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P 10/01/2016


TEDDS calculation version 1.0.07

+ve My 0.8





Basic section details

Section details
Section name; C89x41x10x0.8
Section type; Lipped channel
Depth; D = 89 mm
Breadth of top flange; Bt = 41 mm
Breadth of bottom flange; Bb = 41 mm
O/all breadth; B = Bt = Bb = ;41; mm
Design thickness; t = 0.8 mm
Internal radius of bends; r = 1.5 mm
; ;;
Depth of top stiffening lip; DLt = 10 mm
Depth of bottom stiffening lip; DLb = 10 mm
The section breadth to stiffening lip depth ratio is less than or equal to 5 therefore the flanges are stiffened (cl 4.6)
Number of 90 degree bends; N90 = 4; ;
Design forces and moments
Ultimate axial load; F = 1.0 kN; (Compression);
Ultimate bending moment about x axis; Mx = ;1.00; kNm
; ;;
Ultimate positive bending moment about y axis; Myp = ;0.00; kNm
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P 10/01/2016

Ultimate negative bending moment about y axis; Myn = ;0.00; kNm

Gross section properties
Area of element a; Aa = (DLt - t/2) t = 8 mm2
Area of element b; Ab = (Bt - t) t = 32 mm2
Area of element c; Ac = (D - t) t = 71 mm2
Area of element d; Ad = (Bb - t) t = 32 mm2
Area of element e; Ae = (DLb - t/2) t = 8 mm2
Total gross area; Ag = Aa + Ab + Ac + Ad + Ae = ;150; mm2
Position of x axis from centreline of flange; xbar = [Aa(D-t-(DLt-t/2)/2)+Ab(D-t)+Ac(D-t)/2+Ae(DLb - t/2)/2]/Ag
xbar = 44.1 mm
Second moment of area about x axis
Contribution of element a; Ixa = t (DLt - t/2)3/12 + Aa (D - t- (DLt - t/2)/2 - xbar)2 = 1.2 cm4
Contribution of element b; Ixb = Ab (D-t- xbar)2 = 6.3 cm4
Contribution from element c; Ixc = t (D - t)3/12 + Ac ((D-t)/2 - xbar)2 = 4.6 cm4
Contribution from element d; Ixd = Ad xbar2 = 6.3 cm4
Contribution of element e; Ixe = t (DLb - t/2)3/12 + Ae (xbar - (DLb - t/2)/2)2 = 1.2 cm4
Total second moment of area; Ixg = Ixa + Ixb + Ixc + Ixd + Ixe = ;19.5; cm4
Radius of gyration of gross cross section; rxg = (Ixg/Ag) = 36.00 mm
Position of y axis from centreline of web; ybar = [Aa (Bt - t) + Ab (Bt - t)/2 + Ad (Bb - t)/2 + Ae (Bb - t)]/Ag
ybar = 12.7 mm
Second moment of area about y axis
Contribution from element a; Iya = Aa (Bt - t - ybar)2 = 0.6 cm4
Contribution from element b; Iyb = t (Bt - t)3/12 + Ab ((Bt - t)/2-ybar)2 = 0.6 cm4
Contribution from element c; Iyc = Ac ybar2 = 1.1 cm4
Contribution from element d; Iyd = t (Bb - t)3/12 + Ad ((Bb - t)/2-ybar)2 = 0.6 cm4
Contribution from element e; Iye = Ae (Bb - t - ybar)2 = 0.6 cm4
Total second moment of area; Iyg = Iya + Iyb + Iyc + Iyd + Iye = 3.5 cm4
Radius of gyration of gross cross section; ryg = (Iyg/Ag) = 15.30 mm

Element flat widths

Element a; ba = DLt - t - r = 7.7 mm
Element b; bb = Bt - 2 (t + r) = 36.4 mm
Element c; bc = D - 2 (t + r) = 84.4 mm
Element d; bd = Bb - 2 (t + r) = 36.4 mm
Element e; be = DLb - t - r = 7.7 mm
Steel details (Table 4)
Steel grade; S355
Nominal yield strength; Ys = 355 N/mm2
Nominal ultimate tensile strength; Us = 510 N/mm2
Design strength tension (no cold form increase); pyt = min(Ys, 0.84 Us) = 355 N/mm2
Design strength compressn (no cold form increase); pyc = min(Ys, 0.84 Us) = 355 N/mm2
Average yield strength; Ysa = Ys = 355 N/mm2

Axial compression (Section 6)

Effective length for compression (Table 9)
Length of member between restraints to x axis; Lx = 1 mm
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Length of member between restraints to y axis; Ly = 1 mm

End restraint factor for buckling about x axis; Rfx = 1.00
End restraint factor for buckling about y axis; Rfy = 1.00
Effective length about x axis; LEx = Lx Rfx = 1 mm
Effective length about y axis; LEy = Ly Rfy = 1 mm

Local buckling coefficients (fig. B.1)

