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Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013)

DOI: 10.2478/s11696-012-0300-x


Continuous dehydrochlorination of 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol to

epichlorohydrin: process parameters and by-products formation

Anna Krzyzanowska*, Eugeniusz Milchert

Institute of Organic Chemical Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology,

Pulaski 10 Street, 70-322 Szczecin, Poland

Received 27 July 2012; Revised 12 October 2012; Accepted 18 October 2012

The influence of pre-reactor and reactor temperatures on the conversion of 1,3-dichloropropan-

2-ol and the selectivity of its transformation to epichlorohydrin in continuous dehydrochlorination
for two modes of the reaction product collection was studied. The dehydrochlorination process and
mechanism of diglycidyl ether formation are described.
c 2012 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences

Keywords: dehydrochlorination, 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol, epichlorohydrin, diglycidyl ether

Introduction in the course of the dehydrochlorination of a water so-

lution of dichloropropanols to epichlorohydrin by the
Until recently, synthetic glycerol has been obtained chlorine method is well-known (Milchert et al., 2012).
by the hydrolysis of epichlorohydrin. Currently, a high The reactions which take place during epichlorohydrin
glycerol supply from renewable resources results from production by the chlorine method are presented in
the development of the transesterication of fats in Fig. 1.
order to produce fatty acid methyl esters used as diesel In the rst stage, propylene (I ) reacts with chlorine
fuel (biodiesel) (Ma & Hanna, 1999). The availability to form allyl chloride (II ), which is subsequently sub-
of large amounts of glycerol from renewable resources jected to hydrochlorination resulting in the formation
has increased suciently to reduce the price to a low of a mixture of dichloropropanols (1,3-dichloropropan-
level. This creates the possibility of using glycerol for 2-ol (III ) and 2,3-dichloropropan-1-ol (IV )). A diluted
the production of chemicals such as epichlorohydrin. aqueous solution (35 mass %) of dichloropropanols
A complex utilisation of glycerol and biodiesel may was dehydrochlorinated to epichlorohydrin (V ) using
eect a reduction in the fuel price. milk of lime (calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2 ) (VI ).
Epichlorohydrin is used in the manufacture of This process on a large industrial scale has many
epoxy resins (Czub et al., 2002), ion exchange resins undesirable features, in particular the large consump-
(Ebner et al., 1999), cross-linked starch (Kim et al., tion of chlorine. As a result of the reaction, a large
2002), surfactants (Mohamed & Mohamed, 2010), amount of waste calcium chloride is generated as well
plasticisers, softeners, emulsiers, dyes, oil emulsi- as chlorinated organic compounds, the disposal of
ers (Greenspan & Gall, 1956), greases, adhesives, which is relatively expensive. The disadvantages of
medicines, etc. Several methods have been proposed the commercial processes prompted the search for al-
for the production of epichlorohydrin, although most ternative ways of producing V, which are more atom-
epichlorohydrin is still produced from propylene and ecient, environmentally friendly and cheaper. The
chlorine in a multi-step process (Grzywa & Molenda, increasing costs of obtaining I from petrochemical
2008). The inuence of the technological parameters sources also led to accelerating the search for a pro-

*Corresponding author, e-mail:

Presented at the 39th International Conference of the Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatransk Matliare,
2125 May 2012.
A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013) 1219

Fig. 1. Industrial preparation of epichlorohydrin (V ) from propylene (I ). Reaction conditions: i) chlorine; ii) HOCl; iii) milk of
lime (Ca(OH)2 ) (VI ).

Fig. 2. Preparation of V via glycerol method. Reaction conditions: i) HCl, catalyst; ii) NaOH or Ca(OH)2 .

