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Axway Automator
Version 3.6

11 March 2013
Copyright Axway Software, 2013
All rights reserved.

This documentation describes the following Axway software: Axway Automator 3.6

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1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
2 Axway Automator .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Presentation .............................................................................................................................................. 6
3 Introduction to configuration ................................................................................................................................ 7
Configuration Options ................................................................................................................................ 7
Menu Bar ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Hierarchy ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Preferences ........................................................................................................................................... 9
Synchronize ......................................................................................................................................... 10
Rights management (Using LDAP) .......................................................................................................... 10
Console Management ............................................................................................................................ 12
4 Configuring the modeling server ........................................................................................................................ 25
Modeling Server screen ............................................................................................................................ 25
Using LDAP ............................................................................................................................................. 26
Internal mechanisms............................................................................................................................. 26
Behavior ......................................................................................................................................... 26
Configuration ....................................................................................................................................... 27
Example for Active Directory management .............................................................................................. 29
5 Configuring production servers ......................................................................................................................... 31
Production server screen .......................................................................................................................... 31
Advanced Tab ......................................................................................................................................... 31
AS/400 production server ......................................................................................................................... 32
Redirection Tab .................................................................................................................................... 33
Accounting Integrator connector ............................................................................................................ 33
Questionnaires Tab .................................................................................................................................. 34
6 Configuring domain servers ............................................................................................................................... 35
Domain server screen .............................................................................................................................. 35
Connectors Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 35
Audit ................................................................................................................................................... 36
7 Configuring connection objects ......................................................................................................................... 37
Connection Objects tab ............................................................................................................................ 37
JDE Connector......................................................................................................................................... 37
Movex M3 Connector ............................................................................................................................... 38
PeopleSoft Connector ............................................................................................................................... 38
Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 39
Pericles Connector ................................................................................................................................... 39
SAP Connector ........................................................................................................................................ 39
Multiple-Instance Principle ..................................................................................................................... 39
Load Balancing and Direct Connection .................................................................................................... 39
Submitting an SAP Job .......................................................................................................................... 41
Web Services Connector ........................................................................................................................... 42

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 2

MFT Connector ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Process Manager Connector ...................................................................................................................... 43
Process Manager Event Connector............................................................................................................. 43
Audit ................................................................................................................................................... 44
8 Configuring users ................................................................................................................................................ 45
Users ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Context object and user rights .................................................................................................................. 46
Context usage ...................................................................................................................................... 46
How to associate a context and an object ............................................................................................... 46
Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 46
Context usage example ......................................................................................................................... 47
Context audit messages ........................................................................................................................ 47
Profiles 47
Main rights ......................................................................................................................................... 47
Profile object ........................................................................................................................................ 48
Object type rights .................................................................................................................................... 48
Updating profiles .................................................................................................................................. 48
User group .............................................................................................................................................. 49
Definition ......................................................................................................................................... 49
Object user group ................................................................................................................................. 49
User group update ................................................................................................................................ 49
User ................................................................................................................................................... 50
Setting Basic Fields ............................................................................................................................... 50
Default View box .................................................................................................................................. 50
User Group box .................................................................................................................................... 50
Changing the group .............................................................................................................................. 51
Context tab ......................................................................................................................................... 51
Rules ......................................................................................................................................... 52
User rights in Modeling............................................................................................................................. 52
User rights in the Processing Tracker ......................................................................................................... 53
opscmd API ............................................................................................................................................. 53
Principle of operation ............................................................................................................................ 53
9 Configuring calendars ......................................................................................................................................... 54
Displaying the calendar ............................................................................................................................ 54
Modifying the calendar ............................................................................................................................. 55
What the calendar shows ...................................................................................................................... 55
Modifying multiple days ......................................................................................................................... 55
Closed days ......................................................................................................................................... 55
Open Periodic column ........................................................................................................................... 55
10 Configuring macros ............................................................................................................................................. 57
Introduction to macros ............................................................................................................................. 57
Keywords ................................................................................................................................................ 57
Entering the Formula ............................................................................................................................... 58
11 Configuring scheduling rules ............................................................................................................................. 59
Initial Rules tab ....................................................................................................................................... 59
Rule Editing Tab ...................................................................................................................................... 59
Formula editing tab .................................................................................................................................. 60

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 3

Define the working area ........................................................................................................................ 60
Formula syntax..................................................................................................................................... 61
Examples ................................................................................................................................................ 61
12 Configuring date variables .................................................................................................................................. 63
Date variables ......................................................................................................................................... 63
13 Configuring global resources ............................................................................................................................. 64
Global resources ...................................................................................................................................... 64
Global production server resources ......................................................................................................... 64
Numeric resources ................................................................................................................................... 64
Text resources......................................................................................................................................... 65
Weight resources ..................................................................................................................................... 65
FIFO List resources .................................................................................................................................. 65
Global production server resources ............................................................................................................ 66
Creating a global production server resource ........................................................................................... 66
Modifying the value of a global production server resource ....................................................................... 66
Operation of global production server resources ...................................................................................... 68
14 Configuring chart views ...................................................................................................................................... 69
Chart views ............................................................................................................................................. 69
15 Configuring the execution group ....................................................................................................................... 71
Execution group ...................................................................................................................................... 71

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 4

1 Introduction
What do you want to do?
This document describes the procedures for configuring Axway Automator.
This document is intended for people who need to configure Axway Automator.

What do you learn about?

In this guide, we assume that you have a good understanding of Axway Automator.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 5

2 Axway Automator
This chapter gives a brief overview of the Axway Automator product.

Axway Automator is a production automation system that is used to:
Implement production based on graphic modeling features; processing diagrams are defined dynamically
Schedule periodic or ad-hoc processing, that is processing that cannot be scheduled in advance
Synchronize all constraints (environment, applications, jobs, etc.); Automator processes the actions and
implements the schedule in real time
Prepare processing automatically
Centralize administration using a driver to provide an overall view of how operations are
progressing(ready, failed, rescheduled processing, etc)
Provide a simulation feature to test production scheduling rules

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 6

3 Introduction to configuration
This chapter describes the basics of configuring Axway Automator.

Configuration Options
To access the configuration, click the Configuration icon or, from the menu bar, select Exploration >
Exploration Pane > Configuration.
This guide describes each of these options. This chapter describes the options from this menu that can be
selected for and from any object, Hierarchy, Preferences, Synchronize, and Console Management.
The right pane is the working area used to create, modify or view Axway Automator object definitions.
The left pane of the window lists the different types of Axway Automator objects.
1. Double-click an object type to open the list of associated objects.
2. Double-click an object to edit it, so that it can be queried or modified.
The different types of objects are as follows:
Modeling Server
Production Servers
Domain Servers
Connection Objects
User Groups
Scheduling Rules
Date Variables
Global Resources
Chart Views
Execution group

The icon is used to mask or redisplay the left pane of the window.

Menu Bar
[Reinit] Reset a current modification/query by clearing the data in the fields. You can
then create a new object.
(Also available from the toolbar.)
[Save] Save changes to an object in the Configuration module or a chart in the
Modeling module.
(Also available from the toolbar.)
[Refresh] Cancel current changes and return to the initial status.
(Also available from the toolbar.)
[Print] Print the object configuration.
(Also available from the toolbar.)
[New] Create a new object.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 7

Introduction to configuration

[Open] Open an existing object.
[Open Ref.] Open the reference object.
[Delete] Delete an object.
[Duplicate] Duplicate a resource.
[Set my default view] Set the default view for the connection user.
[Enable Server] Enable a production server.
[Disable Server] Disable a production server.
[Modify my password] Set the password for the connection user.
[Hierarchy] Access the hierarchical view of the objects used.
[Synchronize] Synchronize the modeling server data with the production servers.
[Preferences] Modify the look & feel and language of the GUI.
[Right management] LDAP Access the lists of login users and user groups. Define the
specific rights.
[Console management] List information for servers, Network, Chart locks, Connected GUIs, Database
information and Keys.
[Exit] Exit the application.

