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ProcessImplementationusingIBMBPMonCloud(andonPremise)Primer DRAFT(USEATYOUROWNRISK)

Lab-1: Modeling Loan Approval Process

1.1 Overview

Modeling a Loan Approval Process is like drawing a flowchart or a diagram (based on BPMN
standards) as shown below, which is understandable by business users and anybody in IT who
might be involved in the process.

In this lab you model a simplified Loan Approval Process application which you enhance by
adding more components in later chapters of this guide. As seen in the diagram below Loan
Approval Process you build in this chapter has 3 main artifacts namely: Lanes (Employee,
Approval and System), Phases (Submission, Approval and Issue) and Activities (Submit Loan,
Review Loan and Issue Loan).

Activity is a logical unit of work that will be executed by a human (manual) or a system
(automatic). In the simplified Loan Approval Process we have 3 activities namely Submit Loan,
Review Loan and Issue Loan as you see in the middle of the diagram (Canvas) above. Among
them, Submit Loan and Review Loan are human activities and Issue Loan is a System activity.

Lane, groups activities that will be completed by a particular role or a system. In the simplified
Loan Approval Process, you have 3 lanes (or roles) namely Employee, Approver and System
as you see on the left side spanning horizontally in the diagram above. In this process, Submit
Loan activity is completed by Employee, Review Loan activity by Approver and the Issue Loan
activity by System role (or Team).
Phase represents attainment (or completion) of a goal (or stage) in a business process. In the
simplified Loan Approval Process we have 3 phases namely Submission, Approval and Issue
as you see on the top spanning vertically in the diagram above.

1 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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Now that you know different components in the Loan Approval Process, you model the process
using the Process Designer development tool in the next section.

Please refer to the Overview of the process application you are developing using this
guide section in the 2nd chapter (Getting Started), to remind you on Loan Approval Process you
implement in this guide.

1.2 Model Loan Approval Process

Make sure you login to the Process Designer and you are in Designer view.
If required use the instructions provided in the Login to the Press Designer section for
both BPM on Cloud and BPM on Premise environments in the earlier chapter (Prepare
your Workstation).

Create Loan Approval Process Application

In IBM Business Process Manager (BPM), process applications are the containers for
business processes (and cases) that are created in IBM Process Designer.

1. Click Create New Process App on the top right side of the Process Center console.

2. In the Create New Process App window, do the following:

a. For Process App Name, enter: Loan Approval Process NOYB XX
Where XX is your initial (for example, Loan Approval Process NOYB RT). This is
very important to use the initial in training or cloud environments like this, if
multiple developers are following the same Process Center environment and
using this guide to develop the Loan Approval Process application. This allows
distinguishing one developer application from the other. Feel free to use the
longer initial if needed.
b. For Acronym, enter: LAPXX
Where XX is your initial (for example, LAPRT). This acronym should be unique in
your process center environment.
c. In Documentation text box, enter: Loan Approval Process BPD.

2 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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d. Click Create.

New Process application will be created and displayed in the Process Apps list.

3. Click Open in Designer opposite to the Loan Approval Process NOYB XX (LAPXX)
process app.

Create a Business Process

A business process is a set of business activities that represent the required steps to
achieve a business objective (for example approving a loan). A process is the major unit
of logic in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM).

4. Hover mouse over Processes under Loan Approval Process in Process Library on the
top left corner of the window and Click + sign opposite to Processes.

3 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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5. Click Business Process Definition.

a. For Name enter: Loan Approval Process BPD NOYB XX

Where, XX is your initial to make your process definition unique in the
environment. In future steps we simply refer to this name as Loan Approval
Process BPD.

b. Click Finish.

New BPD will be created with Team and System lanes with Start and End events as
shown below. The diagram below also shows the location of various artifacts like Lanes,
Canvas, Pallet, Properties window and Process Library. You use these artifacts to model
the business process.

4 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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Create Lanes

Create Employee and Approver Lanes (or roles) using the instructions below.

6. Make sure Selection Tool icon is highlighted in the Palette on the right side of the
screen. Otherwise Click Selection Tool.

The Selection Tool allows the components to be selected and dragged while working on
the BPD diagram.