cess of producing V which would require less expensive proceeds with a similar selectivity of transformation to
raw materials. One of these routes is based on the con- V (96 %) and the conversion of III (in the range of 95
version of glycerol to dichlorohydrins (mainly III ) in 98 %) as the dehydrochlorination of aqueous solution
the reaction with waste hydrogen chloride, then dehy- of dichloropropanols with the following composition:
drochlorination of dichloropropanols to V (Bell et al., 0.57 mass % of III, 1.73 mass % of IV, 0.045 mass % of
2008; Santacesaria et al., 2010). Because of the high hydrogen chloride (Milchert et al., 2012), obtained in
prices of petroleum, the production of V from glycerol the process based on I and chlorine. However, this re-
is an interesting, alternative technology, signicantly quires other technological parameters. In a novel pro-
better, economically, than those based on the syn- cess, it is necessary to decrease the temperature of the
thesis from I and chlorine. Additionally, this method pre-reactor and reactor by about 2030 C. Moreover,
generates much smaller quantities of by-products and, the rate of dehydrochlorination of III is considerably
most importantly, the waste glycerol from renewable higher than that of IV. The reactions involved in the
sources of raw materials is used and waste hydrogen production of V by the glycerol method are shown in
chloride is managed simultaneously. Fig. 2.
The process of producing V based on glycerol was There are no reports in the literature concerning
realised industrially for the rst time by the Solvay the process parameters for the production of V from
Company under the name of Epicerol Technology in III and methods of realising the technological process
2007 (initial capacity of 10000 tons per year was set up itself.
at an industrial plant in Tavaux, France) and is the The aim of this study was to establish the inu-
subject of several patents (e.g. Krat et al. (2005), ence of pre-reactor and reactor temperatures on the
Gilbeau and Jestin (2009)). This process has been de- course of the dehydrochlorination process of III to V.
veloped by several other companies. In this process, A mechanism of diglycidyl ether formation, which is
the dehydrochlorination of III is carried out with an one of the reaction products, as well as methods of its
aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide (NaOH). This identication, is also presented.
enables the waste sodium chloride to be used in the
essential diaphragm electrolysis and, thereby, the pro- Experimental
duction of NaOH and chlorine. However, this requires
an accurate dosage of NaOH, control of pH and other Reagents and analytical methods
process parameters. In the case of lime milk solution,
the dehydrochlorination proceeds slowly and the lower The compound used was 1,3-dichloropropan-2-ol
solubility of VI in water in comparison with NaOH (III ) with a purity of 98 mass % containing 2 mass %
acts against an excessive increase in alkalinity and, of 2,3-dichloropropan-1-ol (IV ) purchased from Merck
thereby, against side reactions. (Darmstadt, Germany). Dehydrochlorination was car-
Under the most favourable conditions, the dehy- ried out with a solution of milk of lime (VI ), dissolving
drochlorination of pure III from the glycerol method pure Ca(OH)2 in water (96 mass % of Ca(OH)2 and
1220 A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013)

