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Practice Set 1

Numerical Ability 9. 2959.87 16.003 - 34.99 = ?

A. 160 B. 150 C. 140 D. 180 E. 170
Directions(1 5): What should come in place of the
question mark (?) in the following questions? 10. 424.99 23.95 8.05 = ?
1. 36865 + 12473 + 21045 - 44102 = ? A. 1300 B. 1225 C. 1325 D. 1275 E.
A. 114485 B. 28081 C. 26281 D. 114845 1375
E. None of these Directions(11 15): What should come in place
5+? 19 15 7 of the question mark (?) in the following number
2. =6
13 13 156 series?
A. 4 B. 4.5 C. 5 D. 5.5 E. None of
these 11. 513, 735, 1179, 1845, 2733, ?
A. 3713 B. 3843 C. 3863
D. 3793
3. 666.66 + 66.66 + 6.66 + 6 + 0.66 = ?
E. None of these
A. 746.64 B. 764.64 C. 766.64 D. 744.54
E. None of these 12. 9450, 2100, 600, 240, 160, ?
3 2 3
A. 80 B. 320 C. 40 D. 360 E. None of
4. 12 5 5
5 5 70 these
131 141 151 151
A. 1 B. 2 C. 1 D. 3 13. 6, 50, 490, 4890, 48890, ?
353 353 353 353
E. None of these A. 488890 B. 488900 C. 488990 D. 489898
1 1 1 1 E. None of these
5. 3 + 5 + ? + 2 = 11
2 5 4 3
11 13 23 29 14. 289, 361, 529, 841, 961, ?
A. B. C. D. E. None of
60 60 60 60 A. 2209 B. 2136 C. 1849 D. 1681
these E. 1369

Directions(6 10): What approximate value 15. 30, 34, 43, 59, 84, 120, ?
should come in place of the question mark (?) in A. 169 B. 148 C. 153 D. 176 E. None
the following questions? (Note: you are not ex- of these
pected to calculate the exact value).
16. Average of x observation is 30, average of x other
6. 2950 12.25 + 160 = ? observations is 33 and average of remaining x ob-
A. 440 B. 350 C. 380 D. 360 E. 400 servations is 42. Average of all the observations is
A. 34 B. 35 C. 36 D. Cannot be deter-
7. 25.05% of 2845 + 14.97 2399 = ? mined E. None of these
A. 36700 B. 36500 C. 35800 D. 35600
17. Due to reduction by 10% in the price of sugar a
E. 36200
person is able to buy 2 kg more for Rs. 480. Find
8. (1702 68) 136.05 = ? the reduced rate/kg of sugar.
A. 3500 B. 3550 C. 3450 D. 3400 A. Rs. 48 per kg B. Rs. 40 per kg C. Rs. 24
E. 3525 per kg D. Rs. 20 per kg E. None of these

2 Practice Set 1

18. Rishi spends 40% of his salary on house rent, on re- 25. A, B, C enter into a partnership in the ratio 7 : 4
2 2 3
maining 10% spends on travel, on remaining 16 % 6
3 : . After 4 months, A increases his share 50%. If
spends on food and remaining is saved. If he saved 5
Rs. 2250 what amount he spent on food? the total profit at the end of one year be Rs. 21600
then Bs share in the profit is:
A. Rs. 433 B. Rs. 533 C. Rs. 430 D. Rs.
3 A. Rs. 2100 B. Rs. 2400 C. Rs. 3600
450 E. None of these D. Rs. 4000 E. None of these
19. The ages of two persons differ by 12 years. If 4
26. The amount of water (in ml) that should be added
years ago, the elder one be 3 times as old as the
to reduce 9 ml lotion, containing 50% alcohol, to a
younger one, find their present ages in years
lotion containing 30% alcohol is:
A. 12, 24 B. 10, 22 C. 15, 27 D. 17, 29
E. None of these A. 5 ml B. 4 ml C. 3 ml D. 6 ml E. 2
20. The salaries of Ramu, Raju, Raghu are in the ratio
2 : 3 : 5. If the increments of 15%, 10% and 20% 27. Two trucks travel the same direction at the speed
are allowed respectively on their salaries, what will of 50 kmph and 60 kmph. Find distance when the
be their new ratio? time taken by both trucks has difference of 1 hour?
A. 3 : 3 : 10 B. 10 : 11 : 20 C. 23 : 33 : 60 A. 300 km B. 100 km C. 150 km D. Can-
D. 23 : 69 : 33 E. None of these not be determined E. None of these