[Show/Hide Browser] Display or mask the left pane to obtain a larger window.
[Close screen] Close the current screen when configuring a specific object (Also available from
the toolbar).
[Fullscreen] Set the display to full screen size
[Exploration Pane] Access the Configuration, Modeling or Processing modules.

[Technical Support] Obtain the contact details for the Technical Support team.
[About] Obtain general information on the product.

The Hierarchy menu gives a hierarchical view of the objects defined in Axway Automator and can be accessed
from all menus in the configuration module.
This menu is used to view all the relationships between the elements defined for the Production Server, Users,
Calendars, Macros, Scheduling Rules, Date Variables, Global Resources, Execution Group and Charts.
Subsequently, an element is selected in the left pane (scheduling rules, for example), and its occurrence. The
link structure is then expanded until the required information is found in the working area.
You can search for an element by specifying its name in the text area located in the toolbar. Then click the Find
Next icon to locate the next element or the Find Previous icon for the previous element.
From the V360 version, possibilities to have a hierarchical view from a Domain server or a Connection object:

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 8

Introduction to configuration

The Preferences menu is used to manage the preferences of the user logged in and can be accessed from all
menus in the configuration module. Any changes you make to the preferences are only applied when you
restart the GUI.

General tab
In the General tab, you can modify the following general parameters.
Location: Select the user language.
Look & Feel Selects the type of graphical user interface to be used (JAVA, CDE/Motif or
Microsoft Windows).
Toolbar Displays the icons in the toolbar with or without text.

Modeling tab
In the Modeling Graph tab, you can modify the display parameters of the objects in the graph.
Position Grid Display or mask
Grid X-Spacing Distance between two points along the X axis in the grid.
Grid Y-Spacing Distance between two points along the Y axis in the grid.
Object Color Click to modify the color.

Tracker tab
In the (Tracker) Graph tab, you can modify the following parameters.
Automatic scrolling Enable or disable automatic scrolling
Display color Select the display color for the objects.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 9

Introduction to configuration

Synchronization is run on request to update the objects that were modified after at least one instance was
created (user password, calendar, macro, scheduling rules and date variables). The Synchronize menu can be
accessed from all menus in the configuration module.
When you request synchronization, the parameters of the objects to be synchronized are sent to the relevant
production servers in real time to be applied immediately, except for the scheduling rules, which are processed
when the schedule is next accessed (subsequent session).
Note: The names of objects that have been modified and are to be synchronized, so that they can be applied,
are preceded by the pencil icon.

Rights management (Using LDAP)

This requires you to activate the use of the LDAP plug in and set the configuration parameters in the Modeling
server definition panel (LDAP tab). Refer to Chapter 3.
If LDAP is activated, the old configuration is lost: all existing login users and groups are removed (Except
Use the Rights management to execute a search request in LDAP and obtain the lists of Users and User groups.
You can find an element by specifying its name in the text area or with search criteria based on the name then
click the Search in ldap button to the right of the filter field.

User groups

From the list of user groups, select one to retrieve the groups attributes (description) set in LDAP. The edition
of profiles and contexts for the group allows the connection of the associated users.
You have to associate one or more profiles to a user group

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 10

Introduction to configuration

The Inherited contexts tab allows defining contexts which will be inherit by the users of this group.
Contexts tab: the association of contexts to a group makes it possible to restrict the perimeter of action.


Axway Automator Configuration Guide 11

Introduction to configuration

From the list of users, select one to retrieve the user attributes, description and user groups, set in LDAP.

The user inherits all the rights given to all the profiles and contexts associated with the groups allowed in
Automator (with icon).
Contexts tab: the Inherited context list displays contexts which are defined for the user groups.The association
of contexts to a user primarily makes it possible to restrict that users perimeter of action.

To be allowed to connect, a user has to be in a group with at least one profile.

Console Management
Use the management console to locate information about the following sections: list of known and connected
servers, network, locked charts, list of interfaces connected to the modeling server. The login users need rights
to access the Console management. Set these rights read and/or write when configuring Profiles.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 12

Introduction to configuration

The list of known and connected servers

From this tab, we can check if the production servers and domain servers are available. Some information is
returned about the server (port, version, log level, pid, etc.). The Production Servers are not automatically
synchronized when you access to this console, icons allow you to synchronize a specific server or all servers.

You can configure the production server and the modeling server as follows:
Set the log level and the maximum log size.
Configure the properties (file $HOME/config/OPSchedule.ini):
For each property, there is a name, if we must restart or not the server to take into
account the modification, the actual value (that we can modify), and the description
with the accepted values.
File transfer (file $HOME/lists/transfert_tcp.lst):
Only on production server. For each line there is no autonomous server, the real
server name, the script used, the login and the password of the user.
Bank holidays:
Only on modeling server. You can configure the bank holidays. From this window,
we can add and delete countries (if not used), add and delete years and
synchronize the new configuration to the production servers.
To set or unset a bank holiday, just click above.
You can configure the domain server as follows:

Access and update properties files for technical configuration of the Domain Server.
Access and update properties files for ERP connector types used by this Domain Server. The new values
updated in the files are notified to the object instances.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 13

Introduction to configuration

From the Network tab, you can verify the Network activity between a reference server and a specific server
chosen from the list.

From version 3.6.0 with IPv6 compatibility, use the management console to verify the
network activity whatever the protocol version:
Resolve a name (ping in ipv4 and ipv6)
Transaction verification (DCX): alert in case of communication errors.
Verify UDP.

List the waiting UDP on servers.

In main menus of Automator an alert represented by the icon is displayed if UDP problems are detected
(UDP not sent after 5 minutes).

Symbol appears on the left of the servers which have UDP not sent after 5 minutes.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 14

Introduction to configuration

Click the button to list the UDP for the selected server.

Audit messages can be generated:

XOS_ACT_MS_UDP_ALR: problem with UDP sent on modeling server.
XOS_ACT_PS_UDP_ALR: problem with UDP sent on production server.
These messages can be activated from the configuration panel of the modeling server.
Example of UDP in wait on the Modeling Server:

The Server name column contains the target server.

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Introduction to configuration

To modify the order of display for UDP: Right click the header of the column that you want to sort.
Select a specific Production Server to display the list of waiting UDP:

Through this console it is possible for users to delete UDP if they are blocked due to network issue: Right click
the UDP to delete.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 16

Introduction to configuration

This operation can be dangerous for the production; a dialog box is displayed to confirm your choice:

No button to abort.
Yes button to delete the selected UDP.

List of locked Charts

The OPADMIN user can unlock a chart if it has a bad lock.

List of interfaces connected to the modeling server

The OPADMIN user can disconnect an interface.

Database Information
You change the database connection parameters in Automator as the OPADMIN user. You have to update the
OPSchedule.ini file. The modeling server must be started.
You need to have the same username and password in the database environment. It is better to use the Axway
Installer in configure mode because that is the only way to update both Automator and XDBM.
If there is a difference between the password in the database environment and the password in the
OPSchedule.ini file, the modeling server does not start.
For more information, refer to the Database Management chapter in the Automator Getting Started Guide.
The users password is encoded in the file. Do not manually modify the TO_DATABASE_USER_PWD variable in
Database information is only available for the MySQL or MS SQL server database types.

