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English Task 2 Assessment Stage 3 T2 2016

Name Home Room Date Mark


EN3-6B Uses knowledge of sentence structure, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary to respond to and compose clear and cohesive
texts in different media and technologies (ACELA1523, ACELY1698)

EN3-2A Composs, edits and presents well-structured and coherent texts (ACELA1522)

EN3-3A Uses an integrated range of skills, strategies and knowledge to read, view and comprehend a wide range of texts in different
media and technologies.

Task Description:

1. You are to choose from one of the topics below to write your Letter to the Editor.
2. Determine your own opinion/point of view on the topic.
3. Plan your ideas in the time set in class and leading up to the writing task
4. In class on Friday you are to write a letter to the Editor expressing your opinion on the topic.
Do we as a society overuse technology?
Albury City Council should spend $40Million building an indoor pool and sporting facility
School would be more practical for students and staff if it started at 6:00am and finished at Midday

DUE DATE: This task will be completed at school on 9th June 2016
ENGLISH Demonstrates extensive understanding of an exposition, including a strong statement in the introduction; has a strong body and 9-10
Text Structure conclusion.
Demonstrates thorough understanding of an exposition, including a clear statement in the introduction, has a body of arguments and 7-8
Demonstrates sound understanding of an exposition, including a satisfactory statement in the introduction, body and conclusion. 4-6
Demonstrates some understanding of an exposition, may include a statement in the introduction, body and conclusion. 2-3
Demonstrates limited structural understanding of an exposition, with no clear introduction, body or conclusion. 0-1
Always uses correct sentence structure, punctuation and spelling conventions 9-10
Consistently uses correct sentence structure, punctuation and spelling conventions 7-8
Spelling and
Punctuation Mostly uses correct sentence structure, punctuation and spelling conventions 4-6
Sometimes uses correct sentence structure, punctuation and spelling conventions 2-3
Limited sentence structure, punctuation and spelling conventions 0-1

Has well developed, concise ideas with an excellent range of vocabulary appropriate to the persuasive piece 9-10

ENGLISH Has well developed ideas with a broad range of vocabulary 7-8
Vocabulary Has sound ideas with a range of vocabulary 4-6
Has limited ideas and vocabulary 2-3

Expresses a clearly articulated and well-presented argument on the topic and shows the ability to justify ideas. 9-10

ENGLISH Expresses a thorough and well-structured argument on the topic and shows the ability to justify ideas. 7-8
Content Expresses a sound and satisfactorily structured argument on the topic and shows the ability to justify ideas to an extent 4-6
Expresses a limited structure and shows very little ability to justify ideas. 2-3
Expresses a basic structure and shows very little or no ability to justify ideas. 0-1

Extensive Thorough Sound Basic Elementary

35-40 25-34 17-24 9-16 0-8


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