5 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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7. Select and drag Lane icon from the Palette and drop it anywhere in the canvas.

You can view the definition of a Lane, when you hover mouse over the Lane icon in the
Palette as seen in the screenshot above.

8. Enter the name of the new lane as Employee.

NOTE: To change the name of the lane, you can also do the following:
a. Select the Untitled1 Lane (or any Lane for which you want to change the name).
b. Click General tab under Properties below the canvas.
c. For Name enter: Employee

6 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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9. Change the title of the Lane from Team to Approver by following the instructions below:
i. Click Team Lane.
ii. Click General tab under Properties below the canvas.
iii. For Name, enter: Approver

Now you should see three lanes namely Employee, Approver and System in the BPD

NOTE: In future, you can follow above instructions to change the name of any component
(Event, Lane, Phase, Activity and Note) on the canvas, i.e. by selecting the component and
changing the Name in General tab under Properties.

Create Phases

Create Submission, Approval and Issue Phases using the instructions below.

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10. From the Palette, drag Phase icon and drop it anywhere on the Canvas.

You can view the definition of Phase, when hover mouse over the Phase icon in the
Palette as you see in the screenshot above.

11. Change the name of the phase from Untitled1 to Submission.

12. Drag Phase icon again to the Canvas and name the new phase as Approval.
13. Drag Phase icon one more time to the canvas and name it as Issue.

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Your BPD diagram should look as below after completing the above steps.

NOTE: You can adjust the width of each phase by:

- selecting the phase title (Approval for example), then
- placing the cursor at the edge (vertical line between Approval and Issue phases for
- wait until the cursor shape becomes to a two sided arrow () and then
- drag it to left or right to make it to desired width.

Work with Events

Place the Start and End events to represent start and end points of the Loan Approval
Process using the instructions below.

14. Select the Start event in the canvas (not in the Palette) and drag and drop it in the
Employee Lane under Submission phase as employee is the one, initiating (or starting)
the loan approval process by submitting the loan..

9 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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15. Select the End event in the canvas (not in the Palette) and drag it to place it in System
Lane under Issue phase.

Your diagram should look like below after performing above steps:

Create Activities

Create Submit Loan, Review Loan and Issue Loan activities to represent logical unit
of work performed by a human or a System using the instructions below.

16. Drag Activity icon from the Palette and drop it on the canvas to the right side of Start
event in Employee Lane under Submission phase and name it as Submit Loan.

Adjust the width of the Submission phase if required using the instructions provided

10 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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You can view the description of the Activity, when hover mouse over the Activity icon as
you see in the screenshot above.

17. Drag Activity icon again and drop it on the canvas in the Approver Lane under Approval
phase and name it as Review Loan.

18. Drag Activity icon one more time and drop it on the canvas in the System Lane in front
of the End event in the System lane under Issue phase and name it as Issue Loan.

11 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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NOTE: Make sure you place the activity in the System lane under Issue phase to
recognize the activity as System activity. If you drop the activity in Approver or Employee
lanes initially and drag to the System lane later then it will still be treated as User Task
(in such case your testing will fail at the end). See the icon difference between User
Task (Submit and Review Loan activities) and System Task (Issue Loan activity) on the
top left corner of the activity. If you accidently dropped Issue Loan activity in Employee
or Approver lanes then the easiest solution is to delete that activity and then drag and
drop the activity in the System lane from the Palette again.

Connect Events and Activities

Connect the components in Loan Approval Process BPD using the instructions below.

19. Select sequence Flow icon from the Palette.

20. Click Start event and hover mouse over and click on Submit Loan activity to make a
connection between Start event and Submit Loan activity.

12 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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NOTE: At any time during the exercise, click Control + z to undo and then re-do the last

21. Click Submit Loan activity and hover mouse over and click on Review Loan activity to
make a connection between Submit Loan and Review Loan activities.

22. Click Review Loan activity and hover mouse over and click on Issue Loan activity to
make a connection between Review Loan and Issue Loan activities.

23. Click Issue Loan activity and hover mouse over and click End event to make a
connection between Issue Loan activity and End event.

24. Click Esc key to disable sequence flow operation which enables selection Tool.

13 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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NOTE1: At any time during the exercise, click Control + z to undo and then re-do the
last operation.