Key Management
You can display the detail of the key for the specific modeling server:
Date of validity
Activated options
Number of licenses (production servers max)

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 17

Introduction to configuration

Update center
From this tab, you can schedule and trigger update actions for any type of servers. More precisely, you can:
Upload the different service packs or patches required for any server to update (production servers,
domain servers or modeling server).
Schedule when (date/time) the update of the various servers will take place; take care to update the
servers in the right order : first the domain server(s), then the production server(s) and finally the
modeling server. It is not possible to update of GUIs by the update center.
The update operations will take place according to the schedule predefined in this step.
Warning: in order to update servers in the Windows environment, there are two prerequisites :
The servers must be installed in service mode.
The variable TO_SERVICE_NAME=MyServiceName describing the service name of the server must be set
in its configuration file: the file OPSchedule.ini for the Modeling and the Production server and the file located in the DServer/config directory for the Domain server.

Figure 1: the update center tab

Use the button corresponding to the action to perform on the selected server:

Button Action
Schedule a new update
Delete the selected update
pencil Edit selected update
Start/Resume the selected update
Hold the selected update
Stop the selected update

The set of actions you can perform on the update depends on the status of the update, as shown on the
following table:
When the update has the status Then you can select this Action
In Progress Hold - Stop
Not Ready Delete Edit - Stop
Scheduled Delete Edit - Stop
Paused Start/Resume
Canceled Delete

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 18

Introduction to configuration

To schedule a new update, follow the steps below:

1. Use the button to schedule a new update

2. Use the icon to select an update file

3. Locate the directory where the Service Packs (.jar) are stored.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 19

Introduction to configuration

4. Click Open to select the file or click Cancel to abort.

The properties of the selected file are displayed.
Click Upload file to upload the selected file or click Cancel to abort.
The uploaded files are stored in a specific directory of the modeling server
environment (Patchs)

5. Depending on the platform type and the product version of the selected file, the list
in the column on the right shows all the available servers. The list in the column on
the left represents the servers associated with the current update.
To add one or more servers to the update:
o Select the relevant server(s) in the list on the right.
o Click the Add button.
o To add all servers, click Add All.

To remove one or more servers from the update:

o Select the relevant server(s) in the list on the left.
o Click the Remove button.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 20

Introduction to configuration

To remove all servers, click Remove All.

Use the filter and enter the first characters of the server names to display.
If some domain or production servers do not appear in the available list, it may be necessary to use
the management console and synchronize them from the List of servers.
You can schedule the update time independently for each server:
o As soon as possible: is the default mode
o Specific: if you want to start the update at the date and time you set here by using the calendar
in the dialog box: specify the date by clicking the up/down arrows in the format hh:mm (time of
the Modeling server)

6. Click Create to create the update or Cancel to abort.

Depending on the predefined schedule, the update starts or stays in Scheduled

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 21

Introduction to configuration

Automatic process to update a Domain Server or a Production server

The performed stepsto update a Domain or a Production server are the same :
1. Download the Service Pack from the modeling server.
When the update starts, the JAR files are stored in a specific directory of the target
servers (Patchs).

2. Launch the script update.bat or (located in the bin directory for the
Domain server and in the scripts directory for the Production server).
3. Stop of the server (without killing this script).
4. Application of service pack or patch via the Axway Installer product (unattended
5. Restarting the server.
A notification is automatically sent to the modeling server to record the current
update session.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 22

Introduction to configuration

Automatic process to update the Modeling Server

The performed steps to update a Modeling server are:

1. Launch the script update.bat or (located in the scripts directory).

2. Stop of the server (without killing this script).
3. Application of service pack or patch via the Axway Installer product (unattended
4. Restarting the server.

Error management
Due to the independent execution of the script, some errors cannot be returned to the
modeling server; however some messages are displayed in the Comments field of the GUI:

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 23

Introduction to configuration

Examples of available messages:

Service name not set
Wait update of domain servers (all domain servers must be at last in the
patch version)
Whatever the type of servers, you can check the procedures execution details in the file update.log located in
the logs directory of the target server.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 24

4 Configuring the modeling server
This chapter shows how to configure the modeling server.

Modeling Server screen

The modeling server is the system where users configure all scheduling rules (calendars, resources, etc.) for the
jobs to be scheduled. It is also used to establish a link between the GUIs and production servers to track
The server is used to develop all charts, applications and jobs, where processing is based. The graphs created
are put into production via the server on user request from the tracker module in the GUI.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Click the Configuration tab, right-click the Modeling Server object in the left panel.
2. Then select New or Open. Or, double-click the object.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 25

Configuring the modeling server

Field Description
Server Name Name of the modeling server, that is, the name of the system, on which the
server is installed.
IP Port Server IP port.
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Alert Server Name of the server, on which Alert Server is located.
Monitor Server Name of the server, on which Monitor Server is located.
Console Server Name of the server, on which Console Server is located.
Last Startup Date and time, at which the Automator server was last started up.
Number of charts Displays the number of available charts for statistical purposes.
Number of applications Displays the number of available applications for statistical purposes.
Number of jobs Displays the number of available jobs for statistical purposes.
Audit messages and statistics are sent to Axway Sentinel instead of Focal. There is no more Focal server to
define by default for the Modeling server definition.

Using LDAP
If this option is enabled in the modeling server configuration screen, the modeling and production server are
able to connect to an LDAP service to identify connection users, instead of defining users within Automator.
The LDAP plug-in is used to simplify the management of login users. In case a LDAP repository exists on the
network, Automator will use it to authorize the connection of a user.

Internal mechanisms
You have to associate one or more profiles to a user group.
You can also associate context(s), to a group or to a user. (Cf Rights management)
To be allowed to connect, a user has to be in a group with at least one profile.
The LDAP plug-in replaces the standard authentication method, by opening a session on the specified LDAP
repository when a user connects to an Automator server.

There are several behavior modifications when using LDAP authentication:
The login users are no longer shown in the configuration tree; only submit users are available in the
Automator GUI.
The Rights Management (LDAP) panel is activated.
Login fails if the LDAP server is not available, unless you are logged in with OPADMIN.
When activating LDAP in Automator, all existing groups and login users are removed (Except OPADMIN).
A user disabling LDAP will have a configuration without user groups and login users (Except OPADMIN).

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 26

Configuring the modeling server

For Automator to be able to connect to LDAP, the following parameters are required:

Field Description
LDAP Server LDAP URI : Specifies the LDAP server to connect to, and must be provided as a
Parameter URI. The port number is optional, and defaults to 389.
Connection User The specific name of the service account to use for binding to the LDAP server.
User Password The password for the service account used to establish the connection to the LDAP
User fields mapping User root
Field name for the user name.
Field name for the description.
Group fields Group root
mapping Field name for the group name.
Field name for the description.
Requests LDAP search filters to obtain the list of users, the list of user groups and the groups
of a specific user.

Cache TTL Timestamp of definition save.

Clean LDAP cache Force the clean of the LDAP cache
To activate the use of the LDAP plug-in, simply check the checkbox.

LDAP authentication method

The protocol must be ldap. ldaps is not supported.

Examples of valid URI


Axway Automator Configuration Guide 27

Configuring the modeling server

LDAP connection parameter

Example, 'CN=ldap,OU=Administrators,DC=example,DC=com'
No write rights are required. Only read-only requests are performed.

