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Prior to placement, teacher education students will use the Australian Professional Standards for
Teachers to frame their personal teaching goals. These goals must be completed and discussed
with the Subject Coordinator prior to the commencement of the placement. The teacher
education student will need to share these with the supervising teacher and university liaison
officer during the two observation days. The goals will form the basis of the targets for teaching
sessions and will be written into lesson plans.

Standard descriptor: Evidence:
Actions you will take as you work towards Indicators that the goal has been
achieving the goal achieved

Create student profiles during

Goal 1: Professional observation time, particularly for Make student profiles based on
Knowledge those who require modification or modifications required to cater for
adjustment to classwork. their individual needs.
To plan and implement
units of work, that cater Take notes for adjustments that are Comment on or take annotated
for the diversity of needed when planning units of work notes on current units of work.
students within the across all KLAs.
classroom. Take notes on the different
adjustments the associate teacher
implements into their program for
individual students.
Goal 2: Professional
Practice Understand the dynamics of student Take observation notes during my
behaviour both as a collective and as observation period before
To improve classroom individuals. undertaking my full placement.
and behaviour
management strategies Have conversations with associate Take notes on behaviour
teachers about current behaviour management and notes on how
management strategies and classroom the associate teacher manages
management strategies (Eg. Seating individual students and the whole
plans, classroom arrangements, group.
behaviour plans, individual students
behaviour plans). Have colourful and easy to read
visuals around the classroom
Make sure there are clearly relating to behavioural
established (visual) classroom expectations, daily routines,
behaviour expectations. Clear routines timetables and responsibilities for
and ensure every student has one individual students.
responsibility to complete each day.
Goal 3: Professional To communicate with Send an introductory letter home
Engagement. parents/caregivers through an to parents/caregivers about
introductory letter. myself.
To effectively and
Have conversations with parents at Take notes from any
communicate with school during drop off and pick up parent/teacher interviews or
parents/caregivers and
times. meetings.
the wider school
Have a discussion with associate
teachers regarding parents (Eg. Take notes from the meetings.
Parental involvement in reading,
sports days, excursions etc).

Attend staff meetings and P and F

meetings to introduce myself to
parents and to get to know them.

Other aims you may have for the professional experience:

Teacher Education Student: Grady Bryant Date: 18/8/16

Supervising Teacher: _____________________ Date:________________________

Subject Coordinator: ______________________ Date:________________________

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