Dimension b1; b1 = D - t = 88.2 mm
Dimension b2; b2 = B - t = 40.2 mm
Ratio of b2 to b1; h = b2 / b1 = 0.456
Element a; Ka_f = 0.425
Element b; Kb_f = max(4.0 , [7 - (1.8 h) / (0.15 + h) - 1.43 h3] h2) = 4.000
Element c; Kc_f = max(4.0, 7 - (1.8 h) / (0.15 + h) - 1.43 h3) = 5.510
Element d; Kd_f = max(4.0 , [7 - (1.8 h) / (0.15 + h) - 1.43 h3] h2) = 4.000
Element e; Ke_f = 0.425
Effective element widths
Element a (cl. 4.5.1)
Local buckling stress; pcra_f = 0.904 ES5950 Ka_f (t / ba)2 = 850.2 N/mm2
Basic effective width; ba_f_bas = ba[1+14((max(0.123,pyca/pcra_f))1/2-0.35)4]-0.2 = 7.5 mm
Actual effective width; ba_f = 0.89 ba_f_bas + 0.11 ba = 7.6 mm
Effective area; Aa_f = t (ba_f + r + t / 2) = 8 mm2

Element b (cl. 4.4.1)

Local buckling stress; pcrb_f = 0.904 ES5950 Kb_f (t / bb)2 = 358.1 N/mm2
Effective width; bb_f = bb[1+14((max(0.123,pycb/pcrb_f))1/2-0.35)4]-0.2 = 28.4 mm
Effective area; Ab_f = t (bb_f + 2 r + t) = 26 mm2

Element c (cl. 4.4.1)

Local buckling stress; pcrc_f = 0.904 ES5950 Kc_f (t / bc)2 = 91.7 N/mm2
Effective width; bc_f = bc[1+14((max(0.123,pycc/pcrc_f))1/2-0.35)4]-0.2 = 33.8 mm
Effective area; Ac_f = t (bc_f + 2 r + t) = 30 mm2

Element d (cl. 4.4.1)

Local buckling stress; pcrd_f = 0.904 ES5950 Kd_f (t / bd)2 = 358.1 N/mm2
Effective width; bd_f = bd[1+14((max(0.123,pycd/pcrd_f))1/2-0.35)4]-0.2 = 28.4 mm
Effective area; Ad_f = t (bd_f + 2 r + t) = 26 mm2

Element e (cl. 4.5.1)

Local buckling stress; pcre_f = 0.904 ES5950 Ke_f (t / be)2 = 850.2 N/mm2
Basic effective width; be_f_bas = be[1+14((max(0.123,pyce/pcre_f))1/2-0.35)4]-0.2 = 7.5 mm
Actual effective width; be_f = 0.89 be_f_bas + 0.11 be = 7.6 mm
Effective area; Ae_f = t (be_f + r + t / 2) = 8 mm2

Total effective area

Total effective area; Af = Aa_f + Ab_f + Ac_f + Ad_f + Ae_f = 97 mm2
Position of y axis of effective area from web; yf = [Aa_f(B-t) + Ab_f(B-t)/2 + Ad_f(B-t)/2 + Ae_f(B-t)] / Af = 17.0 mm
Dist. between gross and effective area y axes; es = yf - ybar = 4.3 mm; (Generating a +ve moment);
Torsional flexural buckling capacity (cl 6.3 & annex D)
Dimension b (Table D.1); b = B - t = 40.2 mm
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P 10/01/2016

Dimension d (Table D.1); d = D - t = 88.2 mm

Dimension bL (Table D.1); bL = DLt - t / 2 = 9.6 mm
Position of shear centre (Table D.1); e = d2 b bL t [1/2 + b / (4bL) - 2bL2 / (3d2)] / Ixg = 19.0 mm
Warping constant (Table D.1); Cw = b2 t [4 bL3 + 3 d2 bL - 6 d bL2 + b d2] / 6 - Ixg e2
Cw = 35.7 cm6
St. Venant torsion constant; J = [(bat3) + (bbt3) + (bct3) + (bdt3) + (bet3)]/3 = 29.457 mm4
Distance from shear ctr to centroid (along x axis); xo = ybar + e = 31.7 mm
Polar radius of gyration; ro = (rxg2 + ryg2 + xo2)1/2 = 50.3 mm
Beta constant; = 1 - (xo/ro)2 = 0.604
Short strut capacity; Pcs = Af pyc = 34.4 kN
Torsional buckling load; PT = min(Pcs, 1/ ro2 (GS5950 J + 2 2 ES5950 Cw/max(LEx,LEy)2))
PT = 34.4 kN
Elastic flexural buckling load (x axis); PEx = min(Pcs, 2 ES5950 Ixg / LEx2) = 34.4 kN
Torsional flexural buckling load; PTF = min(Pcs, 1/(2) [(PEx+PT) - ((PEx+PT)2 - 4PExPT)1/2])
PTF = 21.1 kN
Elastic flexural buckling load (y axis); PEy = min(Pcs, 2 ES5950 Iyg / LEy2) = 34.4 kN
Slenderness ratio factor (x axis); x = max(1.0, (PEx / PTF)1/2) = 1.28
Slenderness ratio factor (y axis); y = max(1.0, (PEy / PTF)1/2) = 1.28
Section is subject to torsional or torsional flexural buckling. Refering to cl. 6.4.1
of BS5950-5 calc is not valid for combined bending and compression check
Try using a back-to-back channel section

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