User fields mapping

The user root section contains the root specific name for LDAP user searches.
Example, "ou=people, dc=example, dc=com"
Login is the LDAP field for the user name.
Example, sn
Description is LDAP field for the user description.
Example, description

Group fields mapping

The group root section contains root distinguished name for LDAP group searches.
Example "ou=groups, dc=example, dc=com"
Name is the LDAP field for the group name.
Example, cn
Description is the LDAP field for the group description.
Example, description

List users
LDAP search filter for the user.
Example, (&(objectClass=person)(sn=%TOKEN%))"
The search filter must contain ONLY one %TOKEN%. Automator replaces the
%TOKEN% with a user name.
For a user search requests, a wildcard can be used. Do not put a wildcard directly
before or after %TOKEN%.
For a given name replacing %TOKEN% the search must return ONLY one result.
List groups
LDAP search filter for the group.
Example, (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(cn=%TOKEN%))"
The search filter must contain ONLY one %TOKEN%. Automator replaces the
%TOKEN% by a group name.
For a group search requests, a wildcard can be use. Do not put wildcard directly
before or after %TOKEN%.
For a given name, replacing %TOKEN%, the search must return ONLY one result.
List groups of user
LDAP search filter for listing groups of a user.
Example, (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniqueMember=cn=%TOKEN%,
ou=people, dc=example, dc=com ))"
The search filter must contain ONLY one %TOKEN%. Automator replaces the
%TOKEN% with a user name.
The performance of LDAP search depends on the complexity of these requests.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 28

Configuring the modeling server

Cache TTL
Time To Live.
To improve performance, when a user connects to Automator, its definition is
retrieved from the LDAP server and put in a cache.
If the user connects again before the end of the TTL, values are read from the
cache. Otherwise they are retrieved again from LDAP server.
Clean LDAP cache
This button is to force clean the LDAP cache so that all user values will be retrieved
from the LDAP server even if the cache entry did not expire.
You can now access the Rights management panel in the Action Menu bar to define the Automator rights.

Example for Active Directory management

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 29

Configuring the modeling server

User fields mapping

The User root field contains the root specific name for LDAP user searches.
Example, "ou=people, dc=example, dc=com"
The Login field is the LDAP field for the user name.
Example, name
The Description field is the LDAP field for the user description.
Example, name

Group fields mapping

The Group root field contains root distinguished name for LDAP group searches.
Example "ou=groups, dc=example, dc=com"
The Name field is the LDAP field for the group name.
Example, cn
The Description field is the LDAP field for the group description.
Example, name

The List users field contains LDAP search filter for the user.
Example, (name=%TOKEN%)"
The search filter must contain ONLY one %TOKEN%. Automator replaces the
%TOKEN% with a user name.
For a user search request, a wildcard can be used. Do not put a wildcard directly
before or after %TOKEN%.
For a given name replacing %TOKEN% the search must return ONLY one result.
The List groups field contains LDAP search filter for the group.
Example, (cn=%TOKEN%))"
The search filter must contain ONLY one %TOKEN%. Automator replaces the
%TOKEN% by a group name.
For a group search request, a wildcard can be used. Do not put wildcard directly
before or after %TOKEN%.
For a given name, replacing %TOKEN%, the search must return ONLY one result.
The List groups of user field contains LDAP search filter for listing groups of a user.
Example: (&(objectClass=group)(member=CN=%TOKEN%,ou=people,dc=axway,dc=com))"

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 30

5 Configuring production servers
This chapter describes how to configure the production server.

Production server screen

The production servers are the systems where jobs are executed.

To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Production Servers object in the left pane.
3. Select New.

Field Description
Name Network name of the server where the jobs are to be executed, using up to 128
alphanumeric characters without any special characters (except , _ and @).
TCP Port Number of the server's communication IP port.
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
License verification: It is impossible to create a new Production Server if the max number is closed.

Advanced Tab

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 31

Configuring production servers

The Advanced tab is used to enter the Job Log directory where the logs of executed jobs are to be stored. A
checkbox is used to specify that the log files are to be automatically deleted on a periodic basis according to a
number of days between 1 and 99.
If you have a AS/400 production server, you can check the Intercept manual jobs box, which renames the
XXSBMJOBXX command of the unique library to SBMJOB. The name of the unique library is stored in the
OPSUNIQ dtaara. Conversely, uncheck this box to reset the command to XXSBMJOBYY.
If the Enable server box is not checked, no transactions can be performed between the modeling server and
relevant production server (instantiating a Chart, for example). This parameter is useful when you create a new
production server, one which is not yet installed or started. In this case, transaction requests are stored and
sent only when you check this box.
The default duration for request storage is 72 hours. To modify the duration, use the
TO_NOTIF_FREQ=Number_of_seconds preference variable in OPSchedule.ini.

AS/400 production server

If you are using a 0S/400 production serveryou must define the default parameters for the SBMJOB command.
To do so, select the AS/400 tab.

Redirection Tab
If the production server can submit AS/400 jobs, you can define intercepted jobs, so that they can be directed
to a predefined jobq.
Click the Redirection tab to display the following columns:
Field Description
Execution Group This execution group must already exist in the configuration and be associated with
the execution user.
Job name Enter a 10-character job name, a generic job name or *ALL.
User Enter a 10-character user name, a generic user name or *ALL (you do not have to
create the generic name or *ALL in the user list).
Enable This definition is activated for the redirection.
JOBQ Name of the queue.
Library Name of the jobq library.
Pending The job is redirected to the jobq and suspended.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 32

Configuring production servers

Note: To intercept jobs and redirect them to the jobq, you must first define the physical AS/400 users in the
user definition and associate them with an execution group.

Accounting Integrator connector

Define the environment variables to execute the three AccountingIntegrator job types:

Field Description
RDJHome Installation environment.
RDJExec Execution environment.
RDJLang English/French.
QMGRName Queue Manager MQseries.
TRKHome Sentinel server Installation environment.
TRKExec Files subdirectory & Script of audit file indexation.
TRKApiHome UniversalAgent Installation environment

Questionnaires Tab

This tab is used to specify the Questionnaires to be inherited by the jobs submitted on the production server,
irrespective of the job and chart. The list on the right shows the available Questionnaires. The list on the left
shows the Questionnaires assigned to the production server.
The order in which the questionnaires are applied can be modified by selecting a questionnaire in the left-hand
list and then using the up-arrow and down-arrow buttons. The first Questionnaire applied is also the first one in
the list.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 33

6 Configuring domain servers
This chapter describes how to configure the domain server.
From version 3.6.0, management of the external applications (ERPs or Axway products) is performed via the
Domain server objects and Connections objects.

Domain server screen

The domain servers are the systems which communicate with the ERPs interface or other Axway products.

To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.
2. Right-click the Domain Server object in the left pane.
3. Select New.

Field Description
Name Network name of the server where the jobs are to be executed, using up to
128 alphanumeric characters without any special characters (except , _ and @).
TCP Port Number of the server's communication IP port.
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
License verification: It is impossible to create a new domain server with inactivated connectors. Its possible to
create a domain server without any connectors for Reports generation.
Refer to the Automator Reporting Tool Users Guide.

Connectors Tab
A Domain server can communicate with multiple ERP and Axway products, the Connectors tab is used to select
the connectors to run and monitor.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 34

Configuring domain servers

To add one or more connectors to the selection:

1. Select the relevant connector(s) in the list on the right.
2. Click the Add button.
To add all connectors, click Add All.
To remove one or more connectors from the selection:

1. Select the relevant connector(s) in the list on the left.

2. Click the Remove button.
To delete all connectors, click Remove All.

Messages can be generated:
XOS_CFG_DSRV_NEW: Domain server creation
XOS_CFG_DSRV_UPD: Domain server update
XOS_CFG_DSRV_DEL: Domain server deletion
These messages can be activated from the configuration panel of the modeling server.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 35

7 Configuring connection objects
This chapter describes how to configure the different connection objects.

Connection Objects tab

This object enables to configure connections to any kind of external application supported by the product.

To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the Connection Object type in the left pane.

JDE Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the JDE connector key in the Console Management or check via API. Refer to the
Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Right-click the JDE object in the left pane.
2. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
Environment JDE working environment
Role JDE role

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 36

Configuring connection objects

Movex M3 Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the Movex M3 connector key in the Console Management or check via API. Refer
to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Right-click the MOVEX object in the left pane.

2. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
Server Movex M3 server name
Port Movex port number
Encryption key

PeopleSoft Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the PeopleSoft connector key in the Console Management or check via API. Refer
to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Right-click the PEOPLESOFT object in the left pane.
2. Select New to enter connection parameters.
Field Description
Application Server Application Server host to add/modify/delete
Port Number JSL Application Server port
Server List List of Application Server hosts

Button Description
Up The selected server takes the place of its predecessor in the server list. Nothing is done if the
selected server is the first in the server list
Down The selected server takes the place of its successor in the server list. Nothing is done if the
selected server is the last in the server list
Add Add the values of the fields Application Server and Port Number as a new server in the
server list
Modify Modify the selected server with the values of the fields Application Server and Port Number
Delete Delete the selected server from the server list

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 37

Configuring connection objects

1: At least one Application Server host and port must be added to the server list. (The displayed format
in the server list is host:port).
2: The servers are tested by list order: the job is submitted to the first reachable server (and low-
loaded in the case of PeopleSoft load balancing system).
3: No verification is performed on these fields. Bad values may cause the PeopleSoft connector not to

Pericles Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the Pericles connector key in the Console Management or check via API. Refer to
the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Right-click the PERICLES object in the left pane.
2. Select New to enter connection parameters: Host Network domain User
Pericles domain.

SAP Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the SAP connector key in the Console Management or check via API.
Refer to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.

Multiple-Instance Principle
Each Automator environment configured to submit SAP jobs can connect to one or more SAP systems at the
same time. The same production server can therefore submit SAP jobs to different SAP instances.
A TCP/IP connection is used via the standardized SAP/R3 BC-XBP interface.
The Axway Automator production server does not require the same operating system as the SAP/R3 server and
can be located on another system. However, only specific operating systems are supported for SAP. Refer to
the list in the SAP prerequisites document.

Load Balancing and Direct Connection

There are two modes for connecting to SAP R/3:
The first mode (Load Balancing) involves connecting to a message server, which selects the least-loaded
application server for the connection. The application server selected is in the group specified during the
connection (PUBLIC by default)
The second mode (Direct Connection) involves connecting directly to a specific application server. In this
case, the name and system number must be specified
In either case, the application server does not use the saprfc.ini files. All the SAP R/3 connection
parameters are specified in Axway Automator.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 38

Configuring connection objects

Submitting an SAP Job

When a job is submitted, the SAP R/3 connection used is the one creating the job.
When load balancing mode is used, SAP selects the application server in the group specified during the

Configuring the SAP connection object

Field Description
User The Login User to be specified when logging into SAP/R3. The user must
exist on the SAP/R3 system and have sufficient rights to create jobs and
request their execution (including for another user).
Client ID System.
Batch Input Program Allows you to specify a program other than the one normally used to submit
input batches. This program submits background jobs without waiting for any
other jobs submitted to finish.

The Connecting parameters screen displays the fields below.

You can choose between two connection modes:
Directly to the application server
Via a message server that selects a connection system known to the group (Load Balancing mode)
Field Description
Message server name SAP message server name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
Applications server group Applications server group name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
System name or port System name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters or Port number.
Application server name SAP server name, up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
SysNum Two-digit system number (00).
Advanced Parameters Click here to display the additional connection parameters described
below. This additional information is not mandatory.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 39

Configuring connection objects

Advanced parameters:
Field Description
SAP route Name of the SAP route to be used if applicable.
This field may contain up to 50 alphanumeric characters.
User language This field may contain up to two upper-case alphanumeric characters - either
two characters for an international code or one character for a SAP language
Debug Enable the SAP RFC traces.
ABAP debug Enable the ABAP debugger.
Connection control Enable the connection control.

Web Services Connector

License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the Web Services connector key in the Console Management or check via API.
Refer to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Right-click the Web Services object in the left pane.
2. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
WSDL Url Web Service Description Language file localization.

A Web Server has to be installed to be able to launch a web service. You can install and deploy a Web Service to
test the Automator connector.
Refer to Production server and ERP in the Axway Installation and Prerequisites Guide.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 40

Configuring connection objects

MFT Connector
License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the MFT connector key in the Console Management or check via API. Refer to the
Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Right-click the MFT object in the left pane.

2. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
MFT Monitor host name Name of the MFT Suite monitor in charge of the transfer.
Port number Product port number
Group For UNIX systems only

Process Manager Connector

License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the Process manager connector key in the Console Management or check via API.
Refer to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
2. Right-click the Process Manager object in the left pane.
3. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
Handler Name Name of the Handler queue to post or get the Process Manager Events

Process Manager Event Connector

License verification: Refuse the Connection Object definition saving if it is not defined as an authorized
You can verify the validity of the Process manager connector key in the Console Management or check via API.
Refer to the Automator Advanced Users Guide.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Right-click the Process Manager Event object in the left pane.
2. Select New where you enter the required information.
Field Description
User Process Manager connection user.
Channel Name of the channel the domain server will use.
Retry timeout If the domain server encounters one of the following errors, it will retry until the
timeout is reached: Connection error, network error or login error. If the timeout
is set to 0, there will be no retry.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 41

Configuring connection objects

Messages can be generated:
XOS_CFG_OBJCNX_NEW: Connection object creation
XOS_CFG_OBJCNX_UPD: Connection object update
XOS_CFG_OBJCNX_DEL: Connection object deletion
These messages can be activated from the configuration panel of the modeling server.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 42

8 Configuring users
This chapter describes how to configure users.

Axway Automator works with three types of users:
Login users can log into the GUI
Submit users can submit jobs
AS/400 users can be intercepted (name, *ALL)
Login users have a list of chart rights (View/Modeling/Processing Tracker) and a default chart view enabling
them to access this view directly when browsing.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Users Login or Submit object in the left pane.
3. Select New.

If the LDAP plug-in is activated, there is no longer access to the Login user configuration (Refer to Rights
management chapter).
Note: If you are defining an AS/400 user and wish to perform manual job interception for either jobq
redirection or manual jobs, you must associate an execution group with the system on which
the manual jobs are to be intercepted.
Field Description
Name User name, up to 64 characters without any special characters (except , _ and
Password Left-click the key to enter a password with up to 16 characters.
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Default View Name of the default view to be selected from a list.
AS/400 Context Exclusively for AS/400, it defines a unique execution group for each system. It is
a selection criterion for manual job interception.
User groups Manage user rights for a login user.
Context Manage rights on Automator objects.
Note: The submit user of a SAP job must be written correctly with the correct case (uppercase or lowercase).
Otherwise, submission problems could occur.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 43

Configuring users

Context object and user rights

Context usage
Contexts are used to group and to keep some Axway Automator objects safe inside the global scheduling
Contexts are made to group objects with some common characteristics. Giving users access to the context only
allows the definition of a security policy to restrict access. For example, a user can be allowed to delete any
calendar object. But, calendars that do not belong to the users context will be grayed out in the GUI.
It is possible to include an object in more than one context in order to prevent multiple definitions for the same
object (for example, Modeling server or Production server).
A context is defined by its name, a description and a color.

How to associate a context and an object

Objects you can associate with a context Objects you cannot associate with a context
Actions Profiles
Variable dates
Execution groups
Global resources
Production servers
Domain servers
Connection Objects
Scheduling rules
Users Groups
Chart Views

You can only associate objects with a context that belongs to the current user (the connected user). In the
following example, some contexts are grayed out, which means they are not associated with the connected

Keep the following points in mind as you associate objects with a context:
It is not mandatory to create a context in order to be able to use the product.
Deleting a context is possible if it is not attached to an object.
Object and context association is not mandatory. When an object is not attached to a context, it is said to
be in the global context, or global.
A global object can be used by every user. But user rights on the object can restrict usage.
Object/context association implies access limitation to the object. Thus, user members of the contexts are
the only ones allowed to work with the object. Other users will be able to see it but not use it.
A change in a context can be tracked by using an audit message.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 44

Configuring users

Example: How to associate a context with a calendar

Note: When a context is added to or deleted from an object, you might need to synchronize it.
When a change is made to an object used in an instance, synchronization is required to propagate the
change to the production servers.

