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Immediate Response Too Flash Get it Back!

A friendly model declares a Charge
Requirement Requirement Requirement against an enemy model.
An enemy model inflicts the taken-out An enemy model uses a Teamwork A friendly model suffers a Tackle and
condition on a friendly model or scores momentous action. loses possession of the ball-marker. Reward
a goal. The Charging model gains Anatomical Precision
or Forceful Blow for the Attack action.
[ Anatomical Precision ]
During an Attack from this model enemy
Reward Reward Reward models suffer [-1] ARM.
The friendly team gains [2] MP. Mark the enemy model with a flash- The friendly team gains [1] MP. [ Forceful Blow ]
token. A friendly model that declares a During a Charge , in addition to one or
Charge against the marked model may more Playbook damage results, the targeted
remove the flash-token to pay [2] less enemy model suffers a [2] Push directly
Influence for the Charge. away from this model and [2] DMG.
Season 11 Season 11 Season 11 Season 11

Husbandry Nuts! Give as Good as You Get! Damage Sponge

Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement

A friendly [Mascot] returns to the Pitch An enemy model declares a Parting A friendly model declares aCounter- An enemy model declares an Attack
after suffering the taken-out condition. Blow. Attack. against a friendly model.

The friendly model targeted by the
Reward Reward Reward
Parting Blow gains Close Control
The friendly model gains [+2] TAC for
The friendly [Mascot] immediately heals for the remainder of the turn. The friendly model gains [+1] DEF for
the duration of theCounter-Attack.
to its max HP and gains [+2/+2] MOV the duration of the Attack.
for the remainder of the turn. [ Close Control ]
Once per turn this model may ignore the
first Tackle Playbook result against it.
Season 11 Season 11 Season 11 Season 11
Home Crowd One Touch Football Tracking Back Tap In

Requirement Requirement Requirement Requirement

You lose an initiative-roll and do not have A friendly model receives a successful A friendly model ends its activation A friendly model makes a Shot while
the first activation of the turn. Pass and does not use a Teamwork within [4] of the friendly goal-post. within [4] of the enemy goal-post.
momentous action.

The friendly model gains Goal Defence for
Reward Reward the remainder of the turn. Reward
At the end of the current Maintenance The friendly model may immediately The friendly model gains [-1] TN
Phase the friendly team gains [1] MP. make a Pass without spending Influence. [ Goal Defence ] to the Shot.
An enemy model that makes a Shot suffers
[+1] TN to the Shot while this model is
within [4] of the friendly goal-post .
Season 11 Season 11 Season 11 Season 11

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