3 mass % of CaCO3 ) (product of Chempur, Piekary stabilisation of the temperatures, the vacuum in the
Slaskie, Poland). installation was adjusted. Then, after heating the pre-
Organic compounds in the epichlorohydrin layer of reactor (5), which is used as a performing mixer of III
the distillate were determined quantitatively by gas and VI, the reactionstripping column (6) and distil-
chromatography (GC) using octane as the internal lation reboiler (12) under the reactionstripping col-
standard. The SRI 8610C (SRI Instrument Corpo- umn were started. After stabilisation of the ow of
ration, USA) apparatus was equipped with a ame water from reservoir (15) by metering pump (1), the
ionisation detector (FID) and a capillary column DB- heating steam generator (14) and steam superheater
WAX (30 m 0.25 mm 1.0 m). The following con- (13) were turned on. The steam from the superheater
ditions were used for the analyses: injector tempera- owed through a bubbler into the distillation reboiler.
ture: 200 C, detector temperature: 240 C, carrier gas: The temperature of the steam-ow was measured
He, ow-rate: 4 mL min1 , air-ow: 250 mL min1 , using thermocouple (16). The temperature of these
hydrogen-ow: 25 mL min1 . The oven temperature elements was adjusted by changing the intensity of
was maintained at 55 C for 2 min, then it was in- the current owing through the electric heaters in-
creased to 160 C at a rate of 15 C min1 , held for stalled on them. The adjustment was carried out using
3 min, then increased by 25 C min1 to 240 C and autotransformers. After setting the steam-ow using
maintained at 240 C for 6 min. the metering pumps at a stabilised rate, the aque-
Organic compounds in the water layer and in ous solutions of VI and III were introduced. At the
the waste water were determined on a Trace GC same time, the temperatures of pre-reactor (5) and
Ultra Thermo (Thermo Scientic, USA) appara- reactionstripping column (6) were stabilised. On con-
tus. The chromatograph used was equipped with a tinuous supply of substrates and steam, after every
FID and a capillary column RTX Resteak 1701 (30 15 min the temperature was controlled in pre-reactor
m 0.53 mm 1.0 m). The following condi- (5), reactionstripping column (6), distillation reboiler
tions were used for the analyses: injector tempera- (12), reservoir of waste water (11), steam generator
ture: 280 C, detector temperature: 300 C, carrier gas: (14), and steam superheater (13); the pressure was
He, ow-rate: 5 mL min1 , air-ow: 200 mL min1 , also controlled in the reaction system. In the course
hydrogen-ow: 35 mL min1 . The oven temperature of distillation, the reboiler temperature and pH were
was maintained at 40 C for 4 min, then it was in- measured. The concentrations of chloride ions and
creased to 155 C at a rate of 10 C min1 , and main- chlorine in the organic compounds were determined
tained at 155 C for 1 min. hourly by the potentiometric method. At the end of
The concentrations of chlorine in organic and in- the reaction, the metering pumps supplying III and
organic compounds were determined by argentomet- VI were turned o. For about 10 min after the reac-
ric methods. A titrator TitroLine Easy module 3 tants supply was stopped, the steam supply contin-
(Schott, Germany) equipped with a combined silver ued; then the current setting on the heating elements
electrode with a platinum diaphragm 62Pt was used was zeroed. The pressure in the reaction system was
for the determination. The water content in the or- adjusted to atmospheric pressure. Consumption of III,
ganic layer of the distillate was determined by the solution of VI, and steam was determined by mass
modied coulometric method on KF831 apparatus decrement. Similarly, the amount of distillate from
(Metrohm, Switzerland). the reactionstripping column (separated into aque-
ous and organic layers) and the amount of waste water
Apparatus and experimental procedure after combining with the solution that remained in the
distillation reboiler were determined. To make a mass
The installation scheme for the dehydrochlorina- balance of organic compounds, quantitative analysis
tion of III with an aqueous solution of VI is shown in of the distillate and waste water was carried out. Us-
Fig. 3. The main apparatus comprises the reaction ing gas chromatography, concentrations of compounds
stripping column (6, height of 760 mm, inside diame- IIIV, glycerol (VII ), 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (VIII ),
ter of 36 mm), connected with pre-reactor (5, height 2-chloropropane-1,3-diol (IX ), diglycidyl ether (X ),
of 253 mm, inside diameter of 36 mm), lled with and glycidol (XI ) were determined. On the basis of
Raschig rings (6 mm 8 mm). the analysis, the conversion of III and the selectivity
An aqueous solution of III was introduced into of the transformation to V related to III consumed
reservoir (3), while VI was introduced into reservoir were calculated.
(4). Reservoir (15) was lled with water. The pressure
was set in the reactionstripping column (6), using a Results and discussion
vacuum pump (10). The temperature in the cold trap
(9) was kept in the range from 5 C to 10 C. Af- Influence of pre-reactor temperature
ter stabilisation of the water-ow in the water cooler
(7), the cooling in cryostat (18) was turned on. The The inuence of pre-reactor temperature on III
cold trap was cooled to approximately 15 C. After conversion and V selectivity for various methods of
A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013) 1221

Fig. 3. Installation scheme for dehydrochlorination of III with a solution of VI: metering pump (1), magnetic stirrer (2), reservoir
of III (3), reservoir of VI (4), pre-reactor (5), reactionstripping column (6), water cooler (7), reservoir of distillate (V and
water) (8), cold trap (9), vacuum pump (10), reservoir of waste water (11), distillation reboiler (12), steam superheater
(13), steam generator (14), reservoir of water (15), temperature gauge (16), pH, temperature gauge (17), cryostat (18).

Table 1. Technological parameters for dehydrochlorination of III eect of pre-reactor temperature on the distillate collected from
top of reactionstripping column