Context usage example

A production administrator wants to secure its production at the highest level, knowing that there are different
environments. A domain exists for production, one for testing and one for SAP. Three contexts can be created:
production, test, and SAP). Some objects like calendars are the same for the three environments, so they
belong to the three contexts. Some significant objects like users, production servers, resources, charts, can be
attached to the context they were created for. Thus, a user who is "an administrator" on the context of
production does not have any rights on the context SAP and vice versa. Therefore, if it is necessary to have
access to the other context, simply add the context SAP to that user. In this way, you can access all the objects
in this context. Alternatively, it is possible to allow access only to certain objects of the context SAP. It is
enough to add the context "production" for these objects.

Context audit messages

Messages are generated to track each action of the context.
XOS_CFG_CTX_NEW: New context created
XOS_CFG_CTX_UPD: Context updated
XOS_CFG_CTX_DEL: Context deleted
These three messages can be activated from the configuration panel on the modeling server.

Profiles allow you to define access rights according to object types.

Main rights
Four rights have been defined:
Read right (R)
An object can be read, but it cannot be modified.
Write right (W)
An object can be created or modified, but it needs read access.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 45

Configuring users

Delete right (D)

An object can be deleted and read access is not mandatory.
Execution right (X)
This right is dedicated to specific actions, like instance and server management.
It is sometimes mandatory to have more than one right to carry out a task. For example:
To delete a response form, you need to be able to delete the form and to read the questionnaire.
To create an instance, you need to be able to create an instance and to read the chart.

Profile object
This object is designed to define rights on the Automator object types:
Green indicates that the right is activated.
Red indicates it is not allowed.
Grayed out indicates that this object type does not support that right.

Profile audit
Tree messages can be generated to see any change in the profiles.
XOS_CFG_PRF_NEW: profile creation
XOS_CFG_ PRF _UPD: profile change
XOS_CFG_ PRF _DEL: profile deletion
These messages can be activated from the configuration panel on the modeling server.

Object type rights

Note: Rights may depend on the context where the object belongs.
Object Type Rights Setting
Modeling server Chart Views R
Contexts Execution group to let this user read (display) objects of
Production servers Charts this type
Domain servers Archives
Connection Objects Questionnaires
Profiles Reply cards to let this user write (modify, or create)
Users group Instances objects of this type
Users Actions D
Calendars Forecast planning to let this user delete objects of this
Macros Joblogs type
Scheduling rules Notifications X
Date variables Console management to let this user shutdown objects of this
Global resources Reports generation type (or create Instances from Actions,
or perform Actions on Instances)

Updating profiles
A user with sufficient rights can modify a profile. But the behavior will not be the same depending on the profile
being not used or used.

Profile not used

The profile is updated and database changes are taken into account.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 46

Configuring users

Profile used
If the profile is used it will impact all the user groups using this profile and all the users associated with this
group. The modification of the profile involves a new calculation of the rights and an update of the permissions
granted to the various concerned users.
In production, a synchronization operation forwards the changes to the production servers. Nothing will be in
effect on the Production server until synchronization is done.

At least one profile must exist
The Admin profile is automatically created
An update in the profiles is immediately reported to the users
It is possible to create a profile without any rights, users using this profile will not be able to do anything
A change in the profile can be seen through the audit message sent

User group
A user group is defined by its name, description and one or more profiles that result in a main profile.
User groups are created to simplify access rights management.
A user group is the simplest way to group login users with the same profile.
If the LDAP plug-in is activated, no more access to the User group configuration (Refer
to Rights management chapter).

Object user group

The main profile results from the profiles associated with the group.
The Admin group is associated with the following profiles: RW (Read and Write), Exec_only (Execute) and
Delete_only (Delete). The behavior for Admin is the same as if it was associated with a profile including all

Messages can be generated:
XOS_CFG_UGRP_NEW: User group creation
XOS_CFG_UGRP_UPD: User group update
XOS_CFG_UGRP_DEL: user group deletion
These messages can be activated from the configuration panel of the modeling server.

User group update

When a user group is not used
The user group is updated.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 47

Configuring users

When a user group is used

The users using this group are impacted. Rights for the users are calculated.

When a user is used in production, synchronization is needed in order to propagate information to the
production servers.

A user group must be associated with at least one profile
More than one profile can be associated with a user group
Including more than one profile in a group creates a virtual profile called main profile that corresponds to
the sum of all the profiles of the group
It is possible to create one or more user groups
It is not possible to delete a user group used by a user
At least one user group must be created in order to use Axway Automator

A user group can be associated with a login user. Thus, the user inherits all the rights given to all the profiles
associated with the group.
Note about OPADMIN: The OPADMIN user is a full administrator of Axway Automator and has all rights to
everything. It does not belong to any user group. Change its password (Modeling
server definition panel) and restrict this user usage to maintenance operation.
Each user has a type, either login (can connect to the GUI) or submit (used by the production server to submit
a job).
Users are displayed in the left-hand tree under two nodes, depending on their type: Login or Submit.
Note: When LDAP is enabled, only submission users are displayed.

Setting Basic Fields

In the User screen complete the following fields to define an individual user:
Then, in the Parameters tab, choose the following user type:

Default View box

On startup, each user can have a specific view by default, as specified here.
Click the field to display the dropdown list of possible views.

User Group box

From version 3.6.0, you can assign multiple User Groups to a login user.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 48

Configuring users

When associated with groups, a user inherits the group's rights.

Groups can be used to define roles.
When updating a group, rights for the users are recalculated. You may need to synchronize again (using the
pencil icon).

Changing the group

When a users groups are changed it modifies the rights associated with the user.
It inherits the rights associated with the new group and loses all the old ones.
A change will impact all the users in the group. This modification of a group involves a new calculation of the
rights and an update of the permissions granted to the various users concerned.
If the users are used in production, a request for synchronization is made to update the known users on the
production servers. Until synchronization is done, the users will not inherit the modifications made by the
new group.

Context tab
The Inherited context list displays contexts which are defined for the user groups.
The association of contexts to a user primarily makes it possible to restrict that users perimeter of action. Thus,
users can only act on global objects, or on the objects in their contexts.
Any addition of a context makes a larger view of the product available. Conversely, a reduction of context also
reduces the users scope of activity on the product.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 49

Configuring users

Login user/group association is mandatory.
The user inherits the rights of the user groups.
Any change of group involves a modification of the rights associated with the user.

User rights in Modeling

Field Description
Charts Rights also apply to charts. The management of the basic rights (reading, writing and
suppression) is handled in a simple way.
While modeling a chart, verifications are made in order to not use
objects which are not in the users context
One or more contexts can be associated with the chart
It is not obligatory to associate a context with a chart. In this case, it
will be global and visible by all the users
Archives Rights are applied during archiving and with management of the archives.
It is not possible to specify the context when archiving
Archive inherits context(s) associated with the chart
Questionnaires Rights are applied during the management of the questionnaires and the response
The rules are as follows:
One or more contexts can be associated with a questionnaire
It is not mandatory to associate a context with a questionnaire. It will
be global and visible to all users
It is impossible to associate a context with a response form. It inherits
the contexts which are associated with the questionnaire

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 50

Configuring users

User rights in the Processing Tracker

Field Description
Actions Rights are applied to actions management.
The rules are:
Verifications are done in order not to be able to use objects resulting
from the configuration or modeling and not forming part of the context
user in the action
One or more contexts can be associated in action but it is not
mandatory. When no context is given, the action will be global and
visible to all users
It is not possible to specify a specific context to instances when
generated with an action. All the instances inherit the action context
Instances Rights are applied to instance management.
The rules are:
The user must have execution rights on the instance to be able to act
on it, as well as reading rights to be able to open the tracker graph
The instance must belong to the user context or to the global context
to act on it
Report Rights are applied to reports generation.

opscmd API
The opscmd API integrates the concept of safety. When attempting to connect to a production server or
modeling server through the API, the servers are able to detect if the action is protected or allowed.