21. The simple interest occurred on an amount of Rs. 28. In one hour, a boat goes 11 km/hr along the stream
22,500 at the end of four years is Rs. 10,800. What and 5 km/hr against the stream. The speed of the
would be the compound interest occurred on the boat in still water in km/hr is
same amount at the same rate at the end of 2
years? A. 3 km/hr B. 15 km/hr C. 8 km/hr D. 10
km/hr E. 9 km/hr
A. Rs. 16908 B. Rs. 5724 C. Rs. 28224
D. Rs. 8586 E. None of these 29. 8 men can complete a work in 14 days. They
22. If the rate of interest is 10% p.a, where interest started the work and after 2 days 2 men left. In
is compounded once every six months, what is the how many days will the work be completed by the
effective rate of interest? remaining men?
A. 12 days B. 9 days C. 16 days D. 6 days
A. 10% B. 20% C. 25% D. 10.25% E. None of these
E. Cannot be determined
30. A basket contains 4 red, 5 blue and 3 green mar-
23. Two concentric circles form a ring. The inner and
bles. If three marbles are picked at random, what
outer circumference of ring are 352/7 m and 528/7
is the probability that either all are green or all are
m respectively. Find the width of the ring.
A. 6 m B. 6.5 m C. 5.5 m D. 4 m
E. None of these A. 7/44 B. 7/12 C. 5/12 D. 1/44
E. None of these
24. A cow is tethered in the middle of a field with a
14 feet rope. If the cow grazes 100 square feet per Directions(31 35): Each of the question and
day, then approximately what time will be taken two statements numbered I and II are given below
by the cow to graze the whole field? it. You have to decide whether the data provided
A. 10 days B. 14 days C. 6 days D. 7 days in the statements are sufficient to answer the ques-
E. 8 days tion. Read both statement and give answer.

Practice Set 1 3

1. If the data in statement I alone is sufficient to II. The number obtained by interchanging the two
answer the question, while the data in state- digits of the number is lesser than the original num-
ment II alone is not sufficient to answer the ber by 18.
question. A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
2. If the data in statement II alone is sufficient to
answer the question, while the data in state-
ment I alone is not sufficient to answer the
Reasoning Ability
3. If the data either in Statement I alone or in
Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the 36. How many such pairs of letters are there in the
question. word COURSE, each of which has as many letters
between them in the word (in both forward and
4. If the data in both the statements I and II are backward directions) as they have between them
not sufficient to answer the question. in the English alphabetical order?
5. If the data in both the statements I and II A. None B. One C. Two D. Three
together are necessary to answer the question. E. More than three

31. What is the area of the square? 37. In a certain SCENT is coded as UOFDT and
LASER is coded as SFTBM. In the same code
I. Measure of the diagonal of the square is 80 cm.
RETAIL will be coded as ......?
II. The perimeter of the square is equal to the cir- A. SFUBJM B. MJFUBS C. SFUJMB
cumference of a circle. D. KHBSDQ E. MJBUFS
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
38. If each vowel of the word HOSPITAL is changed
32. What is Ashas present salary? to the next letter in the English alphabetical series
and each consonant is, changed to the previous let-
I. Her salary increases every year by 15 percent.
ter in the English alphabetical series and then the
II. She joined the organization seven years ago. alphabets thus formed are arranged in alphabetical
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5 order from left to right, which of the following will
be fifth from the right?
33. What is the rate of interest p.c.p.a? A. O B. J C. P D. K E. G
I. The compound interest acurred on an amount of 39. Which of the following will come in the place of
Rs. 1500 at the end of 2 years is Rs. 660. question mark(?)
II. An amount doubles itself in 5 years with simple AC EG JL ? WY
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
40. Among A, B, C, D, and E each scoring different
34. What is the total staff strength of the organization? marks in an examination. A scored less than only
I. 75% of the staff consists of male employees. B. D scored more than only C. Who amongst them
scored the third lowest marks?
II. The ratio of female to male employees in the
organization is 1 : 3 respectively. A. E B. D C. A D. Cannot be determined
E. None of these
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
41. If K denotes x, B denotes , T denotes
35. What is the two digit number? and M denotes +, then 40 B 8 T 6 M 3 K 4 = ?
I. The sum of the two digits of the number is 8. A. 19 B. 11 C. -31 D. 23 E. None of