NOTE2: You can align the activities by selecting the component and pressing Control +
arrow keys to move up or down or sideways.

NOTE3: To make your BPD elegant and readable, you may want to move the
connection points around the component even after the connecting the components
using the Sequential Flow. There are multiple connection points on a given component.
Select Sequence flow from the palette and hover mouse over an activity to see
connection points for that component.

25. Follow the steps below to re-align the connection between Submit Loan and Review
a. Click Sequence Flow icon in the Palette.
b. Hover mouse over Submit Loan activity to highlight connection points for that
activity to make a note of connection points (dots) as shown in the screenshot

c. Click on Selection Tool in the Palette.

d. Select the connection between Submit Loan and Review Loan activities.
e. Select the meeting point between Submit Loan activity and the connection (line)
that goes to the Review Loan activity.

f. Drag the connection and drop at the desired connection point on the component
as shown below

Your diagram should look as below after performing above steps:

14 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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Change Colors of Activities

Change colors of Submit, Review and Issue Loan activities by following the instructions

26. Select Submit Loan activity.

27. Click General tab under Properties below the canvas.
28. Select Orange from the Presentation Color drop down list.

15 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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29. Select Review Loan activity.

30. Click General tab under Properties
31. Select Yellow from the Presentation Color drop down list.

32. Select Issue Loan activity.

33. Click General tab under Properties.
34. Select Green from the Presentation Color drop down list

Your diagram should look as below after performing above steps:

Create a Note
Use Note component to add information of the Loan Approval Process using the
following instructions.

35. Drag Note icon from the Pallet and drop it on the lower left corner of the BPD

36. Enter the following text in the Note box:

Playback-1: Loan Approval Process with Lanes, Phases, Activities and Events with
NOTE: Feel free to resize the Note by selecting the sides or corners and drag
them to make it desired size.

16 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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Your diagram should look as below after performing above steps:

1.3 Save the Business Process Definition

37. Press Control + S (or click Save icon in the Main Toolbar or select File > Save All from
menu) to save the BPD you built so far.

1.4 Test Loan Approval Process

Process Designer allows you to Run (or Test) your business process in its test runtime
environment. Use the following instructions to test the model you built so far.

38. Click Run Process icon in the Main toolbar at the top right corner of the screen.

39. Click Yes if you are prompted to Switch View?.

40. Now you see the screen changes to Inspector view and process stops at Submit Loan
activity with a token waiting for the user (Employee) to take action.

17 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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41. On the top right of the screen, select the task with Step: Submit Loan under Subject.
42. Click Runs the selected task icon in the Inspector Toolbar.

43. Follow the instructions below depending on the environment you are using.
- For BPM On Cloud:
o Enter your Email ID (User ID) and click Continue.

o Enter Password you set for the cloud service and click Continue.

18 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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- For BPM On Premise:

o Select the user you logged in as into Process Designer, (dadmin for
example), from the Select User dropdown list and click OK.

Here you are acting as an employee submitting the loan request.

i. If it prompts, enter the password for the user.

ii. If it asks you to store the password click No.

Now the default form (Coach) will be opened in the web browser on your machine.

44. In the Documentation text field, enter: Request for Home Loan: $500,000.
45. Click Done.

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Now the browser closes automatically in certain browsers.

- If you see the message that The service is finished. in the browser then close the
- If you see the prompt to close the tab then click Yes to close the browser.

46. In Inspector view of the Process Designer, select the task with Step: Submit Loan
under Subject again.
47. Click Refresh icon in the Inspector Toolbar.

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Now you see the token moves to Review Loan activity in the diagram waiting for the
user (Approver) to take action.

48. On the top right of the screen, select the task with Step: Review Loan under Subject.
49. Click Runs the selected task icon in the Inspector Toolbar.

50. Login or select the user depending on the environment you are using (BPM on Cloud or
BPM on Premise) as explained earlier.

Now the default form (Coach) will be opened in the web browser on your machine.

51. In the Documentation text areas enter: Approved

21 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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52. Click Done.

53. Take appropriate action depending on the browser to close the browser.
54. Select the task with Step: Review Loan under Subject again and click Refresh icon.
Now you will see the process instance completed successfully.