Principle of operation
A change to the API is not visible. The API uses the user id to check the rights associated with that user.
Before executing, the API connects to the modeling or production server to verify that the user has enough
rights to execute and connect to the API. When the user does not have the rights an error message is

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 51

9 Configuring calendars
This chapter describes how to configure calendars.

Displaying the calendar

Calendars use basic processing rules. You can define an unlimited number of calendars, which can be renewed
for subsequent years. They define the workdays and holidays.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Left-click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Calendars object in the left pane, then select New.

Field Description
Name Calendar name, up to 32 alphanumeric characters without any
special characters (except , _ and @).
Year Year currently being configured.
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Carry Forward Specific Days Check this box to automatically integrate specific days in the
calendar when carrying it forward to the following year (refer to
Specific Workday and Specific Holiday).
National State Holidays Check this box to automatically integrate holidays (marked in red)
into the current year, such as January 1, May 1, etc., according to
the country selected from the list above it.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 52

Configuring calendars

Modifying the calendar

What the calendar shows
Green: Workday
Red: Holiday
Blue: Holiday forced as a workday
Violet: Workday forced as a holiday
The days selected are displayed in light blue.

Specific Workday, Specific Holiday and Non-Specific icons

To define workdays or holidays:
1. Select the relevant day (which turns light blue).
2. Click either the Specific Workday or Specific Holiday button.
To cancel a forced workday or holiday:
1. Select the relevant day.
2. Click the Non-Specific icon.
By default, 00:00 to 23:59 is considered to be a full workday.

Modifying multiple days

There are several methods to select a number of days to be modified.
To select all the days in the year, click the button in the top left of the calendar table.
To select the same day of the month (the third, for example) for all the months in the year, click the
appropriate row header in the calendar table.
To select a month, click the month label in the column header.
To select a set of consecutive days (from February 9 to February 13 for example):

1. Click the first day in the range (February 9).

2. Hold down the mouse button and drag the pointer to the last day in the same range
(February 13).
3. Release the mouse button (the selection is limited to a given month).

Closed days
To define the same day of the week as a holiday for the whole year (every Saturday for example), check the
day of the week in the Closed days group. You can check several days (every Saturday and Sunday for

Open Periodic column

This column is used to define a calendar based on a recurrence method, by specifying as a workday every first
or last day of the:
Check the relevant boxes to make your selection.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 53

Configuring calendars

This is an additional selection method, which takes into account the days that have already been defined, so
that Monday, January 3 can be considered to be the first day of the month of January 2011.
For example, if the first recurring day is already defined as a holiday, then the following workday is
automatically selected. Likewise, if the last recurring day is already defined as a holiday, the previous workday
is selected.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 54

10 Configuring macros
This chapter describes how to configure macros.

Introduction to macros
A macro is a stored and named formula.
A formula is used to describe complex scheduling cases and is written in a natural language comprising
keywords and arithmetic operators (+ and -).
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Click the Configuration tab.
2. Select the Macros object in the left pane.

Field Description
Name Macro name, up to 20 characters, without any special characters (except _ and @).
Description Freeform text.
Formula Text expressing the rule.

The objects available when defining a macro are lower-case keywords. Accented characters can be used.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 55

Configuring macros

English keywords are divided into six groups:

Days Types Lengths Months Orders Operators
day work year January first =
today closed nan1 February last +
Monday calendar pan1 March -
Tuesday month April >
Wednesday nm1-12 May >=
Thursday pm1-12 June <
Friday fortnight July <=
Saturday week August <>
Sunday September
The nm1-12 and pm1-12 stands for next month (1 to 12) and previous month (1 to 12). To select the last day
of the previous quarter, you will need to create a macro like:

Entering the Formula

The macro definition area is divided into two panes:
The left pane displays the list of predefined keywords
The right pane is a working area used to create, view or modify the text of the macro.

To define the macro working area:

1. Directly enter the keyword or its abbreviated form in bold characters.
2. Double-click the selected keyword.
3. Select the keyword and clicking the Insert icon.
The syntax is checked and an error window is displayed if necessary. Refer to the paragraph Formula editing
tab for further details on the syntax.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 56

11 Configuring scheduling rules
This chapter describes how to configure scheduling rules.

Initial Rules tab

You can define rules associated with the calendar definition to apply restrictions when scheduling the jobs to be
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Left-click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Scheduling Rules object in the left pane.
3. Select New.
4. Complete the fields on the resulting window as follows:
Field Description
Name Name of the rule, up to 62 characters, without any special characters (except , _
and @).
Calendar To be selected from a list: name of the calendar, on which scheduling is to be
Apply Check the Rules box to access the Rule Editing feature.
Check the Formula box to access the Formula Editing feature.
Check the Rules or Formula box to access both features.
Description Freeform text.
Note: A scheduling rule must be associated with a calendar. You cannot create a rule if no
calendar has been defined.
You can define both rules and formulas to determine the scheduling slot. The result obtained is expressed as a
logical OR.

Rule Editing Tab

Use the Rule Editing tab to enter specific rules to fine-tune application or job scheduling with respect to the
calendar and frequency defined by:
Days: Select the execution workdays and/or holidays, or check the corresponding All box
(using the red or green check marks)
Weeks: Select the execution weeks or check the All box
Month of the year: Select the execution months or check the All box
Number of days: Select days by their number in the month of the current year as workdays and/or
holydays, or select the All box (using the red or green check mark)
The combination of these selections is expressed as a logical AND.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 57

Configuring scheduling rules

Once defined, you can perform a quick real-time test on a scheduling rule for better adjustment.

Formula editing tab

The Formula Editing tab is used to define more complex scheduling rules.
The objects available when entering the formula are keywords or macros (that have already been defined
refer to Section).

Define the working area

To define the formula working area:
1. Enter the keyword or macro directly.
2. Double-click the selected keyword or macro.
3. Select the keyword or macro, and click the Insert button.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 58

Configuring scheduling rules

Formula syntax
The formula syntax is as follows:

Formula test { comparison [ and/or comparison ] } [ formula ]

Comparison expression operator expression
Operator =, <, >, <=, >=, <>
Expression base [ expr_op complement ]
Base Six possible options:
today[.yy] or dd-mm[-yy]
Expr_op + or
Complement nnn. day[.type]
Order first, last, xxx (day of the year in the associated period)
Day day, day_label
Day_label monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, Sunday
Type work, closed, calendar
Period year,pan1, nan1,month, fortnight, week, nm1-12, pm1-12
Month_label january, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october,
november, december

Lines that begin with the hash symbol (#) are treated as comments.
Parentheses can group comparisons to establish priorities between ANDs and ORs.
The syntax is checked. If the system finds a problem, it displays a window that informs you that the formula
syntax is invalid.
The nm1-12 and pm1-12 periods allows you to select a previous (pm) or coming month (nm).

test {}
test { -}
test { -}
test {}
test {}
test {}

test {}
test { +}
test { +}
test {}
test {today=monday}
test {}

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 59

Configuring scheduling rules

test {today=3.friday.calendar.month -}

test {today=january or today=february}
test {}
test {today>15.12.00 and today < 01.01.01}
test {today=work and today<>}
test {today = +}

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 60

12 Configuring date variables
This chapter describes how to configure date variables.

Date variables
Date variables can be passed to jobs as parameters.
To create a date variable, there must be at least one calendar and one macro.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Date Variables object in the left pane.
3. Then select New.

