Age Depedendent Biochemical Variation in Tea (FBLS)

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Sciknow Publications Ltd.

FBLS 2015, 3(2):39-43

Frontiers of Biological and Life Sciences DOI: 10.12966/fbls.06.03.2015
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)

Age Dependent Biochemical Responses in Camellia sinensis

Hrishikesh Upadhyaya*, Jayeeta Roy, and Sakhi Dutta
Department of Botany and Biotechnology, Karimganj College, Karimganj-788710, Assam, India
*Corresponding author (Email:

Abstract - Tea being perennial plant encounters different environmental stress. The present study aims at understanding various
biochemical responses during aging process in tea leaf. Total phenolic content of leaves increased with age of a plant, but it is not
sufficient to balance between ROS generation and antioxidant function of plant as evidenced by increased MDA content of the
leaf thus making the aged plant tissue less capable of coping with the prevailing environmental stress. Further, age dependent
changes in mineral nutrition and its effect on antioxidative defense function and detail analysis of regulation of nutrient trans-
porter during aging process can reveal better understanding of age dependent environmental stress adaptation mechanism in
Camellia sinensis.
Keywords - Aging, Biochemical Responses, Camellia sinensis

in plants (Tegischer et al., 2002), but there is scarcity of

1. Introduction information on age dependent biochemical variation in tea
plant. Antioxidant efficiency varies in different clonal varie-
Tea is an important breverage which is prepared from the ties of tea (Upadhyaya & Panda, 2013) and thus varied the
leaves of Camellia sinensis (L.) O Kuntze, belonging to the response of abiotic stress in different clones of tea (Hendique
family Theaceae of angiosperm. It is not only a brevarage but & Manivel, 1990; Chakraborty et al., 2002; Upadhyaya &
a good health drink. It is the source of vitamins, potent anti- Panda, 2013). The present investigation is an attempt to study
oxidants and other minerals including fluorine (Kabir, 2002; age dependent biochemical variation in tea plant.
Fujita & Yamagami, 2008). Tea plant being perennial crops, Various hypotheses were proposed to account for the
is subjected to different environmental stresses. The annual change of leaf aspect in stressed plant. Previous study re-
yield distribution and potential yield of tea is greatly influ- vealed that stress induced oxidative damage of tea was cor-
enced by the seasonal fluctuations in weather variables such related with dysfunction of antioxidant defense system
as rainfall, temperature and drought etc. Various abiotic stress, (Upadhyaya et al. 2008, 2011, 2013). However, plant species
induces oxidative damage in tea plant and affects antioxidant may vary in their response under stress (Upadhyaya et al.,
systems, altering different physiological and biochemical 2011, 2012) where the age of the plant might be an important
processes (Upadhyaya & Panda, 2004a) and causes signifi- attributes. In order to better understand the age dependent
cant crop losses. In the process of coping with changing variation of plant response under natural condition, an expe-
environment age of a plant is important as it may increase riment was conducted with tea plant of different age group
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), such as supe- collected from tea garden. In this study, we investigated the
roxide radicals (O2-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), hydroxyl biochemical responses in tea leaves of different age group
radical (.OH), alkoxyl radical (RO), singlet oxygen (.1O2) maintained at tea garden under natural conditions in order to
within the cell of aging leaves. This leads to lipid peroxidation, elucidate age dependent biochemical responses in tea leaves.
protein degradation, enzyme inactivation and affect nucleic
acid and almost every component of cell leading to cell death
which is similar to the effect of other abiotic stress (Panda, 2. Materials and Methods
2002;Upadhyaya & Panda, 2004b;Upadhyaya et al., 2008).
Although the biochemical damages caused by abiotic stresses The experimental tea plant belongs to Genus Camellia of
are retrievable (Upadhyaya & Panda, 2004b ; Upadhyaya et order Ericales and family Theaceae of dicotyledonous group
al., 2008, 2012) depending upon the genotypes of plant and of Angiosperms. Tea leaves of five different age group (1, 5,
duration and nature of stress exposure, but cellular changes 10, 15 and 20 years old) were sampled from Durganagar Tea
due to aging process are irretrievable in plants. However, the Estate in a polybag and used for biochemical analysis. All the
intensity of damage due to aging varies depending on anti- experiments were repeated or replicated thrice depending on
oxidant potential of the plants. There are few reports on the availability of the samples.
physiological and biochemical damages during aging process Concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a), chlorophyll b (Chl
40 Frontiers of Biological and Life Sciences (2015) 39-43