4 Practice Set 1

these II. Some ponds are rivers

III. All rivers are trees
Direction(42 46): In each of the questions be-
A. Only I and III follows B. Only I and II
low are given three statements followed by three
follows C. Only II and III follows D. All I, II
conclusions numbered I, II and III. You have to
and III follows E. None of these
take the given statements to be true even if they
seem to be at variance from commonly known 45. Statements:
facts. Read all the conclusions and then decide
which of the given conclusions logically follows All desks are mirrors
from the given statements disregarding commonly Some mirrors are houses
known facts.
All houses are buildings
42. Statements: Conclusion:
Some buses are doors I. Some buildings are mirrors
Some doors are windows
II. Some houses are desks
All windows are gardens
III. Some buildings are desks
A. None follows B. Only I follow C. Only II
I. Some gardens are buses follows D. Only III follows E. Only I and II
II. Some windows are buses follows
III. Some gardens are doors
46. Statements:
A. Only I follows B. Only II follows C. Only I
All roads are jugs
and II follow D. Only I and III follow E. None
of the above All jugs are pots

43. Statements: Some pots are cans

All lanterns are walls Conclusion:
No walls is brick I. Some cans are roads
Some bricks are chairs II. Some cans are jugs
Conclusion: III. Some pots are roads
I. Some chairs are lanterns A. Only I and II follows B. Only I and III
II. Some bricks are lanterns follows C. Only II and III follows D. All I, II
and III follows E. None of these
III. No chair is lantern
A. Only I follows B. Only II follows C. Only
either I or III follows D. Only III follows Directions(47 50): Following questions are
E. None of these based on five words givenbelow:
44. Statements:
(The new words formed after performing the men-
Some rivers are jungles
tioned operations may or may not necessarily be
All jungles are ponds meaningful English words)
All ponds are trees
47. In the given words, each of the consonants is
Conclusion: changed to next letter in the English alphabetical
I. Some trees are rivers series and each vowel is changed to the previous

Practice Set 1 5

letter in the English alphabetical series, how many 53. What is the position of B with respect of E?
words thus formed are with no vowels appear? A. Third to the left B. Third to the right
A. None B. One C. Two D. Three C. Immediately to the right D. Second to the
E. More than three left E. Immediately to the left
48. If third alphabet in each of the words is changed 54. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way
to next alphabet in the English alphabetical order, based on their seating position in the above ar-
how many words having same or different vowels rangement and so form a group. Which is the one
will be formed? that does not belong to that group?
A. None B. One C. Two D. Three A. CB B. EA C. DF D. BC E. AC
E. Four
55. How many persons sit between C and F?
49. How many letters are there in the English alpha-
betical series between the second letter of the word A. None B. One C. Two D. Three
which is second from the right and the second let- E. Four
ter of the word which is second from the left of the
given words? Directions(56 58): Study the following ar-
A. Two B. Five C. Six D. Nine rangement carefully and answer the questions
E. Three given below:
50. If the positions of the first and the second alpha- 514283
bets of each of the words are interchanged, which of
the following will form a meaningful English word? 56. How many 5s are three in the above arrangement,
A. Both SUE and PUT B. FIN C. Both each of which is immediately followed by a digit
PUT and LOW D. LOW E. SUE which has a numerical value of less than five?
Directions(51 55): Study the following infor- A. None B. One C. Two D. Three
mation carefully and answer the given questions. E. More than three
A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a straight line 57. If all the even digits are deleted from the above
facing North. arrangement, which of the following will be seventh
(A) A sits third to the right of D. from the left end of the arrangement?
(B) Neither A nor D sits at any of the extreme A. 9 B. 5 C. 1 D. 3 E. 1
ends of the line.
58. How many such 1s are there in the above arrange-
(C) C sits second to left of E. ment, each which is immediately preceded by per-
(D) B sits second to right of F. fect square?
(E) B does not sit at an extreme end of the line. A. None B. One C. Two D. Three
E. More than three
51. If all the persons are made to sit in alphabetical or-
der from right to left, the positions of how many
are there in the original seating positions? Directions(59 60): Read the following infor-
mation carefully and answer the questions that fol-
A. None B. One C. Two D. Three
E. Four
If A B means A is wife of B
52. Who sits at the extreme right hand corner of the
line? If A + B means A is brother of B