Token do not stop at Issue Loan task as it is a System Task unlike User Task, System
Task will not wait for user input.

55. NOTE: If you see the token stopped at the Issue Loan activity then you would not have
followed the step 18 as per the instructions and Issue Loan might have been
implemented as a User Task. The easiest fix right now is to convert the Issue Loan
activity from User Task to System Task by following instructions below:
- Select Issue Loan activity.
- Click Implementation tab under Properties.
- Select the System Task from the drop down list under the Implementation label.

- Press Control + s to save.

- Test the Loan Approval Process again from the beginning of this section.

56. Select the Completed instance and click Delete icon from Inspector Toolbar to remove
and clear the instance from Inspector view.

22 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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57. Click OK to confirm the deletion.

58. Click Designer view at the top left corner of the screen of the Inspector Toolbar.

Congratulations!!. You are done testing the Loan Approval Process you built.

1.5 Create Snapshot

A snapshot captures the state of all the elements within a process application (or toolkit) at a
specific point in time. A snapshot is used for version management, deployment and
exporting and importing. You learn about toolkit in a future chapter.

59. Click Snapshot icon in the Main toolbar.

a. For the name of the new snapshot, enter: Playback-1.

b. For Description, enter: Playback-1: Loan Approval Process with Lanes, Phases,
Activities and Events with connections.
c. Click OK.

You can see the list of snapshots under Revision History at the lower left corner
of the screen.

23 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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1.6 Review Loan Approval Process BPD

Review properties and default implementation of the components in Loan Approval

Process using the following instructions:

60. Select Submit Loan activity.

61. Click Implementation tab under Properties.

You can see this activity as a User Task implementation (this means, a user interacts
with the form to display or input or modify data)

It is presently using Default Human Service to display the form (Coach).

This is the form that will be used by default when you drag an activity from the Palette
that implements a User Task.

62. Click Default Human Service.

63. Click Coaches tab.

24 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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64. Click Display Task Details.

65. Click Overview tab.

This is the default form (Coach) with a Documentation input text area field, Done and
Complete Later buttons that was displayed when you ran the process when you tested
the process in the earlier section.

66. Select Loan Approval Process BPD from the History Menu dropdown list (or click left
arrow key next to the History Menu) at the top of Canvas to go to the Loan Approval
Process diagram.

25 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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67. Select Review Loan activity and repeat the steps you performed for Submit Loan earlier
to review the implementation for Review Loan activity.

In future exercises you will create a new customized human service with a form (Coach)
to show specific fields related to your Loan Approval Process.

68. Select Issue Loan activity.

69. Click Implementation tab under Properties.
You can see this activity as a System Task (means a task with no user interaction). It is
presently using Default System Service.

70. Click Default System Service. You will see just Start and End events connected
together without any service to run.

In a future exercise you will learn how to implement a System service for this Loan
Approval Process.

71. Select Loan Approval Process BPD from the History Menu dropdown list (or click left
arrow key next to the History Menu) at the top of Canvas to go to the Loan Approval
Process diagram.

72. Click Employee lane.

26 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess
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73. In Behavior section under Properties > General tab, you see All Users team is
assigned to Default Lane Team to invoke activities placed in this lane (for example
Submit Loan). This means any user (member of the Team or Role) assigned to this Lane
can receive or work on the tasks generated from the activities in this lane.

74. Click Approver lane and note that All Users group is assigned to Default Lane Team for
this lane too.

75. Click System lane and note that System group is assigned to Default Lane Team for
this lane. Remember our discussion earlier that activities in the System lane are the
tasks without user interaction.

In a future exercise you create Employees and Approvers teams and assign them to the
respective Lanes (Employee and Approver) to control the user access.

76. Select Variables tab above BPD diagram.

You will see Input, Output, Private and Exposed Process Variables you can define for
your BPD. You use variables to pass data between various activities, forms, services
and sub processes in your process application.

In future exercises you will define variables in your BPD to send/receive data across
various components, processes and services.

Congratulations!!. You are done with creating a basic Loan Approval Process, running
and verifying the process using the Playback feature. You also created a snapshot to
lock in the existing BPD.

27 Lab1:ModelingLoanApprovalProcess

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