b), total chlorophyll and total carotenoid (Cx+c) concentra- at room temperature (25oC), for one hour, before its absorp-
tions were analyzed following Lichtenthaler (1987) and tion was read at 750 nm (Herrig et al., 2002).
Shabala et al. (1998) methods, respectively. 100mg of leaf The total sugar content was extracted from the tea leaves in
samples were placed in a 25-ml glass vial, added with 10 ml of 80% ethanol. Tea leaves (0.1g) were grind in 5ml of 80%
95.5 % acetone, and the glass vials were sealed with parafilm ethanol. Then it was boiled for 20 min. After cooling, cen-
to prevent evaporation and then stored at 4 oC for 48h. The trifugation was carried out at 2000 g for 5 min. Supernatants
concentrations of Chl a, Chl b and Cx+c were measured using (1ml) were mixed with 4ml anthrone. Then boiled it for 8 min,
an UV-visible spectrophotometer at 662, 644 and 470 nm the absorbance of the supernatants was measured at 630 nm
respectively. A solution of 95.5 % acetone was used as a blank. (Hedge & Hofreiter, 1962).
The Chl a, Chl b, total chlorophyll and carotenoid concentra- The level of lipid peroxidation, expressed as MDA content,
tions in the leaf tissues were calculated according to the was determined as 2-thiobarbituric acid (TBA) reactive me-
following equations: tabolites. Plant fresh tissues (0.2 g) were homogenized and
Chl a = 9.784D662 0.99D644 extracted in 10 ml of 0.25% TBA made in 10 ml trichloroa-
Chl b = 21.42D644 -4.65D662 cetic acid (TCA). Then extract was heated at 95oC for 30 min
Total chlorophyll = Chl a + Chl b and then rapidly cooled in ice. After centrifugation at 10000 g
1000D470 1.90Chl a 63.14 Chl b for 10 min, the absorbance of the supernatant was measured at
Cx+c =
214 532 nm. Non-specific turbidity was corrected by subtracting
where Di is an optical density at the wavelength i. the absorbance value taken at 600 nm. The concentration of
The total phenolic content was extracted from the tea MDA was calculated using extinction coefficient of 155m
leaves in 2N HCl. Tea leaves (0.25 g) were boiled for 30 min M-1cm-1 (Zhang et al., 1992).
in 5 ml of 2 N HCl. After cooling, the homogenate was fil- Each experiment was repeated thrice and data presented
tered through a Whatman paper and the filtrate used to de- are with mean standard error ( SE ). The data analysis was
termine total phenolic compounds. Samples (5 ml) were carried out using MS Excel and SPSS 10. The results were
mixed with 0.75 ml of 1.9 M Na2CO3 plus 0.25 ml of Fo- subjected to ANOVA and Tukeys post-hoc test was used for
linCiocalteau phenol reagent. This mixture was kept in dark, comparison between pairs of treatments.

3. Results and Discussion

Table 1. Changes in Chla, Chlb, Chla: Chlb, total Chlorophyll and total Carotenoid contents in leaves of tea [Camellia sinensis L.
(O) Kuntze] of different age group. Data presented are mean SE (n=3). Values with the same letter within column are not
significantly different by Tukeys post-hoc test at P0.5

Age of plant Chl a Chl b Chla/Chlb Total Chlorophyll Total Carotenoid

(mg g-1FW) (mg g-1FW) Ratio (mg g-1FW) (mg g-1FW)

1yr 6.340.15a 5.080.44 a 1.260.10 a 11.420.50 a 5.950.20 a

5yr 5.120.28 a 4.070.14 ab 1.260.03 a 9.190.42 b 5.700.14 a
10 yr 3.860.64 b 2.990.42 b 1.280.05 a 6.851.06 bc 4.140.63 ab
15 yr 3.000.12 b 3.980.19 ab 0.750.04 b 6.980.31bc 4.770.04 ab
20 Yr 2.020.45 c 3.950.32 ab 0.5120.03 c 5.970.75 bc 4.960.09 ab