A. C B. E C. F D. Either C or E If A B means A is daughter of B

E. None of these If A - B means A is son of B

6 Practice Set 1

59. Which of the following means T is father of P? P @ Q means, P is not smaller than Q.
A. P + Q R - T B. P R - T Q P # Q means, P is not greater than Q.
C. P + Q R T D. P - Q + T R P % Q means, P is neither greater nor equal to
E. None of these Q.
60. How is Y related to Z if Y V + W Z? P * Q means, P is neither smaller nor greater
A. Daughter B. Father-in-law C. Wife than Q.
D. Daughter-in-law E. Cannot be determined P $ Q means, P is neither smaller nor equal to
Directions(61 65): Study the following infor- Now according to the following statement, if they
mation carefully and answer the questions given are true, judge their Conclusion I, II, and III follow
below. definitely true.
M, V, K, D, T, J and R are seven friends studying
66. Statements
in different classes III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and
IX standards. Each of them has different favourite M % R, R # T, T * N
colours yellow, blue, red, white, black, green and Conclusions
violet. J likes red and studies in Class V. R likes
violet and studies in class III. M studies in Class I. N * R
VIII and does not like green and yellow. K likes II. N $ R
white and does not study in VII and in IV. D stud- III. N $ M
ies in VI and likes black. T does not study in IV
and who studies in class IV does not like green. A. All are true B. Either I or II is true C. Ei-
ther I or II and III is true D. Either I or III and
61. In which standard does V study? II is true E. None of these
A. IV B. IX C. VII D. Data inadequate
67. Statements
E. None of these
J # N, K @ N, T $ K
62. What is Ms favourite colour?
A. Red B. Yellow C. Green D. Blue
I. J % T
E. None of these
II. T $ N
63. In which standard does K study?
III. N @ J
A. III B. V C. IV D. VII E. None of
A. None is true B. I and II is true C. II and
III is true D. I and III is true E. All are true
64. What is Vs favourite colour?
68. Statements
A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Data
B * D, D @ H, H % F
inadequate E. None of these
65. In which standard does T study?
I. B * F
A. IV B. VII C. VIII D. IX E. None of
these II. B $ F
III. D $ F
Directions(66 70): In the following question A. None is true B. Either I or II is true C. Ei-
@, #, %, * and $ are used according to following ther I or II and III is true D. only III is true
meaning. E. All are true

Practice Set 1 7

69. Statements dish. This angered him and he refused to have

T $ K, K # R, R * M breakfast. After finishing a few important duties
in the court, the king went to the dining hall for
Conclusions lunch. The food arrived piping hot. The king had
I. M * K hardly picked up the first morsel when he caught
II. M % T sight of a fly in the food. He left the table in
disgust and when the food was prepared again for
III. M $ K him, he found that he had lost his appetite. At
A. All are true B. Either I or III is true C. Ei- the dinner table, an ignorant minister started eat-
ther I or II is true D. Either II or III is true ing before the king had started. This offended the
E. None of these king. He stormed out of the dining hall and refused
to come back. As a result, the king could not eat
70. Statements anything at all that day. The enraged king was
V @ M, A $ M, R # V now convinced that Ramaya was really jinxed. He
Conclusions ordered that Ramaya be hanged. In those days the
kings word was the law. The soldiers had no op-
I. R # A tion but to take Ramaya to the gallows. While on
II.V @ A their way to the gallows, they met the court jester.
III. R $ M He heard the story from Ramaya. The jester felt
that it was an unfair decision and that none of
A. Only I is true B. Only II is true C. Only this was Ramayas fault. He came up with a plan
III is true D. None is true E. All are true to save Ramaya from being hanged. He whispered
something in Ramayas ears. Ramaya nodded be-
General English fore being whisked away.
It was mandatory to grant one last wish to the
Directions(71 80): Read the following passage person who was being hanged. When the soldiers
carefully and answer the questions given below it. asked Ramaya about his last wish, he asked them
Certain words / phrases have been printed in bold to convey a message to the king. He also requested
to help you locate them while answering some of that he be hanged only after hearing the kings
the questions. response. Tell the king that while it may be true
A man called Ramaya lived in a small village. De- that anyone who sees my face first thing in the
spite being a nice man, he did not have any friends. morning does not get anything to eat that day, its
It was well known in the town that anyone unfor- also true that if anyone sees the kings face first
tunate enough to look at him first thing in the thing in the morning, as I did, he has to lose his
morning would not be able to have food that day. life. So who is the greater jinx - the king or I ?"
That was why no one in the town liked encounter- said Ramaya.
ing Ramaya in the morning, if they could help it. On hearing the message, the king was stunned. He
As soon as the king heard this rumour he decided realised his foolishness and ordered his soldiers
to try it out himself. to stop the execution. He summoned Ramaya and
He summoned Ramaya to the palace and ordered offered him gifts. He also requested Ramaya not
him to sleep in a room adjacent to his bedcham- to say anything about the incident to the public.
ber. Ramaya had no choice but to follow the kings He was sure that the people of the village wouldnt
order. He feared that the rumour would come true. take well to the idea of having a jinxed person for a
The next morning, the first time the king did after ruler. Ramaya agreed. When the villagers saw Ra-
waking up, was to take a look at Ramaya. When maya returning with the gifts, they assumed that
the king reached the breakfast table, he saw that the rumour was false and that the king had given
the royal chef had forgotten to prepare his favourite the gifts to Ramaya as compensation. They were