Ca(OH)2 /III mole ratio

0.58 : 1 0.55 : 1 0.54 : 1 0.62 : 1 0.64 : 1 0.52 : 1
Pre-reactor temperature/ C 43.5 46.6 51.1 54.7 58.8 65.2
Reactor temperature/ C 65.9 62.2 64.1 63.6 63.3 62.1
Temperature in distillation reboiler/ C 77.8 76.5 75.5 77.4 75.8 76.5
Pressure/hPa 512 529 526 565 559 629
Flow-rate of 88 mass % solution of III/(mL min1 ) 3.0 3.1 3.7 3.0 2.8 3.0
Flow-rate of 14 mass % solution of VI/(mL min1 ) 7.9 7.7 8.2 8.0 8.3 7.9
Flow-rate of steam/(L min1 ) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.1 2.0 2.0
Steam temperature/ C 79.6 81.2 83.9 80.5 84.7 81.5
Reaction time/min 120 120 120 120 110 120
Residence timea /s 52 52 52 52 52 52
pH in distillation reboiler 9.7 9.6 9.2 10.6 9.0 10.3

a) Measured as the time of ow of raw materials from the pre-reactor to distillation reboiler; residence time in the pre-reactor: 20 s.
1222 A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013)

collecting the distillate was tested. In the rst method,

the distillate from the top of the reactionstripping
column was collected. The pre-reactor temperature
was changed in the range of 43.565.2 C. The tem-
peratures in the reactor and distillation reboiler were
maintained at a constant level of 62.165.9 C and
75.577.8 C. The steam temperature at the entrance
to the distillation reboiler in the subsequent trials was
constant and remained in the range of 81.284.7 C on
average. The reactionstripping column was fed with
88 % aqueous solution of III at an average rate of
3.0 mL min1 ; the ow-rate of a 14 % solution of VI
was 7.58.3 mL min1 and the ow-rate of steam was
2.02.5 L min1 . The experimental results are sum-
marised in Table 1 and in Figs. 4a4d.
The highest selectivity of transformation of III to
V amounts to 96 %, with 93 % conversion. In the
second method of operation, the distillate was col-
lected from the distillation reboiler. In this method of
dehydrochlorination, the temperature of the reaction
mixture in the pre-reactor was changed in the range
of 53.067.0 C. The reactor temperature was main-
tained in the range of 66.070.5 C, and that of the
distillation reboiler in the range of 74.078.0 C. The
steam at 82.084.0 C was supplied at the ow-rate of
2.0 L min1 . III and VI ows were also similar. De-
hydrochlorination was carried out at reduced pressure
in the range of 520680 hPa; the residence time in the
pre-reactor and reactionstripping column was 52 s.
When the distillate was collected from the top of
the reactionstripping column, the conversion of III
at 45 C was higher than 90 % and increased slightly
with the increase in pre-reactor temperature. The pre-
reactor temperature signicantly aects the selectivity
of the transformation of III to V. With an increase in
the pre-reactor temperature from 44 C to 51 C, the
selectivity of transformation increased from 68 % to
95 %. Above this temperature, a gradual decrease in
selectivity to 78 % at 65 C was observed. In the work-
ing temperature range of the pre-reactor, a substantial
amount of 3-chloropropane-1,2-diol (VIII ) was formed
and the selectivity at a level of 6.9 % was achieved.
Glycerol was formed when the pre-reactor tempera-
ture was above 50 C and attained a maximum value
of 4.7 % at 51.1 C. Diglycidyl ether (X ) was formed
at temperatures below 50 C.
The process by which the distillate is collected from
the distillation reboiler permits achievement of almost
complete conversion of III. In comparable conditions,
the selectivity of the transformation to V is much
lower and increases from 74 % at 53 C to a maximum
of 87 % at 68 C. At temperatures above 56 C, XI and
X are the main by-products. Glycidol (XI ) is formed Fig. 4. The inuence of pre-reactor temperature on conversion
by dehydrochlorination of VIII which was prepared in of III and selectivity of transformation to V and by-
the hydration reaction of V. products: distillate collected from top of column (a) and
A comparison of the two methods of dehydrochlo- (b); distillate collected from distillation reboiler (c) and
rination diering in the method of distillate collection
(d); selectivity of V ( ); conversion of III ( );
VIII ( ); X ( ); XI ( ); VII ( ).
shows that it is preferable to collect the distillate from
A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013) 1223

