should remember that they need to find out and prove what you need by actual experience because its more
available. Lacking creativity & dependence plays negative effects of internet on children that parents should know to
adjust the time their children enter the internet reasonable.
13. Wastage Of Time
Wastage of time seems to be one of the worse negative effects of internet on children. Obviously, if you
are addicted internet, you spend a lot of time to sit in the computer than giving time to your studies. And the fact
cant be realized till the exam approach. Because of wasting all the time on the internet without studying, they fail
the exam. This can lead to furtherdepression and they continue to overuse the internet. If students use internet
useful and reasonable, they can find out and study a lot of useful information on the internet with negative effects.
14. Insomnia

Because of the internet, many students have less time to sleeping. They play games or chat with our
friends late at night. Being on the internet, people are hard to go to bed soon and even unable to sleep. If this situation
continues for a long time, it can lead to insomnia. This is a very harmful habit because it can affect health. This condition
not only affects mental growth but also harm to physical growth. Moreover, checking their updates on Gmail or social
networks in the middle of night can cause problems in their eyes. So, to avoid negative effects of internet on student,
people need to avoid overusing it. .

There are many arguments about the methods which limited adverse effects of the Internet. Many solutions without
realistically are launched as limited use and regarded the Internet as a bad environment, In order to identify and
prevention of potential threaten on the internet for youth and adolescents, need to understand the nature of the
Internet. This is an open and connection environment which can help to create a communication environment without
depending on space and time. Internet is not a good development environment but also bad ones. If the users do not
know the way to use it reasonably, the negative effects on the internet on student can be increased. The development
of science and technology is probably the cause of the negative effects of the internet on children.

After reading my writing today, I hope that you can learn many negatives effects of internet on students and children
and spend time to read the 26 Effects Of Social Media On Youth, Society And Business article. In fact, this article reveals
some of the best applications and benefits of social media that internet brings to our life and the general business in the
world. The effects revealed in this article are proven by a lot of prestigious studies and researchers through several
surveys. It helps us understand that besides the negative effects that the internet can cause, it can also be a great tool
with significant contributions to our daily life, science, and business. Thus, do not hurry to express your hateful feeling to
the internet yet look frankly to both negative effects of internet and its benefits for life.

The article today gathers the 6 significant negative effects of internet on children that both men and women should read
this article on and make use for good. I hope that you will be able to learn and make use of useful
information about internet and spend time visiting ourlifestyle page. If you have any question, do not hesitate to leave
the comments and feedbacks below and wait for my response. As an author of Vkool, I promise that I will reply you as
soon as possible.

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