8 Practice Set 1

ashamed of their behaviour and swore that they jinxed

would never ignore Ramaya. D. One of the ministers had started eating be-
fore the king during dinner
71. Why had the king summoned Ramaya? E. None is true
A. He wanted to have Ramaya executed
B. He wanted all the villagers to realize their 75. Arrange the following incidents in a chronological
mistake and be friends with Ramaya order as they occurred in the passage.
C. He wanted to test the court jesters intelli-
gence 1. The court jester met Ramaya
D. He wanted to see Ramayas face, the first 2. Ramaya received gifts from the king
thing every morning
3. Ramaya slept at the palace
E. He wanted to verify whether the rumour
about Ramaya was true or false 4. The villagers realised their mistake

72. According to the rumour, what would happen if A. 1324 B. 3214 C. 3241 D. 3142
someone saw Ramayas face, first thing in the E. 3124
76. What was the kings request to Ramaya?
A. That person would not get a chance to eat, the
whole day A. That Ramaya must accept that he is unlucky
B. That person would be executed by the king B. That Ramaya must tell the villagers that the
C. That person would eat the whole day king is very kind
D. That person would receive gifts from the C. That Ramaya must not tell the villagers that
king a minister had insulted the king
E. That person would become an outcast in the D. That Ramaya must not tell the villagers
village about the incident
E. That Ramaya must not tell anyone about
73. When was the king convinced that Ramaya was the gifts he had received
Directions(77 78): Choose the word/group of
A. When he realised that he had not eaten the words which is most similar in the meaning to
whole day after he had seen Ramayas face the first the word/group of words printed in bold as used
thing in the morning in the passage.
B. When he realised that each time he saw Ra-
maya, he fell sick 77. Adjacent to
C. When he heard the rumour that anyone who A. Far away B. Beside C. Opposite to
saw Ramayas face first thing in the morning would D. Same as E. Below
not get a chance to eat the whole day
D. When he saw that the chef had not prepared 78. Caught sight of
his favourite dish on the day he had seen Ramayas
A. Searched for B. Forgot about C. Suddenly
face the first thing in the morning
noticed D. Held E. Nabbed
E. When the soldiers went to him with Ra-
mayas final wish Directions(79 80): Choose the word/group of
words which is most opposite in meaning to the
74. Which of the following is true according to the word/group of words printed in bold as used in
given passage? the passage.
A. Ramaya had many friends in the village
B. The king had dinner on the day he saw Ra- 79. Refused
mayas face first thing in the morning A. Unused B. Remembered C. Agreed
C. Ramaya told the villagers that the king was D. Invited E. Declined