In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to hyaya and Panda, 2004b; Upadhyaya et al., 2008, 2011, 2013).
study the biochemical responses of tea leaf during aging Age induced degradation of both total chlorophyll and caro-
process by analyzing the biochemical changes in leaf of tea tenoid in tea plant (Table.1). Decrease in chlorophyll and
plant of different age group collected from garden. The carotenoid due to oxidative stress as a result of age induced
marked reduction of total Chl with the progressive age of the ROS generation as reported earlier in case of abiotic stress
plant due to the decrease of both Chl a and Chl b contents. Chl (Upadhyaya et al., 2008, 2013). Such degradation of chloro-
b was degraded more than Chl a due to age induced senes- phyll pigments may eventually decrease photosynthetic effi-
cence process in tea leaf. Such reduction in Chl content has ciency in plants which might be one of the potent causes of
been ascribed to loss of chloroplast membranes, excessive reduction in growth of plant. However, earlier study also
swelling, distortion of the lamellae vesiculation, and the provides evidence for a significant positive relationship be-
appearance of lipid droplets (Kaiser et al., 1981) during abi- tween transpiration efficiency and leaf chlorophyll concen-
otic stress in tea (Mukhopadhyay and Mondal, 2014; Upad- tration in plant (Sheshshayee et al., 2006). As depicted in
Frontiers of Biological and Life Sciences (2015) 39-43 41

Figure 1, total sugar content of leaf also changes with the sugar content of the mature plant could be attributed to the
progressive age of the plant. Total sugar content of leaf re- degradation of photosynthetic pigments resulting in reduction
mains higher at younger plant (1 and 5 year plant) and it of photosynthetic efficiency of plant.
declines with the progressive age of the plant. Such lower

Fig. 1. Changes in total sugar contents in leaves of tea [Camellia sinensis L. (O) Kuntze] of different age group. Data presented
are mean SE (n=3). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different by Tukeys post-hoc test at P0.5
The important biochemicals in determining tea quality thesis of phenolic might helped in maintaining the health
include the green leaf tea catechins and their oxidation quality of tea, as the most abundant phenolic present in tea are
products (theaflavins and thearubigins) which are responsible catechins which are potent contributors of many beneficial
for most of the plain black tea attributes. Catechins are the health properties of tea (Cabrera et al., 2006). However, plants
most abundant polyphenols present in tea plant which makes phenolic metabolites are also reported to function as free
it a potent health drink. Although total phenolic content in tea radical scavengers and mutagenesis inhibitors (Cabrera et al.,
leaves increases with progressive age of the plant as depicted 2006). In case of tea, different catechins may be the important
in Fig. 2 it might not be sufficient to cope with ROS generated phenolic compounds contributing to free radical protection
with progressive age of the plant as evidenced by increased and anti mutagenesis property of the plant.
MDA content of leaf (Fig. 3). However, increased biosyn-

Fig. 2. Changes in total phenolic contents in leaves of tea [Camellia sinensis L. (O) Kuntze] of different age group.
Data presented are mean SE (n=3). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different by Tukeys post-hoc test at P0.5
42 Frontiers of Biological and Life Sciences (2015) 39-43

Fig. 3. Changes in MDA content in leaves of tea [Camellia sinensis L. (O) Kuntze] of different age group. Data presented are
mean SE (n=3). Bars with the same letter are not significantly different by Tukeys post-hoc test at P0.5
Membrane integrity declines with advancing age of plant.
In aging plant tissues, lipid peroxidation plays a key role in
the loss of membrane integrity (Zhang, 1992). This study Acknowledgement
presents evidence of extensive lipid peroxidation during The plant material used in the project was procured from
prolonged storage of plant. Selected features of the deterior-
Durganagar Tea Estate, Karimganj, Assam, India and we
ative processes occur during aging of plant tissues.
expressed thanks to the manager of the Tea Estate for pro-
Lipid peroxidation refers to the oxidative degradation of viding the same. We sincerely acknowledge the use of facility
lipids. It is the process in which free radicals "steal" electrons
in the IBH, and under Star College programme at Karimganj
from the lipids in cell membranes, resulting in cell damage. College supported by DBT, Govt. of India during this work.
The quantification of the end-products of lipid peroxidation,
is to be specific, malondialdehyde (MDA). The most com-
monly used test is called a TBARS assay (Thiobarbituric acid References
reactive substances assay). Thiobarbituric acid reacts with
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tea- A Review. J Am Coll Nutr., 25, 79-99.
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