Fig. 5. Proposed mechanism of diglycidyl ether (X ) formation. Reaction conditions: i) H2 O; ii) Ca(OH)2 , H2 O; iii) dehydrochlo-

the top of the reactionstripping column. Although a XII. The presence of Cl and OH groups at adjacent
lower conversion of III is achieved by this method, the carbon atoms as well as a strongly alkaline reaction
selectivity of transformation to V is much higher, up to medium cause dehydrochlorination with formation of
95.4 %. Collection of the distillate from the distillation the oxirane ring. The reaction proceeds according
reboiler gives more by-products, which can be caused to the intra-molecular mechanism of ether formation
by over-long residence time of V at high temperature proposed by Williamson; the epoxy ring closes with
in the reactionstripping column. The epichlorohydrin formation of 1-chloro-3-(oxiranylmethoxy)propan-2-ol
formed must pass through the whole length of the col- (XIII ). Further dehydrochlorination proceeds in the
umn before it leaves the reaction system. Residence same way. The second epoxide ring is formed and the
time of the reagents in the column was 40 s. nal reaction product is diglycidyl ether (X ).
The formation of XIV in the reaction of XI with I
Formation of diglycidyl ether or with V was not found. Side-reactions during the de-
hydrochlorination of III to V are shown in Fig. 6. The
Continuous dehydrochlorination of III leads to the nal by-products of these transformations are glycerol,
formation not only of VIII, XI, and VII, but also of chlorinated di-ethers and polyglycerols.
diglycidyl ether (bis(2,3-epoxypropyl) ether, 1,2:6,7-
diepoxy-4-oxaheptane) (X ). This compound was iden- Conclusions
tied by GC/MS and NMR spectroscopy. Chemical
shift values were compared with data in the literature The process of continuous dehydrochlorination of
(Cassel et al., 2001; Kamata et al., 2011). an 88 % aqueous solution of III with a 14 % solu-
Diglycidyl ether is present in the largest quantities tion of milk of lime proceeds with a high (95.4 %)
in the distillation reboiler at relatively low temper- selectivity of the transformation to epichlorohydrin at
atures: pre-reactor 4145 C, reactor 4550 C, distil- the pre-reactor temperature of 51 C, the reactor tem-
lation reboiler 5162 C. The formation of X occurs perature of 64 C, the distillation reboiler temperature
when VIII and V are simultaneously in the reactor of 75 C, and with the removal of products, from the
and distillation reboiler. top of the reactionstripping column. The accompa-
The formation of X was conrmed in the reactions nying conversion of III is close to 93 %. Complete
carried out separately between V and VIII, in the pres- conversion of this compound (99.7 %) is achieved at
ence of NaOH or Ca(OH)2 . This conrmed the forma- the pre-reactor temperature of 67 C, reactor tempera-
tion of ether in this process. The proposed mechanism ture of 72 C, distillation reboiler temperature of 78 C,
for the formation of X is shown in Fig. 5. with the removal of products from the distillation re-
Epichlorohydrin (V ) generated in the process un- boiler. In both methods, the ow-rate of III solution
dergoes the reaction of hydration to give 3-chloropro- was 3 mL min1 , that of VI was of about 8 mL min1 ,
pane-1,2-diol (VIII ). The reaction of VIII with V leads and that of steam 22.5 L min1 at pressure of 530
to the formation of bis(3-chloro-2-hydroxypropyl) hPa. The VI/III mole ratio was in the range of 0.5 : 1
ether (XII ). A proton from the hydroxyl group of to 0.6 : 1.
VIII is transferred to the nucleophilic oxygen atom In the post-reaction mixture, one of the by-
of the oxirane ring, so that an oxonium ion and alkox- products is X, formed in the reaction of V with
ide are formed. Then, the oxirane ring is opened and VIII. Waste water generated by the reaction also
the carbocation is formed. Both ions react to form contained other ethers, such as XII and XIII. The
1224 A. Krzyzanowska, E. Milchert/Chemical Papers 67 (9) 12181224 (2013)

Fig. 6. Side-reactions during dehydrochlorination of III. Reaction conditions: i) H2 O; ii) dehydrochlorination; iii) dehydration.

other by-products are VIII, XI, VII, and polyglyc- Grzywa, E., & Molenda, J. (2008). Technologia podstawowych
erols. syntez organicznych (4th ed.) (Vol. 1, pp. 271280). Warsaw,
Poland: WNT.
Acknowledgements. This work was nancially supported Kamata, K., Sugahara, K., Yonehara, K., Ishimoto, R., &
from the Resources for Science in 20112014 as a Ministry Mizuno, N. (2011). Ecient epoxidation of electron-decient
of Science and Higher Education research project (no. N N209 alkenes with hydrogen peroxide catalyzed by [-PW10 O38 V2
089940). (-OH)2 ]3 . Chemistry - A European Journal, 17, 7549
7559. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201101001.
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