Practice Set 1 9

80. Ordered 5. On completion, your representative may

A. Requested B. Unplanned C. Punished kindly inform me of the annual insurance pre-
D. Silenced E. Explained mium
6. The rules state that the equipments have to
be insured against accidents and fire.
Directions(81 84): Read each sentence to find
out whether there is any grammatical error or id-
85. Which of the following should be the FOURTH
iomatic error in it. The error, if any, will be in
sentence after rearrangement?
one part of the sentence. The number of that part
is the answer. If there is No error, the answer is A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
(E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any)
86. Which of the following should be the FIFTH sen-
81. The Government has asked individuals (A)/ with tence after rearrangement?
income of over Rs.10 lakh to (B)/ electronic file A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
tax returns for the year 2011- 12, (C)/ something
which was optional till last year. (D)/ No error (E) 87. Which of the following should be the SECOND
sentence after rearrangement?
A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
82. Despite of curfew (A)/ in some areas, minor (B)/ Directions(88 90): Each question below has
communal incidents were reported (C)/ from dif- two blanks, each blank indicating that something
ferent areas of the walled city. (D)/ No error (E) has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each
A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E blank which best fits the meaning of the sentence
as a whole.
83. This comes (A)/ at a time (B)/ when fund alloca-
tion (C)/ is been doubled. (D)/ No error (E) 88. Drawing attention to the pitfalls of ....... solely on
Uranium as a fuel for nuclear reactors, Indian sci-
A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E entists warned that Uranium will not last for long
and thus research on Thorium as its ....... must be
84. As the prison will get (A)/ an official telephone fa-
cility soon, the prisoners (B)/ wont have to make
calls in discreet manner (C)/ through smuggled A. using, substitute B. believing, replacement
mobile phones. (D)/ No error (E) C. depending, reserve D. reckoning, option
E. relying, alternative
A. A B. B C. C D. D E. E
89. The move to allow dumping of Mercury ...... an
Directions(85 87): Rearrange the following six outcry from residents of the area who ...... that
sentences 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in the proper sequence high levels of Mercury will affect their health and
to form a meaningful paragraph, then answer the destroy ecologically sensitive forest area.
questions given below them. A. resulted, insist B. provoked, fear C. in-
cited, determined D. activated, accept E. an-
1. The insurance policy has to be deposited with gered, believe
90. Even as the ...... elsewhere in the world are strug-
2. I intend to purchase a tractor and certain gling to come out of recession, Indian consumers
other agricultural equipments. are splurging on consumer goods and to ....... this
3. I shall therefore feel obliged if you send your growth, companies are investing heavily in various
representative to inspect the equipments sectors.
4. I shall be applying for a loan Rs.6 lakhs from A. economies, meet B. countries, inhibit
NABARD for that purpose C. governments, measure D. nations, inflict

10 Practice Set 1

E. companies, counter 100. A. business B. troubles C. fun

D. responsibility E. worries
Directions(91 100): In the following passage
there are blanks, each of which has been numbered.
These numbers are printed below the passage and
against each five words are suggested, one of which
fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropri-
ate word in each case. In the 1980s, Japan was re-
garded as a highly developed country. However in
recent years, Japans growth has (91) and the re-
cent earthquake and tsunami have (92) devastated
the country. As their nation (93) to cope with
the disaster, its youth are (94) to meet the chal-
lenges. Many young Japanese have become (95)
not only contributing essential items and money,
(96) also co-ordinating rescue efforts. Few people
(97) that Japans young people would bring about
its (98) after all nearly one in ten youth were
unemployed, many (99) only part-time and young
people were only supposed to have (100) on their
minds. Often it take a huge crisis to make a society
change to achieve its potential.

91. A. stop B. decrease C. drop D. declined

E. fell

92. A. too B. also C. not D. caused

E. complete

93. A. competes B. efforts C. need D. strug-

gling E. tries
94. A. together B. started C. rising
D. co-operative E. failing 1. C 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. C 6. E 7. A 8. D
9. B 10. D 11. B 12. B 13. A 14. E 15. A
95. A. knowledgeable B. heroes C. volunteer 16. D 17. C 18. D 19. B 20. C 21. B 22. D
D. jobless E. powerful 23. D 24. C 25. D 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. C
30. D 31. A 32. D 33. C 34. D 35. E 36. C
96. A. without B. even C. instead D. but
37. E 38. D 39. C 40. A 41. B 42. E 43. C
E. besides
44. B 45. B 46. E 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. E
97. A. thought B. dream C. realise D. know 51. C 52. B 53. A 54. D 55. C 56. C 57. D
E. perceived 58. B 59. C 60. D 61. A 62. D 63. E 64. C
65. B 66. C 67. E 68. A 69. B 70. D 71. E
98. A. changes B. downfall C. renewal 72. A 73. A 74. D 75. E 76. D 77. B 78. C
D. reforms E. independence 79. B 80. A 81. C 82. A 83. D 84. E 85. A
86. C 87. D 88. E 89. B 90. A 91. D 92. B
99. A. worked B. earnings C. employee 93. A 94. C 95. C 96. D 97. B 98. C 99. A
D. wages E. hire 100. D

Practice Set 1 11

Detailed Answers 6. (E)

2950 12.25 + 160 = ?
Numerical Ability
+ 160
1. (C) 12
= 245 + 160 = 405 400
36865 + 12473 + 21045 - 44102 = 26281
7. (A)
2. (C)
25.05% of 2845 + 14.97 2399 = ?
5+? 19 15 7
=6 25
13 13 156 = 2845 + 15 2399
5 + 19x 22 = 25 28.45 + 15 2399
169 156
= 25 28 + 35985
19x 17
=6 = 700 + 35985
19x = 78 + 17 = 36685 36700
19x = 95
8. (D)
(1702 68) 136.05 = ?
3. (A) = 25 136
666.66 + 66.66 + 6.66 + 6 + 0.66 = 746.64 = 3400