Field Description
Name Resource name, up to 32 characters, without any special characters
(except , _ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Schedule Type Schedule button: the schedule date is taken as the reference date.
System button: the system date is taken as the reference date.
Calendar To be selected from a list: name of the calendar, to which the variable applies.
Macros To be selected from a list: name of the macro used.
Format To be selected from a list.
You can do testing to evaluate the variable date.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 61

13 Configuring global resources
This chapter describes how to configure global resources.

Global resources
Used in Charts, Resources enable you to:
Determine how applications or jobs are started up
Pass values to the applications or jobs as parameters
There are two types of resource:
Global resources common to all charts
Resources local to a chart
In the Configuration module, only global resources are processed.
The various resources are of the following types:
FIFO lists
Possibility to duplicate an existing resource to create a new resource.

Global production server resources

Global production server resources work in the same way as conventional global resources, except that they are
managed directly by the production servers and not the modeling server.

Numeric resources
This type of resource is used to trigger applications or jobs when the resource has a given numeric value. It is a
text area that only contains digits. The execution criteria are =, <>, >, <, >= and <=.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Click the Configuration tab.
2. Select the Global Resources object in the left pane.
3. Right-click Numerics.
4. Select New.
Complete the fields on the resulting screen display as follows:
Field Description
Name Resource name, up to 32 characters, without any special characters
(except , _ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Value Instant resource value; this information is dynamically updated by the GUI or
online Automator commands.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 62

Configuring global resources

Text resources
This type of resource is used to trigger applications or jobs when the resource has a given alphanumeric value.
It is only a text area. The criteria are =, <> and an expected value. For example, a job must be performed if
another Automator job has given the OK.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Click the Configuration tab.
2. Select the Global Resources object in the left pane.
3. Right-click Texts.
4. Select New.
5. Complete the fields on the resulting screen display as follows:
Field Description
Name Resource name, up to 32 characters, without any special characters
(except , _ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Value This information is dynamically updated by the GUI or online Automator

Weight resources
These resources are used to manage job exclusivity or the overall job load.
Example: Four processing operations are to be submitted to a system that can only accept two concurrently.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Select the Global Resources object in the left pane.
3. Right-click Weights.
4. Select New.
5. Complete the fields on the resulting screen display as follows:
Field Description
Name Resource name, up to 32 characters, without any special characters (except
, _ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Weight Initially set to 0; this information is automatically incremented and
decremented by the Automator engine.
Maximum Value Threshold value.

FIFO List resources

This type of resource is used to perform several requests for the same application or job.
Processing is performed in sequence for each element in the FIFO list.
Example: If a FIFO list contains domain names, processing is submitted with the first domain name; on
completion, the second domain name is used and so on until the end of the list is reached.
To display the corresponding screen:
1. Click the Configuration tab.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 63

Configuring global resources

2. Select the Global Resources object in the left pane.

3. Right-click FIFO Lists.
4. Select New.
5. Complete the fields on the resulting screen display as follows:
Field Description
Name Resource name, up to 32 characters, without any special characters
(except , _ and @).
Description Freeform text.
FIFO List Current stack, with one element per line.
The list is limited to 65500 characters.

Global production server resources

A global production server resource is a global resource with a specific value for each production server. The
instances on the same production server can therefore access the same data.
Note: A global resource (that is, a resource that is not specific to the production server) is known to the
entire information system (all instances on all production servers). It is stored on the modeling server
and can therefore only be accessed if the modeling server is active.
It is impossible to manage a global resource for a production server if this production server is managed by a
Frontal processor.
This section describes how to create them, retrieve their value in the configuration, and use them within
production charts.

Creating a global production server resource

When you create a global resource (configuration tab on the GUI), a checkbox is available to specify whether it
is a conventional global resource (managed by the modeling server) or specific to the production server (as

If you create a global production server resource, it is known by all production servers after you have created
an instance on each server. The instance must be created after the resource.

Modifying the value of a global production server resource

Display a global production server resource via the configuration tab on the GUI. When you open its definition,
the GUI prompts you to specify the production server where you want to retrieve the value. After you select the
server, there are two possibilities:
Either the production server knows the resource and returns its value.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 64

Configuring global resources

Or, the production server does not know the resources. No instance was created on the production server
since the resource was created.
In this case, an error message is displayed.

To set the value of the resource on a specific production server, open the resource definition on the relevant
server and then modify its value and save. Therefore, the same resource on different production servers can
have different values.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 65

Configuring global resources

For a global production server resource the FIFO list is limited to 65500 characters.

Operation of global production server resources

Single-system chart
In the case of single-system charts, a global production server resource works in the same way as a
conventional global resource only (such as for assigns, test and expression objects), and the values are saved
by the production servers and not the modeling server.

Multiple-system chart
In the case of multiple-system charts, when you need to evaluate or assign a value to a global production
server resource, all the relevant operations are performed on the main server for the instance (to determine
which is the main server for an instance, request the statuses of the instances in the processing module on the
GUI and then click the Parameters tab). Consequently, when you test a global production server resource, you
are testing the value of the resource on the main production server. Similarly, when you assign a value for a
global production server resource, you are modifying the value of the resource on the main production server.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 66

14 Configuring chart views
This chapter describes how to configure the chart views.

Chart views
Chart views are full or partial logical groups of all charts, so that users can only work on relevant graphs.
To display the corresponding screen:

1. Click the Configuration tab.

2. Right-click the Chart Views object in the left pane.
3. Select New.

Field Description
Name View name, up to 30 alphanumeric characters, without any special characters
(except , _ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
To add one or more charts to the view:
1. Select the relevant chart(s) in the list on the right.
2. Click the Add button.
To add all graphs, click Add All.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 67

Configuring chart views

To delete one or more charts from the view:

1. Select the relevant chart(s) in the list on the left.

2. Click the Delete button.
To delete all charts, click Delete All.
A default Chart view, named AutView, groups all existing charts automatically.

Set my default view

On the views tree, the connection user is able to set the default view.

The default view appears with a specific icon (star).

The change is only applied when you restart the GUI.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 68

15 Configuring the execution group
This chapter describes how to configure the execution group.

Execution group
The execution group concept is used to dissociate the various execution instances in the same chart.
For example, a user associates all chart or application objects with two execution groups ( Morning and
Evening). The groups were defined when chart execution was requested (instance creation). You can thus
define two actions:
Execute the chart instance with the Morning execution group according to a scheduling rule (everyday)
and with a start time of H1 = 9:00 a.m.
Execute the same chart with the Evening execution group according to the same scheduling rule, but with
a start time of H2 = 8:00 p.m.
Consequently, these actions are used to start all or part of the same chart on the same day, but with two
different execution groups.
Example: A user defines a chart with an execution group object (MONTHLY), which is different from the other
group objects (DAY).
When the action is triggered for the DAY execution group, the chart is executed without the MONTHLY group
object, but once a month, a MONTHLY execution group action processes all the objects (several execution groups
can be assigned to an object).
The execution group concept can therefore be assimilated with the scheduling session concept.
The execution group is represented only by a name and color. It is only significant if associated with the
To display the corresponding screen, left-click the Configuration tab, right-click the Execution group object in
the left pane. Then select New.
On AS400 systems, the execution group is an important selection criterion for manual job interception.
To intercept manual jobs, you must associate an execution group with each user (name, *ALL) on an AS400
Field Description
Name View name, up to 30 alphanumeric characters, without any special characters (except ,
_ and @).
Description Freeform text of up to 132 characters.
Group Color Color selected for the execution group.
Swatches Choice of colors.
HSB Color shades.
RGB Color shades.

Axway Automator Configuration Guide 69

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