4. (C) 9. (B)
3 2 3
12 5 5 2959.87 16.003 - 34.99 = ?
5 5 70 2960
- 35
1 3 36 353 16
=7 5 =
5 70 5 70 = 185 - 35 = 150
36 70 504
= = 10. (D)
5 353 353
151 424.99 23.95 8.05 = ?
353 24
5. (C)
425 3 = 1275
1 1 1 1
3 + 5 + x + 2 = 11
2 5 4 3 11. (B)
7 26 9 34 513 735 1179 1845 2733 3843
+ +x+ =
2 5 4 3
70 + 104 + 20x + 45 34 222 444 666 888 1110
20 3
219 34 12. (B)
20 3 9450 2 = 18900/9 = 2100
34 219
x= - 2100 2 = 4200/7 = 600
3 20
680 657 600 2 = 1200/5 = 240
60 240 2 = 480/3 = 160
x= 160 2 = 320/1 = 320

12 Practice Set 1

13. (A) Remaining salary = 3000 - 300 = 2700

6, 50, 490, 4890, 48890, ? 2
Amount spent on food = 16 % of 2700 = Rs.
(6 10) - 10 = 50 450
(50 10) - 10 = 490
19. (B)
(490 10) - 10 = 4890
Let the ratio before 4 years be 3 : 1
(4890 10) - 10 = 48890
Difference between ages = 12 years
(48890 10) - 10 = 488890
3 1
14. (E) 2x = 12
(17)2 = 289 x=6
(19)2 = 361 The ages before 4 years are 18 & 6
(23)2 = 529 Present ages are 22 & 10
(29)2 = 841
20. (C)
(31)2 = 961
Ratio of salaries of Ram, Raju and Raghu is 2 : 3
(37)2 = 1369 : 5
15. (A) Increments are = 15%, 10%, 20%

30 34 43 59 84 120 169 Let their salaries be 2x, 3x and 5x

115 110 120
2x : 3x : 5x
4 9 16 25 36 49 100 100 100
23 : 33 : 60
16. (D)
21. (B)
Cannot be determined
P = 22500, n = 4, S.I = 10800
17. (C)
100 22500
Reduction in price of sugar = 10%
4r 10800
10% of 480 = 48
r = 12%
From that amount a person able to buy 2 kg.
C.I be,
2 kg = 48 12
22500 = 2700 2 = 5400
1 kg = 24 100
18. (D) 2700 = 324 1 = 324
Let salary be x C.I is 5724
40 10 60 2 54
x+ x + 16 x + 22. (D)
100 100 100 3 100 100
2250 = x r = 10%
4 6 50 54
x+ x+ x + 2250 = x Interest is compounded every 6 months
10 100 300 100
x = 5000 1 year = 2 half year
40 10
40% spent on house rent = 5000 = Rs. 2000 r% for half year = = 5%
100 2
Remaining salary = 5000 - 2000 = 3000 Let amount be 100
10 5
10% spent on travel = 3000 = Rs. 300 100 = 5 2 = 10
100 100

Practice Set 1 13

5 water = 4.5 ml
5 = 0.25 1 = 0.25
alcohol = 30% , water = 70%
Effective interest rate is 10.25%
4.5 + x 70
23. (D) 9+x 100
Circumference of the circle = 2r x = 6 ml
Inner circle circumference (r1 ) Amount of water that should be added = 6 ml
2r1 = 352/7 m 27. (A)
Circumference of outer circle of (r2 ) Speed of truck 1 = 50 km/hr
2r2 = 528/7 m Speed of truck 2 = 60 km/hr
22 352 22 528
2 r1 = ;2 r2 = Let the distance be x
7 7 7 7
r1 = 8, r2 = 12 Difference between the time taken by two trucks =
1 hour
Width = r2 - r1 = 12 - 8 = 4 m x x
24. (C) 50 60
6x 5x
Length of rope = 14 feet (Radius of circle) =1
22 Therefore, the distance covered = 300 km
Area of circle = r 2 = 14 14
= 616 sq.feet 28. (C)
Cow takes 1 day to graze 100 sq.ft Speed of boat along the stream a = 11 km/hr
616 Speed of boat against stream b = 5 km/hr
If takes = 6.16 6 days to graze the field
100 1
Speed of boat in still water = (a + b)
25. (D) 2
7 4 6 1
Ratio of A, B, C is : : = (11 + 5) km/hr
2 3 5 2
7 4 6 16
: : = km/hr
2 3 5 2
105 : 40 : 36 = 8 km/hr
Let x be share 29. (C)
(105x 4) + (105x 8) : 40x 12 : 36x 8 men can do a work in 14 days.
12 1
1 mans 1 day efficiency =
105x 4 + 105x 12 : 40x 12 : 36x 12 8 14
105x 16 : 40x 12 : 36x 12 8 men worked for 2 days
1 1
35 : 10 : 9 Work completed = 2=
14 7
Profit at end of 1 year = Rs. 21600 1
Remaining work to be completed is 1 -
10 7
Bs share = 21600
54 6
= Rs. 4000 7
Number of men present after 2 days = 6
26. (D)
1 6
9 ml lotion containing 50% alcohol 6 x =
8 14 7
50% of alcohol = 4.5 ml of lotion x = 16 days

14 Practice Set 1

30. (D) (120)2 = (100 + r)2

4R, 5B, 3C 120 = 100 + r
4C3 + 3C3 r = 20%
II. Amount doubles itself in 5 years with C.I
432 321
+ Amount = 2p
= 1 2 3 123
12 11 10 S.I = 2p - p = p
100 p
4+1 1
= = 5r p
220 44
31. (A) r = 20%
I. Diagonal of square = 80 cm 34. (D)

2a2 = 80 Total staff strength = ?
a = 56.577 75
I. 75% are male =
Area = a2 = 3201.30 100
II. Ratio of Male to Female is 1 : 3
It is sufficient to answer.
Let x be strength
II. Perimeter of square is equal to the circumfer-
ence of circle. x & 3x are M & F
75 25 75
It is not sufficient to answer. M= 1,F= 3=
100 100 100
Statement I alone is sufficient to answer. Total strength = cannot be determined.

32. (D) 35. (E)

To find Ashas present salary Two digit number = ?
I. Increase in salary every year = 15% I. Sum of the 2 digit number = 8
II. She joined seven years ago II. difference between original & interchanged num-
It does not have any known values. Both state- ber = 18
ments are not sufficient to answer the question. The number be = 53

33. (C)
Rate of interest = ? Reasoning Ability
I. p = 1500; n = 2; C.I = 660

r n
  36. (C)
C.I = p 1 + 1
" 2 # C O U R S E
660 = 1500 1+ 1

660 = 1500 1+ 2 - 1500
100 37. (E)
100 + r 100 + r
2160 = 1500 S C E N T
100 100
2 7200 = (100 + r)2
14400 = (120)2 U O F D T

Practice Set 1 15

R E T A I L 44. (B)


38. (D)
I - Follows
II - Follows
III - Does not follow
Alphabetical order
Only I & II follow
45. (B)
39. (C)
= PR

40. (A) I - Follows

B>A>E>D>C II - Does not follow
=E III - Does not follow
41. (B) Only I follows
40 8 - 6 + 3 4 = ? 46. (E)
5 - 6 + 12 = 11
42. (E) C
I - Does not follow
I - Does not follow II - Does not follow
II - Does not follow III - Follows
III - Follows Only III follows
Only III follows 47. (D)
43. (C) Three

48. (C)
L W B C Two

I - Does not follow 49. (B)

II - Does not follow Five

III - Does not follow 50. (E)

By merging I & III, only either I or III follows SUE

16 Practice Set 1

Directions(51 55): 62. (D)

F D B C A E Blue

63. (E)
51. (C) None of these
Two 64. (C)
52. (B) Yellow
E 65. (B)
53. (A) VIIth
Third to the left
Direction(66 70):
54. (D)
% # *
55. (C) < =
Two > =
$ @ *
56. (C)
Two 66. (C)
57. (D)
I) N R - does not follow
II) N $ R - does not follow
58. (B)
III) N $ M - follows
I & II can be merged
59. (C) Either I or II and III is true
67. (E)
60. (D) J#N#K%T
Daughter-in-Law I) J % T - follows
Directions(61 65): II) T $ N - follows
Friend Class Colour III) N @ J - follows
V IV Yellow All are true
K IX White
68. (A)
D VI Black
T VII Green BD@H%F
J V Red I) B F - does not follow
R III Violet
II) B $ F - does not follow
61. (A) III) D $ F - does not follow
IVth None is true

Practice Set 1 17

69. (B)
I) M K - does not follow
II) M % T - does not follow
III) M $ K - does not follow
I & III can be merged
Either I or III is true

70. (D)
I) R # A - does not follow
II) V @ A - does not follow
III) R $ M - does not follow
None is true

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